"-"IT- PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OftStXHrtA. PEJTOLETOJC. OREGOJf. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1910. EIGHT PAGES mm mm m- j f t 5 3 m0 FROM S TO 0 A. M. 9S SURAH SILK 6S A 36-incU silk in all shades, pood for princess slips and dresses, etc. Great Hour Sale Trice 6S 12 12c BLEACHED DOMEST IC 10 A fine piece of bleached domestic, lib-inches wide, A pood reliable brand, we stand behind it. Great Hour Sale . . 10 33 WOOL GLOVES 23 A special lot of ladies gloves in wool. Come in all colors, pood full size and a special barpain. Great Hour Sale 23? ALL SMOKIXG JACKETS 1-3 OFF. Here's your Christmas opportunity, STrokinp jackets at one-third off for this one hour. We have a very fine p.-sorhnent and you'll be able to find one that will please you. Great Hour Sale Price . .' 1-3 OFF WE WANT That we give our trading coupons just the same at these sale-prices aae we do at your cash" purchases, to vou. You can save, in this way, one dollar out of every enough in this wav to buy that long wanted set of dishes, or silverware, or nice FROM 1 TO 2 P. M. $2.00 BROADCLOTH $1.65 A cloth worth $2.00 yard, but wc have had it marked Sl.8.5 and now L- will sell it at a special price. C( mes in all shades. 52-inches wide. Great Hour Special $1.65 75 LADIES' UNION SUITS 5 A lot of ladies' union miits in all siz e. Comes in fles.h and colors. Great Hour Sale 59 7 COMBS, HONEY FOR $1.00 Nice water white pure honey. Reg. value Cj for 81.00. Great Hour Sale T for - 91-00 $5.00 SILK PETTICOATS $3.45 Don't miss this petticoat special if you can help it. Its a bargain. AH clors, well made, good quality. Gieat Hour Sale Price $3.45 25 CURTAIN MATERIAL 21 This includes stenciled scrims, Swisses, muslins and net. A very mile solution. Great Hour Sale Price 21 -fed g SJ BEGINNING 11 Save Your Coupons This will be our last hour sale this year. Tt will lx the greatest and best hour salo we've had. All new seasonable poods. Just the things you want and pml. Right now when yon most want them. Make an effort to bo on hand promptly at the hour tho goods you want are advertised, as there will positively be no reservations or phono orders at these prices. Every item here is a bargain of merit. FROM 9 TO 10 A. M. 65 SILK 39 A special numl)er in silk with shad ow stripe, called Debutante silk. 27 inches wide and a fine range of col ers. Very effective. Great Hour Sale - 39 1-3 OFF OX KNIT SILYWLS, ETC. We have just a few numbers left in knit shawls and scarfs, fascinators and theike. During the Great Hour Sale. 1-3 OFF reg. price S1.50 MITSLIX UNDERWEAR This is a great bargain, we bave a very large assortment at this price and you'll profit by taking advantage ot this hour sale. Great Hour Sale Price -9 $22.50 MEN'S SUITS $ 13.85 Hero is an extra good bargain, we have alont one hundred suits, all litis fall's new styles, some Hart Schaffner & Marx and some Cloth craft, positively all wool and beauti fully tailored all sizes, regular and stout. Great Hour Sale Pr.. $13.85 FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. $1.75 DRESS GOODS 77 One lot of dress goods. Comes in plaids, stripes, etc., in full range of colors. 48-inches wide, a dandy cloth. You cannot afford to miss this, you have to see this, to appreci-. ate it Great Hour Sale 77 UP TO 50 UNDERWEAR 21 A lot of odds ami ends of children's underwear, with values up to 50. We. have bunched them together at the small amount Great Hour Sale Price 21 $2.75 BOYS' HEAVY SHOES $1.49 A rousing good bargain, values from $1.75 to $2.75. Oil grain and box calf. Great Hour Sale Price $1.49 25 HAMS 22' POUND Fancy Sugar Cured Hams, sold everywhere at 25. Great Hour Sale pound 22 12 1-2 SILKOLINES 10 These goods come in all colors, plain and fancy. I Good for curtains, drap eries, sofa pillows, etc Great Hour Sale AUV' H ttaiKmso hi vTW BEGINNING M AT 2PM JJ MAX THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE where a pay. to WEDNESDA Y, DECEMBER 14th FROM 10 TO 11 A. M.. UP TO ?1.00 rIACK DRESS GOODS 71 A special in this number, goods worth' up to 9100 a yard, in granite cloth, serge etc. This is a bargain. Great 50 KNIT TOQUES 39 A lot of children's knit toques in all shades and combination of shades. Well worth 50. Great Hour Sale Price 39 $4.50 MEN'S SILOES $1.9S Ibis lot includes a strong range of shoos, running in price from Sj3. 2a to $4.50. 