EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1910. PAGE WTWM Our Final Ladies and Misses SUIT SALE Started with a Rush. Sale con tinues lip to Saturday NignL $1.5.00 Suits go at - $7.45 1 $10.50 Suite go nt $8.20 $20.00 Suits go at $9.95 $22.50 Suits go nt . $11.20 $25.00 Suits go at , , , --..: $12.45 $30.00 Suits go at $14.95 $32.50 Suits go nt 1 $16.20 $35.00 Suits go at $17.45 Don't Wait They're Going Fast F. E. Livengood Co. The Women's and Children's Store, PERSONAL MENTION LOCALS Pastime picture pleas all. See Lane & Son for strut. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Son. I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R 181 J. Furniture for sale, parties leaving town. Call 304 Bush street. For rent Seven room house, north side, enquore 221, Perkins ave. Wanted 1300 for four months. Give cattle for socurlty. Phone Main 6. Exhibition poultry fed by A. T. Mathews Co. Fresh car poultry sup plies Just received. A clean and careful shave always at Mark Patton's shop. Across from Alexanders. Phone for patrons. Mothers, save your boys a sick spell. Get him a pair of warm shoes at Eklund's. Great reductions. For rent Three furnished housekeeping- rooms, electric lights, fas stove and bath. 701 Thompson street. Good looking and good wearing school shoes for boys going at a great reduction at A. Eklund's. See win dow. Lost Two red pups, Irish setters, about S months old. Finder phone Red 8481 or notify Frank Earnheart Reward. Cold wuaitier is coming. We have the beet coul on the market. A ton U liOOO lbs. at Pendleton Lum ex Yard, Phone Main O. Spend your idle evenings In a gen tlemen's resort. Bowling, pool, bil liards, shooting gallery. Pastime Parlor. Hoover and Rook. Read In December Sunset Maga zine, "San Francisco the Exposition City." Superbly Illustrated In four colors. Now on sale all news stands 16 cents. 700 acre ranch, 100 acres wheat land, about 100 acres timber land, balance pasture. Good barn, fair house, 1-4 mile to P. O. and store. Church only 1-2 mile, Price only $10 acre, 33000 cash, balance terms, 7 per cent Interest See Teutsch. TOY TRADE AND INDUSTRY IN STATE OF MEXICO .WHhln the pant few years there has developed In Mexico an Increas ed Interest In American manufactur ed toys, especially mechanical ones. Up to a few years ago mechanical toys were not seen In Latin Ameri ca, but during the holiday season here now the main feature of window displays is such products, and such show windows attract greatest atten tion. Another special feature Is that the season for selling such toys here Is not confined to the holiday or Christmas time, but really lasts the year around, for the reason that the Christmas holidays are not celebrated In Mexico with such special attention by sending presents as In the United States. The celebration takes a more religious and social form and hence toys such as are usually sold in the United States during the month of December are sold here through all the months of the year. The best moving pictures and brightest pictures In Pendleton at the Orpheum. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre !a the city the Pastime. For rent Furnished house. In iulre 607 Willow. Phone Blk 3322. Mrs. Carl Gilbert of Echo spent yesterday In this city. Harold Smith of Stanfiold, Is up from thnt town today. R. Alexander and wife are spend ing a few days in Portland. W. A. Walpole of Irrlgon is one of today's visitors In the city. Charles E, Fay of Spokane, Is reg istered aLthe Hotel Bowman. H. E. Stevens of Echo came up from that town this morning. A. M. Winn and wife of Helix, vame In from their home yesterday. A. G. O'Brien of Pasco came over from his homo city yesterday. M. E. Covington is registered at the Hotel Pendleton from Honolulu. Miss Emma Schurrs of North Yak ima, is a visitor In the city today. Miss Iva Gumm of Tekoa, Wash., Is a guest of one of the local hotels. Miss Helen Gilbert of Pilot Rock came in from the sheep town yester day. Mrs. Ross Newport returned to her home at Hermlston on last evening's motor car. Dr. J. R. Cromb and wife of Stan field are among the west end visitors In the city. R. N. Standfield Is up .from his homo In Stanfield and is spending the day In the city. J. H. Reid returned to Hermlston last evening, having spent the day at the county seat. E. A. Dudley, the well known Athe na resident, Is transacting business In the city today. Mrs. A. H. Sunderman returned this morning to Echo, where she will remain for a few weeks. Douglas Johnson, the well known Milton resident, came In from the east end city yesterday. Miss Ivy S. McClelland was among the Hermistonlans coming up from the project town yesterday. aP. M. Kellogg