East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 15, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Friday and Saturday
Look this list of extra special values
over carefully, then act at once.
They will go in a hurry
All Outing Flannels Friday and Saturday 8
All Flannelettes, 12 l-2c grade, Friday and Saturday 8$
All 20c Kimono, Flannelb, Friday and Saturday 12
One lot of Children's Ribbed. Hose, extra value at 20c pair,
Friday and Saturday 10
All 75c, 85c and $1.00 wool Dress Goods, Friday and Sat
urday .... 57 ,
Good 20c Turkish Towels, bleached, Friday and Saturday
2 for 25?
12 l-2c Uncle Towels, all you want, Friday and Saturday 7
All Ladies' Suits
livery Suit in the bouse, not one reserved, must go at these
unbeardof prices. They are all good ones.
$15.00 Suits all go Friday and Saturday $7.45
$18.00 Suits all go Friday and Saturday . $8.95
$20.00 Suite all go Friday and Saturday $9.95
$22.50 Suits all go Friday and Saturday $11.20
$25.00 Suits all go Friday and Saturday $12.45
$27.50 Suits all go Friday and Saturday $13.70
$30.00 Suits all go Friday and Saturday $14.95
$32.50 Suita all go Friday and Saturday $16.20
$35.00 Suits all go Friday and Saturday $17.45
$37.50 Suits all go Friday and Saturday $18.70
$10.00 Suits all go Friday and Saturday $19.95
No charges for alterations. Think of it ladies. Good up-to-date
suita at tho above prices. All sizes in stock. Misses'
11 to 20. Women's 31 to 40. All colors.
Shoes S Shoes S
For Friday and Saturday
Any ladies' $3.50, $1.00, $1.50, $5.00 and $G.00 shoes,
button or lace, kid, gun metal or patent. Your choice $2.90
F. E. Livengood i Co.
The Women's and Children's Store.
The Pant 1 me.
Friday's new program follows:
"Gratitude." Sellg, drama. An at
tractive story realistic and true to life.
A story of the red man and a miner.
The squaw's successful effort to pre
vent the unscrupulous mine owner
from taking away the miner's wife
entrusted to her care form a strongly
dramatic feature. - i
"The Way 'of Life." Kalem, dra
ma. A drama of the present. Cast
of characters:
John Mason, George Bent, musi
cians. liable Roberts, later Mason's wife.
Jano Fuller, later Bent's wife.
Felix Avery, a friend of Mrs. Ma
son. Myra DeVoe, a chorus girl, one of
Mason's pupils.
A couple, James McGowen, Ralph
Two maids.
An absorbing story of merit.
"The Mystery of the Torn Note."
Lubln, Comedy. One of those excit
ing comedies In which a rejected
suitor decides to drown himself. It
Is quite amusing.
"A Gambler's Charm." Lubln,
drama. When considered from the
standpoint of presenting a type that
Is fast passing away this film Is Inter
esting. Hie Cozy.
Program changes four times each
week, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday
and Friday.
"The Ranchman's Bride." Weston.
A western drama. . v
"Where Did I Put My Fountain
Pen?" Comedy.
"A Sufferer from Insomnia." Not
comical but real funny.
"Blasting Furnace," showing the
interior of the great Besmer steel
works. Interesting and educational.
Our feature film.
"Indian Phantasy." The hand Is
quicker than the eye. A great black
art and Hindow voodoolsm picture.
Song, "Love Me As I Like to Be
(Centlmicd from Page One.)
on exhibit. This Is to consist of one
of the beautiful Indian robes manu
factured by the local mills and . the
winner of It will probably be an
nounced tomorrow.
Th program for tonight will be as
1. March Prize of Victory .Sconton
2. Selection Faust (by request)..
3. Waltz Fashion's Favor. .. .RIcker
4. Intermezzo Wannebags. . . . Allen
5. Selection "II Trovator Verdi
6. March Egyptia ; Billings
7. Indian Characteristic Piece (by
request) Tomahawk Dance. .
'. Andrew Hermann
8. March U. S Cadet ...H. A. Hale
Prizes for Visitors.
Tonight the prizes for visitors will
be a Buff Orpington pullet given by
D. C. Brown; a setting of Buff Or
pington eggs given by Secretary Aver
Ill and a Black Minorca cockerel giv
en by N. A. Humphrey.
John Smith is the unusual name of
one of the guests of the Hotel Pen
dleton. He is registered from Lewis
ton. Save money by reading today's ad
It takes the Dutch to get things twisted. Just think of
a clearance sale "as it were," at the time you need the
stuff, but the time conies on our Tenth anniversary and
we had to do it because we said we would, so we are going
to cut every article in The Gift Room right square in the
middle, and the only requirement that we ask of you h
that you bring us the right kind of coin. So get in and
hustle for them; turn things topsy-turvy to find them;
round them up ; we want the full issue.
Starting a Round- Up Sale
Everybody knows tho success and satisfaction of tho Round-up." Results have been felt
everywhere, and wo hope every citizen of Umatilla County has absorbed some of its gop will
spirit the Kocppcns have, and they are showing it and their patriotism for Pendleton by open
ing within its limits one of tho best, most complete, and up-to-dato stores of its kind in Ore
gon, and it is going to succeed as the Round-up succeeded. It is going to satisfy as the Round
up satisfied, and we arc going to fix it so that every person in the county will have cause to
aid in the success and feel well paid for the opportunity.
Every coin bearing the date of 1900 are the ones we want
and those will buy just twice the amount of goods at. the
Gift Room that coin of other dates will buy. It runs till
Christmas. It means Christmas goods at half price, and
it means that we want the Gift Room to be known by
you, appreciated by you, and you benefited by it.
