East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 20, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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1 60 Acres
Wheat Lend
AU fonortl, Kl small Iiiuimv
ITixlucxM 4i!nn 25 lu. jior ihtc,
S.tdOO. fliMtrt oili. I'iiliuuv
torni, or woulil nidr fur cllj
lrtiMrt- to value of nlHut I--tlie
rtiv o" miuii. If yon luivo
iinclinir vi H-rty. o.ill nml seo
nlxiul (lus .iroiMTty.
112 ACHKs on McKay civ.-k. 10
ncr orilm.il. 2j lit alfalfa, fair
lioiisc, phk1 liani, fruit ilryer.
fine well alor ami lonty
tor for Irrl; atlon. Tins Is sjiUn
lid lov" of property. 1ah
t'linwrilit forn:'rly nwnnl it
ami nuitlo money every year lie
was on tl:e place. This place
can le lioiiclit on easy terms.;
woulil oon-Mor small house in
IVmlletoii In cwlinnp': uoulil
romire very little money to
liamllc tills piece: see alMiut It
GOOD 5 1JOOM llOl'SK on
Aura street worth $1650. can 1k
toiitit for $1250. This Is n
snap; letter s nliotit it at
The Real Estite and In
surance " Man
550 Main St. Phone M. 5
of a
We are not closing out or
have we any thump boxes
that we can sell for 197 dol
lars, but if you want a piano
we can save you from $50 to
$100 on a piano or $10 to
$20 on a sewing machine.
Just arrived for the Xmas
trade, a fine lot of Violins,
Mandolins, Guitars, Aecorde
ons and other musical small
instruments and Toy3 for the
little ones. Music rolls for
all player pianos. Strings
for all musical string instru
ments. Jesse Failing
-the Last Call
of the West
Did you see this beautiful ar
ticle picturing Oregon in four
colors in the November Sun
set? 2i,000 IS BEING SPENT
series of articles superbly Illus
trated In four colors pictur
ing and describing the attrac
tions and resources of the
Wonderland of the
We will send you the next
three Issues of SUNSET com
mencing with the special De
cember issue in which begins
the bent serial novel of the year
"The Spell," by C. N. & A. M.
Williamson and a superbly il
lustrated article in four colors
on "San Francisco Tho Expo
sition City"; and in addition we
will include a copy of the No
vember issue containing the
beautifully illustrated article on
ALL FOR 25 CENTS (Stamps
or Coin.)
Sunset Magazine
Wells Fargo Building.
Portia ml, Oregon
Housekeeping Rooms for Rent.
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
ing. Steam heat, electric lights, hot
and cold water and bath. Recently
renovated. Enquire at East Orego
nlan office.
Ewtrajr Notice.
One span of sorrel geldings soma
what old. Weight about 1160 pounds.
An person notifying Chas. Lobaugh,
Pilot Rock, or John L. Bartley, JOS
Lilleth street Pendleton will be re
warded. -
v ' i '
p : -,v: . '.".v
Melin P. Ogtlcn. Prositlont uiul Atvo
The Orphciim.
1. Shadows and Sunshine. Lubin,
lOui) ft. long. An old man Is dis
missed from service in which he has
been faithful for years, but he finds
a Uirge sTim of money and is provided
for ttie rest of his life.
2. Life of Moliere. Gaumont, 1C00
ft. lung. A sumptuous production,
ranking high with other films and
presenting features of staging which
are remarkable for their beauty and
truthfulness of their reproduction.
3. Love, Luck and Gasoline. Vit-
agraph, 1000 ft. Ions. A drama with
a whizz, a flash and a dash that car
ries the audience, as well as the two
lovers, to a happy finish. A moter
boat race and a motor launch make
things hum.
Tlie Pastime.
"The Roses of the Virgin." Kalem,
drama. A sensational film depicting
how some roses stolen from the Im
age of the Virgin, where they had
been laid as an offering, prevented
the elopement of an innocent girl
with a married man and restored her
to her former lover.
"Romance On the Lazy K." Lubin
comedy drama. A story of four lov
ing hearts that for a time played at
cross purposes but which were
straightened out by a mock duel.
Rex's arrival complicated the situa
tion. "The Secret of the Cellar." Urban
drama. A truly Impressive presenta
tion of an old sergeants devotion to
his captain. Though blinded by the
same shell which ends the life of his
superior officer, he makes his way
back to the captain's family in time
to save them suffering at the hands
of an imposter.
"A Trip Through Scotland."
Eclipse, scenic. Some very interest
ing views of Scotland, including all
the principal features encountered In
a Journey through Scotland.
