East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 30, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Y (nl rvfp
Buys Any Mans or Young Mans Suit or Overcoat in Our Store-Come Early
Jap Silk Kimonas 1-2 Price
We have a very choice selection of Japanese Silk long Kimonas,
beautifully made, would make very acceptable New Years
gifts. While thev last, von can have vour choice at OXE
12 l-2c Silkolines 7c
One special lot of 17 patterns of Silkolines, good patterns,
suitable for draperies, comforters, etc. A very fine quality,
while they last, per yard 7
Sateen Petticoats Reduced
These petticoats come in black only are very good qualitv reg
ularly sell for $1.50. Your choice Saturday 9S
Pare Food Suggestions For Your
New Year Dinner
You'll find our store Ihwgi.iI a doubt the cleanest in the
GET YOUli HTlllVTLY 1UESU Etid.i HE HE AM) yow
IMPORTED SMYRNA FIGS, fancy ivr lb 30
SPECIAL Tender, juicv sujrar cured Hams, lb 20c
Dill, Sour, plain and mixed SWEET PICKLES, OLIVES
and CHOW ( HOW. kept in sanitarv methods. "'
FANCY WAFERS, Riscuits, Crackers, and Cookies, includ
ing Huntley A: Palmer iui)orted goods, Fran Fran, Holland
Rusk, etc.
weight packages SEEDED RAISINS, 12 1-2C value,
l-cr package 10c
New Choice Lot Misses and Little
Womens Skirts
Come in all the new and wanted colors, the latest styles, extra
nooil quality.. Choice, e-.ich $5.00
75c and 85c Corset Cover Embroid
ery 59c
A number of pood patterns, wliilo they last
Where it Pays to Trade
A campaign against, the enemies of
sheep will be outline ! at the conven
tion of the National Woolgrowers' as
sociation to be held here January 4,
6, 6 and 7. and steps will be taken to
obtain a uniform wolf bounty law
throughout all the ' sheep growing
states. A special committee that has
been appointed will report on the
feasibility of such an art, says the
For many years the legislatures of
the several western states have pro
Tided a bounty for the scalps of
wolves, coyotes and mountain lions,
but much fraud resulted. Trappers
and others have been known to kill
the animals and collect bounty In one
state, ship the skins to another state
ami collect another bounty, this being
possible through the difference in the
state laws relative to marks placed
upon the pelts by '.he county officer
issuing the county certificate. For in
stance, the Idaho law might require
that the r ght front paw be removed,
whereas the Mon'ana law would re
quire that a round hole be punched
in the scalp, and still another state
would require the removal of the left
front foot
The national association will also
Tie'ition the secretary of agriculture
to inaugurate a campa'gn for the kill
ing of wolves, coyotes and mountain
liorw in the natinal forests, where, un
d r present conditions, the animals
breed unmolested am from which re-nrvi-s
they make regular excursions
int-i the livestock country. With
tr-i j l.ui.u :s operating in the na
tion :i f ircsts, and professional trap
pels operating on the plains it is be
lieved that the phH'.a will soon be
wiped out.
Htate of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucaa
County as.
Prnuk J CbtnrT mail "tb that be ti
aei..,r isnun- ' t!ie tir-M t K. J ''heney
A Co., doing boaloeaa lo tbe City of Toledo,
ounty and Biate aforesaid, and tbat aald
firm Kill pay the aura of ONE HL'NDKKD
1XJI.I.AK8 for earb and eery nmt of ca
tarrh that cannot be cored by tbe dm of
Itali a Caiarrb Core
Sworn to before me and aabarrlbed la By
j.r.nt,' e, tbla etb day of December, A. D.,
J 61
;Sel A. W. ...LEASOfl.
Notary I'nblle.
If nll'H Catarrh Cnre la taken Internally,
r;0 acta rllrei tly on the blood and mocoo
tirfei-es of tbe ayatem. Bend for teatl
monlala free.
