East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 13, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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I Vr IvhcunuitiKm ami .ervMisnt"ss.
Body, brain and nerves all de
pend on electricity for health and
strength. Galvanic electricity is
best. Electropodes (galvanic in
soles) are positively unexcelled for
Electropodes eliminate excess
uric acid and other imruritles
from the body. With these des
troying agents removed, nature
will maintain a strong, healthy
and vigorous nervous system.
Electropodes also stimulate the
circulation and aid each organ to
perform its proper functions.
A lady writes from Texas:
"Since wearing Electropodes, my
circulation is improved and I
do not have cramping in my lower
limbs as I did before." Why don't
you try a pair of Electropodes at
our risk?
Sold Viuler Tills Contract.
Thporrhirof Eloctntpodt Kraut
.he prt'ilrre of rrtarninc them vithin
i-t d?. nd th purchmw prtc ($1.00) i
to be refunded apoa th following condi
tion: They are to be wort according to
directions for at leat 25 eonnecvtive day,
and then if not aatufactory. to be returned
in original box
XroUt'a Siifnmtnre -
At druggists: or bv mail, post
paid. If your druggist cannot fur
nish Electropodes, send us $1.00.
and we will see that you are sup
plied immediately. State whether
for man or woman.
Western E'cctropode Co.
249 Los A n polos St., Los Angeles,
Marie St., bath, toilet, electric
lights, East front, nice shade
trees, good lawn. Price only
$900. $350 cash, balance terms.
5 ACRE TRACT 1 1-4 miles
from P. O. Small house, barn,
chicken boose, fruit trees, 'ber
ries of all kinds, plenty water
for irrigation, good well for do
mestic use. Price only $2250.
15 ACRE TRACT only 1 1-2
miles from Court House. Small
house, barn, good water. This
Is a snap. Price only $1300,
part cah, balance terms.
ROOMING HOCSE, price only
$1350, good long lease at reas
onable price. Business paying
well, at bargain, only requires
-a bout $2000, 'to handle.
SKATING RINK well equipped
building and everything all
goes at a bargain.
The Real Estate and In.
surance Man
550 Main St. Phone M. 5
A Mm Resij
c ata n on
Ely's Creaa I&
Muddy Ground Makes Stock l-Yctllng
Difficult Now Establishment t
Open at AUmv Januury 1 Personal
Notes front That Section.
(Special Correspondence.)
Albee, Ore., Pec. 13. The weath
er continues wet and warm and for
the past week very springlike with
plenty of mud all over the valley. It
it not very good weather for feeding
stock outside, as stock waste a good
portion of the feed by tramping it in
the mud.
Burr Moore of Vkiah has rented
the Sam Clark feed barn and saloon
building and will open up business
here the first of the year. lie has al
ready enough hay in the bnrn to run
him until next harvest.
Tom Willowby and James Terry
took out 35 head of their horses to
Xye last Friday and put them on
bunch grass pasture for the winter.
Tom Ledgerwood took 15 head to
the same place Saturday.
Tom McQuoen passed through here
with his dairy herd this week, tak
ing them out near the Rock where he
will feed and milk them this winter.
Vm. Muller passed through with a
carload of mutton sheep. He will feed
them for a while at the Waugh place
near the Rock.
J. W. Ellis gave a turkey supper
to a few of his bachelor friends last
Saturday night. George Hofer was
chief , cook. Those present were A.
A. Downs, E. H. McLaughlin, George
Hofer, A. Strutchers, G. W. and J. W
Ellis and S. B. Neil. All were loud
in their praises of the supper and went
home well pleased with the evening's
There will be a turkey shoot here
the 23rd Inst, instead of the 24th as
was first stated. There will also be
a dance the night of the 23rd in the
Albee hall. A midnight supper will
be served at the Quant Hotel.
Mrs. A. Struthers came in no last
Monday's stage from Pendleton where
she had been the past two or three
A. S. Paul made a trip to Pilot Rock
last week for a load of potatoes, ap
ples, flour, etc. He said he found
plenty of mud between here and
Ed Howard came in with another
load of freight Friday for A. S. Quant,
the Albee merchant and postmaster.
Rert Andrews of the Andrews saw
mill, passed through here today en
route to the John Day.
