PACK TWO AILT KAOT ORKBOSIAN. PENDLETON. OREOOJT. TnTnSDAV, JANUARY 5, 1911. EIGHT PAG1 i4 Few Special Numbers in Dress Goods $1.50 TO $1.25 DRESS GOODS 89c A largo selection of Dress Goods of Serge, Fancy Serge. Panama, Mohairs, Brllllantine, Granite Cloth, Voile, etc. In black, brown, blue, navy blue, grey, mixtures, etc. All go In this section at.. 89c $2.50 RROAD CLOTH . $1.89 A few numbers left In navy blue, black, dark green, 54-inches wide, an exceptional good number for $2.50. But this "once" goes for $t.S9 $1.00 LOOSE WEAVE SERGE 77c 200 yards of Dress Goods. So called 'Loose Weave Serge.' 4 2 -Inches wide, and subject to good war. Comes In dark grwn, old rose, brown, black, etc. $1.00 special tomorrow 77C 85c SHTRT WAIST LINEN 590 One piece of Shirt Waist Linen, 36-inches wide. All round thread, especially adapted for shirt waist and embroidery work. Remember, 85c kind... 59c 0 m9 i, m "w.1 ' H0 i t , 0 , i" $"" Great Hurricane Sale of Women's SUITS This is the greatest womens suit sale we ever had, we sold more womens suits in the last two days than in any other two days since the store has been existence. Every Suit in our Store is Included in This Sale All the Latest Styles and Colors Pure Food Section in Our Model Clean Basement Without n doubt llio CLEANEST grocery In tliu Northwest. You'll find ll EcotioiitU-ul unci Convenient to Trade hero. We have just received a fresoh shipment of those delicious cookies that we always carry. CHOCOLATR ECLAIRS, per ten. 15c FIO RARS, per dozen 10c PEANUT STRAWS, per dozen 15c FIO CREAMS, per dozen 15c HONEY STRAWS, per dozen 10c HOME MADE SALAD DRESSING, per bottle.. 25o OUR CELEBRATED EHMANN PURE OLIVE OIL 35c, 60c, $1.00 bottles GOLDEN CUSTARD CANNED PUMPKIN, 20o 3 for 50c, ' FANCY HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLES per largo can , 25o EXTRA FANCY SWEET WRINKLED PEAS per enn sOc SPECIAL SKINNED HAMS, at the pound1,... 20c FANCY SWEET FULL CREAM CHEESE the- H 25c Previous to Inventory of Same. ft $15.00 to $25 SUITS $7 .50 $27.50 to $40 SUITS $14.90 $45 to $70 SUITS $22.50 Insist On Getting Your TRADING COUPONS With Every CASH Purchase 12 Ho SILKOLIXE 7c A rare bargain while it lasts. Good for draperies, pillow tops, etc. A good quality, yard 7c THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE SAVE YOUR COUPONS JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of men's shoes of the famous Brocton make. Our famour $5.00 grade. f SMYTHE RE-ELECTED WOOLMENS SECRETARY ALL OFFICERS OF STATE ASSOCIATION' NAMED AGAIN Dr. Lytic and Dr. MoClure Praised San Frandaoo Endorsed for Pana ma Canal Exposition Growers Want Tariff Retained and Preda tory Animals Suppressed. Officers of the Oregon Wool Grow ers' association were re-elected this morning for the ensuing year, and Baker was given the honor of the next convention, says the Journal. The vote was unanimous on every ques tion. This afternoon at 5 o'clock the convention will convene at headquar ters in the Imperial hotel to name an executive board and to take up such unfinished business as could not be handled this morning, adjournment having been found necessary at 10:30 this morning In the armory to give room to the national convention. The officers re-elected are: George McKnight. president; J. H. Dobbin, vice president; Dan P. Smythe, secretary-treasurer. President McKnight stated in his speech of acceptance to the association that while he consid ered his reelection a great honor, a aucctssor would have to be found next year as he did not believe In one man holding office too long. The association went strongly on record in favor of holding the pro posed Panama-Pacific exposition In San Francisco and will urge everybody having influence to work In favor of the government's indorsement of San Francisco. The resolutions reported by the committee on resolutions was unani mously adopted, most important among them being the one touching on the wool tariff, the suppression of animal diseases by the federal govern ment, better shipping facilities, in dorsement of the proposed centennial celf-bratlon this year at Astoria, In dorsement of the work of the United States bureau of animal Industry and Dr. S. W. McClure, indorsement of the work of Dr. W. H. Lytle, state sheep Inspector, commending the district foreFtej. for the exploration of the un grazed forests of northern Washing ton, and extending thanks to the rity tS FIVE MINUTES MI-O-NO stomach tablets will re lieve a distressed, sour or gassy stom arh in five minutes. In three dava fhev will make the most miserable or ersnky dyspeptis (eel that there is plenty or sunsnme In life. in & week he will have an appetite for and will eat without any bad af ter effect food which now causes his tomach tr, , .Tenuously rebell. If rontinued for from two weeks to a month MI-O-NO will thoroughly renovate and cleanse the stomach ana will compel it (no matter how obsti ate It mav be) to throw off its weak ness and become, as nature Intended It should be, strong and elastic if you have a coated tongue, heart born, sour food unheavals, uneasiness. la stomach, dizziness, biliousness, Irk headache, bad dreams or any kind of stomach trouble put your faith In MI-O-NO tablets. Fifty cents Is all a large box of MI-O-NA costs at Tallmaa's or leading druggists everywhere, on money back ffuaraate. Writ Booth's Ml-e-aa, BafUio. N. T (or free trial sample. f-.r the many courtesies shown during the convention and the hearty wel come. , Yesterday