East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 29, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAIrE POt'R
yntilfbfd Kslly, Weekly and Seinl Weeklj
at IVudieton, Oregon, by the
M'liSCUtlTlON K.l tS.
f:?, oae tmc bj mall $3.00
I!t. tti months, by mall 2.50
t-ailT, three month, by mall 1.25
. one month, by mall 50
t-alij, o yrar, by carrier 7 50
t-aily. eli months, by carrier ...... 8.75
'ally, three months, by carrier l.ttS
I ii j. one mouth, by carrier 63
e'kly. one year, by mall 1.R0
'et-kly. sli months, by mall 78
'AeeklT. (our months, by mall 60
fcaml-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.60
tvml-V eekly, tlx months, ty mall 75
eaii-Weekly, (onr months, by mail... .60
The Dally East Oregonlan Is kept on sal
the (lrecon News Co., 829 Morrison
ttreet. Portland, Oregon.
Korthxeet New Co., Portland, Oregon.
Chicago Hureau, 908 Security Building.
Washington, l. C, Bureau, 501 Four
atri street. N. W.
Member United Press Association.
Entered at the pootnfflre at Pendleton,
Oregon, as second class mall matter.
-telephone Main 1
Official City and Comity Paper.
CUNlON . jt. ) LABE1
And in the wassail that sus
pends All matters burthensome,
We'll drink a health to goo.l old
And good friends yet to come.
been made, but that Is all. The
stockholders must vote upon the pro
position In' order to settle It finally.
At this time the East Oregonlan
wishes to repeat a suggestion that It
made some time ago. When the
stockholders meet tomorrow night
complete data relative to the cost and
the advantages of each site offered
should be at hand. In order for the
stockholders to judge In a business
like manner as to what should be
d.vne they should first be furnished
.v!:h complete an! reliable informa
tion. They will then know what to
do and they can vote Intelligently..
It is of great Importance that out of
the selection of a site there shall
grow no serious discord within the
ranks of the Round-up workers and
boosters. It Is Important that the
fine spirit of local patriotism that has
prevailed thus far shall be continued.
While engaged in selecting a site for.
the Round-up we must not lose our
sense of proportion. The success of
the Round-up and the welfare of this
city are the things we are after. Thu
selection of a site for the show Is a
mere detail. Stockholders should go
into the meeting tomorrow with a
determination to back the Round-up,
heart and soul, no matter which site
wins out. After the will of the ma
i .rity has been expressed the site will
become the choice of all and
our .mentor
But first, before
The hour of jubilee.
Let's drink a health to good old
And good times yet to be!
And you, oh, friends, from West
and East,
And other foreign parts.
Come share the rapture of our
The love of loyal hearts.
n I tien
It is amusing and yet distressing
to listen to the howls of disappoint
ment issuing forth from Baker City
over the selection of Pendleton as a
location for the branch asylum. The
Bakerites are fearful soreheads and
they are making a wretched spectacle
of themselves by their attacks on
Acting Governor Bowerman.
The branch asylum was located up
on its merits. As between Baker and
Pendleton as prospective locations for
this institution there is simply no
comparison. Because of its geograph
ical location this place was clearly
entitled to the asylum. Pendleton is
centrally located; Baker is not. The
latter city is in one corner of the
state and is more allied with Idaho
than with eastern Oregon.
By locating the asylum here instead
of at Baker the state board saves the
taxpayers of Oregon thousands and
thousands of dollars. Had Xhe insti
tution been located at Baker all the
patients taken there from Salem and
by far the greater -portion of the
new inmates would have to be taken
through this city. Now the railroad
fare from Pendleton to Baker, ex
clusive of Pullman or diner charges,
is 13. 75. So it would cost the state
Just that much more every time an
inmate was taken to Baker. Figuring
upon this basis the cost of transport
ing the Initial 600 patients from Sa
lem to Baker would alone amount to
$2250 more than It will cost the state
to bring those people here. As It is
the intention to tran.-fer patients
from one hospital to the other, when
conditions justify, it may easily be
seen why the new institution was lo
cated here rather than at Baker.
