KKHTT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PKXDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1910. pacod rrvm i Extra Specials 50 Dozen Ladies' Separate Undergarments j in pure wool and silk and wool. Sold j always for $1.50 and $1.75 garment SATURDAY TOc (Bannraeini'G: F. Livengood i Co. The Women's aad Children's Store. LOCALS Pastime picture please all. See Lane A Son for signs. Hot tamales at Hohbachs. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane 4 Son. I. C. Snyder, chimneysweep. R I81J. See Lee Teutsch about Insurance today. 18000 residence can be bought t bargain. See about It today. Lee Teutsch. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre In the city the Pastime. The best moving pictures and brightest pictures In Pendleton at the Orpheum, Lost Gold watch and fob. Mono gram S. R. T. on back. Finder return to this office. IiifHseJ poultry next Saturday at the cash meat market. Phone your order now. Main 101. A clean and careful shuve always at Mark Patton's shop. Across from Alexanders Phone for patrons. Mothers, nave your boys a sick spell. Get him a pair of . warm shoes at Eklund's. Great reductions. For rent Three furnished house keeping rooms, electric lights, gas stove and bath. 701 Thompson street. Wanted Girl or woman to do gen eral housework. Apply 412 Perkins avenue or phone Black 3652. Lands Ten yearly payment plan; six per cent; 190 to J1B0 per acre. E. P. Dodd, Hermlaton, Ore. Good looking and good wearing Ihe school shoes for boys going at a great reduction at A Eklund's. Soe win dow. Dressed chickens tomorrow at Alexander's grocery. Order early. Cold weatner is coming. We have the best col on the market. A ton s 2000 lbs. at Pehdleton Lum er Yard, Phone Main O. Spend your idle evenings In a gen tlemen's resort. Cowling, pool, bil liards, shooting gallery. Pastime Parlors. Hoover and Book. Sor sale One sorrel gelding, age 9 years, weight 1100 pounds, sound, good work or saddle horse. Price J76. Inquire 1301 West A1U. Watch the old year out and the new year In at the Presbyterian Christian Endeavor watch social at the churrh New Year's eve. Refresh ments served. For sale A nice lot of Standard bred, single comb Black Minorca cockerels. Price, $2 and up Enquire N. A. Humphrey, 124 Beauregard street, Pendleton. R HURLS IiOSE STRONG CITY. (Continued from page one.) fact that Mai Paso, the key to the railroad, Is free of them and that Gen eral Navarro is now In control of the situation nil along the line. IVUft-inlnntlon Awes Rebels. Galveston, Tex., Dec. 30. Further reports today say the federal troops stormed Mai Paso and that -when it was seen they were determined to cap ture the city the rebels fled. When people do not respect us we are sharply offended; yet deep down in his private heart no man much respects himself. Giit Room Enjoyed a very Merry Christmas and prospects are bright for a most Happy New Year. For the above conditions we must heartily thank you for your very liberal patronage and for the abun dance of 1 900 coins. We are grate ful indeed. It shows us that our efforts to benefit you have not been in vain, and the appreciation of our liberalities have indeed been satisfying. May it ever be thus to vou at the Gift Room KOEPPEN'S Who Run the Store that Serves You Best PERSONAL MENTION R. W. Hodgin of Walla Walla, is a visitor in Pendleton. ' William Potts of Helix, was a vis itor In the city yesterday. II. A. McKeen is among the Hermla ton visitors in Pendleton today. T. O. Yates of Stanfleld, came up from the west end this morning. Alex Bruce of Coe, came In from his home at that place yesterday. W. H. Boyd of Echo, came in from that town yesterday for the transac tion of business. J. T. Mayo, O.-W. R. & N. super intendent of bridges and buildings, Is in the city today. R. Bcckhorn of Athena, was an In coming passenger on the Spokane train last evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Price and child of Weston are now friends In the city. John Tompkins of visiting with Athena, came down from his home yesterday even Ing on the Spokane train. