JCIGHT PAGK8 DAILY E48T OKEGOX1AN. MENDLBTOlf, OIUDGOIf, TIIVKSDAY, DF.CEMBER 29, 1910. PAGE THRES GREATEST SALE OF GUARANTEED W A TP JEWELRY www In the History of Pendleton Now in Progress at JT A fUO0Tff9 j ie xA , d Ft POST6FFICE BLOCK Every Article i n the Store . Reduced 2 5 Per Cent, EXCEPT CONTRACT WATCHES This is in preparation oi taking inventory next week. Compare these prices with those of any other jewelry store in Pendleton then remember every article in our store is reduced 25 per cent for one week only WATCHES Vallham or Elpin Movement A Written Guarantee fur 20 Year?. 0 Bize, reilar $13.50, 25 per cent out $10.00 18 size, repilar $10.00, 25 per cent cut $7.50 1C size, regular $12.00, 25 per cent cut $9.00 12-sizc, regular $12.00, 25 per cent cut .. $9.00 JEWELRY Kolid Gold IJirthstone Rinps $2.00 value Solid Gold Seal Rings, $2.00 value $1.50 S1.50 10-pieee Sterling Silver Manicure Set.?, regular values $8.00 $6.00 1 doz. Rogers 184 Knives and rork.-?, resrular values $5.00 $3.75 Sterling Silver Toilet Sets, regular values $10.00 .. $12.00 Guaranteed Silver-Plated Toilet Sets, regular values $10 $7.50 sterling Silver ThiniWes 15 Gold Filled Bracelets, regular values $9.00 $6.00 Modern Optical Department in Connection Wm. HANSCO M THE Jeweler SHORT NEWS NOTES FROM PILOT ROCK Special Correspondence.) 1 Pilot Rock, Ore., Dec. 28. Mr. John Ktcs spent Saturday In Pilot Rock. JIIss Lola Terrln of Pendleton Is spending "the holiday with friends at Pilot Rock. The Misses Gertie Mathews, Elsie McKeynolds nnd Huzel Belts, who are attending school at Pendleton, return ed to Pilot Rook Thursday to spend the holidays with their parents. Dr. Fred Lieuallen nnd wife spent Christmas at Adams with his parents. Mrs. Carl Jensen was a Pendleton visitor Monday evening. Mrs. Cooper and daughter left Mon day evening for Pendleton where they will spend a few days with friends. Mr. Bailey left Monday evening on a short business trip to Washington. Mrs. Gnrd and son Arlle, left Mon day for their home In California, af ter visiting relatives and friends for a few weeks. Miss Alta Spalding spent Christmas In Pendleton with Dr. Parker's fam ily. . Mrs. E. Roy spent Tuesday evening in Pendleton doing tome shopping. Miss Collins of Pendleton, spent her Christmas holidays with Mr. Wilson and family at Pilot Rock. Miss Lola Myers of Pendleton, was a Pilot Rock visitor between trains Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oilman Folsom of Pendleton, drove out to Pilot Rock Monday to visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jaques. Charles Mathew and daughter Maude will leave Saturday for Port land on a visit with relatives and friends. Miss Esther Sturtevant spent the last few days of last week with the Mathews family on Stewart creek. " Mr. Lyman of Whitman college lec tured here Tuesday evening. His talk was "The Message of the Twentieth Century to the World." The Christmas program which was given here last Saturday night was a great success in every way. Btnte of Ohio, City of Toledo, Locaa County a. Frank J. Cheney mak.-a oath that ha la Ben I or partner of the firm cf K. J. Chenay A Co.. doing hnalneaa la the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that aald firm will pay the sum of ONH HPNrmHD IOI,I,AKS for each and every case of ca tarrh that rannot be cured by the naa of IIhII's Catarrh Core. FRANK J. CHUNKY. Sworn to before me and anbarrlbed In my presence, tbla fltb day of December, A. I)., IHHil. Seal A. W. ULRAHON, Notary Public. IffiM'i Catarrh Cur la taken Internally, and a. t directly nn the blood and mnrnna surfarea of the ayatem. Bend for teatl m on la la free. Hold by all Drogftlata, Ti. Notto. Masquerade ball at German ' December SI, Saturday evening. hall. If you have $1600 to loan on good security, sea Lee Veutsch. l'OUTK'S AM) POLITICIANS Edward M. Shepurd who seems to be the most logical democratic can didate to succeed United States Sena tor Chauncey M. Depew of New York, has put himself on record as believ ing In federal regulation of Interstate commerce corporations. Upon the resumption of congress In January practically every