Figuring upon a cold financial bas
13 this is clearly the logical place for
the branch asylum. Pendleton gets
the branch asylum for the same rea
son it secured the headquarters for
the eastern Oregon federal court and
tor the same reason that the state
supreme court holds Its eastern Ore
gon sessions here. This is the cen
tral, the convenient and the economi
cal place.
Hut aside from this Pendleton had
fth'.r attractions as a location for
the bran i li Insane hospital. As Gov
ernor Bowerman has pointed out this
place has a superior climate ana a
more satisfactory altitude. We also
had a frleniid site. The Oliver place
H one of the finest ranches In eastern
Oregon and it is located close In. It
i-i admirably adapted f'r the purpose
for whi' h it has been purchased. In
cidentally it was offered the state at
a lower price than were the Baker or
Union locations.
Under the circumstances Baker has
no Jut complaint to register. The
plea that it was located here for po
litical r asons is cheap and silly. The
longer and the louder they wail the
worse It will be for the Bakerites.
everybody should shout "Let'er buck."
Yesterday the East Oregonlan pub
lished a personal communication from
George R. Roberts bearing upon the
liciuor question. Sir. Roberts has Just
returned from Iowa and he gives us
the benefit of some of his experience
However, there are some things Mr.
Roberts did not explain. He does not
show why Iowa, after a period of pro
hibition, returned to a licensed saloon
system under the present policy of
close regulation that obtains there.
From numerous other sources
however we have it that the people of
Iowa grew tired of prohibition for the
same reason they tired of It In Uma
tilla county. Prohibition did not pro
hibit, but instead led to illicit business
and to the promotion of a "mail or
der" liquor trade. '
At this time the East Oregonlan Is
going to ask Mr. Roberts and other
good men who feel as he does to sus
pend judgment upon this subject and
watch Pendleton's experience with li
censed saloons once more. They will
be started here January- 1 and lf thes-j
licensed saloons do not afford a far
more satisfactory solution of the
liquor problem than prohibition has
furnished, this paper will be surprised
In 18S9 Mark Twain wrote to Elsie
Leslie Lyde, who was playing Little
Lord Fauntltroy. the following:
"Hartford, Oct. 5, S9. .
"Dear Elsie: The way of It was
this: Away last spring, u Uetie and
I pooled intellects on this proposition:
to get up a pleasant surprise of some
kind for you against your next visit
tho surprise to take the form of a
tasteful and beautiful testimonial of
some S'Tt or other, which should ex
press somewhat of the love we felt
for you. Together we hit upon just
ho risht thing a pair of slippers.
Either one of us could have thought
of a single slipper, but it took both of
us to think of two slippers. In fact
one of us did think of one slipper,
and then, quick as a flash, the other
thought of the other slipper. It
shows how wonderful the human
mind is. It is really ualeontological;
you give oifo mind a bone, and the
other one instantly divines the rest of
the mind.
"(VUftte embroidered his slipper
with astonishing facility and splen
dor, but I have been a long time pull
ing through with mine. You see, it
was my very first attempt in art, and
I couldn't rightly get the hang of It
along at first. And then I was so
busy that I couldn't get a chance to
work at it at home, and they would
n't let me embroider on the cars;
they said it made the other passen
gers afraid. The didn't like the
light that flared Into my eyes when
I had an inspiration. Anu even the
most fair-minded people "doubted men
when I explained what it was I was
making especially brakemen. Brake
men always swore at it, and carried
on, the way ignorant people do, about
art. They wouldn't take my word
that it was a slipper; they said they
believed it was a snowshoe that had
some kind of a disease.
VBut I have rulled through, and
within twenty-four hours of the time
I told you I would day before yes
terday. There ought to be a key to
the designs, but I haven't had time
to get one up.
"Take the slippers and wear them
next your heart, Elsie dear, for every
stitch In them is a testimony of the
affection which two of your loyalest
friends bear you. Every single stitch
cost us blood. I've got twice as many
pores in me now as I used to have;
and you never would believe how
many places you can stick a needle
into yourself until you go Into the
embroidery line and devote yourself
to art.
"Do not wear these slippers in
public, dear; it would only excite en
vy; and, as like as not, somebody
would try to shoot you."
