PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OKBQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY a, 1011. EIGHT PAGES AN INDEPENDENT PoblUhed Dally. Semi-Weekly and Weekly, at Pendleion, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Members United Press Association. Telephone Entered at Pendleton Postofflce as second-class matter. If you want to succeed In the world you must make your own oppor- tunlties as you go on. The man who waits for some seventh wave to ill find that the seventh wave Is a long time coming. You can commit no greater folly than to sit by the roadside until some one comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or Influence. Don't wait for a boost. Give yourself a new deal and play the game! The Nautilus. HOW THE NEW YEAR NINETEEN ELEVEN FINDS PENDLETON IN A VERY SATISFAC TORY FRAME OF MIND. PEOPLE IN GENERAL ARE OPTIMISTIC OVER THE FUTURE FOR THE OUTLOOK IS GOOD FOR THE GROWTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF THE CITY. CONDITIONS ARE RIGHT FOR A FOR WARD MOTO. THE LIQUOR QUESTION WHICH HAS BEEN A SOURCE OF TROUBLE AND STRIFE IN THE PAST IS NOW SETTLED, TEMPORARILY AT LEAST. IF THE LAWS ADOPTED FOR THE REGULATION OF THE SA LOON BUSINESS ARE VIGOROUSLY ENFORCED THE QUESTION MAY BE CONSIDERED PERMANENTLY SETTLED. THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTY WLL NOT VOTE FOR PROHIBITION AGAIN UNLESS THEY ARE DRIVEN TO DO SO THROUGH ABUSE OF PRIVILEGES NOW EN JOYED. THE RESTORATION OF THE LICENSED SALOON SYSTEM UNDER THE CLOSE RESTRICTIONS PRESCRIBED PROMISE TO BE A GOOD THING FOR PENDLETON. THE CHANGE WILL PROBABLY MAKE BUT LITTLE APPRECLVBLE DIFFERENCE IN LOCAL BUSINESS. BUT THE CHANGE WILL DO AWAY WITH "BLIND PIGS" AND WITH THE "MAIL ORDER" TRAFFIC. WE WILL HAVE A LEGITIMATE BUSINESS INSTEAD OF A LAWLESS TRADE. THERE SHOULD BE AN END TO MUCH PESSIMISM AND KNOCKING AND INCIDENTALLY THE CITY WILL DERIVE A SUBSTANTIAL REVENUE FROM LICENSES. THE LOCATION OF THE BRANCH HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE ADJOINING THIS CITY WILL ADD TO THE BUSINESS OF PENDLETON. A PORTION OF THE SUPPLIES WILL HAVE TO BE PURCHASED HERE; THE ATTENDANTS AND GUARDS AT THE ASYLUM WILL MEAN IN CREASED BUSINESS TO THE CITY AND SO WILL THE PEOPLE WHO WILL COME HERE TO SEE INMATES. HOWEVER.' LOCAL PEOPLE SHOULD NOT RELY TOO MUCH UPON THIS NEW INSTITUTION. AFTER WE GET THAT ASYLUM WE SHOULD FORGET ABOUT IT AND GO GET OTHER THINGS. THERE ARE OTHER THINGS THAT WILL BE BET TER STILL FOR PENDLETON. CHIEF AMONG THE THINGS PENDLETON SHOULD GO AFTER DURING THE COMING YEAR WILL BE A GRAVITY WATER SYSTEM. A MOUNTAIN WATER SUPPLY IS NEEDED AND IT CAN BE HAD. LET US GET IT AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. IT WILL MEAN MUCH TO PENDLETON. AN ABUNDANT SUPPLY OF PURE WATER IS TO A CITY WHAT FRESH AIR IS TO A PERSON. IT MEANS LIFE AND HEALTH. STREET AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS ARE BADLY NEEDED HERE AND IT IS ENCOURAGING TO KNOW THAT THE CITY OFFICI ALS ARE ALREADY BUSY WITH A SCHEME THAT LOOKS TO MUCH WORK ALONG THIS LINE. A NEW HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING IS RE QUIRED AND IS IN THE LIST OF PROBABILITIES FOR THE COMING YEAR. THE FEDERAL BUILDING WILL DOUBTLESS BE BUILT DUR ING 1911. ALREADY A PERMANENT SITE FOR THE ROUND-UP HAS BEEN SECURED AND THE PURCHASE OF THE MATLOCK TRACT ALSO MEANS THAT PENDLETON WILL HAVE A GOOD ATHLETIC STADIUM CLOSE IN AND SUITABLE FOR SUCH SPORTS AS BASEBALL. FOOT BALL AND TRACK MEETS. THERE ARE MANY WHO WOULD LIKE TO SEE A PERMANENT STRUCTURE ERECTED ON THE SITE OF THE DISTRICT FAIR PAVILION AND USED AS