ILLINOIS HQLSTEINS TO RELIABLE DEFENDERS OF OUR COUNTRY IACAIj dairy stock to be addkd to Montana t'ullle Arriving In Portland Market llojr Market n Dull Xcwh and lrleti of I'ortltind Livestock Circles. POIITL.AXD LIVESTOCK. RUN. Hugs. Cattle. Calves, bheop. Monday Kuturduy Friday . Thursday "Wednesday 69 Tuesday .. 75 Week abo 3S8 37 .123 509 21 403 .85 -160 9 110 4 113 Oreirun Is to bo supplied with dairy cows from Illinois and first shipment from there will be brought Into the Portland stockyards within 12 days. OcorBe W. Bruce of the local live stock coinmlwslon firm Is now In the Elgin district and will start at once for this city with a carload of fancy Holstelns. Addltloanl supplies will be brought forward at regular intervals -and it Ib estimated now that fully 1700 head will be brought to this city from that district alone. We Intend to bring In rather liberal supplies of fancy dairy cows from Illi nois," said George H. Mokel of the llokel-Hruce Co. "There is a grow In demand for dairy cows here and ve Intend to supply this want with ex tra good quality. The shipments from Illinois will ronHist of fancy Holstelns. Some. of the first shipment has already heen sold to local parties. Four loads of cattle came forward frnm Montana this morning, swell Ing the total arrivals over Sunday to 600 head. Outside of the cattle ship ment there were only 196 Bheep pres ented and these were driven in by a lnml butchering firm No hoifs were offering today, and that line continued about as prevl- miHlv nuoted. The sale of one steer at J6.25 by Kldwcll & Caswell Suturdny afternoon whleh wns not reported until tnis Br tprnoiin tons the market for steers In the local yards so far as ordinary aliltiments are concerned this season Tim stork was brought to this city from Montana by Kid well & Caswell and Is said to be of unusually good quality. The one steer that brought the top weighed 1480 pounds Viimlii? tho SliipiMTN. rmtv k-l.lwpll & Caswell. Bel riwli Mont.. 4 loads: J. L. Cox. Wei ser, Idaho, 2 cars; J. C. Iirazlllon, North Powder. Ore., 1 load; Kidwell X, Cnswell. Kcho. Ore.. 8 loads; i. n Hewitt. linker, Or. 2 loads; Gray & Proffltt Baker. Ore.. 2 loads Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years as follow.- Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. 1910 1909 557 1908 261 1907 "51 1906 100 itinr. 130 A venr aco today there was a firm tone In nil lines of livestock with no change In prices. YiMitonluv'H Official IliiHlncss Following are latest transactions. n-w. in,iiint iiemand. supplies and quality offering: COWS. Average Wt. cows 1071 cows H97 COWS cows . 1152 ' STEERS. 27 steers 977 25 steers 1190 1 steer Hs0 25 steers 1117 r IaiurantMtl uniitr tli Pood anil liruf tct of Jiuia lutli, V UMI. Maria 1 Xo. MS, hi $W U- Vnoklau A Co. JIB g lanr 196 H ? uaaximtw. 203 R furijuwwt , , D MMnawaium 4 S M f. ' - 615 I Sx -70. I SiiHmiiiih i J V CHICAGO, 1"-. MtwMI THE SOLDIER QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS r. king's NEW DISCOVERY JUST AS QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS OF COUGHSandCOLDS And all Diseases off THROAT AND LUNGS QUICKEST AND SUREST wunnoiMft rnnnu AND . W BRONCHIAL REMEDY J Price 50c and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY KOUYEA B DKVtt BITJrutfl. ni II T 'Jk II I Fourth Annual ifornia Excursion Cal Diamonds IV-SJ y Watches v '-jBt-r-iW Jewelry WrlPi 'jf -u -sFC'ir x i THER.E ARE 609 7S5 356 640 4 TiO 26 Certain of satisfaction both to the giver and recipient. Our store was never so luxurious ly prepared for the gift season as this year. A visit will interest you. Silverware as a Present. For Her Handsome table silver is the delight of the housekeeper when she sees it decorating her hospitable table or ornamenting her buffet and lend , Ing a tone to her dining room. For gift of value for the entire family, see my llr e. A. L. SCHAEFER Leading Jeweler Jewels and Jewels but oars are GEMS I