Carl Stocker came over from the
Andrews saw mill today to visit
friends here.
George Bacon came in today from
Colorado where he had been the past
two or chree months.
A. S. Quant and family and M:s-S
Helen Hynes. spent the evening with
S. B. Xeil and his sister, Mrs. Mary
L. Box. Mrs. Box has been suffering
with a lame back the last few days,
but is better.
H. T. Connell killed his fine young
stallion last week that got a nail in
his foot last summer. He thought for
a long time he could save him but
finally lost all hope and had him
; uieklt
Grte Reliat at am.
It clnanMa. Booth,
basis and proUcas
fan dn-wi aiaak.
fcrane resulting from Catarrh and drives
BwnyaColdiaUnHaad quickly. Restores
(as Benae of Tmt and Bavelt Fall mm
0 eta. at Draffirta or by amSL Liquid
Ornam Balm for use ia atooiaat T8 ota.
By Broth, 68 Timo Street. Haw York.
nsiEnui own-to sn nantfl
I 'l l ki
rni mi
1111 in J
WilnG Transfer
Phone Main 51
For sale. ton of sifaifa hay.
Ood fd grouada for ahnnp or eattlav
Iuirs r. L. IT, or Bovaau at
atoi tIT, PMltolaa, Ora.
(Sliecial Correspondence.)
I'mntillH, Ore., Dee. 13. Sunday,
December 11 will be one long re
membered by the people of Umatilla
as on that date the first church to
be built in the oldest Oregon town
was dedicated for divine worship. The
ceremony of dedication was perform
ed by His Lordship C. J. O'Reilly,
bishop of bilker, assisted by the Rev.
FUhers Sheehan, Butler and Brophy,
who are In charge of mission work in
the west end of the county. Tho lit
tle church was filled to overflowing
long before the hour of service and
besides the most representative peo
ple of all creeds from Umatilla, others
were present from Hermlston, Irrigon,
Stanfield and Echo. The bishop
preached ihe dedicatory sermon and
explained the different rites of the
church which they had Just witness
ed. He thanked the people of Uma
tilla f"r the part they had taken to
make the church possible and also
the good fathers who had charge Of
the work in eastern Oregon. He also
snld the presence of the church when
fully complete will be of the finest of
its size In Oregon, would bring about
results for the betterment of the
community and would bring God's
blessing on the people. The music
was rendered by a choir composed of
the young people of Umatilla, assist
ed by a number from Hermlston who
sang Conconi Mass in F. After mass
the sacrament of confirmation was
administered to a class or nine by his
lordship the bishop. The Catholics of
Umatilla are certainly to be congrat
ulated on the erection of their church
The first of a series of basketball
games of the season opened here Frl
day evening when Hermlston met the
Umatilla club. The game was the
finest exhibition of basketball ever
played in the west end and each play
er was well In his position 1 n the
play. The game resulted In a victory
for the home team, score 19 to 28. A
large number of spectators were pres
ent and the Hermlston boys brought
a large number of admirers with
them. The following is the lineup:
Hermlston Geise, (capt.) center;
Thompson, r. f.; Donovan. 1. f.; Dun
comb, r. g.; Dlchmond. 1. g.
Umatilla O'Connell (capt.) center;
Hinaman, r. t; R. McMinlen, 1. f.; J.
M. McN'urlen, r. g. ; E. Shaw, 1. g.
O'Connell's long shot from center
was a feature of the game. Hindman
for Umatilla did good work on baskets.
Duncomb and Thompson did good
work for the Hermiston team. Ref
eree Stewart and Umpire Switzler did
their part of the work in a creditable
F. T. O'Connell has opened up a new
general merchandise store In the Dun
can Hotel building. Mr. O'Connell Is
a resident of Umatilla and has been
in Idaho for some time, where he
owns a large ranch. His friends wish
him all kinds of success In his new
A sprained ankle will usually dis
able the injured person for three or
four weeka. Thla Is due to lack of
proper treatment. When Chamber
lain's Liniment la applied a cure may
be effected in three or four days. Thla
liniment la one of the beat and most
remarkable preparations in use. Sold
by all dealers.