Who Run the Store That Serves You Best
This Friday and Saturday
at the
WohEenhepg Department Store
All Ladies Tailored Suits at
All Ladies Coats at , . ,
All Ladies Dresses at
All the best Calicoes at yard
All Apron Ginghams at yard .
All Colored Outings at yard
All 1 5c Kimona Flannels at yard ' .
50c Jap Silk 2 7 -inches wide at yard .
. . 5c
Greatest Waist Sale of the Year
These Bargains are Real Live Ones to Choose From
Choose any $1.00 Waist in the store for 75 Choose any $2.50 Waist in
Choose any $1.25 Waist in the store for 85 Choose any $3.00 Waist in
Choose any $1.50 Waist in store for $1.10 Choose any $3.50 Waist in
Choose any $1.75 Waist in store for $1.25 Choose any $3.75 Waist in
Choose any $2.00 Waist in store for $1.45 Choose any $4.00 Waist in
Choose any $2.25 Waist in store for $1.65 Choose any $4.25 Waist in
store for $1.75
store for-$2.10
store for $2.65
store for $2.95
store for $3.15
store for $3.35
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods for .
Less Money
Pastime picture pleaaa all.
See Lane & Son tor algna.
Phone Matn 1 for United Orcheatra.
Wall paper, palnta, etc. Lane ft Son.
I. C. Snyder, chimney aweep. R 1811.
For rent Seven room house, north
side, enquore 22S, Perklna ate.
For rent Furnished house. In
quire 607 Willow. Phone Blk 3322.
$8000 residence can be bought at
bargain. See about It today. Lee
The best moving pictures and
brightest pictures in Pendleton at the
Exhibition poultry fed by A. T.
Mathews Co. Fresh car poultry sup
plies just received.
Dressed poultry next Saturday at
the cash meat market, "phone your
order now. Main 101.
A clean and careful shave always
at Mark Patton's shop. Across from
Alexanders. Phone for patrons.
Mothers, save your boys a sick
spell. Get him a pair of warm
shoes at Eklund's. Great reductions.
For rent Three furnished house
keeping rooms, electric lights, gas
stove and bath. 701 Thompson street.
Good looking and good wearing
school shoes for boys gaing at a great
reduction at A. Eklund's. See win
dow. If you want one of the ni?est homes
in rendleton see about that $8000 one
that can be bought at a bargain. Lee
Cold weatner is coming. We have
the best coul on the market. A ton
a 2000 lbs. at Pendleton Lum er
Yard, Phone Main O.
Spend your Idle evenings In a gen
tlemen's resort. Bowling, pool, bil
liards, shooting gallery. Paatlme
Parlors. Hoover and Book.
Sor sale One sorrel gelding, age
9 years, weight 1100 pounds, sound,
good work or saddle horse. Price
175. Inquire 1301 West Alta.
Nice 6-room house well furnished,
good location, only short distance
from P. O. Price very reasonable.
For particulars see ,W. G. Fisher or
Lee Teutsch.
Acad In December Sunset Maga
zine, "San Francisco the Exposition
City." Superbly Illustrated in four
colors. - Now on sale all . news
tands 16 cents.
Tomorrow night will witness the
fcrmal Inauguration of the lnterschol
astic basket ball season in Pendleton
when the ball tossers of the Pen
dleton and Athena high schools meet
in battle royal on the floor of the gym
nasium on the hill. There have been
several preliminary games played In
the city already but they1 were really
in the nature of tryouts for the se
lection Of five to represent the local
The first lineup for the contest will
be picked from the following men:
Houser, center; Chapman and Boylen,
forwards, and Devine, and the Jordan
brothers, guards. However, there will
be a number of other men In suits
who are of a scarcely inferior calibre
and they will probably be given an
opoprtunity to participate.
The boys are expecting a hard game
because of the fact that the Athena
players have been together for two
years and have also the advantage
of a long practice season. But which
ever way the wheel of fortune turns,
it Is certain that a good game will be
given to the spectators.
You Best Work
Demands a
Good Night's
Rest .
One-third of your life Is spent
in bed. Do you spend It In com
fort and obtain proper rest?
Think t over, then ee our
We guarantee to meet prices of
all competition.
Leading Honsrfurnlsber.
Dally East Oregoalan by carrier
only (15 cent per month.
phone Mala 45.
80S E. Court St
Dry, wet, chemi
cal and steam
We call for an.l
deliver anjrwhare.
Never come back when cleaned by the
Berlin Dye House
Morrow County nt Standstill.
Residents of Umatilla county who
wero disappointed by the slight In
crease, which the 1910 census rcturys
show for this county can take con
solation in the fact that Morrow coun
ty gained even less than its sister
county. According to A. Rood, a
prominent stockman of Heppner who
Is In the city today, tho gain of Mor
row county in the lust twenty years
has been just 150 people. Sir. Rood
N ordinarily a booster for his home
country but he says that facts are indisputable.
Christian Church to Hold Ilnzaiir.
"Tho Ladies' Aid of the Christian
Church will hold their Christmas sale
Friday and Saturday. 16th and 17th
of December. Useful and fancy ar
ticles suitable for Christmas gifts will
be on sale; also homecooked bread,
cakes and pastry in tho basement of
tho church. Luncheons and lee
cream will be served during tho af
ternoon and evening.
Bare money by reading today'a (.da
That arc practical ami will
be appreciated.
'Wearcver' Aluminum
Cooking Utensils, Com
munity Silver, Lisk, Sav
ory ami Xesoo Roasters.
Chafing Dishes, Chafing
Dish Spoons and Forks.
Pocket Knives, Safety
Razors, Razor Strops
Rifles, Guns, Air Guns,
Tools, ami many otoher ar
ticles 4o Ih found in our
The Taylor
urra ff
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