ChiSdror Cry for F!o-Ic!sor,t5
. V.-tf f1 Wf .V Mi nvJ 4 Mr. ttJ wtJl
3 v4i v. h fesj h & y! t 3
The Khtd You Hive Always r.uvcltf, and which has "been
Li use foi ovov CO je;irii, las imnio the slgualuro of
,7 - nil ha been ;:2;1o mxler 1.1a jvjr-f,-S.s)A?J?j
si'iverrisiou sltioo its Iivf:.:icy.
WiY , UV? Allow 1:0 no to dcooive you in thV-.
All Counkvcfolfs, Imitation r.nd "Just-as-good" are T.t't
Kxporhucnts th.xt triilo with aul endanger tlio health of
Infants and Children Kxierlcnco against lixpcruucnt.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Purc
froyie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It la Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Alorphlno nor other Narcotic
sul)Kta:ec. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fevcrlshnpfs, It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomaeh and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
i17 4
4T r - f r
Mark Twain once asked a neighbor
if he might borrow a set of his books.
The neighbor replied, ungraciously,
that he was welcome to read them
in his library, but he had a rule never
to let his books leave his house. Some
weeks later the same neighbor sent
over to ask for the loan of Mark
Twain's lawn-mower.
'.'Certainly," said Mark, "but since
I make it a rule never to let it leave
my lawn you will be obliged to use
it there."
The Kind You Have Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years
- -r-z
If the United States government
does not wish to proceed with the ex
tension of the Umatilla project then
people owning land in this vicinity
should get busy and use the water
t iat now flows to the sea.
in the vicinity of Pendleton there
are easily 100. OuO acres of dry farm
ing land needing irrigation. Much
or this may be irrigated through use
of the flood waters of the Umatilla
and tributary streams.
If the government does not use the
water upon which it has a blanket fil
ing it cannot expect to hold its rights.
What we lose through the failure of
the government to order tne exten
sion of the project we may gain in an
other direction.
Pendleton gets some fine advertis
ing out of Acting Governor -Bower-man's
explanation as to why this place
was selected for the branch asylum
site. Doubtless the Bakerites now
wish they had kept still.
Now let us do about 16
paving during the coming
Pendleton need's It.
miles of
From the way they talk the Baker
ies must have had some scheme that
"went a!glee." Too bai.
Union county still has Hot Lake.
That should be enough for those fel
lows, anyway.
December 20 la History.
1674 The French gained a victory
over the Germans at the battle of
1794 The town of Grave, consid
ered a masterpiece of fortification,
surrendered to the French, under
Pichegru, after a blockade of two
1804 English ships captured a
Spanish vessel with $200,000 and a
valuable cargo of Indigo.
1854 Prussia decided to open its
coasting trade to England.
- 1860 John . IS. Floyd, secretary of
war, resigned.
1862 The Confederates at Vlcks-
burg attacked General Sherman with
their whole force and drove him back
to the first lines of defense.
1864 Hood's army crossed the
Tennessee river, thus en ling the Ten
nessee campaign.
1864 The Paurcx government of
Mexico offered a large bounty to vol
unteers from other countries who
would enter Its service.
1868 Mosby Clark, an old revolu
tionary soldier, died at Richmond,
Va at the age of 121 years.
1874 Alfonso XII proclaimed King
of Spain.
1877 The President and Mrs.
Hayes celebrated their silver wedding
anniversary In the Whate House.
1884 Earthquake shocks experi
enced in Austria, Spain and otner
pr. rtions of Europe.
1904 Lord Roberts shocked Eng
land by declaring British army unfit
to engage In war with any modern
power; points out deficiencies and
tells what army needs.
1908 Flood of messages from the
powers offering sympathy to Italy s
victims of Messina disaster.
The saloon transformation Is on.
All good things come to Pendleton.
At the Commercial association
- rooms tomorrow night the stockhold
ers of the Roundup will meet for the
Imixirtanl purpose of selecting a site
- for a permanent grounds for the big
frontier show. Contrary to Imprefl-
: slons that prevail the permanent Bite
for the Round-up has not yet been
.chosen. . Soms recommendations have
The reporter asked Frederick S
Tnhm the nonular novelist, who Is
Min h an indefatigable. globetrotter,
whether th oriental has a sense 61
hurnor. "Well. I should smile," said
the teller of tales. Then he told one.