The marriage of Miss Lucy White
Hayes, daughter of Joel Addison
Hayes, and granddaughter of Jeffer
son Davis, and George Bower Toung,
son of the late Harvey Tpung, the
artist, was celebrated at ' Colorado
Springs, Thursday evening at St.
Stephen's Episcopal church at 9
o'clock, with the Rev. Arthur N.
Taft, officiating. Mr. and Mrs.
Young will take a brief trip before
going to their future home in Placef
ville, Colo.
The peculiar properties of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy have been
thoroughly tested during epidemics
of influenza, and when it was taken
in time we have not heard of a single
case of pneumonia. Sold by all deal
To the victors belong the tolls!
Relief n Five Minute and Permanent
Cure or Money Back.
When Tallman states that he has
a remedy that only costs 50 cents an!
Is guaranteed to cure any man or w
man who suffers from food fermenta
tlon, or money back, what are the
poor stomach sufferers in Pendleton
and vicinity going to do about it?
Food fermentation causes belching.
sour stomach, gas eructation, heart
burn and that lump of lead feeling as
yiu fiT'ih&Wy know.
Thi- name of this most remarkable
stomach prescription Is MI-O-NA
Most people call them MI-O-NA stom
ach taMits braus they know that
ther Is no remedy so good for Indi
gestion or stomach disorders. Here
is one opinion;
"I have b-en troubled with Indi
pestlnn for more than a year. I
bought owi box of MI-O-XA and U
cured me .v,w I would not be with
out a box in the house f'ir J5.00. It
saves a lot of doctor bills when you
fan be cured for 50 cents." Arthur
Sederriuest, 6 Nichols St., Wakefield
MI-O-NO stomach tablets cost DO
cents a box at Tallman & Co.'s and
druggists everywhere and money back
If they don't cure.
Wnitsluirs Basket Boll Girls Pefctel
Milton High School Five Other
News from tlw East End Country.
(Special Correspondence.)
Milton, Ore., Dec. 13. The open
ing of the new Columbia college will
take place next Thursday evening.
The building will be open from 7 to
8 for inspection, committees being sta
tioned nil over the building for the
purpose of showing visitors through
the rooms. At 8 o'clock a 'musical
and literary program will be rendered.
The Waitsburg high school girls'
gasket ball team played the Milton
high girls' Saturday evening, the girls
from Waitsburg winning easily at a
score of 22 to 2. After the game the
high school boys gave a banquet In
the gymnasium to the two teams.
Mrs. P. N. Stevens returned today
from Athena where she has been for
several days on a visit.
J. E, Cherry is just recovering
frrtm a severe attack of la grippe.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben E. Nichols are
In the city from Winona.
Mrs. C. P. Collins and Mrs. Walter
Putnam were Walla Walla visitors to
.Miss Eva Thompson spent the day
in Walla Walla, the guest of Miss Ef
fle Bennett.
Mrs. Anna Bowlus Is the new clerk
at the Kubler toy store at Freewater.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Edwards were
over Sunday guests at Opportunity at
tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Phil
The members of the fire depart
ment entertained their wives and
sweethearts at a banquet given at the
Hotel Fairmont Monday night.
Many persons find themselves af
fected with a persistent cough after
an attack of influenza. As this cough
can be promptly cured by the use of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy it
should not be allowed to. run on until
it becomes troublesome. Sold by all
Portland, Ore. As the result of
the recent apple show held here. It is
expected a plan of co-operative sell
ing will be arranged by the fruit
growers of the northwest and Initial
steps to organize will be taken within
the next 60 days. President At well
of the State Horticultural society, is
taking the lead in the matter, and
will soon issue a call to growers of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho to or
ganize such an apple-selling agency
with a capital of $500,000.
The Idea was incorporated In the
annual address of President Atwell
before the society and orchardlsts of
the Pacific Northwest will act upon
the suggestion, believing it will effect
great economies In disposing of the
annual crop. The association will be
patterned to some extent after the
fruit associations of California and
their successful methods followed in
The greatest' danger from Influanaa
H of Its resulting ia pnesaeala. Tali
an be obviated by uatng Chambar
laln'a Caugh Remedy, as It not only
cures Influensa, but counteracts any
tendency of the 4lea towards paea
monla. Bold by all dealers.