afternoon the conven tion appointed advisory boards to act with the forest service upon questions of grazing in the national forest re serves that may come up from time to time. The state advisory board will consist of members of the exec utive board of the association to be elected at the meeting this afternoon. Other boards are: Wenaha Reserve Dan P. Smythe, J. N. Burgess, William Slusher, An drew Rust, B. D. Smith. Umatilla Reserve George Perry, J. G. Beymer, Emmett Cochran, John Kilkenny, C. A. Minor. Whitman Reserve Joseph W. Hayes, Herbert Boylen, D. O. Justus, Charles Hynd, S. B. Baker. Oregon Reserve Walter O'Dell, Tom Connelly, William Hunt, Thomas C. Hamilton, William K. Ketchum. Malheur Reserve Monte B. Gwlnn, George McKnight, Jeff Billlngsly, Frank Palmer, Thomas Turnbull. Wallowa reserve will retain the present board. Deschutes reserve was not reported. PENDLETON LICENSE TAKEN AS MODEL ECHO COUNCIL DRAFTS NEW LIQUOR LAW Saloons Will Be Required to Pay $900 Annually Bonds Placed at $150o Only Two Resorts Permitted. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County . Frank J. Cheney mak oath that he Is color partner ot the firm cf V. i. Cheney Co., doing business Id the City of Toledo. County sad State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the seat ot ONE HTJNDBED DOLLAfcS for each ass every case ot ca tarrh that cannot be eared by the ose of Hall's Catarrh Core. FBANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me aad subscribed la nr prtaence, this oth day of December, a, D 1886. Itteal A. W. ULsURON. Rotary Public. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intensity, and arte directly on toe blood mmo surfaces of the systenL Bead for bod la la free. Bold by all Druggists, T. The Pure Food Guarantee. The state department will Immedi ately resume negotlans which will re sult in a better understanding of the pure food regulations between this country and Venezuela, it was declar ed today. Venezuela, at the request of Secretary Knox recently suspended operations of its new regulations re quiring certificates to be furnished guaranteeing the purity of foods ex ported from this county to Venezuela, and the time extended by the latter country has expired. In the meantime the United States has been studying the regulations established by Vene zuela, as well as trying to have the Charge d'Affalres there convince the government that the regulations of the United States department of agri culture are so strict that no appre hension need be felt In admitting Am erican food products as formerly. Bug Powder Men Beware. After today all the "kill-em-qulck" powders, bug destroyers, ets., vended In drug stores and groceries .must be all that Is claimed for them on the labels, or the government will know why. The lnsectide act goes Into working commission today, three de partments of the government uniting to see that Its regulations regarding bug killers are observed. These are the departments of labor and com merce, treasury and agriculture. The act forbids the manufacture or sale of adulterated or mlsbranded lnsectldes and fungicides, specially mentioning parts green and lead arsenates, In fed eral territory. It also forbids inter state shipments of such articles. Un der the regulations samples of such lnsectldes are to be purchased by agents of the department of agricul ture and commerce and labor, and If found to be adulterated or mlsbrand ed, prosecutions In the courts will follow. Don't part with your Illusions. When they are gone you may still exist but you have ceased to live. (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., Jan. 5. The last meet ing of the old city council was held last night. A full attendance was present. Mayor Scholl presiding. A liquor license ordinance was passed. It was modeled from and similar to the ordinance passed In Pendleton, excepting the saloon license here will be $900 each. Restaurant and hotel dining room licenses, $100 each, and drug stores, $75. The bonds for sa loons are placed at $1500 each, while those for hotel dining rooms, restau rants and drugstores are $500 each. The license will be payable semi-annually and but two saloons will be al lowed. It la left entirely to the Judg ment of the council to decide who shall be granted license. The new council will hold its first meeting on the tenth of this month. Henrietta Rebekah Lodge, No. 36, I. O. O. F., of this place, held a pub lic Installation last night Each Re bekah present brought one friend. There was a good attendance, there being seventy-five present. After the work was completed refreshments were served. The Pioneer Irrigation company met at the Echo city hall yesterday and held their annual election. The fol lowing officers were elected: C. J. Ward, president; Geo. L. Ward, sec retary and treasurer; J. E. Reeves, C. J. Ward and J. A. Mendenhall, direc tors. Wm. Moore, manager of the Pa cific Coast Elevator company, was here from Pendleton yesterday. Ira W. Durrlll, who has been at the St. Anthony's hospital the past week is reported much better and is expect ed home soon. J. W. Hansleigh, a young man who has lately graduated in the law course of Drake's University, Ames, Iowa, ar rived in our town this week and ex pects to soon begin practicing law here. ' C. J. Gulllford is transacting busi ness in Pendleton this week. E. C. Walker has filed his home right on a choice quarter section of land four miles southwest of Echo. This land Is known as the Wamsley place. Mr. Wamsley relinquished his claim to the land In favor of Mr. