East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 30, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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uieli Cleanser
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Chases Dirt,
It cleans, scrubs and loaves everything splc ami span.
It costs less, goes farther and drives hard work away.
All the. "good kind" of other washing powders and soaps can W
always be found here.
See Window Display,
Standard Grocery Co. Inc.
Where all are Pleased
Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treas
214-216 East Court Street
lluys Stanfield Ijiiml.
A deed filed in tho recorder's of
fice shows that the Inland Irrigation
company has sold a small tract of
land at Slanfield to Francis M. Smith,
the consideration being $1437.
Excavation I'nder Way.
Tho excavation work for tho new
Koesch building on Court street Is now
well under way and it wljl be only a
matter of a few days before It Is com
pletely finished.
(ids Carload of Horses.
J. D. Huston, a representative of
Itoleombe & Co., of Seattle, has fin
islied purchasing a carload of horses
for his firm and will ship them to
Seattle in a day or so.
Interesting Program Compiled Prom
inent Members of Order Will be
Present New Lodge to Be Installed
at Hermiston.
The program for the district con
vention of the Knights of Pythias to
be held in this city January 14 has
been prepared. It was arranged by
a committee composed of A. R. Shum
way, deputy grand chancellor, J. H.
Gwinn and J. W. Maloney. The fol
lowing is the program in detail:
Opening of Damon Lodge No. 4..
i . . D. B. Waffle, C. C.
Exemplification of Amplified First
Rank Damon No. 4
Music Damon Orchestra
Address of Welcome. .Col. J. H. Raley
response Hermiston Lodge
Music Damon Orchestra
Address D. E. Toran, G. C.
Address F. T. Wrightman
Address 4. . y. . Judge W. L. Bradshaw
Address .. L R. Stinson, G. K. R. S.
Address . . Hon. W. M. Cake, P. S. R.
Address Judge R. G. Morrow
Address M. F. Davis, P. G. C
Continuous lunch will be served
during the evening.
Lodge at Hermiston.
On the evening of January 12 the
local Knights of Pythias and many
from other points in the county will
go to Hermiston to institute a K. of
P. lodge in that town. The delega
tion from Pendleton will go to the
west end on the motor car and that
evening the car will be held here un
til after the arrival of the Spokane
train so as to accommodate those who
will come down from Weston and
other towns along the line. A special
rate for the trip has been granted by
the railroad.
Roundup Meeting Tonight.
Tonight is the night which will see
the selection of a site for the Roun
p park decided and all stockholders
In the association are asked to be
present to cast their vote for the site
preferred. The choice, lies between
the Matlock grounds In the west end
of the city, where the Round-up was
held last year, and the city property
In the east end of the city. Both
tracts have able advocates and there
are strong arguments which will be
presented for each. Much discussion
will mark the meeting and there
promises to be a warm- session. The
meeting will be held In the rooms
of the Commercial association.
Save money by reading today ad.
Story Hour Tomorrow.
An especially interesting program
has been prepared for the children of
the city for the story hour tomorrow
morning at the library. Miss Anna
Wnugh will have charge of the program.
(Continued from page one.)
Alleges Gross Carelessness on Pan of
Troy Laundry Owners Resulted in
Injury to Her Hand.
Eight thousand dollars is the total
sum asked as damages by Mrs. Mamie
B. Nolen from her former husband,
Ralph Nolen and his father, H. H.
Nolen, in a suit filed today in the of
fice of the county clerk, he defend
ants were formerly proprietors of the
Troy Steam laundry on Cottonwood
street, and Mrs. Nolen alleges in her
complaint that on March 3, 1908,
while she was in the employ of the de
fendants, she had her hand caught in
the mangle in the laundry and that it
was so burned and lacerated that am
putation of four fingers was neces
sary. She further alleges that negli
gence and carelessness on the part of
the defendants in failing to keep in
repair the safeguards on the mangle
made the accident possible. and
she, therefore, asks for a decree
of J5000 general and $3000 special
damages, he latter because the acci
dent rendered her knowledge of ste
nography useless to her. Her attor
neys are D. W. Bailey and Raley &
Mrs. Nolen, It will be remembered,
secured a divorce from her husband
last November and has since experi
enced difficulty in collecting the ali
mony which the court granted her.
New Years Dunce.
The young men who comprise the
Young Peoples' club have decided to
give the third of their series of danc
es In the Eagles-Woodman hall Mon
day evening. Their decision comes
in response to a popular demand for
a New Years ball.
To Bowl lit Walla Walla.
Pendleton will be here next week
for the third match game with "the
Walla Walla team. The game will
probably be Wednesday or Thursday.
