PAGE FOUB DAILY EAST OIUGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1910. TEN PAGES. AN lNDKrKNLHi.ST NKVYSrAlTSB. TofclUhed Dally. Wwkly and Stm Werkly at l'i'nilifton, Oregon, by tbe ABT OUKUOXIAN- lTllLlSUlNd CO. HSCKllTION UAVKS. Oally, one yvar. by mall tfelly, all muntba, by mall (tally, tbre muntba. by mall Pally, on month. bT mail Lwlly, one year, by carrier llly, all moDtna, by carrier .... bally, thre moot ha. by carrier... Dally, one month, by carrier aly, me roar. Cj mall Weekly, alx mouths, by mall..... eaiy. four months, by nn.ll aal-Veliiy, one year, by mall... ml-kly. m montlia. br mall.. mi-Weekly, (nor months, by mall. , .$5.00 ,. 2.50 . 1.25 ,. .M . 7.60 . S 75 . l.5 . .65 . 1.50 . .75 . .50 . . .70 . .50 The Ially Kant uietinuiau la kept on aale at the Oreron Xewa Co., 8-9 Morrlaon atreet. l'orilacd, Oregon. k'ortbweat Newa Co.. Portland. Oregon. ihlcaco Bureau, (H9 Security Rullillns. Waahinfton. b. C, Itureau, 501 Fonr--tMBtb atret, S. W. Member United Preaa Aaaoclatlon. Entered at the poatofflce at Tendleton, Uraron, aa aecond clasa mall matter. Vdepbone ... Mn i Official City and County Paper. DO IT EARLY, Do your Christmas shopping early, do it early, mother, dear, For you know you were exhaust- ed with the flurry yester- year. Please go out and get the trin- kets for the prattling lit tie ones " Get the engines and the candy and the pistols and the ' guns; Better start right out toraor- rom with your money and your list But at 10 o'clock on Christmas eve you'll think of one you've missed. Do your Christmas shopping early, sister, dear; Get a card for our rich uncle that will put him on his ear. Get a tie that is hand-painted for your one and only beau He will say it Is too splendid for a man to wear, you know. Work a pillow for the preacher, and get something for each friend; But you'll find you've overlook- ed one when your shop ring's at an end. Do your Christmas shopping early, do It early, do you hear? Let the high cost of 4:vlng give you neither fret nor fear. There are friends in other coun- tries who are very sure to " write Ere the f:rs: day of December heaves serenely into . sight, So be ready to remember all the " people far away But you'll find you've failed to get one for some one on Christmas day. Chicago Post CARNEGIE'S PEACE FLAX. Having plenty of .money and being In the philanthropic b'j?inss Andrew Carnegie sets aside $10,000, 000 for a fund to do away with war. For that amount of money "the steel magnate evidently believes that the dove of peace can be made secure forever and" there will be no need for the battle ships that are covered with steel from liis armor plate factories. But is the Carnegie scheme feas ible and will his money be productive of good. Might it not be productive of inestimable harm? Much will de pend upon how and where that money la to be used. Is it to be used for spreading the gospel of international peace throughout the United States? That would do no good for the Am erican people are peacefully Inclined already. At this time there Is such a peace sentiment here that it is al most impossible for the government to get .enough money to maintain a half way efficient navy. The country is practically without an army and lias poor coast defenses. We need no lectures on the subject of peace. The question of international peace in one that docs not rest so much with this country or with the other white powers of the world as with the people of the orient. The white people of th world have climbed the ladder of civilization to such a helghth that they are ready to do away with war to a large extent. Still there Is more or le?s fighting In progress right now and It was but a few weeks since that a European monarchy, Portugal, uitnewed a. revolution. There are tutne things even white people are not yet willing to arbitrate. With the Asiatics the case Is much worse. There are men living today who remember the time when Japa nese poldiers carried bows and arrows ai weapons. The Japanese are Just getting into the game which the Cau casians have been playing for centur ies. Japan Is now awakening China with ber 400,000,000 people. India with several hundred millions of peo ple will also come to life lome day. These people of the orient are not yet versed In Emerson's philosophy and they have not had the advantage f Carnegie libraries. They