appropri ation bill which will come before eith er house will be the basis for a hard fight. The legislative, executive and Judicial bill now has the right of way on the floor of the house. At the present time there are sixty committees in the house. Of the rank ing democrats who are entitled to pro motion to chairmanships under a democratic regime, forty-five come from the south, and fifteen from the north; and of the latter, six are from New York. No democrat will have served In congress more than eleven terms when the sixty-second congress meets. W. A. Jones of Virginia, Is the rgan who has served that length of time. There are six democrats who have served nine terms, as follows: C. L. Bartlett, Georgia; S. M. Sparkman, Florida; William Sulzer, New York; Oscar W. Underwood, Alabama; Champ Clark, Missouri; and J. F. C. Talbott, Mary land. The annual report of Secretary of the senate, Charles N. Bennett, con tains some interesting items of ex penditure. It shows a varied assort ment of needs which were supplied to senators by the public purse. The contingent fund was drawn upon heavily for "taking senators home from evening sessions." Then a lo cal druggist has paid for the follow ing supplies: Quince seed, cologne, silk hat brushes, bromo seltzer, caf fctn, pepsin tablets, horehound drops, gum camphor and court plaster. There were expenditures for hair tonic, mas. sa ge cream and other accessories of the senate barber shop. Adams county, Ohio, holds the rec ord for graft indictments founded up on charges of vote bribery. Recently fifty republicans and democrats plead ed guilty to the sale of their votes nt the November election nnd wore dis franchised for from five to seven years and fined $25 and costs. The indictments came simultaneously with the return of scventy-nlno Indictments by the grand Jury for vote selling. The seventy-nine make a totnl of 241 per sons indicted on this charge. ZJon't Ita IlnpelcAs about yourself when you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff Joints of course you've tried lots of things nnd they failed. Try Bnllard's Snow Lin iment It will drive away all aches, pains nnd stiffnss and leave you as well as you ever were. A. C. Koep pen St Bros. Lost On Court or main streets in business district, ladies' gold watch, hunting case, Initial "R" on one side and diamond on other. Works No. 14,422,889; case No. 110.758. FROM OVER THE SEA London. For the present nt least politics will have no place in the thoughts of Britishers. Christmas is upon the civilize.! nations of the world, and most of them have accept- i ed the custom of Its celebration, ! whether they are Christians or not. "hristmas day falling on Sunday this year, the religious feature of the Christmas festival will come more pro minently to the foreground than in other years. All of the leading church es of London will have elaborate ser vices, special musical programs hav ing been prepared for the occasion. At the Royal Palace the celebration will be of a rather quiet nature, not only because of the family's private mourning for the late King Edward, but also because Queen Mary has re cently been plunged into mourning by the death of her brother, Prince Fralcls of Teck. For the children, however, there will be plenty of Christmas cheer and it will fall to the lot of the new Prince of Wales and his brothers and sisters to distribute gifts to the employes about the pal ace and to the poor of the city, through the various societies organ ized to help the poor. At the American Embassy plans have been made to celebrate the sea son fittingly, though quietly, for Mrs. Reid, vlfeDf the American Ambassa dor, is also in mourning, for her fath er. Consul-General and Mrs. Griffiths will entertain extensively, Mr. Griffiths having recently returned from a va cation spent in the United States. The leading West. End hotels have made elaborate preparations for the celebration of both Christmas and New Year's eves. Tables were reserv ed months ago for dinner parties and nftci-theatre suppers. This practice has grown up in recent years and is adopted in many cases by people who live In