PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGON! AX, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, DIOCEMIIKR 29, 1910. EIGHT PAGES I OREGON -the Last Call of the West Did you see this beautiful ar ticle picturing Oregon In four colors In the November Sun set? 125,000 IS BEING SPENT BY SUNSET MAGAZINE on a series of articles superbly Illus trated in four colors pictur ing and describing the attrac tions and resources of the Wonderland of the Pacific We will send you the next three Issues of SUNSET com mencing with the special De cember Issue in which begins the best serial novel of the year "The Spell," by C. N. & A. M. Williamson and a superbly Il lustrated article in four colors on "San Francisco The Expo sition City'; and in addition we will include a copy of the No vember Issue containing the. beautifully illustrated article on Oregon. ALL FOR 15 CENTS (Stamps or Coin.) Sunset Magazine Wells Fargo Building. Portland, Oregon OREGON TO PROTEST APPORTION T ter what the cost of the work an acre mnv be. The land Is almost entirely in the public domain, yet the water Is now waste in spring floods, and no difficulties can 1 ntervene. We- will show that this is practicable in every sense, and also strictly within the meaning of the new law. "Take Klamath. There 160.000 acres wore embraced within the orlgl. nai approveu project, umy fiDOut 30, 000 acres have been irrigated, nnd this land is taken up as fast as opened. A railway has just boon built to it, and the Inrush of Immigrants Insures the Immediate selling of "nil the land that could be Irrigated there by the government. Furthermore, this work can be done nt close to the record figure for the entire West, certainly Oregon will protest against the re- at a ver' low price for such rich hold- clamation aportionment announced119- N ater is in excess or total ro- t r,. 1 nnirements. All of the Klamath work i nrisimua any pv rri'Muini iiui, uajsi-"- - - , - the Telegram. This protest Is to go:1 .... v ,nmmm,i:,i an,! in,iKtri. Project, and the law would not have oo;i;isio.ii df.i.egatiox WILL HE APPEALED TO Kery Commercial Orsianlxatlon In tlo State W ill be Kixvtil to Make n Domaihl for llto Completion of the Western Kxtoiinlon of the I'matilla ninl the Klamath Projects. J Pft STi WE HIE Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES ilOP.E riCTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve ;;!:ir?. Rciced and en-vr-.iiiiinc: for the entire familv. Xrrt to French Restaurant I . K;.t ire char ire three times !. wk. Be stire and r- tbe next change. Ad-.!t 10c. Children ' ; r 10 years, 5c, Soo-Spokane Route TILE SHORT LINE TO MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL AM) ALL ITJIXTS EAST. Eyill'MK.NT: Electric-lighted Observation Cars and Stand ard Sleepers, the most up-to-date Tourist Cars and through diners. Through tickets to all points east ure on sale by ymr local a nt at lowest current fares. Details IktOis IJtmtiire a. 11. Jackson, T. P. A. Geo. A. Walton, Oen. Art. ii Wall St., Spokane. THK al body of the state to the Oregon del egation in congress, with the request that it be presented to President Tuft. In the protest will be a recital ol facts showing that this state has con tributed more than J9, 000. 000 to the fund, that it has some of the very best sites for work in the West, and that it is now equitably entitled to not only the $6,000,000 balance given to the fund and not used here, but to a fair poftion of the $20,000,000 1 loan which is boin eral government. That the Oregon case may be pre sented accurately and fairly, a care ful compilation of facts ts now be ing made by E. U Thompson, of Hartman & Thompson, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial club. Accepting the idea that all energies must be centered now UDon completing projects approved and begun, this statement will bear upon Oregon's two aproved projects, at Umatilla and Klamath. It will be lio president that both these are absolutely within the meaning of the term "existing approved projects, and are under the 1909 law entitled not only to a portion of the annual addition to. the fund, but to a share of the $20,000,000 loan to be issued. It will be shown further that these are two of the moste meritorious pro jects Qf the country. In economy of development, in fertility of soil, ad vantages of climate, access to railways and water transportation and other wise. Also, it will be proved that In the small units of these projects com pleted, the land has been taken al most immediately, and that all of the Additional acreage approved by the engineers is to be strained a particle In Including it. About $4,000,000 would be requir ed to complete the project. 