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Walker moved out Tuesday to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Torsche went up to Pendleton this morning. Albert Williams met with quite a severe accident Tuesday morning while working at the Western Land & Irrigation company's headgate. A timber fell on his right hand, break ing several bones. Dr. Dorn dressed the Injury. NEW YORK'S NEW FIRE INSURANCE LAW The Allen bill, making certain am endments to the New York Insurance law by providing that reinsurance agreements shall be submitted In ad vance for approval to the superin tendent of Insurance, and Including a requirement on standard forms of pol icies for fire Insurance companies. which must be approved by the sup erintendent, went Into effect today. MORE MONEY FOR THE BRANCH ASYLUM Salem, Ore., Jan. 5. That the state board will be urged by Pendleton peo ple to ask the legislature for an In creased appropriation from $200,000 to $500,000 or $600,000 for the eastern Oregon insane asylum became known Tuesday. The board plans to visit Pendleton in the near future in com pany with Superintendent Steiner of the Salem asylum, and the site will be thoroughly gone over and considera tion will be given to the needs of the Institution. It is the opinion of experts that It will be difficult to construct anything like an adequate building for the needs of 600 patients with $200,000 and they declare that $600;000 will be much nearer the sum required and that this may possibly prove Inade quate, in itself. State Treasurer Kay said today he hopes to make the trip to Pendleton some time this week, but is not aware of Mr.-Bowerman's plans and It may be Impossible for the board to go un til after Oswald West takes th exec utive chair. W. L. Thompson of Pendleton, president of the Commercial associa tion of that city, was in Salem for the purpose of placing abstracts for the Oliver-Carpenter site before the attorney-general. The board had dele gated Judge James A. Fee of Pndle- ton, attorney for the state land board to examine these abstracts and he has pronounced the title clear. The attor ney general submitted a similar opin ion to the secretary of state, after go ing over the findings of Judge Fee. The secretary had refused to turn over the warrants for the property until such time as the attorney general had an opportunity to pass on the ab stracts. As a new difficulty this afternoon It was found the acting governor has not affixed his signature to the vouch ers and the secretary of state says he will hold up the warrants until this signature Is obtained. Caught in the Raim then a cold and a cough let It run on get pneumonia or. consumption, that's all. No matter how you get your cough don't neglect It take Ballard's Horehound Syrup and you'll be over It In no time. The sure cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases In young and old. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Adam and Eve had many advant ages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething. Jnly 4. Statistics show that we lose more fools on this day than In all the other days of the year put together. This proves, by the number left in stock, that one Fourth of July per year Is now inadequate, the country has grown so. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never disappoints those who use It for ob stinate coughs, colds and Irritations of the throat and lungs. It stands un rivaled as a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Sold by all dealers. It takes your enemy and your friend, working together, to hurt you to the heart; the one to slander you and the other to get the news to you. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUV THE GENUINE PMI6S w AND MANUFACTURED BY" THE (AUFORNtfl ffGSYRUP(5 SOLD DV ALL LEADING . r ORU061STS, I Owe Size only, so a Bottle YOUNG MAN What Are You Thinking About? Get busy and buy a homo. Now In the time. Never have ,a bettor clianco, property will never ho as low again. ' B-ROOM HOUSE partly fur nished, only few blocks from Court House. The lot Is worth all asked for the property, but the party must have money at once $so 4-ROOM HOUSES chicken house, good lawn, shade trees, cellar; house all newly papered; Just the place for small family, $5751-2 cash, balance terms. 7-ROOM HOUSE on Court street, a splendid property, worth $1650, only $1050 If sold at once. 6-ROOM HOUSE on Ann street, worth $1800 cash, but the amount of $1250 will buy it if sold at once. 6-ROOM HOUSE on Aura street, between Court and Alta, fine lawn and shade trees In one of best locations In that part of town. Next door to one? of as nice young ladles In Pen dleton. This house can be bought for $20 month. Young man telf her about the opportunity, t can live as cheap as 1. NICE 7-ROOM HOUSE on Jackson street; beautiful loca tion; property worth $3000, i sold at once $2250. 1 7-ROOM HOUSE worth $2500 can be bought for $150O only requires $400 cash, balance terms. 12-ROOM HOUSE one of the most up-to-date houses in Pen dleton, worth $8000 or $9000, for sale or trade for wheat land or city property; would pay dif ference on piece of property to $12000 to $14000. LEE TEUTSCH Phone Main 5 550 Main Street The Real Estate and Insurance Man Known For Its Strength The First National Bank PENDLETON, OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER 5450 92,000,0(10. 0 SECURITY