St. Petersburg, Dec. A levee, at
tended by all the fashionable society
of the empire, was given today by
the emperor at Winter Palace. This
is the first function of its kind held
since 19C4. .
For the last six years the czar and
czarina have held as few big func
tions as possible, because of the fear
of assassination which has rendered
the existence of the Imperial family
miserable. Of late, however, the
czar has given evidence of a healthier
and braver frame of mind and the
levee Is looked upon as an Indication
of the decision of the Imperial pair
to resume their Hoclal activltcs.
During the leveo the palace was
surrounded with troops, while gov
ernment spies fairly swarmed through
the building, on the lookout fur nihi
lists or other nusplclous persons who
might have affectf-d nn entrance, dur
ing the arrival of the guests.
Fjrtray Notice.
One span of sorrel geldings soma
what old. Weight about 1160 pounds.
Any person notifying Chas. Lobaugh,
Llllt-tn street, Pendleton will be re
Pllot Rock, or John L. Bartley, 808
If you can't afford any other Iron
tonic for anaemia of the resolution,
try a shovell
American U'onnn'i Tnmo
A 25 Der cent discount nn .in
scriptions brought to 314 Water street
is ouerea Dy miss Boya.
Chrtatmna TWm
Call at V. Stroble's or the Bowman
pnoto gallery, or phone orders to
ciacK zis. j. h. Gibson. Large sup
ply at reasonable prices.
Bare maaey by read In today's ads.
(Co iSi ' .nmr.rir'rE 3
Promotes DigntiontieoM
ness ami Flra f onkrtiH wttvr
Omum.Marpliine txriiaraL
Aspat&rtRnMdy ftrCowIm
nua.ouia 3uiaasauvuKww
YVoitbjs jl oarvTrtsous jprens
Dm aul LOSS OT SitER
lattaafle Sijnsfla of
!"hJ.'' 'SHI fkV
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
W'WI.1"1?!' n
mviusciTi rni 1 1 niTHim. 1 1
risA Bar? Hill
M!"r ii m rji -vv m h y ri 11 D ivl
tiaiiaaammr i u ui ilk h us hub ir-ki
Housekeeping Room for Rent.
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
ing. Steam heat, electric lights, hot
and oold water and bath. Recently
renovated. Enquire at East Orego
nlan ffir.
The peculiar properties of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy have beon thor
oughly tested during epidemics of Inl
fluenza, and when it was taken la
time we have not heard of a single
case of pneumonia. Sold by all dealers.
Id an on ft
ft mm a?
MAY we help you solve tlio problem and put you in the way of
doing your Christmas shopping with pleasure, . satisfaction
and economy ? We take the liberty of making a suggestion regard
ing the best time to do your shopping and earnestly urge you to do
it AT ONCE, Como early while the pick is tho choicest, avoid the
crowd and make your selections at leisure and in comfort, from a
full and complete assortment
Our stock is known to comprise high-class jewelry and our pri
ces are less than those found in the majority of high-grade stores.
First-class engraving free on all articles purchased hem
FREE Solid Silror Toaspoon-FREE
As an inducement for early buying we will present to every
purchaser of $5.00 or more a solid silver teaspoon of an artistic de
sign. We retail these spooas from $1.00 to $1.50. But one spoon
will ba given to each customer.
A Fow Suggestions
Diamond Noklac
f 15 to ?75
Diamond and Pearl Rings
f 10 to f 400
Diamond Brooch s
125 to 9200
Diamond and emerald Rings
f 15 to 100
Diamond and Solitaire Ear
rings, a pair f 25 to f 600
Fancy Diamond Rings
? 20 to ?750
Diamond Pendants
f 20 to ?100
Diamond Stickpins
f 10 to f 150
Diamond Studs
f 25 to 8300
Diamond Solitaire Rings
f 10 to 800
Bracelets .1 2.00 to 850
Combs fl.00 to ?25
Purees 84-50 to 345
Link Buttons 75 to 8 100
Chains 81.00 to 840
Looketo f 1.50 to f 45
Toilet Sets .
Scarf Pins
84.50 to 8150
86.00 to 8 75
$3.50 to ?35
75 to 850
d -HANSOM ti
TSUE JeweBer