'These two great and highly meri torious works can be finished with the funds that have been given by Oregon to the reclamation fund. At Umatilla the estimate for the additi onal 50.000 acres is from $3,000,000 to $4,000,000, and at Klamath It is $4, 000.000. Our deficit now is about $6,000,000 and nearly $1,000,000 Is be- made by the fed- ,nS RAAeA annually. vvorKing wunin me taw enucieu, aim imij.ihk "ui neal unon the fundamentals or justice. we will ask the president to recognize this state for at least the sum we have given to the reclamation fund, and for completion of existing approved pro jects of such great merit." A sprained ankle will usually dis able the Injured person for three or four weeks. This is due to lack of proper treatment. When Chamber lain's Liniment la applied a cure may be effected In three or four days. This liniment la one of the best and most remarkable preparations in use. Sold by all dealers. NEWS AND GOSSIP OF NEW YORK CITY. New York. New York Is a Chris tian city. There nre many Jews, of course more than in Palestine. Prob ably also more Moslems than in Mec ca, and thousands of persons of oth er faiths and of one. There are high er and lower critics who look upon superstitions, nil religions as gross . - I 11 . tUn Pkl, D, mvtl " r5: wno speait an uy ui n,.-,. ...t.., .. . ,1 nlmref InoM lit : . . . , na V.... o engineers la ouiu . anj wno Dismiss cmiauuaa sale when placed upon the market, j -urvjVal of the annual festival of the . , : 1. .Vic Urifiifahla ahnn'l tl i. nf i ' ' .1 . 1 . 1 . . V. - f Anil with this irrefutable showing of 'facts, the president will Be asked by the entire state to do justice to Ore gon, ljy reapportioning the reclama tion fund. "Study the Umatilla project," said Mr. Thompson this morning. "It is one of the best of the entire country. The east and west portions of the r.mV., n w e YTnr-Vi n sinplp oie,e of !-,v.jv ..,- ... .. . West. The coming summer about 17. 0"0 acres will have been irrigated n the cnt units, at a Cost of approxi III) isiilll Small Stores Gain Business by the bright electric light for signs and windows. Now that G.E. MAZDA lamps are available nothing is easier to obtain than profitable lighting. These new incandes- . cent lamps we now offer to our customers under very favorable conditions. More Electric Light can now be obtained for every dollar you pay for cur rent than ever before. The G.E. MAZDA lamps give more than twice the light you have ever before considered it possible to obtain for a given expense for current. Wo are now ready to tell you now you can get the benefit of this great advance in electrical development Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at Your Service" 1 survlvat or tne annua. - . ,STEREOTiNG NOTES pagans ceieoraung me inu.iifn "i w; ivwim-c l m thp nowers of darkness. Yet with the necessary exceptions, taken by large and altogether. New York is a Christian city. As such, it is on the eve of celebrating the birthday of the .Son of God. This fact has not escaped the ob servation of my friend. Mr. Wing, the in of a wealthy Pekm merchant, wno is engiged in absorbing Information at one of our leading founts of learn ing. 'Although he wears goon chmho cost of approxi- . -n-ntriish he is but a mately $60 an acre. All of this land . Chinee, after all, and his re- i.n trrabbed ur in small tracts; . . , . .,. ,.i as fast ms rc.uly for market, bocauso 1t pnmtjarpp with the famnu? Wennt- I. litre- flll'.l inn iva i. .... . ..-- fruit. There will he about 25.000 acres in the total eastern portion of the pro ject. "The western extension of the pro ject, which has, according to common inform atlon. been in high favor with the engineers, has 5(1,000 acres avail able for development. By building a big reservoir on a tract covering about FlOfiO acres, the immense tiood now of the Umatilla river will be conserv ed, and one of the richest tracts of the West reclaimed. This land has two railways at hand and the Colum bia river as an additional transporta tion medium, it is worth many nun- dred dollars an acre when irrigated, and would probably equal or surpass Kennewiek and enatcnee, wnere 12000 an acre is not unusual. Prom anv Doint the government may desire to consider this work, H cannot find a project wnere returns will be surer or quicker than In the western extension of Umatilla, no mat- Happy, Happy, Use T1Z V Marvel for Sore Feet. Acta night Oft. mnrks arc not to