"It happened at Honolulu, where
we were allowed 24 hours ashore, the
Inst time I crossed the Pacific.
" 'Hetter loekee stateroom door
when leavee boat?" suggested my Chi
nese servant.
" 'Lock the door!' said I. 'You mean
my belongings aren't safe on this ship
unless the door Is fastened? Non
" 'Hetter loe kee,' he replied.
" 'But why?'
Maybe missionary ladles come
aboard. Plenty missionaries here!' "
New York Tribune.
Let us be grateful to Adam our
benefactor. He cut us out of the
"blessing" of Idleness and won for us
the "curse" of labor.
Mark Twain had an especial reason
for going to Elmira. On the Quaker
City he had met a young man by the
name of Charles Langdon, and one
day In the bay of Smyrna had seen
a. miniature of the boy's sister, Ollva
Langdon, then a girl of about twenty
two. He fell in love with that pic
ture and still more deeply In love
with the original when he met her in
New York on his return. The Lang
don home was in Elmira, and It was
for this renson that he frequently so
journed there. When the proofs of
The Innocents Abroad were gent to
him he took them along,- and he and
gentle, sweet "Livy Langdon rend
them together. What he lacked in
those days in literary delicacy she de
tected, and together they pruned It
away. She became his editor that
winter a position which she held un
til her death.
The book was published In July,
169. and its success was Immediate
and abundant. On his wedding day,
February 2, 1870, Clemens received
a check from his publishers for more
than four thousand dollars, royalty
accumulated during the three months
preceding. Tho sales soon amounted
to more than fifty thousand copies
; and had Increased to very nearly one
hundred thousand at the end or tne
first three years. That was forty years
ago. It was a book of travel; Its
lowest price J3.50. Even with our in
creased reading population no such
sale Is found for a boon of mat de
scription today. And The Innocents
Abroad holds Its place still outsell
every other book In Its particular
Consul Fleming reports from Yar
mouth that a Xorw'srlnn schooner
leaded 1000 tons of Iron ore at Port
Wade, Nova Scotia, early in Decem
ber for the United States. This is
about the first large shipment from
this newly developed mine.
There Is an old-time toast which
Is golden for Its beauty. "When you
ascend the hill of prosperity may you
not meet a friend."
-Jj-V) Do you feel all tired out ? Do
. Jrffi:'-'lM?' . think you just can't work aw r.y i
Do Yen Feel This Way?
Consul Julean H. Arnold reports
that wealthy Chinese at Amoy are
getting Interested in Philippine hard
woods for Interior work In large new
residences. One of this class, about
to erect a $100,000 residence, seems
decided on using Philippine woods.
The Journey from Buenos Aires to
Tupiza, Bolivia, can now be made In
about four days, sixty-eight hours
from Buenos Aires to La Qulaca, on
the Bolivian frontier, by rail, and
from one to one and a half days from
La Qulaca to Toplza by carriage.
Utterly Wretched
Nervous Prostration Long Endured
Before Remedy was Found.
Miss Minerva Hemlnger, Upper Bern,
Pa, writes: "For several years I had
nervous prostration, and was utterly
wretched. I lived on bread and beef
tea because my stomach would not re
tain anything else. I took many rem
edies, but obtained no relief until 1
took Hood's Sarsaparllla, when I b HI
to gain at once. Am now cured."
Pure, rleh blood makes good, xtrong
nerves, and this Is why Hood's Sarsa
parllla, which purifies and enriches the
blood, cures so many nervous diseases.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called SarsatabSi
you oni.: p li
at your r.i
ion or iraae any longer r uo you have a pocr : -
lite, and luy awake at nights umiMe to sleep? , v
your nerves oil gone, and your stomach too? Has a:r.
bition to forge ahead in the world left you p If so, yen
might at well put a stop to your nirery. You can t!o it it
you will. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovciy w-ll
make you different individual. It will net your In.y liver
to work. It will tet things riIit in your htum-cli, ui.d
your appetite will come back. It will purify your Mood.
