East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 13, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Pendleton's new saloon regulating
orUlnunce Is giving tho city much de
slrablo advertising over tho state.
Many newspapers have commented
editorially on the stringent provisions
Incorporated in the document and the
general Bcntlment seems to be that
l'endleton has taken a step which
other cities will eventually follow, a
letter received by Judge Thomas
Fltz Gerald, tho city recorder, this
morning bears out this prediction and
shows that the pioneer trnll which
this city lias blazed Is likely to be
lulte generally traveled. The letter
was from W. C. Hale, a prominent at-
torney of La Grande and follows In
City Recorder,
l'endleton, Oregon.
Dear Sir: I notice by the press
Phut your city has passed a liquor or
dinance that seems to meet the views
of many people, and, as I am endeav
oring to submit an ordlnunce to our
council that will secure home rule
and at the same time be fair and rea
Honuble all around, I would like very
much to have a full copy of your or
dinance at once.
Trusting you will be able to have a
copy made and mailed at once with
your reasonable bill, I am
Very truly yours,
wfcdy direct!, win cause her to
fire to ber little onn onlj the most
vhaknic nd beneficial remedies
ind only wheu actual! needed, and
tie wall-infarniei mother uses only
ilw pleasant and peitle laiatire rem
&J Syrup of Fijrs tad Elixir of
Senna when a laxative is required,
U it is wholly fre from all objec
tionable rotwtancM. To get its ben
fioiat tffecta always buy the genu
ine, Braiufactwrod y the- Ccdifonit
Eig ty'iup Co.
Washington. Dealers In real cot
ton recognize nine grades of the sta
ple but the New York stock exchange
dabbles in 30 grades that are more
or less mythical. Among experts
there Is not always agreement as to
the grade of cotton In a bale and to
overcome these disagreements the de
partment of agriculture has prepared
samples of each grade that will rank
as the offlclul standard In transac
tions in real cotton. Tho grades were
established through the cooperation
of experts In and out of the depart
ment and their distribution has been
begun In order that the standards may
apply to the crop season of 1910-11.
The price of a set of samples Is $35.
which Is the cost of their preparation
and It must be Imposed under the
Leading men in the cotton business
both In this country and In Europe,
who have seen the official grades,
have expressed themselves In terms
of the highest commendation.
The grades are elaborately prepar
ed and the Integrity of each type Is
attested by a full sized photograph
secured in the box cover and bearing
the signature of the secretary and the
seal of the department of agricul
ture. The permanency of the stand
ard Is to be secured by the preserva
tion of 25 sets In vacuum to be opened
as occasion may demand for purposes
of comparison.
Tho Orpheum.
1. A Mexican Legend, 1000 feet
long. A good drama by the Ameri
can Pathe Co.
2. .A Black Heart. Pathe. 500 feet
long. A good drama, telling the dif
ficulties of a chief of police captur
ing a noted vagabond.
3. Dutch Types. Pathe, 600 feet
long Scenic.
4. The Lady Barbers. BOO feet
long. A good comedy by the Sellg
company. A lady barber came to
Casoyville and opened a shop. The
news is not received by the ladles of
the town with any degree of delight,
as they notice their husbands are
spending more time and money at the
barber shop than usual, some getting
a shave two or three times a day. But
they form a plan which proves suc
cessful. 5. The Bachelor. Sellg. 500 feet
long. An amusing comedy.
The Pastime.
"Simple Charity." Blagraph dra
ma. Another of those strong Bio
graph stories. The unassuming char
ity of the girl Is the principal point
of Interest and the love of the young
doctor follows naturally.
"Right In Front of Father." Lu
bln, comedy. A snappy comedy which
represents serious obstructions to t'.ie
course of true love in the strenuous
objections of both fathers, but the
young people by a ruse, manage to
get married right in front of father,
both being called in as witnesses.
"Faithful Unto Death." Gatimont,
drama. A drama presenting a story
In which the romance comes to an
untimely end on account of the hero's
mother. The scenes are laid In the
farming country of Southern France.
"A Trip to the Blue Grotto, Capri,
Italy." Scenic. .A well finished and
comprehensive trip to the famous
grotto. On the return we close our
trip with a beautiful Medlteranean
Don Carlos, a drama taken from
the Court of Spain. One of tho fin
est stage settings ever shown.
Count of Montebello, comedy.
The Heart of an Actress. A melo
drama (Yankee).
Illustrated song, "Put on Your Old
Gray Bonnet."
It must not be thought that ostrich
Is out of the running; the large black
velvet hat with one or two white
shower arnazons always looks distin
guished, but such an extravagant
taste In feathers has been developed
of late that in Purls at least, what Is
considered the proper quality Is far
out of reach of the great majority.