and wife of Walla Walla, were Incoming passengers yes terday from the Garden City. Mrs. S. A. Austin of Tahoe, Idaho, arrived In Pendleton yesterday and is registered at the Hotel Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCormmach have gone to Portland, where they will visit until after the first of the year. Will Jamison, proprietor of meat markets In both Athena and Wes ton, is a business visitor in the city today. Charles Klingenhammer and G. Price are among the La Grande peo ple who stopped off in this city yes terday. R. S. Fisher and R. Burns are among the Walla Walla people who came over from that city yesterday evening. Edgar Thompson returned to his home In Walla Walla yesterday after a short visit with his mother, Mrs. M. A. Thompson. Henry Hill, son of John F. Hill of this city, who Is now In the reales tatc business in La Grande Is visit ing in Pendleton for a few days. The Thursday Afternoon club will devote the session Thursday, Decem ber 15, to a final reading of the new constitution and balloting on same and other Important business. All members are requested to be present. .Meeting at residence of Mrs. Alice Sheridan at 3 o'clock. By order of the president. PEARL LIVENGOOD, Sec. DUTCH TWISTS It takes the Dutch to get things twisted. Just think of a clearance sale "as it were," at the time you need the stuff, but the time conies on our Tenth anniversary and we had to do it because we said we would, so we are going to cut every article in The Gift Room right square in the middle, and the only requirement that we ask of you is. that you bring us the right kind of coin. So get in and hustle for them ; turn things topsy-turvy to find them; round them up ; -wo want the full issue. Starting a Round- Up Sale Everybody knows tho success and satisfaction of the Round-up. Results have been fek everywhere, and wo hopo every citizen of Umatitla County has absorbed some of its good will spirit tho Koeppens have, and they aro showing it and their patriotism for Pendleton by open ing within its limits one of tho best, most complete, and up-to-date stores of its kind in Ore gon, and it is going to succeed as the Round-up succeeded. It is going to satisfy as the Round up satisfied, and wo are going to fix it so that every person in the county will have cause to aid in the success and feel well paid for the opportunity. Every coin bearing the date of 1 900 are the ones we want and those will buy just twice the amount of goods at the Gift Room that coin of other dates will buy. It runs till Christmas. It means Christmas goods at half price, and it means that we want the Gift Room to be known by you, appreciated by you, and you benefited by it. KGEPPEN'S Who Run the Store That Serve You Best - SUPPLY YOUR GIFT HEEDS From these Offerings Wherein liea the wisdom of putting off the purchase of a Christmas gift until the last minute? Half the satisfaction of giving lies in the satisfaction of knowing that you have exactly met your own ideala and the recipient's, too. BUY NOW. Our Holiday assortments are practically complete and thousands of appropriate and serviceable Christmas gifta are on display. Everything i3 new, crisp, fresh, attrac tive; there are no "carried-over" goods, no "odds and ends," no undesirable merchandise shown here. A Few Ideal Remembrances CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS. CHRISTMAS RIBBONS. CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR. CHRISTMAS SILKS. CHRISTMAS HOSIERY. CHRISTMAS APRONS. CHRISTMAS KIMONAS. CHRISTMAS GLOVES. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS. For young and old. CHRISTMAS SCARFS. CHRISTMAS DOLL BUGGIES. CHRISTMAS DOLLS, Etc. Ladies' Suits, Coats, Waists, Skirts, Petticoats, Etc., in Endless Profusion Presents that are practical, Presents that will be Remembered Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money HAULING OF GRAIN IS GIGANTIC TASK The enormous task of handling grain from the Canadian west at the head of the upper lakes, through Fort William and Port Arthur la describ ed In a report by Consul A. G. Sey fert of Owen Sound, Ontario, In which he says: "From September 1, 1909, to Au gust SI, 1910, 89,000,000 bushels of grain passed through these ports, the preceding year 65,000,000 bushels, and the year before 47,000,000. "The combined harbor has 16 grain elevators with a storage capacity of 30,000,000 bushels. The 4,000,000 husliel one belonging to the Grand Trunk Pacific Is the largest In the world, and the unit of ten which that railroad is building. The Canadian Pacific has five, the each with 3, TiOO.000 capacity. "It is hard to realize what it meant to bring this enormous traffic of grain tn