'Nil I n J EIGHT PAGES PACK TWO BADLY EAST OREKONIAN. PEUiDLMTOX, OREGON. TllfUSO VV. nKCrMttKU 20, 1910 ZJirysAry Mans or Young Mans Suit or Overcoat in Our Store-Come Early n 75c and 85c Corset Cover Embroid ery 59c A number of pood patterns, while they last 59 121-2c Silkolines 7c One special lot of 17 patterns of Silkolines, spoil patterns, suitable for draperies, comforter, etc. A very fine quality, while they last, per yard 7 $1.85 Broadcloth $1.39 One lot of broad cloth of extra fine quality, 54-inchcs wide. Comes in red, frreen, black and navy blue. Your chance, 1.S5 broad cloth SI. 39 Pure Food Section in Our Model Clean Basement Without a doubt the cleanest and most sanitary grocery In the Northwest, and you'll find our prices are right too. We receive COMPRESSED YEAST fresh dailv, -2 cakes PUKE MAPLE SYRUP Diamond W. brand quart 60, 1-2 pnllon $1.00. 1 gallon $1.90. DIAMOND W. PANCAKE FLOUR the finest you have ever used, Per package 15 A fresh shipment of fancy Tillamook full CREAM CHEESE. Mild and sweet, per lb 25 NICE TENDER SWEET HAMS sutrar cured, at the special price, per pound 20 G EX FINE SMYRNA PULLED FIGS rojrular value $1.25 Special price, box Sl.OO Special prices on GALLON FRUITS now. FRESH BLOCK OF IMPOUTET) SWISS CHEESE JUST RECEIVED. FRESH ROILED HAMS. Our famous ASHLAND PEACHES, per can 25? $2.00 Dress Goods $1.39 A complete assortment of dress poods in voiles, serges, panama, Prunella cloth, hop sacking, in navy blue, black, brown, red, grey, etc. 'I'll is is the lest chance you have had to get good gixxls at a low fitruie. S2.00 cloth, yard $1.39 Last Call All Toys 1-2 Price Also One Piece of Broadcloth .'4-inclus wide, of dark red, with black inlaid chock, a very prdtv piece, usually worth $2.00. Special Tomorrow $1.39 Save Your Coupons THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE wh ere it Pays to Trade NrWS OF TEE NORTHWEST Brewery HuiUU Warehouse. Pa?co, Wash. The Olympia Brew ing company has purchased a lot on Columbia street and will soon begin the erection of a large brick warehouse to be used presumably as a distribut ing warehouse. rest is believed to be certain. The Chinaman is suffering intense pain, but it is believed he will recover, al though his head and face are fright fully cut and bruised. Crosi Grouse With Hens. Boise, Idaho At the Joseph Kent ranch, 30 miles up the Boise river, is a freak of nature's handiwork which !s probably unkown any ptace In the ! world according to a statement made by the well known mail carrier, G. F. Nelson. He states that grouse and chickens have crossed, making a new breed of fowl which roosts in the trees at night, feeds in the barnyard and Is a fair layer of eggs at this season of the year. Man Accidentally Slmt. Marshfield, Ore. By the accidental H02 Record Is Shattered. Walla Walla, Wash. One of the most noteworthy feats In hog raising is that of L. M. Green of Ferndale in il:. 1 1 . , 1.,.-. Vill. HUB V ill 1 . .11 A . 1.1 1 I' looi "vvr ' ' . ed two pigs, ach seven months old aiscnarge or a Bnoi8u.. ... ...e i.a..u and each weighing 300 pounds. I of E. L. C. Sarrin, Otto Schetter, lo- cai manager or ine vesien. uui. Telegraph company, was shot in the foot and amputation of that member v.s found necessary. The men were in a gasoline launch and Sarrin pick ed up the gun to extract a shell when it was discharged. Sarrin Is an attor ney of this city and the men were close friends. Baker Mills Take Contract. Baker. Or. The Oregon Mill & Grain company of th'.s city has been awarded the contract for furnishing flour to the state penitentiary at Sa lem for the next six months, begin ning January 1. Power Plant on Louis Itiver. Woodland, Wash, Eastern capit alists "re planning to, build a large elee'ric plant on Lewis river in Turn Turn canyon. Already considerable nv ney has been expended in surveys and water rents. (liine-e Injured by Tlmjr. Pullman, Wash. "Bologna." Pull man's lone Chinaman, who, .lives in; a house on the flats near the O. R. j & X. depot, was almost killed by rob- j berg who tried to get his hoarded wealth Monday night The names of the robbers are known and their ar- Hay be permanently overcome by proper personal efforts with the assistance of the one truly beneficial laxative-syrup of Figs and euxir'Senna. which enables otse to form regular habits daily, so that assistance to nature hay be gradually dispensed M WHEN M KM REEDED. AS THE BEST OF REMEDIES. WHEN REQUIRED. ARE TO ASSIST NAME AND 0T TO SUP PLANT THE NATURAL FUNCTIONS. WHICH KUST DEPEND ULTIMATELY UPON PROPER NOURISHMENT. PROPER EFFORTS AND RIGHT LIVING GENERALLY. TO HT ITS BtNtTOW. EfTECTS. fiLWWS BW THE .6enuinlSywpFi4S and Elixir Senna Mea-des Take Lives. Th.. Dalles. Or. Five deaths have occurred here in the past few days from the effects of measles, which have been prevalent for a month past. One victim was Mr3. Flank Craig, who died at her home on Bluff street Monday evening. The others were In fants, a 9 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Greene, a. 2-months-old baby of Mr and Mrs. James Hinds, a littl,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Vogle, aged a year and a half, and an infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Watklns. TERSE TALKS OP GOTHAM. CHAMBKItLAIX SENDS CFXUUIS TO ANXAPOMS Washington. Dec. 28. As the re sult of competitive examinations. Sen ator Chamberlain has selected the Yon. "Vrt-lr -CMnMent u-;th the return of Dr. Cook from his long self- i folding Portland young mentor ad- imposed exile, a rather Interesting