DAILY KAST ORTCONIAN, PKNBLKTOII, ORBGOH, TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1911. EIGHT PAGES " Nature's Gift from the Suninr South" V I 'i , PACK 8TZ i!H. Sf idem if 1 vi v a '-i if i .x. vim - Shortens your food-lengthens your life The source and making of Cottolene insures its purity. From the white, tufty tops of The Sunny Southland's cotton the seed is removed, the oil extracted, refined and made neutral in taste and odor. From Cotton field to KJtchen human hands never touch the oil from which Cotto lene is made. Compare the source of Cottolene with the source of lard, and draw your own conclusions as to the comparative cleanliness, purity and health fulness of the two products. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, San Francisco, New Orleans, New York. HEW SERVICE FOR TELEGRAPH PATRONS Effective January 1, 1911, arrange ments have been made to extend to every telephone subscriber of the Pa cific States Telephone and Telegraph company the privilege of sending and receiving Western Union telegrams by telephone . It has been the practice for some time for the Western Union to handle telegrams in the larger cities by telephone to as large an extent as practicable, but with the introduction of this new plan, it is intended to give subscribers of telephones at outlying points and those for whom the sub scribers will vouch the privilege of handling telegrams over the tele phones In a systematic and up-to-date manner, which will allow people, who desire to avail themselves of this ser vice, a very much greater latitude than has heretofore been given .and a much more satisfactory and com plete service will be performed in connection with the arrangement. The Western Union Telegraph com pany has established a number of new all night telegraph offices on the Pa cific coast and within the state of Washington, Seattle, Spokane, Ta coma. North Yakima and Walla Wal la, have been designated as offices which will remain open all night, and also on Sundays and holidays, and in the state of Oregon, Portland, Eu gene, Baker, Ashland, and The Dalles, have been designated as central points for the purpose of handling tele grams. It is the intention with in a certain area to have these all night offices handle telegrams which are destined to offices that have been closed for the night. That is, if a telegram is addressed to a person who is a sub scriber to a telephone at some point within a limited distance of the West ern Union all night office, such party will be notified that a telegram has been received for him and the city or town from which this telegram or iginates will be stated. Then if he de sires to have the' telegram forwarded to him by telephone, it will be done with the usual telephone rates added. Likewise should the subscriber wish to MUd a telegram In the middle of the night to some party at a consid erable distance he may request the telephone company to connect him with the Western Union all-night of fice and the teegram may be started on its Journey without the least de lay. This virtually makes every tele phone subscriber's residence an all night telegraph office and he will have the privilege of sending and may re ceive telegrams at any hour of the night regardless of whether the local telegraph office is open or closed. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is a very valuable medicine for throat and lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a dan gerously sounding cough which Indi cates congested lungs. Sold by all dealers. one of the highest mountain peaks In California, where they met as mem bers of different mountain climbing parties, the engagement Is announced of Dorothy Binney of Strafford, Conn., and George Palmer Putnam of Bend, Or., son of J. Bishop Putnam. The bride to be was a student here when she met her fiance on the moun tain. She was noted here as an ath lete, excelling in basketball and wa ter sports. He studied at Harvard and the University of California. Miss Binney's father Is Edward Binney, member of the firm of Bin ney & Smith of New Tork and Lon don. George Palmer Putnam has been engaged in newspaper work in the Deschutes country for the past year and is a writer of considerable ability. He has been one of Bend's best boost ers, and his newspaper and magazine articles have been sent all over the world. AT THE MOVING Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is not a