the elevators for transshipment by boat. Allowing 1000 bushels to the car, 89.001.000 bushels would fill 89 - 000 cars, or 13,000 trains of 70 cars each. The busy times are the spring and late fall, when 20 to 40 of the Great Lake freighters are alongside the elevators with grain pouring Into the vessels' holds. "The Canadian government takes an Important part in handling the grain at this transshipment port. An act of parliament provides for the trading of the grain, and government inspectors pass on evcery carload In the assembling yard before it goes to the elevator for unloading. The grain has already passed one inspection at the starting point, and the second In spection at the elevator terminal Is performed to confirm the western grading. The inspectors are on hand again when the grain is shipped out. Tiny watch the weighing and see that the grade is what is called for. Every boat that clears with a cargo of grain carries a certificate signed by a gov ernment official showing the. quantity and quality of the grain it contains" Nice B-room house well furnished, good location, only short distance from P. O. Price very reasonable. For particulars see W. G. Fisher or Lee Teutsch. . A woman's "good cry" makes a whole lot better safety valve than a man's soakful souse? DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP YIELD TO THIS TREATMENT Why experiment trying to drive the dandruff germ from underneath the skin with greasy lotions or fancy hair dressing when Pendleton Drug Store will guarantee ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP to entirely rid the scalp of tho germ life that causes the trouble. ! ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can be j obtained In any city or town in Am- j erica and are recognized the best and j most economical treatment for all af- j fectlons of the skin or scalp whether j on infant or grown person. One ihamnnn n'Uh 7PMO SOAP find A Im plication of ZEMO will stop itching j j and cleanse the scalp of dandruff and scurf. We invite you to try ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP and if not entirely sat isfied we will refund your money. You Best Work Demands a Good Night's Rest One-third of your life Is spent In bed. Do you spend it in com fort and obtain proper rest? Think it over, then see our FAMOUS B. 31. O. E. MAT TRESS AND SANITARY IRON BEDS. We guarantee to meet prices of all competition. RALPH FOLSOM Leading Housefumbhor. Daily East Orgonlaa by carrier only 65 cents per mtk. INIYF.KMTV GI.KF. CI.VB PROGRAM PROMISING Phone Mala 45. SOS K. Court St. Dry, - wet, chemi cal and steam cleaners. We call rr and deliver anywhere. OLD SPOTS Never come back when cleaned by the Berlin Dye House JACK WEBSTER, MANAGER, Something new and something do ing "all the time," characterizes the t"niversity of Oregon Olee Club pro gram this year. No old and worn out songs, but the latest hits will be giv en. The people of Pendleton will be assured of an entertainment no, soon to be forgotten, when this aggrega tion of college boys appear at the Oregon theater. December ? The Glee Club Is singing this year some catchy songs of an unusual na ture. Several of the popular Inter mezzos of the day, such as Amlna, Wild Flower and Amo, have been ar ranged especially for a men's choral club, and the way Oregon's bunch of songsters go at them is enough to stir the sense of rhythm in a stone. A Chinese love song sung by the whole club Is another unusual, but catchy number. "The South Wind Blows," a new lullaby, gives the club a chance to show what It can do in tone quality. In this song the soft moaning of the wind can be jdistlnct- ly heard as the twenty-four men soft ly hum In the introduction. The comedy end of the program will bo held up by the Suffragette Trio, composed of Messrs. Curtis, Martin, and Gelsler, and a skit entitled "The Glee Club in Dope Center," with Tom Burke, Melvln Ogden and Vernon Vawter In the leading roles. In this act are Introduced Messrs, Curtis and Geisler, the "PreUel Twins," in song and dance, Ftasler In solo, and the "Hungry Six," a German band, which renders several familiar ditties In characteristic German style. Cai'veps and Hoasters Make Gocd Serviceable, Practical and Sensible AM A 5 G1ETS Our Stiletto Carvers are the finest you can buy anywhere at any price. Finely tempered. Will stay sharp even in cutting the hottest meats. Beautifully finished and fully guaranteed to give satisfaction. SETS OF TURKIC PIECES IX" NEAT CASE $4.50 TO $lS.OO. ROASTERS Tho W the market affords. The LISK, SAVORY and XESCO, all these Roasters arc sanitary and most of them enameled. COME AND SEE THE USEFUL GIFTS WE HAVE. WW The Taylor Hardware Co.