tiUiUt PAilFM DAILY EAKX (tllKfiOVUX, TEMHKTON, OUEUON, MONDAY, MXKMIlEJt 12, 1910. PA OR THKFTlt SUGGESTIONS FOR Int. Ship your package early hy tho 15th of December If potwlble. The exprcHs company will give you a small label to paste on tho package reading "Do not open until Christmas." This Will give opportunity for tHe pnrkage to reach Uh destination before ChrlHtmaB and give the additional pleasure of the recipient of the g'ft of having It on Christmas morning. 2nd. l'nn wooden boxen for park ing, especially for gins and other fragile articles, which should be well protected. It may coHt a few cent more, but the danger of damage will be very much reduced, and you should do -your part to make the transporta tion of your gift safe. 8rd Write the address in full Btate, county, city, street and number on tlie box or package, with Ink or crayon. Tags are frequently torn off and lnat. 4th. t you want to prepay tho charges, write the word "Paid" In large, plain letters on the package. 6th. Insist upon a receipt and see that the amount paid and the value Is marked mt the receipt and on the package. 6th. V.'rlte your own address In full somewhere on the package, fol lowing the prefix "From " 7th. Enclose a card In each box or package, reading: From (Tour address.) To (Consignee's address.) This In order that, should the outer markings be destroyed, the Inner mark will Insure prompt forwarding and delivery. 8th. If not convenient to ship In wooden boxes, use strong wrapping paper (not newspapers) and tie with strong cord. 9th. If package contains anything of perishable nature, write the word "Perishable" In large, plain letters on the box or package, which will call for special attention and delivery. If you will observo these sugges tions, you will greatly assist In the prompt delivery of your gift In good condition. FOR A SIMPLE SAFEGUARD MOTHERS. Mrs. D. Gllkeson, S2 Ingles ave nue, Toungstown, Ohio, gained wis dom by experience. . "My little girl had a severe cold find coughed al most continuously. My alstef recom mended Foley's Honey and Tar. Tii? first Jos I gave her relieved tho In flammation In her throat and after only on bottle her throat and lungs were entirely free from Inflammation. Since then I alway keep a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar In the house as I know It Is a sure cure for cough and colds." A. C. Koeppen & Bros. FINNISH OFFICIALS ItKI'IACKI) NY RUSSIANS Slowly but surely (he process of re placing Finnish officials by Russians Is going on and wherever the Iron heel of the czar's minions falls, there Is aullen discontent and prospect pf Im prisonment for zealous jmtrlots,' says a dlHpatch from Ilclslngfurs. Deep regret Is felt In the province of Tavastehua nt tho retirement of Governor Oorfile, gn able administra tor, who has resigned "for constitu tional reasons," and tho nams of Severn! tools of the Russian tfovern ment are mentioned as likely candi dates fir the post. This Is the fourth change of governors among Finland's eight provinces Blnce tho brief resto ration In 190(1 of constitutionalism. Also the chief director of customs for Helslngfors has been summarily dismissed, and a Russlnnised Finn 1s In his place. His natnc Is Oolon1 Snehjelm, who won an ?v!l reputa tion as chief of police at Wasa ami llelslngfors, but lost his Job on the return of constitutionalism. The dismissal of Ilerr Uoisman, the chlc'f director of customs came about through the Russian council of min isters seizing the functions of the Finnish government, and ordering certain measures to bo taken to pre vent tho Importtion of firearms into Finland. Tho senate advised the cus toms authorities to obey the council of ministers, but the chief director of customs pointed out that he could not do so unless the prohibition against firearms was legalized In accordance with Finnish law. Temporary measures against the bringing In of firearms were, how-' ever, taken, but all kinds of official quibbles and time-wasting Issues arose with tho final result that a good ex ecutive Job fell to the lot of the much hated Enehjelm. WHERE SETTLERS MO I TAKE CARE! Remember that when your kidneys are affected, your life Is In danger. M. Mayer, Rochester, N. Y., says: "Foley Kidney Pills are a wosderful discovery and I heartily recommend their use. My trouble started with a sharp shooting pain over my back which grew worse each day. I felt sluggish and tired, my kidney action was Irregular and Infrequent with a fine sand-like substance. ' While tho disease was at Its worst I started us ing Foley Kidney Pills. .Their prompt and efficient action was mar vellous. Each dose seemed to put new life and strength into me, and now I am completely cured and feel better and stronger than for years." A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Twenty-one of the oldest and best developed agricultural counties In Ne braska huve lost J6,7!)3 people In the lust ten years while the Btate of Iowa has lost 7.082 peopJo from some of the oldest counties In the state. The counties In Nebraska showing the losses are thoe Jn the MiKsourl valley about Omaha and Lincoln v.