common, every-day cough mixture. It is a meritorious remedy for all the troublesome and dangerous complica tions resulting from cold in the head, throat, chest or lungs. Sold by all dealers. ABANDON COLLEGE YELL? NEVER, SAYS COLLEGIAN Provost Edgar F. Smith,- University of Pennsylvania, comes to the rescue of the college yell, recently condemn ed by President Lowell of Harvard. Dr. Smith says: , "I know little or nothing about mu sic, but I do know that there Is nothing more Inspiring on fit occa sions than the college yell, while the college songs always appealed to me. "Abolish the yells? By no means. As well think of abolishing the three cheers for the Stars and Stripes. The college yell expresses essentially the same enthusiasm and is equally in spiring. Some college yells are more inspiring than others, of course, de pending largely on the institution to which one is attached, but all serve their purpose and I doubt if they do any permanent injury." The busiest and mightiest 1 ittle thing that ever was made is Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do the work whenever you re quire their aid. These tablets change weakness into strength, listlessness in to energy, glominess into Joyousness. Their action is so gentle one don't realize they have taken a purgative. Sold by all dealer. The Orpbeum. I 1. "Pals." Melies, 1000 fet long. There is something of the real sort about this picture that makes us feel the strength of real friendship and the vlleness of enemies. It is altogether a fine and dandy picture. 2. "The Widow of Mill Creek Flat." Sellg, 1000 feet long. To be married or not to be, that Is the question or is there more real happiness in connu bial bliss than single blessedness? This remains for you to Judge after seeing how Sandy, a miner in a western pla cer camp, allows the ship of state to founder on the rocks of domestic un rest. 3. "The Tie That Binds." Essanay, 1000 feet long. A full reel of comedy drama with a strong appeal to every heart. The story Is dramatic, but there are many little touches of com edy which arouSes hearty laughter. The Pastime. "A Child's Stratagem." Blograph drama. A story of unreasonable Jeal ousy on the part of a wife who im agines her husband is devoting too much attention to other women. How the little one prevents a domestic dis aster is interesting to say the least. Without any semblance of dramatic crisis, the picture tells a story that can be duplicated often enough to ap pear real to a number in most any audience consequently it will prove at tractive. "A Western Woman's Way." ES' sany drama. Big Bill Todd, a worth less wanderer from Dead Horse camp falls in with Dick Broadhurst a young miner. He arouses the sympathy of Broadhurst who takes him home, feeds him and gives him work, in re turn for his kindness he robs his benefactor, and is making a getaway when Mrs. Broadhurst acts with characteristic western expediency Seizing a gun she starts in pursuit and it is an exciting finish. "Who is Nellie," Pathe comedy. A story of injustice done an Innocent man. '.'Falls of the Imatra, Finland," Pa the scenic. A colored picture show ing this little known rapids and falls. The mechanical work has been done well and the audience becomes most enthusiastic over the different effects obtained. CARPET WILL IS ATTACKED. Content la Filed by Attorney Van Vrankc'ti In Goff Estate. Stockton. Attorney Edward Van Vranken, representing J. E. Carr, T. P. Goff and J. M. Goff, filed yester day a contest alleging that the pur ported will found under a carpet at 1527 South San Joaquin and filed on July 12th last as the will of Thomas J. Goff is not the will of the deoe.is- ed. The estate involved is said to ! be worth about $6,000. MM jjgfl T g jp New Edition At tlio Cosy. "The Wild Flower and the Rose." Imp film. The great aviation picture. See the aeroplanes in flight. "Bachelor's Misfortune." Comedy. A button strainer If you can't laugh Now for the first time you get a complete set of all Mark Twain's writ ings at just exactly one-half the price they have ever been sold before. This is a new edition, just as complete as the old one, which still sells, by the way, at $50.00. This new edition is only $25.00 for the 25 volumes. It had been Mark Twain's ambition to have his books In every American home, and he made a great personal sacrifice to bring about this remarkable opportunity for the first time -In the history of publishing, copyrighted