PAGE POCR DAILY EAST OREGOXLIX. PEVDLETOJT, OREGOTT,, DECEMBER f, M10. RIGHT PAGES jvejKr-' IN I NDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. rstllitKd Daily, Weekly and Seml-Weeklf it lVndletoo. Oregon, bv tb 1ST ORKGoNIAX I'lHLISUING CO bLllSClUPTION RATKiL rml'f. pot year, by mall $5.00 I mi j. m months, br mall 2.5u ttw month,, by mall 1.25 Dailj, one mootb, bj mail 60 1 alij, one year, by rarrirr 7.5o f-ally, tlx muDtua, by carrier 4.73 Pa!!y, ttre month, by carrier 1.85 Tally, one mouth, by carrier 8A eiy, one ytar. Ey mail l.So eraly. lx months, by mail "5 eaii. fi.ur months, by mall 50 a-l-Weekly, one yrsr, by mall 1.50 hnl-WkiT, six monihu. by mall 75 m'lWeekly, lour months, by mail... .50 Vbe Dally East Oregnnlaa Is kept on sal ai ibe Hrejrou Neva Co.. 32tf Morrison t.-eet, I'ortiacd, Oregon. Sorthweat Xeari To. Portland. Oregon t-hlrsro lioreau. 9i$ Serurltv Bnlldlne. Wajtilnetnrj, r. c., teatb street. X. W. Bureau, 501 Four- Member Tnlted lTew Association. Entered at the posfofflce at Pendleton. Oregon, aa aeconj class mall matter. telephone Main 1 Official PUt and County Paper. A SPRING DAY. Winter had a Spring day sil- ver bella seemed ringing; Mister Mockin' bird came out an' beat the world a- singing. 'This way for violets!" Heard the South Wind say, And Winter, in gray gardens, Dreamed a dream of May. Winter had a Spring day: Joy to Joy replying; Listened, and we heard him say: "Life's too sweet for sigh- ing!" "This way for Violets!" South Wind seemed to sing, And Winter In gTay gardens, . Found dewy blooms of Spring. Frank L. Stanton. think of sending a sobbing, shrieking woman to the gallows. Nor is this the only way in which Wyoming has shown especial con sideration for the fair sex. It is point ed out that Wyoming was the first slate in the union to grant equal suf frage. It also provides that a woman : entitled to a divorce for one year's dtsertion or failure to provide. In the days when the Virginian an.) Tram pas rode the range out from Medicine Bow women were scarce in Wyoming. Is it possible that this same situation still exists or was the action of the recent jury' due to tne fact that the men of that slate ar embued with a more chivalric spirit than obtains elsewhere? A SEHIOCS OFFENCE. Tiie offence of drunkeness is not regarded with as much seriousness as it deserves either in Pendleton or else where. When a man is arrested for drunkeness he Is usually given the privilege of paying ta to the city or of staying in jail for three days. If the prisoner has money the 15 fine does not fall heavily upon him. If he has no money then it is pretty KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Ten Years Relieved in Tkre Months Thanks to PE-RU-NA. ! y I ff'J i.-:.- :' ..V: :-y:''.-S..v-:.,-.5 C. B, FIZER. C. B. FIZEK, M t. Sterling, Ky.,says : " hare suffered n itb kidney and bladder trouble for ten years past 'last March I commenced using Peruna and continued for three months. I have not used it since, nor have I felt a pain." Every Life has it DECEMBER. MONEY BANK? IN THE tries from the Jackson and Cuno com panies are expected. In Philadelphia there is a Physi cians' Automobile club made up, of j course, of the motoring doctors of the city. They have succeeded in get t:ng the police to allow them the right certain he belongs to a class of citizens "f way. but their autos must bear a who do not seriously object to stay- j Uo,1 Cross. GUILT IS PERSONAL. Commenting upon the case brought by the federal government against the sugar trust the New York World says: "The Government's brief in the Sugar Trust case alleges that the late H. O. Havemeyer received $10,000, 000 of the common stock of the Na tional Sugar Refining company of New Jersey, as a bonus for taking four independent concerns into the combination. "This is precisely why trusts are formed not to effect economy in management, not to promote indus trial efficiency, not to avoid the evils of excessive competition, not to reduce prices: but to enable the insiders to make millions out of the deal. This is precisely why the Govern ment will never prevent trust promo tion by bringing equity suits to dis solve the corporation or to have re ceivers appointed. The offense in every case is personal; the profits are personal and the guilt is personal. "If a few truit promoters and trust managers were sent to ail under the criminal clause of the Sherman law, the law would soon be respected; but it will never be respected while the corporation is punished and the in dividual goes free." This Is entirely true with respects to most trusts at least. The bring ing of suits to diso've trusts after the great profits have already been taken by the trust promoters Is like lock ing a stable door after the horse has been stolen. To do effective work the government should go after the man with the plunder, not after the house that has been plundered. ing for three days in a warm andsan itary Jail. A man who becomes intoxicated and makes a public nuisance of himself upon the streets should not be treat ed so leniently. He is really a dan gerous man, aside from being offen sive. He may insult women or start a fight. He may steal, set fire to a building or commit murder. A large percentage of crimes may be traced directly to drunkeness. A proper punishment for drunk eness is one feature of saloon regu lation that deserves attention. A more severe punishment for drunken ess would tend to make men control themselves and self control is the basis of good conduct. Some orthodox ministers predict Christian Science will die out follow ing the death of Mrs. Eddy. Yet the founders of other creeds passed away and their teachings have lived after them for centuries. Mrs. Eddy dead may become more powerful than she during her lifetime. Umatilla county is wet under the terms of the local option law as well as under the home rule provision. This is well because the home rule amendment may have "hard sledding" in the courts. dianapolis baseball club of the Am erican association, has contracted fur