be taken seriously "I admire your Christian civiliza tion very much." said Mr. Wing, "V..rv much, indeed Tet I am at a less to account for your way of ob serving the nativity of the Savior whom you worship. Last Christmas, I observed a no Inconsiderable pro portion of your adult male popula tion celebrated the day by becoming what you call soused, is It not? In the fashionable restaurants I also ob serve many women who were ah verging on that condltTon. The sa innn. nil over the city. I noticed, were packed with men, whose devo tions appeared to center upon some persons or, so I gathered from the signs named Thomas and Jeremiah. "Another thing that seems to me rather odd is that on every street cor ner there are persons tn rantastic garb collecting money for charity. And standing near tnem I, have seen poor old men and women and little, shivering boys and girls, selling pa pers and gew-gaws. It seems to me that your charity might be more di rect. "Your custom of giving gifts at ChrlBtmas, too, seems peculiar to the unenlightened oriental. Last year one of my college associates told me that he received eighty-two presents from relatives, friends and classmates, rep resenting a total expenditure of over a thousand dollars, and having an ac tual value to him, he said of thirty cents. What a tremendous economic waste such a system must involve! "In China we celebrate the birth day of Confucius by reading and Htndvlne his Drecepts. Of course, we do not look upon the great sage as a god. and perhaps this should make a difference In the mode of observance. Rut at ftnv rate, we do not suffer what you call It? the morning after head, and we are not broke, as you say." I PENDLETON DRUG CO. WflBf Km CBOEM-TOU 6ET THEM BIGHT Sore Feet? Never After Using Tli Good-bye sore feet, swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet, aching feet. Good-bye corns, callouses and bun Ions and raw spots. You've never tried anything like TIZ before for vour feet. It Is dif ferent from anything ever before sold, j It acts at once and makes the feet !ftl remarkably fresh and sore-proof. ! TIZ Is not a powder. Powders and j'.-ther foot remedies clog up the pores, i TIZ itrnu.ii nut all niilflonou.i cxudl- atlons whlfh bring on soreness of tho feet, and is the only remedy that does. TIZ cleans out every pore and elorlfics thi feet vour feet. You'll never limp again or draw up your race in pain, and you n rorgei about your corns, bunions and cal Ipiirck. Vnn'li feel llkp a new nerson. If you don't find all this true after trying a box of TIZ, you can get your money rigni bacic TIZ is for sale at all druggists at tS cents per box. or it will be sent you direct If yon wish from Walter Lather Dodg Co Chicago, in. No Tohacra Croo Next Year. T-pxIneton. Kv. Deo. 29. Mass con ventions will be held in the states of Kentucky, West Virginia, Ohio, Indi ana and Missouri tomorrow to elect leleirates to a sreTieral meeting to he held in this city In January, when or fleers will be chosen and a aetinito or. ganizatlon effected for the purpose of eiirtfilllntr next vear's tobacco crop. All of the hurley tobacco growers or the Lu.tes mentioned have reached an agreement not to raise nny crops In 1912. while the crop of 1911 has Deen pooled. More than 100.000 growers, pro ,lein In exress of 300.000,000 pounds of tobacco annually, will be affected by the new organization, the promo ters- assert. All Klar Football. N'Hhvllle. Tcnn.. Dec. 29. Largo rrnwiia. Inrltidlne many visitors from all the towns throughout middle Ten nessee are here today to attend tne all-star football game between crack players of Tennessee and the Harvard eleven, composed of players from five American colleges and universities. All the proceeds of the game, above actual expenses will be given to char ity. The delegations frorrf-tho vnrlous preparatory schools near Nashville are especially large. OF FAMOUS PF.OPLF.. . Enrico Caruso, the famous Italian tenor, who has Just added to his fame by his presentation or fne part of sheriff in the new Puccini opera "The Girl of the Golden West." has a broth er who looks exactly like him. Olov vani, is his name, and ne also sings. Herbert Putnam, librarian of con gress gets $6000 a year salary but he says it is inadequate for his needs. He says congress ought to give him $7500 in order that he might support his position with proper dignity. Representative Sen-no Payne de clares that he wants the light turned on by tariff investigatTon, so that the country may get at the truth. He adds however, that it will never tie pos sible to