page no DAILY EAST ORB fiONIAN. PKNllUiTrON. OREGON, MONDAY, ftKCEMHEIl 12, 1910. EIGHT PAGES 'r:a.-&a,r &HZ2Z& -J4ir.:i fi tlassa,lBI1 ' mi MiWiinAiks,mMmwmNrnmtrwkm .tTiM'wr.,.lw ' f!? Gifts Here AT ALL PRICES FOR ALL PEOPLE With Christmas so near at hand, (there are only Eleven more shop piii days left) your planning and buying must he hurriinl. Our store is full of gifts for all people, young or old. 'Every turn you make here will give you many suggestions and hints as to what to buy. Our.priees are lower than our most worthy competitors lowest prices. The quality of our. goods you nil know is beyond question. Shop now In-foro the rush begins while you can have the best, oi service and the advantage of full and complete stocks. Our Pure Food Section IX OIT. MODEL CLEAN BASEMENT, is fairly brimming with holiday good things. HOLIDAY CAXMES 15, 20 and 25c pound, and they are fine. FANCY CHOCOLATES, pound 33 to 50c. FANCY CLUSTER RAISINS bnik, per pound FANCY CLUSTER RAISINS 5 pound box S1.2o FANCY IMPORTED FIGS pound 30 WALNUTS. ALMONDS, BRAZILS and FILBERTS new crop, per pound 25 NEW CROP SMALL SIZ WALNUTS 'vcr mnd - 20 FRESH MINCE MEAT the kind that make those delicious brown pies like moth- er niaae. o ixmnus iin 009 WAN - 25d SLICED riNE- 25 FANCY LARGE ASPARAGUS FANCY WHOLE GOLDEN BEANS the enn FANCY HAWAIIAN APPLE the can CHOICE SLICED PINEAPPLE, 2 cans f.r - 25 FANCY PINEAPPLE, crated, can 15 WE SELL THE CLEBRATED HUNT LEY V- PALMER COOKIES AND BISCUITS, Wheat Meal. Arctic Wafer, Arrow Root, Breakfast. Dinner Biscuits, Salr. Tables, Butter Wafers. BULK CHOW CHOW pint 20 FANCY GREEN OLIVES, blk, pint 35 O FANCY PIPE OLIVES, blk. pint...25 FANCY OLIVES IN GLASS plain stuf fed and ritted. EXTRA CHOICE APPLE BUTTER ,t, Is rnrli 60 DUNDEE MARMALADE, jars each 35 ASK FOR EIIMANN'S PURE OLIVE OIL and aeceyit no other, three sizes 350, 60C and S1.00 littles. Wi: REi'EIVE FLEISCHMANN COM PRKSSEI) YEAST FRESH DAILY leave vmr standing order, 2 cakes for 5 FREE DEMONSTRATION ALL WEEK QUAKER CEREALS. If its for Him Tht question is easily answered in a hun dred different ways at The Peoples Ware house. The serviceable, useful gift is the one he most appreciates and no matter how particular he may be in the matter of dress, anything purchased from us is certain to please. Suits, Overcoats, r ancy ests, box of all kinds, Gloves, Neckwear of the very best quality and make, Umbrellas, Shoes, Slip pers, Trunks, Valises, Underwear, Tlose, Supporters, Suspenders, a new Scarf-pin, n new pair of Cuff Buttons, a dozen nice Linen Collars, a nice new Muffler or Reefer, or a new Hat or Cap, Shirts of all kinds, fancy Armbands, Collar Bag, Cuff Bag, Handker chief Bag. Tie Rack, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Pajamas, Night Rolxs, a new full Dress Suit, Smoking Jacket, new Pendletoi. Woolen Mills Bath Robe or Indian Robe, a box of Everwear Sox, Handkerchiefs, AU :.t Department Store Prices. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! We can show you more dolls than any other store in town, large medium and small, ranging in price from ...... 10 to S10 Christmas Special Every child in Pendleton will want a new doll this Christmas, and so that none must Ik? disappointed we will sell all of ours at a REDUCTION OF 1-3. If its for Children Our big toy store is a paradise for the little folks; our collection of Toys of all kijsds, gathered from the best markets of the world is complete. Gloves and MitteiisK Fancy Box Handker chiefs, Brush and Comb Sets, Work Boxes, Money Purses, Jewelry, including Bracelets, Beauty Pins, etc.. Kid lody Dolls, Rag Dolls, Dressed Dolls, Dolls of all kims, Rocking Chairs, Horses, Sleds, Iron Toys, Books, Pictures, Blocks, Chests, Animals of various kinds, Toy Drums, Christmas Cards, ete., Doll Buggies and Go-Carts. Trains of Cars, China Dishes, Toy Stoves, Toy Safes, Chairs, Mechani'-nl Toys, Fire Ensrines, Rubber Rattles, Surprise Poxes, A B C Culo Blocks. All at Department