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Averill, of Cor vallls, left for home this morning, af ter a brief visit In Pendleton. A. W. Gray, the Stanfleld attorney, came up from hid home this morn ing to transact legal business. Miss Hazel Means returned to Uma tilla this morning oh the early train, after visiting friends in this city. W. W. Shephard and wife are In from their home at Cold Spring and are registered at the Hotel Bowman. B. J. Moore of Walla Walla, is among the Garden city visitors in Pendleton for the transaction of bus iness. C. S. McNaught, prominent Hermls ton booster, came in from his home In the west end of the county last evening. D. C. Brownell, the sage of Uma tilla, Is a business visitor in Pendle ton, having come up from his home yesterday. Edgar W. Smith returned last eve ning from Portland and Astoria, where ho had been for several days to visit with friends. W. A. Brown, proprietor of the Hotel Pendleton, left yesterday for Portland where he will join his wife In a visit of a few days. J. M. Hlndman, the O.-W. R. & N. operator at Umatilla, accompanied by his wife, came up from the railroad town yesterday evening. Bud Cornfield, Pat McDevItt and Ed Hays left this morning on the early train for the west end -of the county in search of ducks, Mies Myrtle Knight returned on the Northern Pacific this morning from Helix, where she had been to visit her brother, Ernest Knight. Mrs. R. W. Henneman left on the local this morning for Portland where she will spend the first of the new year with friends and relatives Miss Haze! Means, assistant In the postoffice at Umatilla, came up from her home yesterday to be present at the annual Lambda Sigma dance. Frank Evans, Instructor In science in the Waterville, Washington, high school, is a guest at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. N. Evans. District Attorney Gilbert W. Phelps and small daughters, left on the local this morning for Portland, where they will visit for several days. Harvey McDill, the well known for her high school athlete, left for the McDill ranch in Alberta early this I At HfflBf PrSc j At Wohlenberg Department. Store All Fancy Drawn Work and Embroidered Linen pieces All Toys and Dressed Dolls All Knit Scarfs and Shawls All Fur Neck Pieces All Childrens Coats ALL LADIES COATS ALL LADIES AND MISSES SUITS Wohlenberg Dep't. Store morning after visiting for several months with friends here. Mrs. F. Moses, wife of L. Moses, proprietor of . the Workingmen's clothing company, left yesterday for San Francisco to spend some time with her brothers and sisters in that city. Mrs. J. G. RInehart, worthy grand matron of the Order of Eastern Star, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Vert of this city, left for her home In La Grande yesterday morning. Grover Martin, formerly of Milton, but now In the dental business In Ta- coma, Is In the city, brough here by the suit which has been Instituted against him by Attorney Will M. Peterson to collect fees alleged to be due him for legal services rendered. JUDGE BEAN HAS QUIT ONE OFEIDE Judge Henry J. Bean has handed down his last decision and signed his last paper as judge of the sixth judi cial district and is now en. route to Salem where Tuesday he will com mence his duties as associate justice of the state supreme court. Yesterday afternoon he handed down a decision in the famous Warner-Young will ciise Which declared the so-called fourth will valid thus giving the prop erty under contention to Mrs. Mabel Warner, and this morning he signed the decree. Soon after he boarded the local and bade good-bye to Pen dleton and Umatilla county which has been his home for a quarter of a cen tury. Judge llcan's connection with the political history of this county has been one of unbroken success. He has serv ed the county in several different ca pacities, as district attorney, as' mem ber of the legislature, as couny Judge and as circuit judge and the votes which have been given him in all of the political races he has run, includ ing the last one for a position on the supremo bench. Is a strong testimon ial of the esteem in. which he Is held in this community. His resignation which takes place tomorrow leaves the office which he lias held vacant, and citizens of Pen dleton are awaiting with considerable interest the appointment which Act ing Governor Bowerman will make to fill It. The two leading candidates are District Attorney G. W. Phelps and Attorney