Hu!d by all Dragg-tats, T5
ish; wai.m t oi:rn.m
F.iIIh O'y. (tc. The recent pur
chase of the 250-ncre Hart ranch, two
mil's southeast of th s city, by A D.
and .1. R. James Is one of the largest
recent transactions. The now owners
have made contracts for planting and
oul ivfitirig 6000 Knglish walnut trees
r,,i 60000 cherry trees. This will give
I'olk county the largest walnut or
chard In the state.
Am! It Iowtw Tliem,
Scott If money talks, so
Mod Well, what's the answer?
,S,ott It s familiar w'th many
longues. Boston Transcript.
Do -yvo use tbe East Orea-onlan?
Frank A. Dudley of Niagara Falls,
president of the Utah and Grand Can
yon railroad, which has been a pro
ject for sometime, says that work on
the road will begin as soon as con
tracts can be let and the weather per
mits. The Kansas Southern & Gulf, a
Kansas state road, has finally given
up the ghost. Its operation was con
ducted for 18 months by C. E. Morris,
who, as receiver finding Its one engine
had fallen to pieces, resigned and the
one employe of the road is hauling the
mail between the two stations on a
The Lehigh Valley has authorized
the construction of an extensive
freight transfer station at Manchester,
X. Y. The principal results of the
improvement will be a more rapid
movement of high class freight, and
a reduction in the expense o'f handling.
There will be 28.000 feet of new track.
Employes of the Pennsylvania rail
road engaged on or about tracks have
been provided with a set of rules de
signed more fully to protect their
lives and save them from injury. They
are of a very specific character and
printed in several languages.
Important changes in the official
family of the Pennsylvania are ex
expected early In the new year, ow
ing to the retirement of Charles E.
Pugh in February, when he will at
tain the age limit of the company.
Employes of the Santa Fe have
been given to understand that they
can not smoke cigarettes and remain
In the service of the company. Sev
eral have already been discharged for'
carrying the mark of the "yellow
stained finger."
Official notice of the proposal of
the Missouri, Kansas and Texas to
take over the Texas Central, has been
Issued, in accordance with a Texas
statute. It states that this first will
In- done by means of a lease for 25
years, the stock of the road to be
Acquired later and Its indebtedness
No reduced rates for the holidays
or for the next three months are
available for those who travel dur
ing that period in the territory East
of the Mississippi river and north of
the Ohio. Associations having Juris
diction there decided several weeks
ago to suspend special rates until af
ter February 28. It may mean a
hardship to some, but the railroads
expect to get Increased revenue In
the belief that there will at least be
heavy travel during the holidays.
What the policy will be for the sum
mer season will not be known until
the usual rate conferences are held
In February.
At a cost of 8, 000, 000 the Pennsyl
vania will equip all of Its locomltives
with smoke consumers that will cost
$1,000 each. Several other devices
are In experimental use now on vari
ous divisions. Thirty-five are being
constructed in th shops of the rail
road. The stoker Is an underfeeding
device designed to mechanically con
vey t):, coal underneath the fire In
stead of It being thrown on top as
heretofore. The invention will reduce
the work 'if the locomotive firemen
about SO per cent and they are cor
respondingly happy.
Sixty thousand mile of railroad,
cast and west, wdll have been traveled
before the year 1910 closes, by R. S.
. Church, chief watch Inspector for
four lines of railroad. Mr. Church '
Inspects the watches of railroad em-!
ployes on the Milwaukee road. Includ
ing the Puget Sound extension, the I
Chicago & North-Western, Chicago & j
Alton, and the Chicago Division of;
the Soo Line. i
Charles Jordan, a ticket broker.!
was recently arrested In Los Angele'S
for misusing the mails, in conduct
ing his business in selling non- trans
ft rable tickets. It was his practice
to find custeimers whom tickets com
ing Into his hands would benefit. His
case is believed to be the first of its
Stranded With Husband In Oklahoma
She Deics Four GeMiel Days' Work,
After working four days on the
streets of Muskogee with the "chain
gang." "Will Taylor" was found to
be Mrs Lawrence Hanlon of St.