The first team have been practicing
regularly and expect to redeem them
selves this time. Walla Walla Union.
Sunday School Elects Officers.
The annual election of the Meth
odist Sunday school was held last
evening, resulting In the selection of
the following officers: B. E. Coon,
superintendent; Mrs. S. Jenkins, as
sistant superintendent; Mrs. Letta
Hunter, secretary; D. B. Waffle,
treasurer; Edna Wisdom, librarian;
A. J. Owen, Chotster and Aubrey Turn
er, organist.
Carney Rhodes Located.
The East Oregonlan is In receipt of
a letter from C. W. Metteer of Helix,
stating that Carney Rhodes, whose
brother was murdered in Kansas a
few days ago, is at present working
for Charles Hines, three miles south
east of Ukiah on Camas prairie. A
telegram was received at the local of
fice for Rhodes, but his whereabouts
were unknown.
(Continued from page one.)
Nothing In Teachings.
-New lork. N. Y, Dec. 30. There
is nothing in the teaching of Chris.
tian Science or the workings of Mrs.
Eddy to justify lookng toward a Dhv
sical ressurection and any tendency
m mat direction is abnormal, accord
ing to Eugene Cox, chairman of the
Christian Science publicity commit
tee ror isew York state today. He
replied to the statement of Mrs. Au
gusta stetson, the ex-communicated
leader of the church, who said Mrs.
Eddy occupies the same position now
as Jesus did previously and would
return to the earth after death.
-ox continued: "Any attempt to
deify Mrs. Eddy or make her equal
with ood and Jesus Christ was equal
ly repugnant to the normal teach
ings of the Christian Science leader.
Once when asked If she was the sec
ond Christ, Mrs. Eddy said, 'Even the
questions shocks me. What I am, is
for God to declare in his infinite mer
cy. . There was, is and never can be,
but one God and one Jesus.' "
Too Late!
It's never too late to have that suit
or dress cleaned at Dick Sullivans.
It may seem old, dingy, soiled and
wrinkled but we can clean and press
it with out modern methods, making
It look like new.
We will call for and deliver
work to any part of the city.
Home Rule Dance Tonight.
Members of the local Aerie of
Eagles will give a grand ball in the
Eagles-Woodman hall tonight. It
has been designated as the Home
Rule Dance and for that reason the
participants will be allowed to chose
their own method of dressing, danc
ing and participating in general. A
selection of refreshments will also bo
offered the dancers,
Adam Goes to Poor Farm.
John Adams, the young man who
attempted to take his own Irfe the
ovher morning by shooting himself
through the body, has been taken to
the county poor farm as he is with
out means with which to live. Dr.
McFaul, who has been attending the
wounded man, says he is getting along
as well as can be expected and will
soon be completely recovered from
his self-inflicted injury.
A New Paint Store.
Pendleton is to have a new paint
store located in the room at 816 Main
street formerly occupied by John
Vaughan, the electrician. The men
who will launch the enterprise are
both well known In the city, being
William Hale, the pioneer carpenter
and contractor, and Lee McAtee, who
has been connected with the Murphy
paint store for the past five years,
A complete and up-to-date stock will
bo put In Immediately.
2064 E. Alta St.
Phone Main 169.
This is the Place Where if you
are Not Pleased Your Money is
Where you are assured of the best
treatment and Prices that are Right
A trial and you will be convinced
Pendleton's Cleanest, and Brightest Store
E..M. Walsh, Grocery
C S. WALSH, Mfrr.
New Tnple Building, 612 Main- Telephone Main 442.
Road Meeting Tomorrow.
Another meeting of the Umatilla
county good roads' association will be
held at the Commercial association
rooms tomorrow afternoon, beginning
at 1:30. President H. J. Taylor states
that a number of Important subjects
will be up for consideration. A com
mittee that has been Investigating the
Wild Horse road at Saxe station will
make a report. The subject of using
the county jail prisoners for the con
struction of a road down the north
bank of the Umatilla to the Lee street
bridge will also be discussed.
Can Now Itcautiry Park.
Local Agent T. F. O'Brien this
morning announced to Mrs. J. A. Fee,
president of the Ladles' Civic club,
that the depot grounds were now ready
to turn over to that organization for
beautificatlon. Some time ago the
Ladles' Civic club promised the O. R,
& N. company that if the ground be
tween Main street and the depot was
filled In and prepared, the work of
making It Into a park would be at
tended to by that organization. Grass
seed will be sowed immediately and
soon there will be a grassy plot to
greet tho eyes of travelers who pass
through Pendleton.
Yutos ;ets Scholarship.