-here land Is worth from $100 to $125 litr acre. Those who have left these furJiis are tho men who have made a success of farming and are sure of succtsB wherever they go as they take wealth with them. It seems that of the men and wo men who are settling tho new states directly west of Nebraska, eastern Ne braska and western Iowa are furnish ing a good number, of them. If 16, 000 Xebraskans have come on out further west during the last tn y:.rs. It Is sure that more can be Interested in this country. The state of Oregon and numerous enterprising land and development companies have arranged an honest and comprehensive exhibit of the pro ducts of this state which will be shown at the Western Land Products Ex hibition to be held In Omaha Janu ary 18 to 28. This Is one of the really big "land shows" to be held In the United States and will give men and women of Missouri river valleys al most as good an Idea of this state as a visit to our forms and orchards. Those who are making these ex hibits for this state are urging every one living liere and having friends In the east or middle west, to write to those people and call attention to the exhibit of our state In Omaha. A number of western states will be rep resented. Write a number of letters today calling attention to the Oregon exhibit tell your friends if they can not come out and see us, not to fail to go to Omaha and see our produras. The Western Land Products Exhibit l:i going to be a big thing for us as It Is going to show our products to thou sands of people right In the heart of the country where our new settlers are coming from. Lodge May Ho Returned. Washington. The probabilities are that Henry Cabot Lodge, senior sena tor from Massachusetts, will be re elected by hl state legislature this winter, but If there was any one con spicuous Massachusetts republican pre-eminently fitted for the senator ship, and popular with the rank and file of the party, Lodge would stand very little chance of being returned. Lodge probably will be re-elected be cause there la no big man opposing him. Tho Correct Time to stop a cough or cold Is just a oon as It starts then there will be nj danger of pneumonia or consump tion. Just a few doses of Ballard's Horehound Syrup taken at the start will stop the coi -h. If It has been running on for semetlme the treat ment will be lengrr, but the cure Is sure. A. C. Koeppen and Bros. Christmas Trcen. Call at V. Stroble's or the Bowman photo gallery, or phone orders to Black 2916. J. II. Gibson. Large sup ply at reasonable prices. Saved From Awful Death. How an appalling calamity In his family was presented Is told by A. D. McDonald of Fayetteville, N. C, R. F. D. No. 8 "My sister had consump tion," he writes, "she was very thin and pale, had no appetite and seemed to grow weaker every day, as all rem edies failed, till Dr. King's New Dis covery was tried, and so completely cured her, that she has not been trou bled with a cough since. Its the beat medicine I ever saw or heard of." For coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhage, all bronchial trou bles, it has no equal. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by A. C. koeppen & Bros. H.Ki:i RING IV CAKE TO CHEAT CUSTOMS MAY we help you solve the problem auJ put you in the way of doing your Christmas shopping with pleasure, satisfaction and economy ? We take the liberty of making a suggestion regard ing the best time to do your shopping and earnestly urge you to do ' it AT OXCE. Come early while the pick is the choicest, avoid the crowd and make your selections at leisure and in comfort, from a full and complete assortmont. Our stock is known to comprise high-class jewelry and our pri ces are les3 than those found in the majority of high-grade stores. First-class engraving free on all articles purchased here. FREE Solid Silver Teaspoon-FREE As an inducement for early buying we will present to every purchaser of $5.00 or more a solid silver teaspoon of an artistic de sign. We retail these spoons from $1.00 to $1.50. But one spoon will be given to each customer. ' A Few Suggestions 4 1 Diamond Necklaces f 15 to ?75 Diamond and Petri Rings ?10 to $400 Diamond Brooches $25 to $200 Diamond and emerald Rings ?15 to ?100 Diamond and Solitaire Ear rings, a pair ?25 to ?600 Fancy Diamond Rings ?20 to ?750 Diamond Pendants ?20 to ?100 Diamond Stickpins ?10 to ?150 Diamond Studs $ 25 to $300 Diamond Solitaire Rings f 10 to ?800 Bracelets Comb3 Purses Link Buttons Chains Lockets Watches Toilet Sets . Umbrellas Scarf Pins f 2.00 to $50 . 51.00 to $25 . 