AN AUDITORIUM AS WELL AS FOR FAIR PURPOSED. PERHAPS THIS CAN EE DONE. A NEW THEATRE IS PROMISED BY NEXT WINTER. IF EVER A TOWN NEEDED ONE PENDLETON DOES. THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPHS REFER TO CONDITIONS STRICTLY WITHIN THE CITY. ON THE OUTSIDE THe" OUTLOOK IS ALSO EN COURAGING. THE SETTLEMENT OF THE WEST END 13 BRINGING NEW PEOPLE TO THE COUNTY EVERY WEEK AND THE MOTOR CAR SERVICE MAKES THAT SECTION CLOSE TO PENDLETON. THE EX TENSION OF THE UMATILLA CENTRAL WOULD BE A GOOD BOON TO PENDLETON. THERE IS FINE HOPE IN THE NUMEROUS IRRI GATION PROJECTS THAT ARE BEING PLANNED FOR THIS VICINITY AND AL-O IN THE PINE CREEK PROJECT NEAR WESTON. THERE ARE INDICATIONS THAT BONANZA FARMING HAS REACHED THE LIMIT IN THIS COUNTY AND THAT BE TOWARD SMALLER HOLDINGS AND CLOSER FARMING METH ODS. THIS WILL MEAN MORE POPULATION. BETTER YIELDS. AN invAvrr in land values and CERNED. IN VIEW OF ALL THESE THINGS PEOPLE HAVE GOOD REASONS FOR GREETING THE NEW YFAP. -CCMT1T TrvTTTT-STA.cM. THINGS LOOK HOW MUCH GROWTH AND ADVANCEMENT WILL OCCUR HERE DUR ING THE COMING YEAR REMAINS TO BE SEEN. MUCH IS GOING TO DEPEND UPON THE EFFORTS PUT FORTH. IF WF. GET THINGS WE MUST GO AFTER THEM. NOWADAYS PEOPLE DO NOT RELY UPON THE MOTTO, "ALL THINGS COME TO ERN VERSION READS "ALL THINGS 51 ark Twain In a Hurry. I "It was on D'-cembtr that Mr. Clem - ens carnc to Washington clad all In, white, from his hat to his pattnt- leathf-r shoes in the int'-rost of a bill to jr'.ve authors greater copyright privileges, land I hav lon? flt hurt that thlH Mr. demons prwntf-fj a letter toi'"-' proper arid c.htti'hI rxprr-sslon the Spf-akr-r asking for the thanks of jo jfrntKu'l'- has brn mpfly folt by congr'-s" which would entlile him to'thr. bone- and n'vrr publli ly uttered the floor privilege and enable him to; Icbbv for the bill. Here is the letter which Is the humorists own hand writing arid has been treasured by "Uncle Joe" ever since: "New Wlllard Hotel, Deo. 7, 1908. "D ar Uncle Joe. please get Nme the thangs of Congrem not next week, but right away. It Is very ne cessary Do accomplish this for your affectionate old mena ana rigm way. By persuasion if you ran. By violence If you must, for u is im- peratlvely necessary that I get on the floor for two or tnree nours am win to the members, man by man, in ce- hblf of the support, encouragement and protection of one of the nation's most valuable assU and Industries 1U literature. I Lave arguments with ne also a barrel with liquid In It. "Get me a chance. Get me the thanks of congreae. Don't wait for NEWSPAPER. Main 1. FINDS PENDLETON. HENCEFORTH THE TREND WILL more prosperity for all con- IT MAY BE SEEN THAT LOCAL GOOD FOR PENDLETON. JUST THOSE WHO WAIT." THE MOD WAIT FOR THOSE WHO COME." th oth'-rH th'T is no time. FurnlHh lth' - m to me younrulf nn M ronprfss ratify lafttr. I h'vr- tny,i away nn! li-f. ron(?rf-fs alon for iwenty-oni yr-ars arid am f-ntitlr-d to tho thankH Consrrr known this perfr-otly well; ".-v-nd in an order on the Sergeant at Arms "Q'llfk." Rales r,f land in the rural districts of Argentina amounted to $37,259,- G04 (United Slates currency) from January 1 to August 21, 1310. ss com rare,! with 123. 