Stanley Yates, a Junior at Whitman
college, was awarded next Rhodes
scholarship from Washington by the
election board of the collegepresldents
at the meeting held In Seattle yester
day, according to a dispatch sent to
this city yesterday by Dr. B. 8. L.
Penrose, president of yhltman, who
attended the conference. Two other
candidates were considered by the
board. Yates' term at Oxford (Eng
land) will bpgin next October. Two
other candidates were considered.
Walla Walla Union.
Tates Is a former Pendleton boy,
having been raised on a farm near
this city.
Dressed chickens tomorrow at
Alexander's grocery. Order early.
present distributing system. Except
that lying above the feed canal this
tract can be supplied with water until
about July 1 from the feed canal and
It Is proposed to develop power at the
A-C drop to bo used in pumping wa
ter from 10 to 40 feet for the remain
ing months. The pumping system
may also Include the saving of waste
water now In the seepage lake region
on the present project. This scheme
appears feasible and has been dis
cussed here nearly a year. In addi
tion to this land a strip lies on the
north side of the project that can be
brought under water by a pipe line
and 1000 acres In the vicinity of Cold
Springs station on the Columbia can
be easily covered partly by drainage j
water and by water from the big res- i
ervolr. The cost of reclaiming this j
new land will not amount to $60 per)
acre because the main supply system j
Is complete, but part of the appro-'
prlatlon It Is thought, will be devoted
to enlarging and cementing some of
the canals of the present distributing
Perfect Present Project.
It Is held by those who have some
Inside Information that the govern
ment will devote more attention to the
development of the present project
Into a more perfect system than If it
had undertaken the larger project.
The board of directors of the Water
Users' association are certain that tho
drainage work will be made effective
and that any difficulty that may arise
In the distributing of water here will
be overcome by means of the new ap
propriation. All the proposed new
lands lie tributary to Hermiston,
while the west side project would de
velop new towns, and perhaps rivals,
to Hermiston, and not an acre of land
not now under water that would be
reclaimed would become a resource
to Hermiston. The Hlnkle Ditch
company lands nre being developed
and It Is doubtful as to whether these
lands would have been included in
the west side extension.
The spending of $4,000,000 near
Hermiston would have been a tempo
rary benefit only.
Pendleton will be treated to a min
iature Roundup entertainment Sunday
afternoon at Matlock park and the
principal performers will be cowboys
who participated In the big wild west
show here last fall. Ernest "Cannon,
who won the second prize of $50 In
the broncho busting contest at the
Roundup, and George Fletcher, the
colored cowboy, who was perhaps the
most spectaculnr of all riders entered
in the contests, have brought in a
number of outlaw horses which they
will mount and they further guaran
tee to ride any other professional bad
broncho that s led out to the lot.
The third man who will enter into
the Sunday performance, Art Ooef
frion by name, is a prototype of "Buf
falo" Vernon nnd he claims to he able
to "bull-dog" any Kteer which is driv
en Into the arena. The other feats
which this trio of cowboys will per
form will consist of fancy" roping
and riding, steer riding and tying.
Many Thanks for Yoiir
shown us during the month
Our furnishing goods stock
is complete and your pat
ronage is always appreciated
Any pair of Suspenders in the
Store Now
The New Boston Store
Be Good to
and the world will be good to you.
The way is to keep your stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels right.
And you'll find great help in
Sold Everywhere. In boxee 10c. ami 25c.
2 to 50 H. P.
Uses common Kerosene (lamp oil)
for fuel, also gasoline, naptha or dis
tillate. No change. In equipment la ,
necessary to change from one fuel to
the other. See J. W. Klmbrell, agent,
Pendleton, Ore., for prices. Phone
Main 180. Sample engine at
Long Brothers
114 & 116 E. Webb St. Phone Main 74
Phone Mate 4S.
Ml K. Court 8t
Dry, wet, chemi
cal and steam
We call for anJ
deliver anywhere.
Never come back when cleaned by the
Berlin Dye House
Dressed chickens tomorrow at Alex
ander's grocery. Order early.
Read the waat ads today.
Many Short. Lines at
Furs 1-4 off.
Ladies' Coats-Greatly Reduced.
One lot Children's Hoar Skin Coats 1-2 Price.
Christmas Dolls, Toys and Boxes 1-3 off.
Buy the New Year's rift here.
....HOUSE-KEEPING. . . .
In Suites of 2 Rooms Each
Steam Heat
Electric Lights
Gas and Gas Range
Hot, and Cold Water
Good Ventilation
Plenty of Daylight
East Oregcnian Building
Enquire at East Oregonian Office