Store Prices. Womens Coat Sacrifice Any coat in our entire stock, regardless of style or material, fur, plush, caracul or nov elty mixtures, must, go. We must clean out our entire stock of coats NOW. - Cost will not 1)0 considered. Now's vour best chance. Anv coat, in the house OXE-1LALF PRICE. Childrens Coats Sizes up to II years, bearskin, velour and fancv and l.lain cloths. This is an exception ally 'fine lot, but they mnt go regardless of price. Values up to $10. Your choice for - to If its for Her a nice piece or sot of Fur in tho latest style, a new Man Tailored Suit or Coat, Sweater or Sweater Coat, one of our latest style hand lyigs, new fancy Collars, Silk Dress or Waist Patterns, Silk Hose, Lisle Hose, a new Hat, a nice fancy Belt of Belt Pin, lovely Bead Trimming for her new dress, Blankets, Com forters, Couch covers, Pendleton Indian Robe, Pendleton Bath Ro1k, new Gloves are always fine gifts, Plumes of all kinds and colors, Auto Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers a new Oossard Corset, Muslin Underwear of all kinds, Knitted Underwear of all styles, Silk Petticoats of all styles and colors, Latest Styles in Embroideries, Laces, etc., a new Trunk or Suit Case, All at Department Store Prices. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Save Your Coupons Where It PAYS to Trade Trading Stamps Don't lose sight of our trading roirjions. They afford you the easiest and simt os siblo means of saving. They save you ex actly 5 r cent of your cash purchases, no matter what you buy, whether you buy it at regular price or at a special sale price and wo give some mighty fine premiums with our stamps. Investigate, it will pay you. Extra Specials in Our Famous Art Department A giHxl assortment of doilies, scarfs, cen ter pieces and lunch cloths. Some are plain hem, others hemstitched scalloped, trimmed with cluny lace, others in drawn work. Many beautiful Battenberg doilies and scarfs. ' JUST THE THING FOR NICE N MAS GIFTS A nice piece of linen is always most ac ceptable. -Your choice of this great assort ment for ONE HALF PRICE. . - JIN HILL AGAIN IW For a rumbi-r of yoars the JIM railroads have been making b;g dis plays of western land products at est"rn ch ins and have attracted an Inef-tlma'.le number of se'tlers to our western states by their work at these bows. The I tpst enterprise to attract Mr. Hill's aMhtinn Is the Western Iand FroJurt exhibit, a land show which la to bo held In Omaha January II to J8 vt this exposition of land pro ducts the Great Northern, the Bur lington and the Northern Pacific rnilroads have reserved one whole side of the big Omaha auditorium In which the show Is to be held. The throe railroads wfill occupy this with n display of western products which it has cost 1 10,000 or more to collect, also installing a large relief map, showing not only the mountains, val levs. streams and forests of these J we storn states, but graphically dls- pmymg in? :niiiiii; ui tin nwna unu Its adaptability to agriculture and horticulture. When the Hill Interests take such an Interest in an exposition, It Is cer ta;n that other western railroads will have big displays and that the expo sition Is worthy the attention of any ne interested In developing the In termountaln west the s'ates of Colo rado, Wyoming. Montana, Idaho and rtah. A HE yoc DEAF? OUarrli Is Probably the Cause Get Kid of the Cause. If you have catarrh and have con stant r 'iiing noises in your ears look tnto the matter at once. It a fretty sure sign that catarrh ta spreading and is making Its way throue1' the Eustachian tubes that lead fr"m the nose to the ears. Whui -ntarrh gets to the ears par tial ilfnr.'s follows. If you have ring njr ; e in your cars go to Tall irians t iv and get a HYOMEI out fit en' 'rive out catarrh. To ciin. catarrh HYOMEI should txi bre; "id through a pocket Inhaler tor a f"' minutes, four or five times MAX AGED 80 IN SCHOOL. PERSONAL ITEMS lu.t pour a few drops Into rubber inhaler and breathe m day the ; It It k 1 - the germs; soothes the ir ttatloti heals the Inflammation; tops h i k ng, ipitting and snuffling. HTOM EI keeps the throat free from nucUK n ! prevents crusts in nose. The npiete HYOMEI outfit which Include!