Mrs. Hanlon donned man's clothing
on November 26 and with her hus
band start-il for the southwest, seek
ing work. Stranded here, husband
and wife were picked up and sen
tenced to ten days with the chain
When Mrs. Hanlon came out for the
tools this morning she forgot tnc
heavy man's gloves sne had been
wearing and the Jailer became sus
picious of her slender wrists and pink
nails. Questioned, she admitted the
deception and , was transferred to the
woman's ward.
Officers in charge of the chain
gang say Mrs. Hanlon did more work
in the four days than any of the
One Dead. Oim Near Death; Jury
(ViisurcM Parents.
Grand Forks, X. D. The 5-year-old
son of Michael Ott of Itichardson, N.
T)., froze to death as the result of
his parents' neglect, according to the
verdict of a coroner's Jury. A sister,
four years old. was with the boy, and
will probably die.
The children disappeared from the
house abeut noon and it was evening
before neighbors were called to help
search for them.
They were found at the r'-ar of
their home, one dead and the other
with h-r legs freizen from the knees
down and both arms frozen.
The Dalles, Dec. 30 Two fatal ac
cidents occurred here as a result of
the Christmas indulgences. George
O'Connor, a carpenter employed at
Oliio, was struck by the locomotive
of Twohy I'.ros. near the freight de
peit Monday evening and instantly
killed. He and another man, both
Intoxicated, were fighting on the track
Just east ef the depot w hen the Two
hy work train came In and Just before
it reached them O'Connor fell- In front
of the engine, which passed over his
body, terribly mangling him anil kill
ing him instantly. The engineer saw
the two men fighting before he reach
ed them, but did not expect either of
them to get In front of the train un
til It was too late to check his engine.
The other victim was a Swedish la
borer, who was run over by the west
hound Soo-Speikane train at 1:50
Tuesday nuirning at the sand fill just
west of town. The train was slowing
down to enter the city and the engi
neer could see a man crawling up the
embankment and Just before the train
I cached iiiin he got to his fret and
fell in, front of the engine. The en
tire train passed over him before it
could be stopped and when he was
picked up life was gone. The-re was
neithing on the body hy which he
cejuld be identified, but people? about
First street recognized the body as
that of a Swede laborer who had been
drinking freely the past few days.
A sense of humor Is useful to man,
but a sense of honor will get him much
Prices Slaughtered i
For tlie rest of tlve week we will sell anything in our store
for 1-5 off. Juat think, an extra Axminister rug for only.
A nice lino of leather npholstered roekers, very fancy, to
He sold at hi mluet ion. Were ordered for the Christina
tradw but arrived too late. Special bargains in everything
for this week only.
Pendleton Furniture Go.
Opposite A lexon tier's
I Job Printing, Tel. Main i
by ixix-rnrc i,k;iit
A report concerning the destruc
tion of forest mo'hs by electric lights
and certain machines, as conducted
in Zittau, Saxony, In August, 1910,
haB been received from Consul-General
T. St. John Oaffney of Ijresden.
A full description of the efforts in
the same direction and at the same
place, prepared by Consul Thomas H
.Vor'oti tit Chemnitz, was published In
the Dally Consular and Trade He-ports
for August 24, 1909. In concluding
his report Consul Ocneral (Jaffney
says that the destruction of the tneiths
by electric lights, as conducted by Zlt
tau, can not be recommend! d as a
complete, sue-cess.
Its going
Musical Hostess They tell me,
captain, that you fairly dote on Wag
ner. Baseball Enthusiast All a mistake,
madame. I'm a . Phlladelphlan,
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
You cannot expect it to do
otherwise these cold and
freezing mornings and white
frosty nights. We can still
offer a fine grade of coal de
livered promptly. Better see that your sup
ply of coal is in your cellar, instead of at
our yards.
Phone Main 8