481. '20 during the Karne pr.r0d In 1909, an Increase o J 1 3 , 3 7 ,CM. The largest sales took j,,np ln th provn(,e f r.uf-non Aires, .th the Province of Santa Fe second nni1 (n Territory of the Pampa Cen tral third. Everything htimnn is pathetic. The secret source of humor Itself Is not Joy, but sorrow. There Is no humor In heaven. Every earnest effort hold the poa. lDIUty of success MARK TWAIN AS A POET. The following is said to have been written by Mark Twain and publish- ed in California about 1864: He Pone His Level Best., Was he a mining on the flat He done it wlth test; Was he leading of the choir He done his level best. If he'd a regular task to do, He never took no rest; Or if 'twas otf and on the same He done his level best. If he was preaching on his beat, He'd tramp from east to west, And north to south. In cold and heat, He done his level best. He'd curse and sing and howl and pray, And dance and drink and Jest, And lie and steal all one to him He done his level best. Whate'er this man iras sot to do, He done it with a zest; No matter what his contract was. He'd do his level best. Tlio Angel's Song. The world now lists to catch the an-' gel's song: It worships Him and grants Him holy birth. Who came to bring us peace upon the earth. Yet ne'er at peace abides the world for long: For even as we worship, still we strive . To kepn our heads above the madden ing throng; We fear that we must battle hard and long To win our daily bread and still sur vive. Yet I have felt, though all about was war, That power which overspread and calmed the sa; And I have longed to feel It more and more, An Influence of the infinity! I've heard the song; it soothed my soul to soar; I know there's peace on earth for thee and me! Edward Anderson Field in Pro gress. AMERICAN VS. SWISS. A Swiss drummer rendered con spicuous by a pair of tight French riding trousers which apparently were intended to be worn standing up furnished me with a means of com paring European with the American method of doing business. His line was French agricultural machinery, and inasmuch as he had been "mak ng" the coast for several years, It was fair to assume that he was a success hi hiiQinoaa For three weeks after his arrival at the Lupone. he did nothing save sit in the covered front yard of the hotel and Idly speculate about the progress of the war while ragged ur chins after the manner of the coun try, polished and repollshed his shoes. He assiduously cultivated and bought drinks for politicians and ustenea io . . , . , ...... In ineir Dumuanuc unci anues wunuui the least committing himself In the matter of opinion. By the second Sunday night, he had progressed far enough in social intercourse with the existing political regime to secure a place at the president's table for din ner. The week after that, he went riding in a brougham with some of the women of the president's immedi ate household and dispensed Central American small talk between mouth- fuls of the thick red dust which ov erlays Managua like a blanket. At the end of a month he sailed away, lamented social Hon, carrying with him orders for machinery which could more acceptably have been filled by American manufacturers. He had caught favor In high places and his honors had been reflected upon the plantations. An American drummer had burst Into Managua about the same time as the Swiss, buoyant with affability which but thinly conceaed his con tempt for his prospective customers He bought drinks for the natives In the open, bragged about American machinery night and day and produc ed truthful figures to demonstrate its superiority. When with Enuropean traders he covertly congratulated them upon be Ing "white," and In the confines of the International club, he drew long breaths of relief and told of difflcul ties In doing business with the "nig' gers." The Europeans treated him like a hall fellow well met, and then straightway, with the Intent of con serving their own Interests against Inroads from the United States, saw to It that the natives learned all about