are several grades behind our class. They are busy with a struggle for existence 'and J find that the orient Is not largo i enough to hold them all. Economic conditions have forced Japan to send people abroad. Economic conditions forced Japan to fi;ht with Russia In order to get room for her surplus pop ulation in Manchuria. -The Mikado also wants to send his subjects to this country and the difficulties attend ant thereon are not yet fully set tled. Doubtless tlicy will be settled peacefully. There will probably nevei be-any trouble between the United States and Japan. But if there should Ih trouble it will be racial trouble and it may not be settled by arbitra tion. Furthermore trouble with Ja pan would be serious to this country because of the Philippines. Is Carnegie going to preach the gospel of peace in this country or in the far east? Will he disarm the Ro mans or the Huns? THE COLONEL'S RETCRX. Roosevelt has spoken and his views ' are sim.'lar to what they were prior i to his defeat through the coalition formed between the disgruntled re- publican bosses of New York nnJ ' Tammany hall. He still believes that 1 this should be "a government of the people, by the people for the peo ple"; that the' government should control the corporations and that the corporations should not be allowed to i run the government. It is evident that the colonel con siders himself still in the fight and will not quit simply because his can didate for governor of XewTork was not elected. And Roosevelt will win out, too. Watch him. He may never be president again. He probably does not want to run for president again. But his ideas will be accepted for they are sound. He voices a senti ment that is now nation wide and has been called the progressive spirit. As to the colonel's desire to see a radical program carried out by con st rvatives there are some who wfll say that it would be Just as well to have a conservative program carried out by radicals. There would not be much difference. But as a matter of fact neither of the big parties may now be truly classed as either radical or conservative. Both parties are di vided Into radical and conservative factions. At this time the democratic party seems to be swinging towards conservatism while the insurgents seem about to capture the republican party. Both parties are looking for ward to the next presidential election and from appearances there will be few two actual differences between the parties when that time arrives. THEIR FIRST TRYOCT. Within a few weeks after having been granted the right to vote the wo men of Spokane will have to par ticipate In a spirited election. The people of Spokane are to vote upon the commission plan of government and some other questions are also in volved. "The question involved is not one of politics, but primarily one of the home," says the Spokesman-Review. "Upon the result of the election de pends to a considerable extent this sort of city that Spokane is to become. "The many elements which go to make up the environment of a citj are largely determined by the nature or its government. If the dive keep er and the grafter and the corrupt politician are allowed to exert their power, that government is bad. If they are held in check and kept from power, that government is good. "The opportunity is now presented to the women of Spokane to decide whether they wish bad government or good government, whether they want their children brought up in an en vironment which is determined by the people, or by the politicians. asliet Ball CAME Athena High School vs. Pendleton High Friday Eve., Dec. 1 6th At High School Gym Game Called at 7:30 Sharp Admission - - 25 Cents 1 It is the simplest thing in the world to make'a hot biscuit perfectly with Absolutely Pure And when made it is the most delicious of foods. you are lutely confident of its absolute wholesomeness. Atom No Lime Phospha mm "The contest to be decided on De cember 28 is not solely between the commission form of government and the present form of government, nor i'l it entirely a contest between effi ciency and inefficiency, but it Is, In an underlying sense, a contest be tween the forces . In municipal life that are clean and decent and those that are not." It will be Interesting to watch how the women vote. If It cost ten million dollars to start a move for International