"Won In the Desert." Selig dra
ma. A story of much interest.
Remember we have four reels 4000
ft. of latest motion pictures. "The
Show of Quality."
The Cosy.
The Gang Leader's Reform. (A
Yankee film). Showing how a young
society man had trouble over a
gambling game and in order to get
revenge he goes into the slums and
employs a leader of a notorious gang
of thugs to do the Job for him, but
after a long hard chase and some
very hard fighting the officers fin
aly capture him in his home under
the docks, showing the pitiful scene
of him being taken from his mother,
wife and baby, and after 15 years of
imprisonment he is turned out on the
cold world, but by chance is met on
the street by his daughter who has
grown to young womanhood. She
takes him home and there he is met
by his wife and mother. The scene is
very affecting. He at once reforms
and goes to work at the trade he
learned In prison. The reformation
brings him happiness and respect
from all. .This a Yankee feature film.
Sunshine After Storm. A young
couple quarreled on the beach, she
eloped with another man who prom
ised to marry her which he fails to
io. After years of wandering she
finally leaves him. In despair she is
taken in by the salvation army, who
sent her home and while at sea was
shipwrecked; after floating on the
wreckage for hours she is picked up
by her former lover. (See the re
sult of Sunshine after Storm.) A
very interesting drama.
MlstreHS and Maid. A young mis
tress and her maid arrive at a sum
mer hotel to find out what strangers
really think of her the mistress
changes places with her maid. The
maid Is now the mistress and the
mistress Is the maid. The life guard
offers to teach the maid how to
swim. Its fun being only a maid off
for a row to the light house. She
Is made prisoner by the maid. "Keep
that girl a prisoner and I'll pay you
well. I am a prisoner In the upper
room of the light house. Save me."
Tho dog takes a message to her lover.
This Is very Interesting.
Song, "When wo listened to the
chiming of the old church bell."
JHg OrclioHtra Dai.oe.
In Eagle-Woodman hall, Thursday,
December 22, 1910. Music by the big
United Chicken Show" orchestra. Ev
erybody Invited.
:'' .wt-
inimliit, V. of O. Gleo Club.
rnlversity of Oregon Men Make
Merry With New Songs nnd Skits.
The Portland Oregonlan gives the
club the best write up ever:
More! more! more!
That was what the audience at the
Heilig theater demanded of the Uni
versity of Oregon Glee and Mandolin
clubs Saturday night.
Repeated encores of each number
told the success of tfte university
men, who are now in the middle of
their annual tour: Theatrical stars
have appeared at tha Heilig this sea
son; drama, musical comedy and op
era have scored their successes; but
no greater hit has been made than
that of Saturday night. Every seat
in the theater was occupied. It was a
mixed audience of critical appearance
and was swept away by college talent
The performance and concert was
not the average university "rah! t
rah'.'" and merriment of college life
that carries with it recollections of
youth and inspiration to the Juvenile.
It was a program of musical numbers,
sketches and specialties that would
give any uudience its money's worth.
The feature of the entertainment
was the presentation of William Lai,
a Chinese tenor soloist. The audience
looked for a comedy act, but when
I.ai appeared and sang it sat up and
took notice. Lai not only has a rine
voice but knows how to use it. In
"I"l Sing Three Songs of Araby." Lai
surprised the audience and received
repeated encores. His nationality was
not forgotten; it added to the enthu
siasm. The Suffragette Trio, written and
sung by Rafael Geisler and Francis
Curtis, both of Portland, and Jerry
Martin, of Klamath Falls, was a
sketch the audience appreciated with
several encores. Attired In bloomers
and peroxidized wigs, the trio appear
ed, and the plaintive wail, "Oh. wny
don't Oregon let us vote" at the end
of each stanza, caused a loud demon
stration In the audience. Their ap
pearance in hobbles in response to
one of the encores made a big hit.
In the closing sketch, "At Dope
Center," the German bank, a good
burlesque on "Tho Hungry Seven,"
minus one. was highly appreciated,
and In response to the encore, Burns
Powell played a trombone solo be
yond the amateur class, and the audi
ence was not satisfied until it heard
The sketch showed the Glee and
Mandolin clubs marooned at a coun
try tavern, the manager taking the
best room in the house while "the
boys" remained in the office, wait
lne for a train that was six hours
late. To pass the time, the village
constable was called, and as a joke
he was introduced to the crowd as a
congregation of German students.
William Lai brought the house down
when he answered the introduction
in a palaver of Chinese.
I. M. Glen, the faculty member,
who trained the club, also came in
for his share of encores by singing In
Italian, and each time the chorus and
mandolin club appeared they were re
quired to sing and play more.