the American drummer's pleasure at meeting "white" people in Central A merlca. In consequence of this, the Amer lean found that he was welcome to buy refreshments galore for polltl elans and to talk about his machln ery. He was conspicuous by his presence In public places, but nobody saw him entered as a guest at any family gatherings of note In official circles. He went away, openly curs Ing "niggers" and vowing that Latin America wasn't a white man's coun try, anyway. From "Why Latin-Am erica Hates Us," In December Tech nlchnl World Magazine. Truth Is stranger than fiction, but It Is because fiction ts obliged to stick to possibilities; truth Isn't. "You are as well as your stomach" HOSTETTER. A word to the wise is sufficient, Try HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Colds, Grippe and Malaria, Correctly GLASSES Will give you bet teror easier sight AND OFTEN PREVENT EYESTRAIN WHICH IS THE CAUSE OF HEADACHE AND NERVOUSNESS. OUR OPTOMETRY DEPARTMENT IS FULLY EQUIPPED FOR EVEN THE MOST DIFFICULT CAS ES. HUNDREDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS RE COMMEND OUR WORK. DALE ROTHWELL, Optometrist with Wm. Hanscom, THE Jeweler, Pendleton CONCERNING WOMEN. Of the thirteen states having less than 2 per cent of Illiteracy 10 years ago 12 allowed women to vote In school elections. Of the 12 states hav ing more than 10 per cent of Illiter acy among the white population 10 years ago none gave women the school vote. The Kentucky women who are making a campaign for country-wide suffrage are using these facts as an argument. Mme. Breshkovsky, the famous Rus sian woman who Is called the "little grandmother" by her followers, and who was condemned to Siberia for the utterance of what she considered patriotism, has at last been heard from. She Is on her way to Siberia and suffering from scurvy. She is allow ed 20 cents a day for food. Mme. Breshkovsky will be remembered by many who heard her In America as a woman of great intellectual attain ments and a heart full of love for her countrymen. THE "FOOLISHNESS OF FOLKS." 'There's no end to the foolishness of folks," said the Hard Times Phi losopher. "Why, If old Satan himself should step off the Washington train I some line morning ana say, -is mis Georgia : someone wouia speaK up -res, sir; mis is ueorgia, and us iar ' R tStJTl- fci-fT- !r--. I . ' ' I .i "'V Start the New Year by buying Yourself a HOME. You can not find a better town in the North West. Property Will never be as Cheap as at the Present 3 room house on school house hill, only $575.00. 0 room house on corner Webb and Alta at .price $850. 5 room house on Lllllth street between Court and Alta. Lot 66x100, price $1250. 6 room house on Willow street worth $2200, for $1500. 6 room house on Court street, next door west of Mrs. O'Gara, urlce only $1050. 6 room house 713 Starr street, tills property can be bought on very easy terms, price only $850, The V. G. Fisher home on Court street, well furnished. Everything ready to move In, Just the place tor ncwlywed. Phone Main 5 LEE The Real Estate Byers Best Flour Fitted enough from heaven for you to feel comfortable!' "And then. If Satan should remark casually, 'Well, I've made up my mind to move my homeplace Jovrn here, and start the fire In the basement of Kennesaw mountain," the real estate fellows would beat him to the spot. and the price of town lots would go up like a skyrocket on the Fourth o' July! And people would crowd the place; and then, when the fire broke out and partially consumed 'em, they'd lay all the blame on Providence, which should have protected them, and kept the fire down! The