East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 15, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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in it tee consists of Pr. J. GlenHar
blson, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. II. O.
Sampson, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. R.
11. Macartney, Cheney; Mr. and Mrs.
Prank Ra brook, Cheney, and Pr. and
lrs. K, A. Pomeroy. Chene
Venlltt Vnder New I aw.
The Jury In the case of Aleiench
Korn vs. II. W. Harrity and S. A. Hay
ward involving about $300 brought In
""""""" '"-
A IJitta Wii0win Now Will Make
Your Out of Order Slomat'h 1-Vel
nil,. rtiKvnta All Your lxl,
Ijonvlng Nothing to lYrnient ami
If you hnl sonic Piapppsin handy
Bud tvouVI take n little now your
stomach distress or indigestion would
anish in five minutes and you would
fool fine.
This harmless preparation will di
gest anything you eat and overcome
a s.Hir, out of order stomach before
ou realize It.
If your meals don't tempt you or
what little you do eat seems to fill
you, or lays like a lump of lead in
your stomach, or If you have heart
burn, that Is a sign of indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist for a 50-cent
case of Tape's Piapepsin and take a
little just as soon as you can. There
will be no sour risings, no belching
of undigested food mixed with acid,
no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness
or heavy feeling In the stomach, nau
sea, debilitating headaches, dizziness
or intestinal griping. This will all
go, and besides, there will be no undi
gested food left over in the stomach
to poison your breath with nauseous
Pape's Pia pepsin is certain cure for
out of order stomachs, because it pre
vents fermentation and takes hold of
your food and digests it just the same
8s if your stomach wasn't there.
Rtlief in five minutes from all
stomach misery is at any drug store
waiting for you.
These large 50-cent cases contain
more than sufficient to thoroughly
cure almost any case of dyspepsia. In
digestion or any other stomach disturbance.
verdict for the defendant about 7
o'clock last evening. Rut for the" fact
that the new law passed under the
nitiative at the last general election
making a verdict by three-fourths of
the jury nine men a legal verdict
In this class of cases, the jury would
have boon hopelessly "hung" for there
seemed no possibility of getting a un
animous verdict.
The case of Hartwig vs. R!ngham Is
on for this morning and following it
the case of Sam Manerud against the
city of Eugene. Eugene Register.
Major Wants Cheap I.ljrlits.
Iewiston, Idaho. The ordinance
passed by the city council Thursday
night, granting a 25-year electric light
and power franchise to the Lewiston
Clarkston Improvement company, was
yesterday vetoed by Mayor Ben F.
Tweedy. AH of the councilmen' ex
cept J. R. West voted for it, and the
matter will probably come up at the
next regular meeting of the council
in the shape of a new franchise ordinance.
The patrons of the light company
are complaining of excessive rates.
more than Is charged In Moscow,
which Is lighted with current from
the same dynamos by which Lewiston
is supplied.
EngM Ekys More
Saturday, Dec. 24, must be the last of our Closing Out Sale
We have brought to our storo tho last of the Pianos that hnvo been out on rental and these, together with
the few new Pianos will be sold at prices never beforo equaled in the history of tho piano business in the north
west. If we have to lose money on the remaining stoekwo will do so, but everything must go. Sol u piano
will remain on our floor Christmas day. '
We thought we were making tremendous reductions when wo started this sale, but they are nothing com
pared with tho great slaughter we are now making in prices. Any small dealers would be tickled to death to
secure our remaining stock at the present prices. Think of buying a fine, new high grade piano at a less price
than any of our small competitors would pay for a piano of tho same grade and quality. At tho start, of thu
sale, wholesale prices prevailed, but now von have tlu opportunity of purchasing your choice of the HIGH
EST GUARANTEED PIAXOS AT ACTUAL FACTORY COST. A call of" investigation solicited. You
are acquainted with the quality of our goods and tho well known values wo handle. When you nee our prices
you cannot resist the temptation of buying.
$5.00 Cash and $5.00 per month Places a
Piano In Your Home
Ta-tor Active at R2 Years.
Anatone, Wash. The Rev. Andrew
Turner. S2 years old, walked from his
home in Clarkston to the Pinegrove
church, arriving there in time to de
liver a sermon at 11 o'clock. He then
walked back to Anatone and preached
to a 'large audience in the evening.
Although Dr. Turner has been in the
Paptist ministry for 62 years, he is
doing the work of a young man.
Irricnto Wtiitftone Flats.
Loomis. Wash. Marvin Chase; Ir
rigation rmn of North Takima, has
organiz.-d thf- WV.i-es-f'ne Flat Irri
tation an. Power company, " with
hf-ail'iuiirtfrs at Tnmis to irrigate
the Whitestone flats. Mr. Chase has
done preliminary work and has men
and teams on the ground.
The Whitestone bench lands along
the Okanogan river, between Loomis
and Tonask'-t, comprise about 15,000
Won't Ruy Rridgc Bonds.
Refusal of $500,000 worth of Rroad-way-brklge
bonds by Chicago invest
ors to whom they had been awarded
was yesterday announced to city offi
cials through their attorney, Charles
B. Wood, on grounds of alleged in
validity. The city will be required to
Three firms E. H. Rollins & Sons,
X. W. Halscy & Co. and A. B. Leach
& Co. on a Joint bid of 96.81 had
been granted the entire block, Attor
ney Wood represented al! of them.
City officials say that the city will
lose nothing through the failure of
the successful bidders to accept May
or Simon said that the real objection
of the Chicago firms Is their dislike
of the initiative and referendum laws
through which the bond issue was authorized.
City Attorney Grant declared that j
me uwnus are vaua aliu umi Aliuniey
Wood's assertions will have no influ
ence on him.