Aigrettes -which had been somewhat
discarded by some millinery, though
maintained in the front by others, are
now quite restored to general favor,
white aigrettes being now among the
most fashioned trimmings for a black
velvet hat.
In accordance with a decision ren
dered by the customs authorities Oc
tober 19, 1910, cotton wicks and
similar articles are dutiable at 15
rels per k'.lo (67 cents per 100
pounds. These products were not
previously classified in the Portu
guese customs tariffs.
Attention, Artisans.
Members of Alpha Assembly No. 9,
are hereby notified or the change of
meeting nights from Wednesday to
Tuesday nights. Will meet in regular
session Tuesday evening, December
Tablets. Druggists refund money If
tt falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature la on each box. tie.
Pendleton is to have another large
Implement house. Neagle Bros., the
well known firm of machinists and
blacksmiths on the corner of Water
and Cottonwood streets, will put in a
full and complete stock of farm Im
plements In connection with their
shops by the first of the year. James
Spence will have charge of tho new
department. James Neagle, one of
the members of the firm, left yester
day for California, where ho will pur
chase the stock.
Neagle Bros, have been In the
blacksmith business In Pendleton for
22 years and during that time they
have built up an extensive trade and
have established a reputation for ef
ficiency and reliability. Their many
friends and patrons will be glad to
learn of their entrance Into a larger
field of business.
Jim Spence is known to everybody
In the city, where he has lived for
many years. Recently he has been In
La Grande, where he acted in the ca
pacity of advertising manager of the
La Grande Observer. However, he
ha-s had much experience In the im
plement business, and as he Is known
as a great rustler, his success in the
management of Neagle Bros.' new de
partment is assured.
Heartburn ami Ifcadnrlio from Stm
uh und Other Distress I KikUxI
Forever A Uttlo Plopr-p'" Now
Will Certainly Make Yon Peel Pino
Before You Realize It.
To the Public.
Now is the time to Join the United
Artisans to get in on the big banquet
to be given by the supreme officers
at some leading hotel or restaurant
here. There Is no better fraternal In
surance order in existence. Rates
reasonable. Send in your application
at once to Dr. I. U. Temple, medical
examiner. Admission fee at present
only 1.
The chap vho looks visibly disap
pointed after he fails to fill a flush
never was meant to sit into a poker
There would not be a case of indi
gestion here if readers who are sub
ject to stomach trouble knew the tre
mendous anti-ferment and digestive
virtue contained in Dlapepsln. This
harmless preparation will digest
heavy meal without the slihtr-st fuss
or discomfort, and relieve the sourest,
acid stomach in five minutes, besides
overcoming all foul, nauseous odors
from the breath.
Ask your pharmacist to show you
the formula, plainly printed on each
50 cent case of Pape's Diapepsin, then
you will readily understand why this
promptly cures such symptoms as
heartburn, a feeling like a lump of
lead in the stomach, belching of gas
and eructations of undigested food,
water brash, nausea, headache, bil
iousness and many other bad symp
toms; and, besides, you will not need
laxatives to keep your stomach liver
and Intestines clean and fresh.
If your stomach is sour and full of
gas. or your food doesn't digest, and
your meals don't seem to fit, why not
get a 50-cent case from your druggist
and make life worth living? Abso
lute relief from stomach misery and
perfect digestion of anything you eat
is sure to follow five minutes after,
and besides, one case is sufficient to
cure a whole family of such trouble.
Surely, a harmless, Inexpensive
preparation like IDapepsin, which will
always, either at daytime or during
night, relieve your stomach misery
and digest your meals, is about as
handy and valuable a thing as yott
could have in the house.
The Greater Alexander Department Skor e
The store of Christmas spirit-mean3 satisfaction and good will toward all.
Sertsaitional41D)ays SaBe of La ies Heady fto Vifear(Bair'Bnents
Marvelous values in new up to date apparel. Selection is offered from good assortments of high class merchandise
at the prices that are bound to interest the shrewd and economical buyer. Look through the list carefully and profit by
the many unusual opportunities which are now offered.
Women's and Misses' Tailored
Suits--$25.00 Values $ 1 2. 0
For this 4 days vp offer splendid saving on the smartest win
ter models in women's and misses' tailored suits, made of fine
all-wool tweeds, worsted, cheviot, and broadcloth, strictly tail
ored with tho latest style skirts.
All Ladies'
Pendleton, Oregon.
You arc cordially requested to call at the Greater Alexander lVpt. store dry goods sec
tion Ix-fore Wednesday noon, Dec. 4, and receive absolutely free a couple of tickets to the
H'osy" motion picture show. We are giving these tickets as a treat to you.
Yours truly,
The Greater Alexander
Department Store Forging
Farther in the Lead
We are installing a new electric cluster light
post in front of our store entrance for the bene
fit of tho hundreds of buyers who visit our
store as well as to further tio civic pride of
Pendleton in tho better lighting of her streets.