people of this world don't waht to go where things look smooth and pleasant their highest ambition Is to hunt fire and then holler when the'yre burnt!' Mark Twain's Toast to the Ladles. While coming over on the Mlnneao oils Mark Twain proposed the follow ing toast: "The ladles! Second onlv to the press ln dissemination of the news!" CASTOR I A Por Iniknta Rid Children. Ito Kind You HareAlwajs Bought Too Late! It's never too late to have that suit or dress cleaned at Dick Sulllvana. It may seem old, dingy, soiled and wrinkled but wo can clean and press It with out modern methods, making It look like new. We will call for and deliver work to any part of the city. all 206 E. Alta St. Phone Main 160. Price only $1400. 15 aero tract 11-4 miles from Court House; house, barn, chK'K. en house, good .well; a fine homo for some one wishing to go In chicken business. Price, $1300. 3 1-4 acres, 6 room house, ploco all fenced with woven wire fence. This Is splendid proper ty, well worth $3000. Price on ly $2250. . Only 15 blocks from Main street, on West Court. The Judge Glllland homo on Garden street, one of the best locations In tlio city, 3 lots, all well Improved, 6 room house, plastered, bath, hot and cold water, modern In every way, price only $2250, $1000 cash, balunce terms to suit. 5 room house 517 Calvin at. Tills property la well worth $1000. Price only $650. TEUTCSII 550 Main St. and Insurance Man Is made from the choicest wheat that grows: Good bread is assured when BYEIIS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Pendleton, Oregom. Headquarters For Toilet, Goods We are Bole Manufacturer Mi Distributor oJ the CeMmtnl F4S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER ITT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Leading Drugglata of IuUn JLD LIN 1 LIVE STOCK IN SURANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of CrawfordavUle, Indiana. Haa now entered Oregon. PoUclea now goo! In every tate In the Union. Organ ed over IB yeare ago. Paid up Capital tl00.000.6t. Aa eta over S4t0.000.00. REMEMBER, this to NOT Mutual Live teeck Imr knee company. Mark Moorhouse Company Agent, Pendleto, Or. in Mate tl. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. WE DEAL II DRUGS IQT PROMISES You Make a Bad Mistake When yon pat off tmylng yonr until Fall purchase It NOW and aecure the hrwt Roek Spring coal the ml new produce at price coiiflttlprahly lower than thoee prevailing In Fall and Winter. Dy stocking np now yon avoid ALL dungrr of bring oa aMc to Dccnre It when aold weather arrive. Henry Kopittke Phone Main 178. Fresh Fish Meata and Bauaagea EVERT DAT. We handle only the purest et lard, ham aad bacon. Empire heai Co. Phone Main 18. FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. Alwaya pure and delivered promptly, If you phone the Central Meat Market 108 E. Alta 8C, Phone Main W. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE A irm TrtADE Marks Designs Copyrights A c. AnTonrn11nH n kctrh mid rtfnrrinttn nm quickly KHi-erinln fur opinion fruo wliethor nt Invention I pmhuhlr ptiont.ihlr. (Vmimmiim tlminfttnctlrcniiililmiMnl. HANDIIODK on rmfiiii jmt froe. tM'dt um't for pwurmtc patent. i'Mtfliif tftken t lir'Mi eh Itlu mi ft Co. roculv tptrial nolle, without chnrpo, In Ui4 Scientific Jimci ican. A h Minion) elf lllnntnitM wwlrly. f nrrftfft nv . dilation of nnj pritMilllln Joiirrml, Tprnm 94 f vftnrf fniir niotttbt, L Bold tj all nowglrlr IV1UNN & Co.8B,B-d New Yci Uraucb offloa. 3t W Bt. WuhHimun, u. & Unfurnished honaekoeplng reenm for rent In the East Oregonlan bnlld Ing. All modern convenlenoee. Ba, quire at B. O. offloa.