Special Train Walla Walla to Los Angeles, Gal. and Return via Oregon Railroad & Navigation 3o. $94 for the Round Trip $94 Including Pullman Berth, Meals and all expenses on going Trip To leave Walla Walla by Special Train Friday, Jan. 6, 1911 at 9:30 p.m. For detailed information call on or address T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent, Pendleton, Ore. or R. BURNS, District Freight and Pass. Agent, Walla Walla, Wash. THE WHEAT MARKET 26 24 28 23 25 Hterra 26 ulcers GO steers .1120 .1165 .1208 Trire. $4.50 4.50 3.75 6.25 00 6.40 6 25 6.75 5.75 5 6.50 ADVANCE CAUSED IY ARGENTINE HEIGHTS Worlil'H Shipment of Wheat I 1V 000,000 Itudicls Uanire of Prlees i-iirnlsliil bv Overbock .& .Cooke Omtonny. Horse for Sale. For sale, three head of horses. One mare about 10 years old; one three year old colt, coming four, both broke to ride and to drive. One colt one year old, coming two. Will make fine animal for next "Roundup." 417 Ld dy street Our Idea of a man who trios to kM himself is one who believes th-it 'money is the root of all evil!" $3.50 4.25 4.00 $6.00 5.35 4.25 3.50 .4.00 4.00 BULUS. 1 bull 1730.. 1 bull K70 1 bull 12 SHKKP AND IAMBS. 150 lnmbs ' 60 liiinbs S5 8" yearlings 11 66 ewes 13" 6 sheep 108 AT. nvi-i'R 108 r.nn!r,il rnniro of livestock prices ns i...ii...,t...t . ii.o lntpst sales in the 1 III II M I1MI , '.. I - r,irt hi ml vnrds: muli "uet Oregon steers. $5.65 i5.75; fnney steers. $5.50; common steers. $l.00ff 4.50; cows, best, i&.nu, tl r.ft: nnor. 1 3.0U 'il i.iii : neii' r "i4 r.Orti 5.00- bulls, $2.00fP3.75; tnlrn 13.00 St 3.25. lt.uTlest llcbt. $8.00; ordinary, t7sn(i7.n0: heavy, $.7.50 ff? 7.76; .trw.Unr. nn.l feeders. $5.00rti 6.00 Sherp Hest yeai'lng wethers, $4.50 fiiK0iv rM wethers. $4.50(f? 4.75; spring lnmbs, Willamette valley, $5.60 eastern Washington, $5.00 5f 5.76; ewes Caive(,nest $7.00; ordlnnry $6.50; poor. $3.604.50. . i vin Wrt crtDDlsd with rheumatism or stiff Jolnt of course vou'y tnea ! oi inw h.. fn. Try liliaraa onuw imntit will drlvs away all aohes. calns and etlffnsn and leave you as u aa van svsr were. A. C. Koep pen It Bros. fhtcuro Dee 13. Wheat advanced on tho report from Argentina that wfather conditions were not so favorable. This Is what caused the sham upward movement In prices nfter a weaker opening. Thu market was firm all clay but moved within n very narrow range, closing being l-4c higher all around. Them was some Inclination to sell in forelen markets owing to the re port of the Internatinal Institute at Home, which cave the total Russian crop as 977,634,000 bushels compared wiih 734.000.000 bushels a year ngo Liverpool started l-d lower on tnis nei-ntint but tho turn In Argenina weather broucht out a strong line or short covering with the result that the market Immediately strengthened nmi kIukoiI nt an ndvanee of 1 to 1 1-Sd above Pnturday. World's shipments of wheat 13 200.000 bushels of which Russia con tribute. 5.872.000 bushels and, the Danube 2.016,000 bushels. Corn ship ments 6.364.000 bushels. Cash wheat salesf No. 2 red, 82) 94e- Nn 3 red. 91 l-2W93c: No. 2 bard winter. 93 1-4 95c; No. 3 hard winter, 92iT94e; No. 1 northern spring, $1.05 (f? 1.07; No. 2 northern srrlng, $1.02Gf 1.08; No. 3 northern spring, 95fl$1.02; No. 3 spring, 96 ftlr Range of Chicago prices furnished bv Overbeck & Cooke Co.: WHEAT. December Open. 91 1-8; high 91 1-4: low. 90 7-8; close, 91 A. M.iv Onen. 95 6-8: high 95 7-8; low. 96 1-4: close. 95 6-8 B. July Open, 93 1-8; high, 93 3-8; low, 92 3-4; close, 93 A. VOI' MAY HAVE APPENDICITIS AND NOT KNOW IT Tf vou have wind or gas In the stomach, sour stomach or constipa tion. vou vrv likelv have chronic ap pendicitis which may any minute be come acute. A SINGLE DOSE of simple buckthorn bark. Glycerine, etc. as compounded in Adler-i-ka, the new German Appendicitis remedy, will re- 1 eve vou trv it. vou will be surprised nt the QUICK action. Pendleton Drug Co mm tor l'St-P. Alii ffekii.. kks tvory Wcmrii? MarveS UVUliu!) a',k your roDrtat O. it n caimov iiiT'I'i th- MARVEL. rpt o lier, D't sna statue ..