London, many of whom have taken up the fad for the purpose of giving their servants a holiday. At Paris, Ambnssador and Mrs. Ba con will give a series of Christmas holiday entertainments. Mrs. Hill, wife of the American Ambassador at Berlin, has been spending n while in Paris, resting from the fatigue of get ting their new home in order, but her return to preside over the holiday functions to be given to prominent Germans nnd Americans during Christmas week. At Vienna, Atnlvts sndor and Mrs. Kerens have sent out a large number of invitations for Im portant social events. The Kerens are rapidly establishing a record for lavish entertaining that compares fa vorably with the pace set by the Relds In London. Hotel sharpers, swindlers and thieves who hnve victimized many nn overconfident American on his travels nhroad are going to have a hard time from Jnnunry next. An International crusade ngnlnst them has been started headed by the Swiss hotel keepers, who have for two years been pub lishing descriptions and photographs ! I.IXiISLATOKS ATTKNI) f "well-known hotel rats," as they (iOt)D ROADS COWKNTION are named in Europe. Seventy of the j 1'1'incipal towns in England, Germany ! l.Vs Moines. Ia.. lleo. 2!t A major Fianee, Austria, "Italy, Belgium and j ity of the members of that state legis ll 'lland have joined the movement j lature are expected to attend the an an.l other countries are expected to 1 nual convention of the Iowa Good follow suit. i Roads association which began here 'today Between four and five hun- lf you are looking for trouble, in-; di ed good roads enthusiasts are also In-lit some money when there are a , in attendance. Great efforts will be dozen other relatives expecting it. made to have the legislature do more 'in the interest of good roads this year than ever In the history of the movement. TO CURE A COLD IX OXE DAT. ' Take LAXATIVE RHCivn nir,iT, Tablets. Druggists refund monev If It fails to cvre. E. W .signature is on each box. GROVE'8 2 Sc. Your particular friends may not be so particular about theirs. Price mk mm A New Edition ,wT -fr.the fiJiSt tim 2et .a plete set of all Mark Twain's writ wigs at just exactly one-half the price they have ever been sold before. This a , at $50.00. This new edition is only $25.00 for the 25 volumes. Ifmcahoml JnHa,i?'8 amj,t," have his books In every brtna about ?M rlh,toll!ado a great Personal sacrifice tl ormg aDout tnis remarkable opportunity for the fir tim In the history of publishing, copyrfghtedVoks Trl so d at thS price of non-copy righted books-tie lhance wHI nSt cime again! Put for Mark Twain's action this would have been impossible. Never lrsuachTbfvhure?rary f a SUndard aUthr'S k S His Complete Works OC D..!x..i if ecciuinui volumes HARPER a RranrW M.-itihiivfiifa f , -1. -r BROTHERS . .... .... , . . .m lm,llcm writers, and will be handed down to posterity ' Wni, mi Vl r'"rkS :UuMr Finn.' 'Tom Sawvcr and " T. nhcad ,.,. trWa!n " a RTcaUr ft-vlist than Stevenson or mini,. c.i.w ft,-,. 1 .'.otc.iu, and Ins Man that Corrupted H r,,.i, t - .- s-t f MA i:k r v a ivs w.a k, in EaUu literature Vl" - T v a i n ' hi m f f ,h h"C8t "OURS An t-, ,.. t, .v- . r.- . v i w , lnam himself wrote a preface tu.nal trditiun, tutnty-tiv vol. to h .1, ,o, . l.randor Matthews has written the biographical " . Ooth Hs. h V cmu-m of Mark Twam and his work. There are portraits of ft""J 1 r ""ixthet Wiii,v, the aai.ior at pcnoJs when the different bouks were in nr.-,.- at "i'lrationof t':.u ti,.:,, K I do ,if -r!llil, PIUL- , ., t.. . ., css of wrttim;. Thr-rc arc beautiful pictures bv such artists as Frost Newel!. Smc.llcv. Tliulsirnr, r:i,,,ti... l- n.l ln..r Tl,.. ' . . n-euiuie, , V -.i -.i I I . n rcar(-psilk book 'C"M:impcainKoUl. 1 he books are printol on white antique wove paper, cspe- i,..ny nia.ic tor ui.s edition. Each volume is SiBn,tur. UJ Kenerous size ana bulk, 5x71 inches. .. "in reran tJa'-' month until t! rr!-- ,tt i Nt-ll raid. or. wttMn l!iirt a,... Ul 1 mm pur ulent in full. Send books to. , HARPER & BROTHERS A Catalogs of Our Standard Seta of Booka will t u. L """" oooKa will t Mllt mfou rcjuaat T. O. R. o. 13-.