12-inch tops and medi um low tops, heavy shoes in tan nnd black. Great Hour Sale Pr. $1.98 50 MEN'S FANCY SOX, 3 FOR S1.00 This includes all of our 50 fancy sox, the greatest and best lino in Pendleton, best assorted, lost Scar ing and newest patterns. A full run of sizes. Great Hour Sale Price. 3 for .. $1.00 TO IMPRESS UPON YOU regular prices and we would like for you to realize that these coupons mean twenty dollars you spend here, is that worth anything to you stop and think Rocker or some other long wanted luxury? Think this over. FROM 4 TO 5 P. M. One Hour Beginning at 4 P. M. 85 DAMASK C9 A lot of bleeched damask' with good patterns, full weight and width. G'eat Hour Special - 69 1-3 OFF UNDERWEAR 1-3 OFF. ! A special lot Great Hour Sale 1-3 OFF. . 10 JELLIES, 3 FOR 23 Lipton Jelly Tablets, make delicious jelly. Regular value 10. Great Hour Sale, 3 pkgs 23 BATTEN BERG DOILIES AND SCARFS ONE-HALF PRICE Any one of these lieautiful doilies, scarfs or center pieces, for one hour hcur onlv. Great Hour Salp Trice ONE-HALF PRICE. 75 MEN'S NECKWEAR 3 FOR $1.00 This is our great Christmas special. Regular 75 ties, all fine fabrics and good patterns and styles. A genuine barpain. If you're going to buy him a tie here's your chance. Great Hour Sale Price 3 for $1.00 FROM 11 TO 12 A. M. t3 at Nam , WOMEN'S TAILORED WAISTS ONE-HALF PRICE. Here's a bargain that should appeal to every woman in Pendleton. Our entire stock of women's tailored waists, the best in Pendleton, all sizes Great Hour Sale ONE-HALF Price $1.25 DRESS GOODS 874 A fine pioce of black dress poods iu the plain, and novelty cloth, 42-inches wide, called "Lustre Cloth." Great Hour Sale 87 50 BOYS' UNDERWEAR 40 A lot of Ijovs' heavy fleeced lined ami full size, all sizes yon want. Great Hour Salo .'. 40 $5.00 WOMEN'S SHOES $2.98 Women's turn soles in E. P. Roods and Utz k, Dunn's best makes. Come in patent and dull leathers. Every pair is a bargain that you can't af ield to miss. Be here at this hour. Great Hour Sale Price $2.98 ALL BOYS' OVERCOATS 1-3 OFF. This special includes every Iwys' overcoat in our immense stock. All new nobby coats, the best and nicest in town. The kind you'd like for vour bov to wear. stvlUh and good. Great Hour Sale Price 1-3 OFF FROM 3 TO P. M. 35 WAISTING 10. A splendid value waisting just re ceived, something now, well worth 35 yard. Great Hour Sale 19 20 CHILDREN'S HOSE 16 One lot children's 'heavy ribbed hose in black only. Great Hour Speci- al i - 16 3 LBS. CHOICE WALNUTS 50 Fancy stock, small size nuts. Reg. vd!uo 20 lb. Great Hour Sale, 3 pounds 50 BATH ROUES 1-3 OFF This lot includes all bath robes ex cept Pendleton Roks. A very nice lot. Good styles and patterns, all sizes. You can easily find one that will please you. Great Hour Sale Price - 1-3 OFF 15 HAND TOWELS 11 f0 doz. cotton buck hand towels with red border, full size and a dandy at 15. . Great Hour Special ..11 -4 BEGINNING f) ATCPM Jll FROM 12 TO 1 P. M. GO? DRESS GOODS 45 A special lot in this number with all shades, and goods worth up to 60 yerd. Comes in serge, French serge and granite. Great Hour Sale 45 t $1.25 UNION SUITS 08 A full run of sizes in this number, of silk and wool underwear for chil dien. Comes in prey and flesh col ors. Great Hour Special 98 45 CANNED FRUITS 38 Solid pack ix'ars, pumpkin, squash and apples. Our (Jail brand, pd. cans. Great Hour Sale, can ....38 $5.00 LADIES' PARTY SLIP PERS $2.98 Flench and military heels. Coino in the latest styles, ranging in price from $3.50 to $5.00. This is a genuine snap. Great Hour Sale Price ..: $2.98 an actual saving of 5 per cent of all how long will it take you to save FROM 5 TO G P. M. 35 LADIES' WOOL HOSE 20 Ladies' wool hose in black and grey, full size nnd any size. Great Hour Sale .: 20 $2.50 BLACK SATIN WRAP PERS 98 The. most handy house garment made. One of the biggest sellers in our store. All sizes, good quality. Groat Hour Sale Prion - 98 $2.50 CHILDREN'S SHOES $1.55 The best makes in A morion. Red Goose school shoos and others equ ally good, a full rnmre of sizes, run ning in price from $1.75 to $2.50 Great Hour Salo Price $1.55 $25.00 MEX'S OVERCOATS $15.95 Hero's a bargain no man in need of an overcoat can possibly afford to miss. These coats aro fine, this sea son's new1 styles nnd colors. Somo Hart Schaffner & Mar and others of other good makes. Every one is a real banrain of merit. You'll miss it if you don't buy now. Great Hour Salo' Price $15.05 BEGINNING If tKINVllNQ. II . ' . . . ...... rr.v r :