FAGS rOCR DAILY EAST OREGOMAX, PENDLETON. OREGON. TI KSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1910. EIGHT PAGES 411 INDKl'UNDKNT NEWSl'lTER. rafcilabed Pally. Weekly and 8ml-Weakly at l'vnilirton, Oregon, by tba AST OHKltHMAN ll HL1SH1NH CO. suss. lm-Tio.N kati;s. VT, one year, by mall $5.00 ktelly, all tuouihi, by mall 2.50 frorflj. tnree moutba. b.r mall 1.25 oily, out Din-ill. by mall SO belly, one year, by carrier 750 Il!j, alx uoiitiui, by carrier S.75 1117. ibree months, by carrier 1.05 vony, on month, or earner oo laekly, one v.'r. ".y mail ... Weekly, alx months, by mall. Weekly, four inoiuha. by nail. Iral-ffnllj, one Tour, by mall. W'M'klv. All months hr mall. eoil-Wetkly. (our montua. by mall. 1.50 .73 .00 1.50 .73 .50 n Dally Kaat Oreponlan la kept on aale at the Oretmn Nona Co., 329 Morrlaon atreet. Portland. Oregon. krth-et .ea tV, Portland. Oregon. Chicago Hureau, 0o. Security RulkllDg. Washington, I). C, Bureau, 501 four aam atreet, N. W. Member United rreas Association. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Ortvon. aa second class mall matter. Vepbr.ne Main 1 Official City and County Paper. belong to the victors and the victors are not going to miss the chance of dividing them." So this is why the election of West looks so bad. It was the pie that the Herald was thinking of when It par ticipated so vigorously in the recent campaign. Rats with the pie. The patronage the governor has to dis tribute amounts to nothing at all com pared with the really important work he has to do. Furthermore republicans cannot well complain. Thus far the only of ficial . action taken by Governor-elect "West consisted in his naming of a re publican, and a very capable one, to be his private secretary. WHY NOT 1HG1IES? orroRTrxrrY. . This I beheld, or dreamed it in a dream There spread a cloud of dust alontr a plain; And underneath the c'oud, or in it, raged A furious battle: and men yelled and swords Shocked upon swords ' . and shields. A prince's banner Wavered, then staggered back- ward, hemmed by foes. A craven hung along the battle's edge, and thought, "Had I a sword of keener steel That blue blade that the king's son bears but This blunt thing!" He snapt and flung it from his hand, And lowering, crept away and left the field. " Then came the king's son, wounded, sore beset, And weaponless, and saw the i broken sword, Hilt-buried in the dry and trodden sand, And ran and snatched It, and with battle shout Lifted afresh, he hewed his en- emy down, And saved a great cause that he- roic day. Edward Rawland Sill. In making Justice White the chief justice instead of Governor Hughes, Tresident Taft did on unusual thing and his action will nnturally arouse much comment. The action Is the more unusual in that Justice White is a democrat. Then Hughes has such a standing both as an official and as a member of the bar that he was generally regarded as a splendid man to be the head of the supreme court. According to the United Press the president personally favored the ap pointment of Hughes but was per suaded from that position by Wicker sham and other advisors. As to the reasons advanced against Governor Hughes nothing is said. It Is evi dent though that there are interests that aba afraid of the cold, clear cut reasoning of the upright and fear less governor. Doubtless the appoint ment of White will be highly pleas ing to Wall street and to other ele ments in New York. But among the rank and file of the people of this country President Taft would stand higher today had he named Hughes for chief justice. 0m mm Absolutely Pure The only baking powder matlo from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar KoAluni.NoL'ifflQ Phesphata THE SPEAKERSHIP. ment has prosecuted trusts during his time as attorney general. But Wick ersham has not been very brutal. A shipment of Holstein cows is now enroute from Illinois, to Oregon. Why didn't they 6rder Jerseys? They give richer milk . A Holstein Is too much like a pump. Attorney U. R. Johnson Is fortu nate. Some men would be forced to remain in bed if robbed of a suit of clothes. Attend the poultry show. The egg is somewhat more attawi able than it was, but we think we shall continue to employ the soap for shampooing purposes for the present Ohio State Tribune. According to reports from Portland My Corns Don't Hurt, a Bit. BUSINESS IJEI ORE PLEASl RE. . H. J. Taylor, president of the Uma tilla county good roads association, does not favor the idea of having this state build a great highway from Vancouver to the California line. He would raihtr see good roads built where they are needed leading from country districts into the natural trading centers f ir thus, districts. In Mr. Tjijltr's idea of road building business should come before pleas are. But if the state is to go into the long highway business then he wants a r:ad constructed from Port land to this country also. Of course. If state aid is to be used in road making the first essential i3 that the plan proi.u.scd should be fair to all portions of the state. It would be pan:f'stly ur.fnir to" tax the entire fstate for a Dad leading north and south through western Oregon. Be sides under the ruling of the supreme art la the Crater lake road it would evidently be unconstitutional for the state to vote money tor such a high- In nrcferer.ee to the scheme frr a great highway is the move for a law to vote state money fur road work in 11 or tne couTiues oi uie ni.ai.