- the little Indestructible hard rubber nhaler. a bottle of HYOMEI .auad inij-le instructions for use, costs 3100. separate bottles of HYOMEI coats ( rents at Tallman tt Co. and tfrufgisi everywhere, on money back jlan. University of WaMilntfton Lays Claim to Oldest Student. Seattle, Wash. When it comes to a competition for aged students, Wash ington University lays claim to a world's record. It has enrolled In the chemistry de partment one seeker after learning who was 80 years old last August This venerable collegian is J. P. Fra ler and he Is conducting research In physiological chemistry. At the other end of the scale Wash ington has students of 18 years, five of who combined ages would only equal that of the old man who labors ir their midst. He Is studying antitoxins. Wheth er he Is trying to perfect some anti toxin long known to the medical pro fession or believes himself on the track of a cure for a disease that now baffles the medical profession, can only be conjectured. Frazer Is a retired physician. Since he ceased active practice he has de voted his life to delving; Into the se crets of the molecules. American Woman' League. A 26 per cent discount on sub scriptions brought to S14 Water street la offered by Misa Boyd. (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore, Dec. 9. Mrs. Clara Nelson of Kamela, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. G. Marquis, this week. Mrs. E. C. Bowling was the guest of Mrs. McFall of Pendleton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A Merritt visited In the city of Athena Wednesday and were the guests of W. Itahe. J. Banan of Portland was a busi ness visitor in the city of Adams Wednesday. Frank Wallan was a Pendleton vis itor Tuesday. Pete Murray was a Pendleton vis itor Tuesday. Miss Wilma DuduIs of Weston, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. L. L. Rog ers, for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Merritt were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Carglll of Pendleton Wednesday. F. Blake was a visitor In the city of Pendleton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry left Tuesday for Cold Spring for a few days' goose hunt and will be the guests of P. D. Mann during their outing. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Marquis, the city druggist of Adams, and sister, Mrs. Clara Nelson, left Wednesday for Pomeroy to visit friends and rel atives for a few weeks. P. D. Man of Cold Spring, was vis iting friends In Adams this week. Mrs. R. U Blake of Helix, was an Adams visitor Tuesday. Frank Whlteley was a business vis itor In the city of Walla Walla Wed nesday. Mr, and Mrs. T. C. Reld made a business trip to Tendleton Thursday. Mrs. ErrelBtyn visited In the city of Pendleton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lleuallen visited In the city of Pendleton Friday. SPOKANE WTUi HAVE FIXE NEW WOOLEN MUX. NEW YORK JOURNALIST AGAIN IN TROUBLE Snokane. Wash. Spokane's first: woolen mill will bo in operation with in a few weeks. With a complete se ries of carding and spinning machin ery installed on the third floor of his plant at Sixth avenue and Sherman street, Otto Gundersori, head of the Spokane Steam Carpet Cleaning works, will soon add the manufacture of woolen goods to his enterprise. Gunderson Is one of the pioneer man ufacturers of Spokane, having set up a small carpet works In 1886. In the woolen goods department of his fac tory, he will specialize In the manu facture of heavy woolen blankets for the first few months, but plans to add machinery for the manufacture of va rious other woolen articles of com merce In the near future. The new machinery to be used In carding and spinning and making of blankets has been Installed at a cost of $6000. Gun derson states that It is his IntenMon to secure wool clipped In the inland empire, consisting of lSO.OO&'square miles, so far as possible, for use in his mill. vary body gom to the Orpheum to too the beat and the elaaroa platara. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Couaty M. Frsok J. Cheney aiakte natk that la lor partaer of the firm of r. J. Cbaaey A Co., dolag hnelnesa la the City of Toledo. Cnnnty and HUte afareuK, an that aald rirm will pay tae anai oi u.nai uunuaau IiOIXAlS for each aa4 erary case ef ca tarrh that caaaot be cared by the ase ef Hall's Catarrh Care. FRANK J. CHBNIY. flwora to before na aad anbacrlbed la mj presence, this 0th day of December, A. I)., 1SA6 Heal A. W. ULaUIOl. Nstary Pabile. Rail's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood aad mocena anrfarea ef the systea. Bead for testl nonlala free. Sold by all Dragrfata, Tt. ITorac for Sale. For sale, three head of horses. One mare about 10 years old; one three year old colt, coming four, both broke to ride and to drive. One colt one year old, coming; two. Will make fine animal for next "Roundup." 417 L4 dy street James Gordon Bennett, who edits his papers, the New York Herald and Evening Telegram, by cable from Par Is, has been cited to appear In the French courts next month and show cause why he Is not the father of Mile. Jacqueline Slu-ttler, At a nro. Vious hcarlnit of the case Mile fthet. tier produced a letter alleged to have open written by Bennett, In which he admitted that he was her father. The newspaper owner denied the authority of the epistle, and for eighteen months fought to prevent the docu ment from being examlnpd bv exnrrts Since the last triul, the French Par liament has passed a law permitting "natural" children to take legal steps for establishing their parentage,. This will be a decided advantage to Mile. Hhettler, na will' also the fact that one of the ereatcst of French Innrn Henri Robbert, has been engaged to conuuci ner case. Of course, Mllo. Shettler seeks to secure financial balm for the cold ness, not to Rav aloofness of her nl legod American papa. It may bo said In behalf of the exnatrlnte eilltnr however, that If the photographs of Mile, shettler published by his New York Journalistic rivals are accurate, he Is not to be too harshly blamed for denying the parentage of the lady. Mr. Bennott Is famous as the origi nator of the Idea that steamships "steam" Instead of "sail." Another of his journalistic Innovations wna In cause all people of the male gender "Whining" Is the synonym rhyme-word for "repining." and and reasonably respectable status In life to be referred to as Mr., when no other title Is available. And who haa not road the ImmortaJ reply of the great Journalist to the company of capitalists which sought to buy tha Herald, and cabled to ask the price? The nnswer of Mr. James Gordon Bennett was: "Three cents dally and, five cents Sunday, Agents!. Agents! Agents! Our patent self-sharpening shear Is eight inches long; in the latest and best being made. We guarantee to give satisfaction to the housekeeper, dressmaker, millinery and purchaser. 100 per cent profit for agents; either sex, young or old. Sample and cat alogue free. Write today. Kloske & Co., 927 N. Lincoln street, Chicago, 111. Don't Be Tlopaleaa about yourself when you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff Joints of course you've tried leta of things and they failed. Try Ballard's Snow Lin Iment It will drive away all aches, pains and stlffnss and leave you aa well aa yeu aver were. A. C. Koep pen ft Brea. Estray Notice. One span cf sorrel geldings some what old. Weight about 1150 pounds. Any person notifying Chaa. Lobaugh, Lllleth street Pendleton will be re Pilot Rock, or John L. Bartley, 301 warded. Save money by raodlng today's uim. Orpheum Theatre HKHlcLASS;iUP.TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Man, Woman and Children TODAY 'at PAPHI. Hd rr