books are sold at the price of non-copyrighted books-the chance will not come again. But for Mark Twain's action this would have been impossible. Never before has a copyrighted library set of a standard author's works been issued at such a low figure. His Complete Works 25 Beautiful Volumes Branrter Matthews says : " iMark Twain will be Included in that group of writers headed by Molicre and Cervantes. VVith the exception of Count Tolstoi, Twain was the g:catest of recent modern writers, and will be handed down to posterity S through the trio of his works 'Huckleberry Finn, 'Tom Sawyer,' and rietae eend me tor e. . n . , , , ,,., .. . - - animation, cnn-taice frre, Fuddnhcad Wilson. Twain is a greater stylist than Stevenson or S 1Kt oIMAHKTh ais'8 Thoreau, and his ' Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg' Is one of the finest wokks, Author' Na- worlts in English literature," Mark Twain himself wrote a preface f tional Kdltlnn, twenty-five vol- to this edition. Brander Matthews has written the biographical S umM' clo,h Wn"' " ' "! criticism of Mark Twain and his work. There are portraits of I"1 1 m,r reUln ,he "'or fiv d"y' . . , ,, . ,. . . , r, and at the eaplratlon of that time. If I do the author at periods when the different books were In proc- not for lh. , w, rrturn 'lhem ,t ess 01 writing. There are beautiful pictures by such artists as Frost, Newell, Smcdley, Thulstrup, Clinedinst, Kemble, and Upper, i he binding is in rich red rep silk book cloth, with title labels stamped in gold. I he books are printed on white antlaue wove oaoer. esoe- ciallv made for this edition. Each volume is s Slsnatoro, of generous siie and bulk, 5x7) Inches. HARPER A. BROTHERS s,dbook.to A Catalogue of Oar Standard Sots of Books will Mat apoa request HARPER BROTHERS Franklin Square New York Clti nDle, ok your eipene. If I keep the booke, I will remit 3.00 a month nntll the full prlre, t2K.no, haa been paid, or, within thirty dura, $23.78 aa pay ment Id full. P. O. E. O. 1-8. don't come, for this picture Is funny. "Twixt Loyalty and Love." A news paper drama, showing the "Inside" of conducting a large metropolitan dally newspaper. Illustrated song the Ball Game." -"Take Me Out to If you have $1691) to loan on good security, see Lee Yentach. PILES CtmKl I?.' 8 TO 11 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. EOo OREGON MAX WEDS GIRL HE MET O.V MOUNTAIN Boston, Mass., Dec' 81. After a moat romantic meeting In the top of CARELESS ABOUT APPENDI CITIS IN PENDLETON Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never disappoints those who use it for ob-f-tin.'itf couKhH, colds and Irritations of th; throat and lunga. It stands un rivaled as a remedy for ali throat and luni; diseases. Sold by all dealers. Many Pendleton people have chron ic appendicitis which la carelessly treated as If It were ordinary bowM or atomach trouble. If you have wind er g n theatomach or bowels, sour atomach or constipation, try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded Jn Adler-l-ka, the new ' German appendicitis remedy. Pen dleton Drug Co etates that A SINGLE DOSE of thla almple remedy will re B t any bowel or atomch trouble. PART OI" DRAIN REMOVED. With Five Square Inchr of Skull Gone, Patient Can Talk, AI'hcuKh fiv- hiiuari' inclxn of hi f-ku'l and a part of hin brain are gone Claude .Stafford, nineteen years old, of Peru, Kan., is recovering from a bullet wound received in Talala, Ok. Stafford Is conscious and carries on an intelligent conversation. He was ahot by the Talala town marshal. The) old aaw says, "Let a sleeping dog lie." Right. Still, when there Is much &t stake, it Is better to get a newspaper to do It ri. c . I' f T ' ,1 j 1 a COMING FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY OREGON THEATRE, Tuos. Jan. 3 "THE BARRIER" REX. REACH'S MASTERPIECE The thrilling story of Alaska Dramatized by Eugene Presbery of "RAF FLES" Fame. First trans-continental tour direct from its long run New Amsterdam Theatre, New York City. The New Tork Sun etatee: "It Is healthy to see this 'barrier.' It Is a strong, rugged and true stage picture of conditions and life on the lant 'frontier.'" ; 'The Barrier" carries a large company with special scenery and elec tric effects. Vtmk - ; it v i I -O aL' L Pricea $1.60 $1.00, 75o. General admission 50c. Seat sale at Hanscom'a Capt. Burrcll and "Necia," "The Helen Durham, leading wo- T-wairy Store. ' Harrier." man "The Harrier."