- lik Siring of state money being conditi oned upon the spending of a much larger sum by the respective coun ties. What Oregon needs is a good roads sjrstem that will provide easy trans portation from the country districts into the citi'-s and towns of the state. "VCe cannot yet afford to build great statewide boulevard.-- for the accom modation of tount'.s who may be passing through in autos or for the benefit of our own g-Titry. Even if we could afford It it mleht not be wise to do so. Within a few years antes will be used merely for com mercial and industrial purposes and the elect will be speeding around In - airships. the fight for the speakership of the house of representatives seems be tween Eaton of Lane and Rusk of Union and Wallowa counties. If this is the case then Eastern Oregon has a good opportunity of landing the speakership this year something that has not been done before in many moons. Western Oregon cannot well take both the presidency of the sen ate and the speakership and they seem to have the presidency' locked up. Representative Rusk is a man about whom eastern Oregon people may well rally with enthusiasm. He if of the cleancut, aggressive type of legislator and is ranked as one of the ablest members of the house. He H never afraid to stand up and be counted and furthermore is of the progressive school of politicians a school that now holds sway in this state. ANOTHER ONE. Tired, Ailing, Swollen; Smelly, Sweat; Feet, Corns, Callouses and Bunions, TIZ Cures Right Off. YOU NVON T Jf AVE TO ASK A rfA FAVOR IF YOU "V MAV m WVarti i W) en THE : U BANK Li 1 MARSHALL FIELD clerked in a store when lie was a boy. Ho put in the bank enough out of his salary to start a small business of his own. Today his establishment is the finest in tho world. His two grandchildren will get 400 millions each when they are given their share of his estate. j We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you put in our bank and compound tho interest every six months. THE American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY I Chickens! Chicksas!! Chicken?. !! jj 'J t ii i i 11 111 w n :i .5 All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old For choloe drfl omem phone your order night before. Wa Are none exurpt for order au if you like cold rtorage poultry iatnnlz tlie other felMW ar tore jommM. East End Grocery JSST turn. Faone R. inl. ''&.rwi HMB Pendleton's next convention will be tho threshermen of the state who will be here this fall. By exploiting the attractions of the Round-up E. L. Smith was able to persuade the threshermen to hold their next gath ering in this city. But Pendleton has other claims to the thresHermen'a convention. This Is the great wheat county of Oregon and the farmers o the county have more threshers than some people have hay. Surely the members of the association will feel at home here. Nor is it too early to plan for the entertainment and accommodation of this convention. Pendleton must maintain its reputation as the "Con vention City." There is a Kennewick farmer who expects to make a profit of $16,000 from a 20 acre tract he will have in asparagus next season. There Is money in small farming but If there are such enormous profits as this it will not be many years until the set tlers in the irrigation districts of this county will need individual banking houses to take care of their coin. Say good-bye to your corns the very first time you use TIZ. You will never know you have a corn, bunion or callous, or sweaty, tired, swollen, aching feet any more. It's Just won derful the way the pain vanishes. Rub the corn hammer it with your fist If you wish no more pain after TIZ than if there had never been a blem ish on your feet. Doesn't that sound good to you? Doesn't it? Then read this: "Tho eonis (i either of nay toos were s large as the tablet yen make to rare then. Today there la no sign et corns ob nitlier foot and no soreness. It's m ap-to-date Codwad." Sam. A. Koovar, PreirTefcS, ?f. C. Just use TIZ. It's not like anything else for the purpose you ever heard of. It's the only foot remedy ever mala which acta on tU principle of irawing oat all the poisonous exuda tions which cause sore feet. Powders aid other remedies merely clog up the ores. TIZ cleans them out and keepr thena olean. It works right off. Ton will feel better the very first time it'a used. Use it a week and yon can forget you ever had sore feet. ' There Is noUUag on earth that can compare with it. TIZ Is for siUe tt all drug gists, 2S cents per box, or direct, If yon wish, from Walter Luther Dodge Co.. Chicago. 