J. P. Winter, both of this city. Mr. Phelps left this morn ing for Portland and there are many here who predict that when he re turns he will have been appointed end sworn In as circuit Judge of the sixth Judicial district until the next election two years hence. With the elevation of Phelps to the judgeship, his present office would be left vacant and would have to be filled by appointment. Up-to-date the signs seem to favor Attorney Woodson of Heppner, but the friends of H. I. Watts of Athena, and C. J. Ferguson of this city state that these two men are still to be counted in the race for the district attorneyship. However the next few days will put an end to all speculation for the an nouncements will have been made. Howerm.in has only a few more days iii office, and, as he has practically determined the .-O'e.'t; )n in his own mind, there can be ro reason for far ther delay. The Cosy. Friday and Saturday only. 1. A Touching Mystery. 2. The riot that Failed. 3. Lord and Lady. 4. Lone Wolf's Trust. B. Song. "Where the Silvery orado Wends its Way. Col- Churih of the llcdccitier. There will be a service of watch to morrow n'irlit. commencing at 11:15 p. in ntM I '.iiliiiir : few minutes after midnight Kvcrylmdy cordially in- I ted. Charles Quinncv. rector. Do not undervalue the hcadncfle. While it is at its sharpest it seems a had Investment, but when relief begins the unexpired remainder Is worth four dollars a minute. PLAN TO END LONG DISPUTE. (Continued from page one.) of the club. Others present were Vice President Dan P. Smythe, Secretary Ben F. Hill, Dr. C. J. Smith, W. E. Brock, Charles Bond, Ben L. Bur roughs, Clarence Bishop, Harry Gray and E. B. Aldrlch. OREGON HAS 7 PERSONS TO MILE (Continued from page one.) 45 3; Georgia, 44.4; Wisconsin, 42.2; Alabama, 41.7; Iowa, 40; Vermont, 39; Mississippi, 3S.8; Louisiana, 3S.5 Arkansas, 30; Minnesota, 25.7; Maine 24 8; Texas, 14.8 Florida, 13.7. TENTH PRIZE CAT DIES. Santa Barbara, Calif, Dec. 30. Though it was stoutly aenied by some of the officials of the Santa Barbara cat show that the felines were pois oned by a woman while the show was in progress two weeks ago, nearly all of the prize winners have died. To day Miss Louise Webster's Brutus. valued at J500 and winner of the first prize In the show, passed away. It mr.de the tenth cat belonging to Miss Webster to die. P re-In veixtory Cut Prices Xow is the time to secure your CLOTIIIXG and MEX' FURNISHINGS and here is the place. We guarantee vou n saving on every purchase and will cheer fully refund your money if tlie noods are not as represented. It's Our Policy Workingmen's Clothing Company Less expense makes our prices lower. Start the New Year by buying Yourself a HOME. You can not find a better town in the North West. Property Will never be as Cheap as at the Present 3 room house on school house hill, only $575.00. 0 room house on corner Webb ami Attn at .price $850. 5 room house on LillUh street between Court ami Alta. Lot 60x100, price $1250. 0 room house on Willow street worth $2200, for $1500. fl room house on Court street, next door west of Mrs. O'Gnra, price only $1050. 0 room house 71:1 Starr street, this property can he bought on very easy terms, price only $850. The V. ;. I'ishcr home on Court street, well fuml-hcil. lXerything roa.lv to move in. just the place for lu-ixlvucl. pho,e m LE The Real Estate Better Goods for Less Money Parlor Baseball For the Boy Will please the most raid baseball fan. This is the game YOU PLAY it does not play ITSELF. Only $2 Notice our window. RALPH FOLSOM Leading Housefurnlsber. Price only $U00. 15 acre tract 1 1-4 miles from Court House; house, bum, chU'K. en house, good well; a fine home for some one wishing to go in chicken business. Price, $1300. 3 1-4 acres, 6 room house, place nil fenced with woven wire fence. This is splemlid prox-r-ty, well worth $3000. Price on ly $2250. Duly 15 blocks Troiii Main street, on West Court. The Judge Cililaml home on Canlen street, one of the best locutions In the city. 3 lots, nil well Improve,!. 6 room house, plastered, bath, hot ami cold water, modern in every way, price only $2250. $1000 cash, balance terms to suit, 5 room house 517 Calvin st. This property Is well worth $1000. t'rice only $650. TEUTOS! and Insurance 550 Main St. Man I