If there i any tendency in ycur fan:i! '.onrj consumption,
it will keep that dread destroyer cwny. lv-:n ai:er con
sumption has almost gained a foothtU in th-j form of a
lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungi, it will bring about s
cure in 93 per cent, of all catet. It ia a remedy prepared by Dr. R V. I'icrce,
of Buffalo. N. Y., whose advki is given free to u'. who wi .h to write him. I lit
great iucrcsi has come from hii wide experience o.t.J v.t:. .! r.;a;.;: c.
Iy I- wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into iri.sng i lienor substi
tutes lor Or. tierce's medioines, recommended to be "just as go. !." Pr.
Pierce's medicines are of known composition. Their every ingredii..' ; . 'ntcd
on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain i ., ;.-bil-forming
drui. World's Dispensary MedicalAsociatioii, Iiufiuto, N. Y.
For Bestoess Use
There are a great many places and
occasions when the possibility of get
ting extra heat immediately effects an
economy by decreasing the discomfort
of the worker. In the office, In the early
morning or late at night, before or after
the steamheat is on, it is of Importance
to have extra heat. In the builder's
outside office, in the shipping room, in
the checker's shack, on exposed lofts,
in railroad stations, in studios, the ,
1 j.JaaHjfc
JV Smokeless f
Alsolutely smokeless and odorless
Is often necessity. It Is safe, smokeless and odorless. Apply s match, snd k
gives hast quickly. With four quarts of oil it burns nine hours. Has automatic-locking
flame spreader, which prevents the wick- from being
turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that ths
wick can be cleaned in an instant.
It has a cool handle and a damper fop. An Indicator always shows the
amount of oil in the font. The filler-cap It is put in like a cork in a bottle,
and is attached to the font by a chain.
The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new de
vice in construction, and consequently, It can always be easily unscrewed In an
Instant for rewicklng.
The Perfection OH Heater Is finished In Japan or nickel. It Is strong,
durable, well made, built for service, yet light snd ornamental.
Dealeri Everywhere. If not at yours, milt for descriptive dnular
to the marts! ettna of the
.Standard Oil Company
Headquarters For
Toilet Goods
We are Sole Mannfacturm and
Distributors of tbe CMrbrated
Tallman & Co.
Leading Drusrlsta of BasUra
BUKANCE. Indiana & Ohio
Live Stock Insur
ance Gcmpany
Of CrawfordsTflJe, ladlaoa.
.Has now entered Orogon.
Policies now goo I in every
state In the Union. Organ
sed over IS years ago. Paid
up Capital $100,000.90. As
sets ovr H60.COO.00.
Mutual Live teorfc lasur
sntr ccmpany.
ifork Hoorhouse
Hi East Court (M.
Pboaa Mala 89.
You Make a
Bad Mistake
WImhi you put off buying your
until Kail purchase It " NOW
and secure the txwt ltnck
Springs coal the mines produce
at prices conslilcrnbly loner than
UioHP prevailing In Fall and
lly stocking up now yoa
avoid ALL danger of being oa
able to secure It when aold
weather arrives.
Henry Kopittke
Phone Main ITS.
Fresh Fish
Meats and Sausages
We handle only the purest
t lard, hams and baeoa.
Empire Meat Go.
Pboaa Mala 18.
Always pure and delivered
promptly, If you phono the
Cenfral Meat Market
108 E. Alta St., Phone Mala 88.
Vll-! 60 YEARS'
Trade Marks
Copyright Ac.
AnrnnflUPnillng k ktrh unci rinrrhtMon m
quick If Rtf'ortfitii our oimumhi froo wliMihr mo
liivniillnn 18 prohnhl pntentnWti. Cmmnnuir-tlmiHrMNctlj-rmilhlvntlnl.
tl At MM'OOK on I'utriiU
jent friw. OliliMit nuwwf fur ( uriiif? imtcnt.
, I'alntitjf tatwm tnmuult Mhmii A o. lutwlM
t-yrioi notice, without cliwrao, lu the
Scientific American.
A Imnrirtnmftlr ItlnotrMM weekly. I.nrfrflt mv
ciilBtlnn of but rU'tiilUo Jdiriml. Ttirmt 48 v
ynnrt fmtr niontbt, L tiuul by all nawsHlcaler
UnuiRb Uffln. S25 V ft. Wiuhliigloii. il O
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
ing. - All modern convenlsnoee. Ba
qulre at B. O. office.