111. FORGET THE PIE. In a dyspeptic tone the Baker City Herald puts forth the following: "After a few brief months spent - under a republican governor, the oters of Oregon elected a democrat for chief executive and in a short time Oswald West will take up the retna of government. Oregon is a republican i-tate but It was republican votes that put West in the governor's - chair. "And now the republicans must paj the price. West Is a democrat and all political pie will be dispensed to his henchmen. There are a large number of appointive offlcea In the Hate and West would not be a good politician If he did not fill these places with his folio wen. The spoils . o'nee more the wireless has been of service in time of shipwreck. When the Olympia went upon the reef In Prince William's Sound the wireless operator at once sent forth the call for aid. It was heard at Valdez and lat other points and soon three ships were hurrying to the rescue. Mar coni deserves a place In the hall of fame. Wlckershara gives a long account of the manner Jn which the govern- THE SWISE OP. TUB FLOWER? Ah me I 1 saw a huge and loathsome sty. Wherein a drove of wallowing wine were barred, Whose banquet shocked the nostril and the eye; Then spoke a voice, "Behold the source of lard!" I fled, and saw a field that seemed at first One glistening mass of roses pure and white. With dewy buds 'mid dark green foliage nursed; And, as I lingered o'er the lovely sight, The summer breeze, that cooled that Southern scene, Whispered, "Behold the source of COTTOLENEr Soo-Spckano Route TIB SHORT LINE uimupoLiifstrpim. AM) ATX POINT HAT. BQUIFMB.NT: Woo trio-lighted Observation Cars aad fitaad ard Bloopers, tho moot u-Iota to Tourist Car aad throagh dlaora, Through ticket to all po4aU east are oa sale by yonr loooj acoat at leweat ourroat faroa. If . Jaostaoa, T. P. A. oo. A. Waltoa. Ooa. Aft. id wn at., That Cold Rooinni on the side of the houscJJ winter blasts strike hardest, : has a lower temperature tL " test of the house. There af"! when It is necessary to n JJ temperature quickly or to h temperature up for s lonaiJJ That can't be done by the6 method of heating withoo trouble and overheating the t,0uY: the house. The only teIij method of heating such Irr tlone by other means is to air Smokeless 7 Absohdely tmokelea and oiartem vtfch eta bt kept at rait or low heat for a short or lonjz tSsa Poor quarts of oil will give a ajo wing heat for nine bourt Without smoke or smell. An Indicator always shows the amount of oil In die font Filler-cap does not screw on; but Is put In like a cork la a botde and is attached by a chain and cannot get lost An automatic-locking flame spreader prerents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and Is easy remove and drop back so that It can be cleaned in an instant. Tho borner boar or gallery cannot become VMged, tnd can bo unsci tm aa Instant lor revlckint. Finished In Udso or nickel, stronc. durable. fill. bJ& tor service, and yet light and ornamental. Has a oool hand la. HmI mt rmrt. mrtt fm ijtaa i i'siii iiiisish aosaa Known For its Strength The First iWono! Sank PEKXLETGR, I5REG0N CAPITAL. SURPLUS aid UNDIVIDED PROMTS . RESOURCES! OVI S50 52,000,000.00 SECURITY Headquarters For Toilet, Goods We are Solo M anufactaren and Distributors of Ute Oeietmtea s TOILET CREAM N COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of as ton Oragoa. OLD LIJT 1 LITE STOCK E. BTJHANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of CrawfordarUls, Has now ontered Orogon. Policies sow gooi In oyery state la tho Union. Organ aed over 16 years ago. Paid up Capital 11(0,009.00. As sets over 110,000.00. REMEMBER, this la NOT a Mutual Iilve asock Iasnr aiioe company. r.hrk Moorhouse Company Agent, Pendleton, Or. 113 East Court St. Ffcono Mala 8S. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. WE DEAL 11 DRUGS HOT PROMISES You Make a Bad Mistake When you put off buying your until Fall purchase It NOW and secure the bent Rock Pprlngs coal Uie mines produce at price coiiHtderahly lower tliaa thono prevailing In Fall and Winter. By stocking up now ynai avoid ALL danger of being un able to secure It when U weather arrive. Henry Kopittke Phone Main 1TB. Fresh Fish Meats and Hausagea EVERT DAT. We handle only the purest f lard, hams and baeoa. Empire Moat Go. Phone Main 18. FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. ' Always pure and delivered promptly, if you phone tho Cental Meat Market 108 E. Alta 8L, Phone Mala U. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE t J flArjE IVURKI Dcsions CoPYmaHTS Ac Anrnna anillna a nkolrh and dmorlnllnn ma qtii.'klf unefiiiin (.Mr iiplmi n rruo liihr an liiTniiMon U iirolml.lf pitteiit.'t.m. Cnnimtinlf'. on rnmits lll'lll'V llil .. lir.ilfT IIMIIMI,. I'Atvnfj taken titrouuli Mumi a Co. ruoalva tlnni ii.t let It vm;!ilrnt Int. n; i.'iM'rtpK Wit frno. IIMnat lui'iiry fur uniif I'HUIIIf win tiirouuM Miuiii Jk atrial no(k. wllhouti t. . u. ilT, SdeMHK jjeirican. m lianiJioTnolT Hlntri)M WAnMr. .amort eo ealatlon of anr aoientnio Jnuriinl, Torim, aa a raari (nur auinlba, L UolJ bjall nawadaalorm , 9SUNF( ft Cs - New foil aauh OiUnu. i.'J. II' if Woalilualuo, U.O Unfurnished housokoeplng rooms for rent In the Bast Oregonlaa balM Ing. AU modern oonrsntoaeoo. KB qulro at E. O. offloa.