peace then It seems that peace Is expensive as well as war. Just now we are having fame thrunt upon us by LuEtta Smith. I And I ab 8k z.s?z:-4&in mil Yon Caa Work ,1 tvi"..iivffyi I font burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The filler cap, put in like a cork in a bottle, is attached by a chain. This heater has a cool ha'ndle and a damper top. The Perfection Oil Heater has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged and can be unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in japan or nickel, is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dtaltrt Evtrywhtrt. If not at yours, wri!t fur dt serif tint circular to lilt luartst cency of the Standard Oil Company 17 (IntarpornftM!) Useful Christmas Suggestions For "Him", ' "Her", "The Home", "the Table", "the Boy" and all "The.Others" CARVING SETS ROASTERS SHAVING SETS ALUMINUM WARE TOOL CHESTS HEATERS RANGES 22 RIFLES And n n endless variety of the many appropriate and lasting presents such as are to he found in an up-to-date hardware store. W. J. Clarke & Co. 211-215 East Court St liJJB3ri!iLT.l Known For Its Strn th The First Notional Bank PEKDLETON, I3REG0N CAPITAL, SURPLUSfnd UNDIVIDED PROFITS . RESOURCES! jOVER SECURJTY Chickens! Chickens!! Chicken. !! All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old For choice lrcsnel onca iliono your order night before. We drcHS none except for orders bo If you llko cold storage poultry patronize the other fellow or store yourself. East End Grocery ItCHldciicc Phono lilnck 2501. Byers' Best Flour Wear a Window In winter when you have a Perfec tion Oil Heater. It is a portable radiator which .can be moved to any part of a room, or to any room in a house. When you have a 9MOKELE99 Absolutely smokeless and odorless you do not have to work close to the Stove, which is usually far from the window. You can work where you wish, and be warm. You can work on dull winter days in the full light near the' window, without being chilled to the bone. The Perfection Oil Heater quickly i1vps heat, nnrl with nni fillino nf flu V AIR GUNS SILVERWARE POCKET KNIVES SHOT GUNS SCISSORS "that cut" RAZORS RAZOR STROPS i II III! IIUMWI 450.00D.1 - 52.000,000.00 Telephone Main 536 1 Is made from the choicest wheat that throws. Good bread is aseured whan BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Haorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Bole Manttfactnrera ad DUUikutor of tbe Oetobratod FIS TOILKT CRKAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER nd MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Leading DrugrUta of E&atara Orecuu old lint: live stock in- 8TJRANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of CrowfordaTlUe, Indlaa. Bu now entered Oregon. PoUclea now good In eyery tats in the Union. Organ ted over 16 years ago. Paid np Capital $180,090. 0. Aa eta over 14(0,000.00. REMEMBER, Uita la NOT a Mntoal Live feux luu-. knoe company. Mirk Moorhouse Company Agent, Pendleton, Or. f J9 East Coart M. Phoae Mate n. THC PENDLETON DRUG CO. WE DEiL II DRU6S I0T PROMISES You Make a Bad Mistake When yon put off baying your until Fall purchane It NOW and secure the bent Rock Springs coal the mine produce price considerably lower than thorns prevailing In Fall and Winter. By Mocking op now yo avoid ALL danger of being aa ahlo to aecure it when cold weather arrliea. Henry Kopittke Phone Main ITS. Fresh Fish Meataand Banaagea EVERY DAY. We handle only the pnreat f lard, Kama and bacoa. Empire Meat Co. Plione Main 18. FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISU AND LARD. Alwaya pure and delivered promptly, if you phone the Central Meat Market 108 E. Alia St., Phone Main SS. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE vA t DESIGNS CopynuiHTS Hie. AnTriinfKilnn n nhMrh mid dxwrli'ilon mm qiilfklr r..rf,rl(int our ftiMin,it frutt wlu-tiiT m ltiTfM1loll Ih pruhnMf pfitpiilnliln. Viti.nitiittrik tliiniriciljnniiilii!i:il. iin! ')0K 1'ntriiu ji .t Ir'O. OMnut h 'rue f lur r. i iwmik puloiitn. ritlrntj fakin flinnivti M,,m.i .t Ci, receive tfeRtific Jlnricatt u Ymw-Ti IlltiKtrnton f m CHlalldTl of fttir '-ltnllli J.Miriitil. 1'nrinn, A t I'nnn Imir nmnlba. 11. BuiO by ull nnidli Kf.Cn New YoR Unfurnished housekeeping rooma for rent In the East Oregonlan build ing. All modern eonvenlencea. En quire at B. O. office. Goal! ''if-a