In brief the Chicago people ob
jected on the genefal grounds of
"mob rule" authorization, the alleged
fact that the legislature did not give
consent to the building of the bridge
and that with the suit of Frank Kier
nan to prevent the sale of the bonds
still unsettled, a sale is inadvisable.
It is pointed out that some of
these same complaints could have ben
entered against the Hawthorne and
Morrison bridge bonds, which have
been held valid and which have been
sold without difficulty.
Slightly used but in good condition.
"IMa ill
A strictly high grade piano. Used
about G months.
8 1 3 Main Street Pendleton, Oregon
Men's flub Cooks Dinner.
Walla Walla, Wash. The Men's
club of the Congregational church
kitchen tonight and cooked a good
dinner. They had everything the
market afforded, with trimmings, and
suggested they might adopt as a mot
to, "O woman suffrage, where is thy
sting? O suffragette, where Is thy
Usually the Men's club sits down
In the church -parlors and enjoys a
spread cooked by their wives. This
time the women of the church visited
In the parlors -and the men acted as
Zkm't Ra Hopelons
about yoursslf when you're crippled
with rhsumatlsm or stiff Joints f
course you've trlsd lets of things and
they failed. Try Ballard's Snow Lin
iment it will drive away all aches,
pains and stiffnss and leave you as
well as yeu ever were. A. C. Koep-
pn Bres.
WILL ASK FOB $100,000
Moscow, Idaho. The heads of the
departments at the University of Ida
ho today asked the members of the
legislature from the northern coun
ties, who were here to Investigate
conditions and decide upon the needs
and requirements of the Institution,
to appropriate at least $187,000 for
the university and the agricultural
school and experimental station dur
ing 1111, and the majority of the leg
islators pledged themselves to d all
they could to protect the lnstitttion.
Dr. Carlyle, head of the agricul
tural school and livestock department
has been for several weeks gathering
statistics relative to the amount ap
nronriated for the maintenance of
similar Institutions in Washington,
Oregon," Utah, Tforth Dakota, Mon
tana and Idaho, and 1he resulting
figures show the university .poorly
provided for In the way of lunas
when compared with similar schools
in the six states.
The peculiar properties of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy have been thor
oughly tested during epidemics of Inl
fluenza, and when It was taken
time we have not heard of a slnfle
case f pneumonia. Sold by all deal
era . , ;iina
Moscow, Idaho. Two of the most
valuable dairy cows in this section
have been slaughtered us the result
of a visit, of Government " Expert
Sandburn, who Is here In behalf of
the movement for tho extermination
of tuberculosis In cattle.
Tho prize winning Hulstetn cow of
the , state university herd was found
to be infected and has been killed
This cow was one of the champions
of the northwest of the milk strain.
The Holsteln cow, considered the most
valuable in the fine herd of Mayor
Burns, was also ffund to be Infected.
The surprising result of the examina
tion Is that not another animal of the
two herds mentioned has been found
No one cares when the
filavl Fmrnd TSot Guilty.
Gnldendale. Wash. Louis R. Glavis,
friend of Gifford Pinchot. deposed
forester, was Vrfhiy found not guilty
of the charge of setting recent forest
fires in the neighborhood of his or
chard. Ten days ago two informations were
filed against Glavls "Charging him with
burning slashings without a permit.
A Jury trial was set-ured here today,
several witnesses be'mg heard. It
was shown that the fire was started
by some unknown cause, though it
was also shown that Glavis had start
ed several fires at the same -time for
the purpose of back firing.
Ctvlto Is Too Small.
Salem. Or. Talk which arises every
two years here Just preceding sessions
of the legislature Is floating about the
state capltol lobbies again as to the
ways and means necessary to Increase
the size of the capltol.
It will be difficult this year to ac
commodate the committees and the
custodian is In a quandary as to the
best method of placing them.
There is some talk of purchasing
the block Just east of the capltol if
the legislature sees Its way clear to
do so, and place a building thereon
to accommodate the state printer and
possibly the state library.
Parrot Pay at Normal.
State Normal School, Cheney,
Wash. The first meeting of the exec
utive committee of the Parent-Teacher
club of the state normal school at
Cheney was held In the ortice of the
normal last night
The committee agreed upon sev
eral lines of work which It would pur
sue for the coming year, among which
were the organization of branch clubs,
the distribution of educational litera
ture and lecture courses on special
topics, and arrange for the annual
The appointment of subcommittees
was left to Miss Johnston, the chair
man of the executive committee.
Besides the members from the nor
mal school faculty the executive com-
Sadte Ima s Lighting
Substitute Tiny Electric
Lamps for Candles
for Dacirotivo Lighting af Xmat Timo
It will save yor home and the children
from danger of accident and lets by fire. Be
sides, Lhe duster strings in many different
colors add greatly to the beauty of your
Christmas Tree '
How many really useful gifts are on It.. Why not give a practical present something with
Jcctlve flomethlng that will Im useful as well as ornamental something that will do good.
a real ob-
Just a few suggestions of girts tliat will please and satisfy
S65 days in each year gifts that reflect the true spirit of the
old time Christmas. What in more desirable than an electric
Or a irctty electric wall or cr-iltng fixture mode to order.
fog -, --ggjf?
J. L, V A U G H A N
Main Street.
Next Door, to Post Of Moo
Fourth Annual
ifornia Excursion
Special Train
Walla Walla to Los Angolos, Col.
and Return
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Oo.
$94 for the Round Trip $94
Including Pullman Berth,
Meals and all expenses on
going Trip
To leave Walla Walla by
Special Train Friday, Jan.
6, 1911 at 9:30 p.m.
For detailed information call on or
Agent, Pendleton, Ore.
District Froigbt and Pass. Agent,
Walla Walla, Wash.