eliminate partisanship frun tariff Investigations. Lord Decles. ' whose engagement to Miss Vivian Gould, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Jay Gould, is announced, is forty-four years old, while his fiance is only seventeen. Miss Gould Is a niece of the Princess de Saean. whose matrimonial trou bles with her first husband, the Count de Castellane, createa a sensation in Rurone unit America. Miss Vivian is strikingly beautiful and very clever. The estate of the ate George Crocker will pay to the state of Cal ifornia as an inheritance tax, $88,- 666, unless the four heirs are success ful In an appeal to the supreme court. Mr. Crocker, before his death left 11 R00 000 tn be used as a fund In conducting a research into the cause and prevention of cancer. nr Korh nf PhiladelDhla. vice- president of the Pennsylvania board of pharmacy, has testified before the house committee on ways and means that 10 Der cent of the retail drug- glsts in the United States engage in illicit business in connection with tneir trade. He illustrated his testimony by making demonstrations of dope. Dr. Koch clams that most of the crim inal assault cases of trie south are due to the use of cocaine by negroes. Mrs. Bella Lockwood, lawyer, puD iint tho onlv woman who ever ran for president and the first to ride a bicycle, recently ceiebratea ner sum birthday. She la still practicing law and has many notable cases pending before the court of appeals. She does not look her age by twenty years, and is In perfect command or an ner rac ultles, her voice being as clear as a girl's. Lady Johnstone, the tall, handsome sister of ex-Chief Forester Gifford Plnchot, has been a conspicuous fig ure In the social gaeltles of New York and Washington this season. Ambassador Hill has finally go possession of the American embassy In Berlin, but Mrs. Hill was so com pletely worn out by her efforts to hurry the workmen that she has gone tn TJnri fnr a lone holiday. She per sonally superintended the decorating and suggested all tho Improvements that were made in the building. Will Take up Football. New York, Dec. 29. Football en thusiasts, particularly In the smaller colleges are wondering what the at titude toward, the new game, In the light of the recent season's play, will be taken by the Intercollegiate Ath letic association at Its annual meet ing here today. As a general propo sition it is thought that the reformed game will be endorsed, but modifica tions In some of the rules will un doubtedly be recommended. Although the "lllgTour" are not affiliated with the association, sixty-eight other col leges and universities owe allegiance to It. Among the speakers will be (apt. Palmer E. Pierce, U. S. A. who will speak on "Intercollegiate Athlctlo Association;" Dr. R. Tail McKensio of the University of Pennsylvania, Prof. Arthur G. Smith of the State Univer sity of Iowa, and Rev. Charles F. Aked. pastor of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church. New York City. Ohio Hold Clerks In Rcwslon. Plqua, Ohio, Dec. 29. The Beventh annual convention of the Ohio State Hotel Clerks began here today. Known For Its Strength PppgaPxaaaaaasaiiBaaaaaaaaBsasHiHHHHsiBHiMi The First National Bank PENDLETON, OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . RESOURCES OVER S450 000 92,000,000.00 SECURITY Orpheum Theatre J. P. MEDBRNACB, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS .UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM nf TODAY'S PAPER. Program Cfeaagea on Stwday's, Tuesday's and Meter Many persons find themselves af fected with a persistent cough after an attack of Influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It should not be allowed to run on until It becomes troublesome. Bold by all dealers. Estray Notice. One span of sorrel geldings om what old. Weight about 1160 pounds. Any person notifying Chas. Lobaugh, Pilot Rock, or John L. Bartley, tOi Lllleth street, Pendleton will be rewarded. Bee Lee today. Teutach about Insurance Dyers' Best Flour la made from the choicest wheat that srrows. Good bread is assured wheo BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Hhortd, Stonm Rolled Barley always on id. band Pendleton Roller Pendleton, Oregon. if i Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens ! ! All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old For choice d refined onea jdiono your order Bight before. We dress none except for orders so if you like cold storage pomta patronize the other fellow or store yourself. East End Grocery Telephone Main 536 KesSueaoe Phone Black SMI.