story about Collander Peary is tfoing the rounds of the newspaper offices thni nr. nne ilmihta ffint Pearv dis- spective'y' covered the north pole, it will be a inn kAfnin V, a ViOfKimnii nnnulnr. s ,r . ; . J a.. ! making the highest examination rat He could en out tomorrow and dis- . cover the combination of the door of those mission to the naval academy: James Cellars, principal: Annell Ttogers Har- old Hilton and Lloyd Harnmershiim, ; first, second and third alternates, re-. If Cellars does not pass the entrance examination, the ap- pointment will go to the alternates ing. Xii Truce of Hunter. Lebanon, Or. Xo trace of Thomas Bond who d;sappeared from his cabin in t!ie mountains near here December 6, has been discovered, and It is now bcli. ved that he either fell over a precipice or met with foul play. Cred ence is given to the latter theory be cause of the fact that he is said to have made some enemies while acting as deputy game warden. poises have searched the mountains in tins vicinity fur many days, there have been n clues that might aid them in discovering the cause of his disappearance. the New Jerusalem, and those who have come in contact 'with the emi nent discoverer would Just go away, wearing a peeved and blissful expres sion. And for this public atltude Peary has himself to blame. On the authority of those who have come most In contact with him, the man Is soured, egotistic and domineering be yond words. It has been declared that he was needlessly cruel to those who accompanied him. An illustra tion of the manner in which Peary Is regarded may be gained from the fol lowing story: When he was in the arctic, everyone of the white men attached to the party did their share of the killing. Peary himself did very little of the hunting owing to his lameness he Is short a handful of toes on the right foot. But when the expedition returned to America, Peary disposed of the Bkins and heads secured as his private property. The American Museum of Natural History in this city received a majority of the Arctic spoils. And Its directors prov ed themselves men of magnanimity. They did not force an open break with Peary, but they quietly notified the others of the expedition that they had the privilege of selecting some of their loot of fur and horn. It has been quiet, not so much on Peary's account, as because It has seemed to some eminent men that the exposure of a selfish act would bring discredit on the nation. The peculiar properties of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy have been thoroughly tested during epidemics ! of influenza, and when It was taken In time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by all deal- Cl'4 Uing! Biff!! Bang!!! We all get lots of hard knocks In life, but a business education enables ua to resist them successfully. The Pendleton business college supplys the education. The peculiar properties of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy have been thor oughly tested during epidemics of Inl fluenza, and when it was taken In time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by all deal-era. A love affair is not so serious un til after you are married. MUST RAISE HONEY! Prices Slaughtered For ilie rest of tlio week wo will soli nnytliinjr in our store fur 1-5 off. Just tliink, nn extra Axminister nip for only $18.75. A nice lino of leather upholstered rockers, very fancy, to he oM at hiir re.uciion. Were ordered for the Christmas lnile hut arrive. lo late. Special bargaind in everything for this week only. Pendleton Furniture Go. W. II. GRAHAM, Mjrr. Opposite Alexander's Read In the January Sunset Maga zine "Los Angeles Homeland," su perbly Illustrated In four colors "The Spell," by C. N. and A. M. Wil liamson. A thrilling California ro- Although ! mance. Now on sale, ail news stanus, IS cents. California Fig Syrup FOt SALE BV ALL LEADING DRUM ISTS ONC SIZE ONLY. PftlCE SO A BOTTt F ;ivcriior-ele't WIlson'M Illrtli.lay. I'rm'-ton, I).-c. 2ft. Former pres ident of Princeton University Wood-ri-w Wilson, who will be governor of the s';iti. after the first of the year, celebrated his fifty-fourth birthday here today. Dr. Wilson Is In the midst of a bitter factional fight over the elcr-tirm 'f a 1'nited States sena tor to succeed Senator John Keen, whose term expires March 4, 1911. "lioss Smith of the democratic par' ty Is active In his own interests. Smith has been conducting a violent campaign of personal abuse against Dr. Wilson. Observe filiidilono Anniversary. London, Dee. 29. Today Is the 101 anniversary of the birth of Wlllilam Gladstone. The great statesman's statue In the Strand was covered with flowers and an unusually handsome wreath was contributed by the gov ernment of Pulgarla. as that country cheiiHliis unusual gratitude toward Gladstone for his exertions in Its behalf. The greatest danger from Influenza Is c.f Its resulting In pneumonia 't'ht can be obviated by using Chamber tnln' Cnnirh Itemedv. ns it not only w..nts J. Marline elected, while curM, r,riuenza, but counteract any tendency if th- disease townrds pneu monia. Sold by all dealers. It's a wise man who can estimate his own worth correctly. When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more in I substantial and far more comfortable either cold or warm weather, Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks DeTore you build your home. I will furnish your estimates for any class of wori on application. D. M. MMY Contractor! andBuilder Cor. Railroad amd Willow Stt. Pendleton. Or