EIGHT PAGK8 PAGE SIX DAILY EAST ORJCGON1AN, PEND LETON , OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, HHP. KERR GREAT PLAN THESE ARE SNAPS XICK 5 ROOM COTTAGE on Slnrip St., bath, toilet, elovtrio lights, Eart front, nice simile trees, good lawn. lrliv only SitOO. $350 cah, balance terms. 5 ACRE TRACT 11-1 miles from r. O. Small house, barn, chit -ken house, fruit trees, ber ries of all kinds, plenty water for Irrljnuton, good well for do mestic use. Prleo only $2250. 15 ACRE TRACT only 1 1-2 miles from Court House. Small house, barn, good water. This is a Miap. lriee only $1300, jwrt eti-li, balance terms. 21 ROOM WELL FURNISHED ROOMING HOUSE. lriee only $1350, pood long lease at reas onable iriee. Business paying well, at bargain, only requires about $2000, to handle. SKATING RINK well equipped building anil everything all goes at a bargain. LEE TEUTSGH The Real Estate and In. surance Man 550 Main St. Phone M. 5 wou .! ESTABLISH MANY EX PE R I MEN T STATION S Federal Authorities Will Assist In Aiding Development of Oregon's In dustries Would Eiieoiir-.ige Irrlgn-tioii. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. I PHGIETOUS 0BCER$-T0U SET THEM aiS8T j The Well Known Chinese Doctor w.fcV riiru a. v and all dis eases that the human flea is heir to. My wonderful and powerful roots, herbs remedies ars composed o f Chines buds, barks nH tnhli that ra entlrelv unknown to medloal science of the lrun Am-w ih are harmless. as we use no poisons or drags. No- operauons. to wui ubko. tit. .... m anmh troubles. llTer kidney, catarrh, lunf, throat, asth ma nanniii atniutT. ismaie con- plaints and rheumatism and alK or the blood. We cur ! A mimA. anit narantee to cure ail unas or truvm a rni-- Diseases of men and women, uan and see him or write. Consulta- rin- rr if mi in unable to call . r.,1 im him. MBit tWO CSntS in tamps for symptom Diana, ao - 1 1 i . THE L. CHEfG WO CHDtEBB MEDICINE TO. lyt W. now- St- Walla Walla, Wi Practically every part of the tate of Oregor. will be benefited by the plan fur the extension of experiment work In nil phases of hortieulture and agriculture which is now under con sideration by President V. J. Kerr of the Oregon Agriculaurnl College nn.l thn authorities at Washincton. The plnn will be submitted to the re pents of th? college nt a meeting which will be heM within the plan and it will then be ready for presentation to the legislature at Its next meeting. While at Washington nr. Kerr presented bis plans to the officials of the various departments and se cured their cooperation. The federal officials have agreed to give material financial support and have offered the services of their experts. The plan Includes extensive experi ments in Irrigation in the Willamette vallev. The experiments will be car ried on in cooperaton wth farmers and fruit growers at such points in the valley as will best test the vary ing conditions. This may necessitate work in as many as fifteen different communities in the vallev It will in clude investigations of methods of ir rigation ami testing of soils, drainage, tbo ndantabllltv of various kinds of farming and the time and methods of tillage. Harnev vallev. or some other local ity in the central part of Oregon, will probably be the location for an other experiment station. The two or threo million acres of land which will be opened up By the building of ra lroads into this section and wnicn are now almost entirely unproductive will, by means or experimental worn, ho redeemed and made productive. This will be a station at which the problems of dry farming will be stud ierl exclusively. Slims noint in southern Oregon will also be selected as a site for an ex periment station which will be a cen ter for extensive operations through out that section of the state. The of ficials at Washington have expressed themselves as favorable to the station at that point and are now at work on the plans. This station will tane up not only the study of the various branches of horticulture but will also make extensive investigations along all agricultural lines. The station au thorities will cooperate with tne tar mers and fruit growers In this section in the solution of whatever problems may present themselves. Dr. Kerr believes that if these plans meet with the approval of the legis lature and receive the support of the people of the state the agricultural products of the state will be increased manv millions of dollars. The experimental work which is to be carried on through these stations will be under the control of the col lege and will be conducted by experts of the college experiment station and the federal government. The great vnrietv of soils, climate, elevation and other natural conditions make this state a rich field for experimental work. The fact that the state is be ing settled very extensively at this time by people who are not familiar with the conditions makes the ex perimental work of exceptional value to the state. A Suggestion to East, Oregonian Readers IfOBODT Kidney Trouble A Men and Wotne, Old Tombs. Kidney Ills salsa yousg and Id. dome quickly with llttl warning'. Children suffsr In their sarly years. Can't contrsl ths kidney seretloma. Olrls ars Ian raid, nervous, surfs pain. Women worry, can't do dally work. Men have lams and aching backs. The cure for man, woman or child Is to cure ths cause ths Miners. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys Cure all forms of kidney suffering-. Pendleton testimony proves It Mrs. George Barrett, 1411 W. Webb street. Pendleton. Oreson. sars: "A member of our family suffered from attacks of backache and occasionally was laid up for a month at a urns. StooDlmr or straightening caused sharp twinges In the loins and there was also a distressing kidney weak ness In evidence. The use of Doan's Kidney Pills was advised by a phy sician and a supply of this remedy was procured. After Doan's Kidney Pills were taken, great benefit was received and there has been n se rious cause for complaint sine. I bars also taken Doan's Kidney Pills and can recommend them strongly." Tor sals by all dealers. Price I cants. Foster-HUbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sola agents (or the United OLYMPIA WOM"EV FACE" TIIEIR FIRST JURY DUTY Olympia, Wash. By mall and tele phone the women who were drawn for Jury service In the Justice court of Milton Giles next Tuesday are maKing life miserable for him through their protests, while the rejected women are also on his trail, declaring that he had no right to leave them off the Jury duty when he put others on. As a result. Judge Giles Is wondering what la going to happen to him when he calls his court to order next Tues day. Miss Bernlce Sapp announces that she la not a taxpayer and Miss Jean McLeod declares her home Is in Bel lingham, not In Olympia, so she Is In eligible. The question has been rais ed as to whether or not he wife of a physician Is exempt for Jury duty, when her husband is exempt, and if the court so rules. Mrs. J. W. Mowell will be excused. so that three of the six women drawn may not have to serve. Judge Giles announces, however, that they must all appear In court on Tuesday and report for duty whether they serve or not, but excuses made to the consta ble or other person who serves the summons will not be accepted by him as valid reasons for the persons whose names were drawn not appear ing in court. MONTANA WOMAN IS AFTEK SWIMMING HONORS Remember the Deaa Los Angeles, Cal. Beach visitors will be treated to an Interesting acqu atlc contest, If Dorothy Newklrk, the champion long distance swimmer of Couthern California, accepts the chal Icnzs Mrs. Touise Scott, winter tour ist from Helena, Mont., Issued today. Mrs. Scott offers to engage In a win ter contest with any local woman swimmer for any distance, preferring to race with Miss Newklrk in the open sea. Mrs. Kcott has a wonderful record for endurance and among other feats has accomplished a six-hour swim without resting, something that- none of th exnert swimmers of Santa Monica Bay can boast. Mrs. Scott is modest and unassuming ana enters in to all phases of the sport for the love of competition. She also holds run ning rernrd for track athletics. She Is determined to race with some of the swimmers here and If the girls Only 11 Shopping Days Till CHRISTMAS Why You Should Shop Early More than half the pleasure in buy ing Christmas gifts is in buying early. There is mora time in which. to look thoroughly, learn and ask questions, THEREFORE SHOP EARLY. There is a larger stock to select from the service is far more satisfac tory NOW and we assume any merchant will store articles purchased now for future delivery, if requested so to do. THEREFORE SHOP EARLY. You can do as much shopping in one hour in the morning as in two hours later in the day. You can do as much shopping in one hour now as in six hours a week from now, owing to the stores all bt'inff crowded later on, THEREFORE SHOP EARLY. Stocks now are new and complete, stores are alive with gift suggestions. All the Christmas merchandise is dis played. You can choose the gifts at your leisure and will not be hurried. THEREFORE SHOP EARLY. Furthermore, there is nothing to be gained by waiting. You aro always compelled to choose hurriedly in the fi nal rush and from broken and incim plete lines and by tired and worn-to-a-frazzle salespeople. Thereiore Do Your Christmas Shopping Now The East Oregonian is the Home Paper of Eastern Oregon and is Alive With Christmas Suggestions Evtry Day Save Time and Many Tiresome Trips Read the Advertisements and Shop Early NO BETTER WAY TO BREAK A BAD COLD ENDS MOST SEVERE GRIPPE MISERY IN A FEW IIORS The most effective and harmless way to cure the grippe or break a se vere cold, either In the head, chest, back, stomach or limbs. Is a dose of Pape's Cold Compound every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken. You will distinctly feel the cold breaking and all grippe symptoms go ing after the very first dose. It promptly relieves the most miserable neuralgia pains, headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverish ness, sneezing, sore throat, running of the nose, soreness, stiffness and rheu matic aching. Take this harmless compound as directed, with the knowledge that there ls.no other medicine, made any where else In the world, which will cure your cold or end grippe misery as promptly and without any other as sistance or bad after-effects as a 25 cent package of Pape's Cold Com pound, which any druggist In the world can supply. After three years' research we have conclusively demonstrated that qui nine Is not effective in the treatment of colds or grippe. refuse her she will broaden the offer to Include men. All tho good qualities of Ely's Cream Balm, solid, are found In Li quid Cream Balm, wnich Is intended for ii ho In atomizers. That It Is a wonderful remedy for nasal catarrh Is nrovefi hv an ever-increaalhg mass of testimony. It does not dry out nor raso the tender air-passages. It ai lavs the Inflammation and goes tmiirht tn th root of the disease Obstinate old cases have yielded In a few weeks. All druggists, 76c, in cluding spraying tube, or mailed by vv Rm.. it Warren Street. New York. mixv Tint ITU nt TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cur any case of Itohing, Blind, Blsed- tng or Protruding Piles in to it Jays or money refunded. 10 GetVise (f : - Cook WitS : Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at Your Service" Phone Main 40. 3