Linen Tailored Waists for
4 Days Sale
Hero's a sale of Tuilorod Waists which will
set all Pendleton talking, just for this four
days sale, 300 brand new Tailored Waists
made in a largo variety of styles and materials
including linen, striped madras and lawn, fin
ished with small and medium size pearl butr
tons. $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 all at one price
choice - - - 81.35
75c Fancy Huck
Toweling 49c
All Linen Fancy Iluck, just tho thing for
Christmas, sold everywhere for 75c and 85c,
at this 4 days sale . 49
You may le tho next to receive freo tickets.
Christmat Aprons
The assortment is large, ranging in price
from 25 to 81.50
Fancy Collars
500 styles to select from, all prices and every
tiling you could ask for in style.
Fancy Ribbon Sale
This is the sale that everyone is anxious for,
so come early as every yard ought to be sold
the first day. Our entire stock of fancy rib
bons included.
50c Yalues will go at 32
75c Yalues will go at 49
$1.00 Yalues will go at -. 69
$1.25 Yalues will go at J0
$2.50 Yalues will go at . 81.60
$3.00 Yalues will go at 82.10
$3.50 Yalues will go at $2.25
The largest stock of Christmas ribbons ever
carried in this store,
IIAIR RIBBOXS in all colors and widths.
mas packages; buy early before the assortment
is broken.
CDiplsltrii&s SuggieslfcDons Don (Pur CDotDiing) BBeparttnnent
Gifts for the Man
Combination sets, tie, hose, all colors, and
handkerchiefs 81.25 to ?1,75
lloso supporters, arm bands and cuff sets to
match 50? to 81-00
Cuff Links and Pins, in plush box, sets
81-25 to 82.50.
Fancy box suspenders, all colors 75 to 82-50
Men's Steinblock suits 820 to 835
Men's Steinblock Overcoats 820 to 835
Pendleton Indian Robes, Lounging Robes, Bath
Robes, Couch Covers, absolutely tho largest
and most comploto assortment shown in the
city. Remember wo pay express on these
Robes to any part of the U. 8. .
Smoking jackets, a beautiful line 85 to 88-50
Something very new in this line.
Night robes and pajamas.. 81-00 to 83-50
Mufflers, all kinds 50 to 82-50
Fownes gloves, silk line or unlined .
$1.75 to ?iS.&U
Suit cases and traveling bags 83-50 to 820
Collar and cuff bags 81-25 to 81-75
Military swenter coats, very new 83 to 84-50
Shirts of all kinds, a very complete line
; 75 to 82-50
Redman collars, box 1 doz 81-50
Men's umbrellas, a beautiful line.
..... 81-75 to 818-50
Fancy vests, all colors and new designs
: 81-50 to 83.ot
Fancy arm bands 25? to 75
Paris garters, in Christinas box 25 to 50
Silk and linen initial haudkerch'fs 25 to 50
Dr. Hugo's fancv hose 1-2 doz. in box 81-50
Lord & Taylor's "silk lisle..... 25 to 75
Tie racks and tio rings 75
Tie pins, all designs 35 to 82.00
A beautiful line of men's slippers, both felt and
leather 81-25 to 83.50
Tho famous Ainerbach & Cowcn line of neck
wear. Four-in-hands, band tecks, bows, in
beautiful colors 50 to 81-50
A present purchased in this department will
be worn by him not laid aside and each day
will bring a kind remembrance of the giver.
Gifts for the Boy
Gauntlet Gloves 50 to 81-00
Lined Gloves 50 to 81-50
Cuff Buttons and Tio Pins 50 to 82.00
Wool Coat Sweaters, all colors 81 to 81-5
Bovs' ties of all kinds 25 to 50-
Mufflers, both silk and wool50 to 81-00
Boys' suits 8-00 to 810-00
Boys' toques 25 to 75
Boys' overcoats, extra values at half price.
Boys' pajamas and night robes 75 to 81-50
Bovs' Famous Buster Brown Shoos
81-50 to 83.50
Bovs' hosiery 25c to 50
Boys' hats 75c to 81-50
Boys' Caps 33t; to 75
Many other useful presents to wear are to be
found in this department space for! -ids u.1
mentioning all, but a visit will convince von.
We Offer a Splendid Treat to Christmas Week Shoppers
Prof R.T. Barks and wife who aro directing tho United. Orchestra nt the chicken, show this week, together with other talented musicians, will give a concert each and every eveuing during
Ladies, gentlemen and little ones are all cordially invited to call at this store and shop to the strains of orchestra music plenty of clerks,
Christmas week, at tho Greater Alexander Dept. store
plenty of presents and buying made a pleasure