If the University of Oregon and
Mandoin clubs should appear it is safe
to say that there would not be stand
ing room. ,
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Loess
County is. .......
Frank J. Cheney mikes ostb that be Is
senior partner of the firm of V. J. Cheney
& Co., doing Dullness in tbe City of Toledo,
County and ritate aforeaald, and that said
firm will pay the sum of ONB UUNDKKD
DOl.I.A Kd for each and etery case of ca
tarrh that cannot be cored by tba os of
Hall s Catarrh Cure. ,
Sworn to before me and louscrlbad Is my
presence, tula (Kb day of December, A. V.,
Seall A. W. GLEABON.
Notary I'oblle.
rial la Catarrh Core Is taken Internally,
and acta directly oa tbe blood aad atneona
aurfacea of tbe system. Bend for tsstt
monlala free.
Sold by all Druggists, 7.
Long Rrofl. Co.
All kinds of light repairing, such as
automobiles, bicycles, guns, cash reg
isters, bicycles, guns, cash registers,
typewriters, electric pianos, safes,
graphaphones, fit keys, file sawa. A
complete line of new and second hand
bicycles and have a few electric light
globes we are closing out. 114-116
East Webb street. Phone Main 74.
Don't Bo Hopdew
about yourself when you're crippled
with rheumatism or stiff Joints of
course you've tried lots of things and
they failed. Try Ballard's Snow Lin
Iment It will drive away all aches,
pains and stlffnss and leave you as
well as you ever were. A. C. Koep
pen & Bros.
Jr in inwissanisnn
hi mistsin iimi h i mitm
and make the place you
live, a HOME
We have presents for the wife, the family and you. Ours
are useful, ornamental and lasting.
A Rocker
A Rur, large or small
'1 Library Table
A Carpet Sweeper
A Go-Cart
A Doll's Go-Cart
A Davenport
A New Dining Ti'.ble
An Ostermoor M stress
Kitchen Cabinet
Many other artieles for tho homo are to ho found in our
large stock of practical gifts.
Useful Christmas
For "Him", "Her", "The Home",
"the Table", "the Boy" and
all 'iThe Others"
And an endless variety of
presents such as are to be
W. J. uarke & to.
A liuffot
A Chiffonier
A China Closet
A .Morris Chnir (
A l.oungo
Ni.-i Dining Chairs
A Minifi Cabinet
A Dusscr
An Trn Red
A !'H-k Case .
r. nwrnwira
All: GUNS"
SCISSORS "that cut"
tho many appropriate and lasting
found in an up-to-date hardware
East Court St
If Every Storekeeper Only
Knew the Saving
he could effect in his light bill by using General
Electric MAZDA lamp he would never have
any inferior flluminant in hi store at any price.
He Would Prefer Electric Light
as a matter of economy, to say nothing about the
brilliant white light of the GE MAZDA lamps,
unrivaled for show window illumination.
If you would like to know more about the service
these lamps are giving others, ask us.
Pacific Power & Light Co.
Always at your Service
Sio-Sjio'i(ne F.oule
K(Jfll'.MLNT: Electric-lighted
Observation Cars and Stand
ard Sleepers, the most up-to-date
Tourist Cars and through
Through tickets to all points
cast are on sale by your local
a-ent at lowest current fares.
G. M. Jackson, T. P. A.
Geo. A. Walton, Gon. Aft.
14 Wall St., Spokane.
r. i i ! n g Transfer
Phone ?ain 5
Evaiy Wossaa;
Marvel f,,
yonr !rt;!rr1sf fur
L if h cmnul antmlv
,'.k M A It VI. I ara'iit na
n -r. hut tend htati.i 3t Itltm
'K41 t.,Kik iwlel. It rlrrs mV.
trtiCTi!;ir nri'l lireiin inT-Una)'
oUlim. WARVEL CO. t C, t
I'm IMi Oforannfttflrat
d i b r kini, i d fl am matloo
tmtauivoi or ol-riloQ,
vt mo coal DicmbrftDt.
JainlM, tnd not utrla
t ST.n L Evws Chcw tCAl f 9,
gnt or potKonooaV
old by frrnreliU,
or tint In bUIl; wrtftptr,
tr eorM, prttpttid, (or
01 00. i. B bottlM tJ.TV
Circular aocl oit roqoaH
8 -
MiV ft t iirUtar.
(- to
Unfurnished housekeaplnc rooms
for rent In tho Ean OroRonlan build
Iff. AU modern conrentencoa. En
quire at B. O. flfflct.