( .A I.. jiW mna .1. 1 1 .i t .Lhuhaih lnt. Unnilll IMM SIABVEt CO. 44 E. ?3 St. KM Tie hit S dischki Maui ratnitioa, lrritauoai or tilr&tli'&s. of tnacooi merabrar.M. PinlMi, ivnd not nna g?at or pooona. Sold bi j?iTr-ffli Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregonian bulM- tr All modern conTenienc. Bn- quire at K. O. office. Make Yourself a Present of an Ouarcoat or CravoneHo and at the same time, save enough on your purchase to Buy her something nice Prices almost cut in two Yorkingmen's Clothing Company Le Expense Makes Our Prices Lower GaSSfr .ii intni! Aeental -i- .nioni sclf-sharcenlng shear Is eight Inches long; In the latest and v.ninT mndn. We guarantee to wow ' r five satisfaction to the housekeeper. dressmaker, millinery and purcnasur. i )ur rtler of 'th tiTU 0f r. J. ChMty 100 per cent profit for ngonts; either U C() ( doB, bnalam la Us aty of Tslada. Ln, or old. Sample and cat- County, s.d BUto ate u that aahl alogue free. Write today. KloBko & Co.. 827 N. Lincoln street , Chicago, ni. State of Oslo, City of Toledo, Local K?nk TCkoo makos oats tkat so Is Thn rhITMl Tim t. .inn a. anurh or cold Is Just aa Btarta than there will bo no danger of pneumonia or consump tion. Just a few doses of Ballard's Horohound Symp taken at the start rfii .inn h aoi-h. If It has boon running on for ometlm tho troat ment will bo longsr, but tho our ts firm will pay tko snsi of ONI UUNPIIU lvil t A L A akaali at Ol al awoir rsislsl W M tiairs v;munT tore. . a k..M sma aamal oink4t1 IkaaaC In DWIiri IU vwvi saaw ohw - " - w irtMsco. Uls Ota day of DorMabor, A. D., IN " Real A. "."''Zlu and arts dlrortly oa tao alooa aad aiaeooa nrraraa or ibo sraioai. awa ir w Bioniaia irw. Sold by all prmgrista, t. aWanhadv voaa ta tho Orahoum to too the best and tho oloarast pioturoa Is the place to islt. Orange groves In full bloom, tropical flowers, fumous hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, making that favored section tho Nation's most popular retreat Tou can see It at Its beet via the SHASTA ROUTE and "The Road of a Thousand Wonders Southern Pacific Company Up-to-date trains, first-class In every respect, unex celled dining car service, quick time and direct con nections to all points south. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FAR OF $55 Portland to Los Angeles and Return With corresponding low fares from all other sections of tho Northwest. Liberal stop-overs In each direction and lonf limit Interesting and attractive literature on the various resorts and attractions of California can be had on application to any 8. P. or O. R. A N. Agent, or from WILLIAM McMURRAY, Got- ,i rvsonjor Aavnt, Portland. Orajoo. DONALDSON'S We are inaugurating the season of Hot Drinks and App- tiziag Sandwiches at our fountain. MKSV. lint Triaka. BtO. Hot Mexican Chile with orack- .r. ! Hot Mexican Chile with Toma to Noetar u Hot Mexican Chile, Craofcers and Coffee ipo Hot Mexloan Chile, craoaeia and Tea Chile Oyster Cocktail lo HOT RET: RACKS. Hot Boef Tea, Hot Beef and Celery JJ Tomato Bullion 1 Malted Clam Bullion 10o Beef and Tomato Bullion... . ltc Craokere aerrea. HOT DRRTKS. Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream 10c Hot Tea with Whipped Cream. 10c Hot Coffee with Whipped Cream lOe Hot Lemonade 10c HOT IXXi DRIVES. Hot Egg Malted Milk 16c Hot Egg Chocolate IBs Hot Beg Coffee ISO SANDWICHES, ETC Minced Chicken Sandwiches. .10c SUcod Ham Sandwiches lOe Sliced Tongue Sandwiches. . . 10c Cal ok en St Tongue Sandwlehes 10e Bwiae 6aeese Sandwiches . . . . 19e Byers Best Flour Is luevie from the choicest whtsmi that grows. Groasi bread in aasu I wben BTEEtS BEST FLOUR is vmL Irtm, 9bts, Stam Rolled Barley always m kaai Pendleton Roller Mills Pendletsa, Owgwa. Daily East Oregonian, by carrier, 15 cents per week. uro. A C. Kooapon aaa btoo.