94.50 to 945 75 to $100 91.00 to 940 . $1.50 to $45 $4.50 to $150 $6.00 to $75 $3.50 to $35 75 to $50 Every Plan of Life Iusurance Written By Any Other Company Is Also Written By Spokane, Wash. After five months of waiting, a young woman residing In Schmidt, Stevens county. Wash., northeast of Spokane, will get her diamond engagement ring sent her last July by her fiance, who at that time was a resident of Cranbrook, B. C. The ring was found baked Into a wedding cake by Inspector William, Hutchinson of the custqr,',3 service when the cake was sent through the malls. Suspect:ng that there was omething amiss, the customs offi- lals opened the package, and. after using a hatpin "as a probe, struck something hard which later proved to be the plush box surrounding the ring. Ever since that time the love- orn swain has been In communica tion with the customs officials, but It was not until November 30 that the fine of $24, which would have been equal to the duty, was paid by the Orgonffi ' Tho Only Lifo Insuranco Company iielnflsivGly rogBDM Our rate is no higher, but oar income is in Tested in Oregon Securities only. . We help in the upbuilding of a Greater Oregon. DISCRIMINATING BUYERS of Life In surance give preference to QfC0Ilji In 1909 we did a larger business in Oregon than any other Life Insurance Company. We are now surpassing our own wonderful cord of last year. BEST FOR OREGQMANS Home Office, Corbett BIdg., Fifth and Morrison, Portland A. L Mills L. Ssmuel Clarance S. Samue President Gen. Manager Assistant Uaittger N. Berkeley. District Manager. Pendleton re- Jeweler FERltOCOXCnETE BRIDGE III'ILDIXU IX IRELAND That Ireland will soon have the most Important ferroconcrete bridge oung man and the ring released. The the United Kingdom la claimed in ring and case were sent out to mo young woman In the malls by Deputy Collector J. E. Daniels as soon as the fine was paid. Ranks on Sure Thing Now. 'I'll never be without Dr. King's New Life Pills again," writes A. Schlngeck, (47 Elm street, Buffalo, New York. "They cured me of chronic constipation when all others failed." Unequaled for biliousness, Jaundice, Indigestion, headache, chills, malaria and debility. 25o at A. C. Koeppen & Bros. a Belfast press article rorwaraea Dy Vice-Consul Paul Knabenshue. This will be attended by the reconstruction of the Waterford bridge. An inter esting test of the new St. John's bridge, Kilkenny, shows the great ad vantages of this type of construction. The Kilkenny bridge has a 140-foot span and successfully witstood tests of 200 tons dead weight, which rest ed on the bridge for several days. Artesian Water at Palousc Palouse, Wash. Residents of Pa- louse are elated because an excellent and unfailing supply of water was struck last night, in the well being drilled by the city, settling the moot ed question of an adequate water sup ply. The flow of artesian water waa struck at 286 feet. The water was encountered last night within an hour after a moss- meeting, called to consider the ad vlsablllty of continuing the work, had adjourned. The contract for drilling the well waa let to Spokane men at $10 a foot and for some days tax payers had been feeling that an enor mous expense might be incurred be tore a satisfactory flow of water was reached. To discuss the matter with the committee of the council in charge the meeting last night was called, but no definite action was taken. Within a short time after tho meeting ad Journed the contractors announced that they had reached water which' stood more than 200 feet deep in the well, with an underground current so swift that it washed all the cuttings away, tho sand pump bring ing up nothing but the clear water. While Pnlouse's water surply from three other wells has been pure there was a feeling that In case of fire tho supply would give out and it might become necessary to run Impure water from the river through tho mains. The matter of drilling another well had been under discussion for more than two years. The city has Just completed an eight-Inch brick wall around the city standplpe to protect the water from the heat of summer. Save money by reading today's ads. Don't think because you have ta ken many remedies In vain that your case Is Incurable. Hood's Sarsai ar- 111a has cured many seemingly hope less cases of scrofula, catarrh, rheu matism, kidney complaint, dyspepsia and general debility. Take Hood's. Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wht that grow- Good bread ia assured wban BTKET BEST FLOUR is uaU. Bran, Sheets, Steam Rolled Barley always on ht.i Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Job Printing, Tel. Main i It'S 0 Yu cannot expect it to do otherwise these cold and freezing mornings and white frosty nights. We can still offer a fine grade of coal de livered promptly. Better see that your sup ply of coal is in your cellar, instead of at our yards. OREGON LUMBER. YARD Phone Main 8 tii