an auto coach to carry ball players next season. The bus is to carry the entire squad and to have room enough for clothes, balls, bats, etc. It will be a Willys-Overland. Racing drivers do not always use the same car in private that they drive on the race courses. For In sfance, Ralph de Palma. who pilots a racing Fiat, has a Franklin car for his everyday use. Bruce-Brown who had a winning Benx in the grand prize, drives a Fiat most of the time. And speaking of racing drivers, Ralph Mulford, the Lozier pilot, has a leaning toward extreme neatness. He always wears a linen collar and a bow tie when he Is driving a race. "A sweater chafes my neck too much," says the ever-smiling Ralph. Several presidents of b:g automo bile companies who have been making tours of western states report that the farmers have lots of money to spend on the automobile this year. They declare that farmers want autos to complete the comfort, and In many instances, luxury of their surround ings. An automobile has been planned that provides against the activities of tire thieves. The car has the long shelf in back on which are piled four shoes. A heavy chain runs around these tires and Is connected with the frame of the car. Unless the intend ing thief has a Me and plenty of time, the only way he can get away with the tires will be to take the whole car along with him. The English people sustain the lib erals yet refuse to completely abolish the house of lords. Centuries of rule Ly the nobility has sapped the man hood from the British people. Pendleton needs that new theatre, Mr. Darveau. BIRTHDAY OF A PRODIGY. TAFT, TIIE PROGRESSIVE. That President Taft is getting closer to the progressives is shown by his endorsement of the plan for a tariff commission. When the Payne tariff jaw was being drafted the progressives wanted a tariff commission plank in- j serted. Senator Beveridge was the especial champion of. this reform. But owing to the opposition from stand pat sources the clause was left out. As a compromise a plank was inserted calling for the appointment of a tar iff board by the president. It is a source of satisfaction that the president Is now ready to take up with progressive ideas. He is a cau tious president and there will be no danger of radicalism under his ad ministration. Of course his actions will be criticised on the ground they Are prompted by political consider ations. Yet it must be remembered that President Taft was elected be cause he was heralded as a man with progressive views. The country will know more upon this subject before the close of the present session of con frees. Eris Wolfgang Korngold, perhaps the most remarkable boy-musician in the world is thirteen years old today. Even though he is still wearing short trousers, he has gained a world-wide reputation and his record in the in ternational edition of "Who's Who" occupies quite as much space as those of many men three and four times his age. Erick is the talk of Europe Just now because he Is the author of an operatic pantomime, which has set the musicians of the Old World wild with enthusiasm. He composed the music and libretto when he was eleven years old, but epent a year in putting on the final touches. During the past few months continental papers have teem ed with accounts of this new musical genius, who bids fair to put all previ ous records of Juvenile precocity in the shade. . Erick Is the son of Herr Gorngold, musical editor of the Vienna Heue Froie Press, who succeeded the all powerful Edmund Hansllck and has become an extremely influential and universally read critic. Young Erich has played before the Emperor and has been commanded by nearly all the crowned heads of Europe to appear before them. For this, however, a royal grant will have to be given, for Austria is Jealous of her new genius. Nothing could be more lavish than the articles that have been written about young Korngold and his work. The greatest German musical author ities such as Richard Strauss, Felix von Weinfartner and Ernest von Schuch have all heard and praised him. The name of the pantomime composed by Korngold is "Schnee mann," which translated means snow man. Herr Korngold says that he submitted his son's composition to the management of the Royal Opera house of Vienna, he sent It in anony mously, for he knew that under no other condition would it have been accepted, owing to the author's youth. OVER THE HILLS. Over the hills and far away A little boy steals from his morning's play. And under the blossoming apple tree. He lies and he dreams of the things to be. Of battles fought and victories won, Of wrongs o'erthrown and of great deeds done. Of the valor that he shall prove some day Over the hills and far away Over the hills and far away! Over the hills and far away It's oh, for the toils the livelong day! Rut it mattered not to the soul aflame With a love for riches and power and fame. On, O man, while the sun is high On to the certain Joys that lie Yonder where blazeth the noon of day. Over the hills and far away Over the hills and far away! Over the hills and far away An old man lingers at close of day. Now that his Journey is' almost done, His battles fought and his victories won. The old time honesty and truth. The truthfulness and the friends of youth, Home and mother where are they? Over the hills and far away Over the hills and far away! Eugene Field. SICII A CALAMITY. Doctor You will be glad to know that your husband will almost certain ly recover. Wife Oh, doctor, what shall I do? Doctor Why, what do you mean? Aren't you anxious that your husband should get well? Wife Yes, only, when you said last week you didn't think he would live another day, I went and sold all his clothes. CHIVALIUO WYOMING. Those who have formed their Ideas -of the citizenship of Wyoming through reading Owen Wlster's novel The Virginian, will not be surprised to know that a Wyoming Jury recently acquitted woman of a murder charge because the Juror could not bear to ABOUT AUTOS AXD AUTOISTS. Arrangements have been complet ed to devote a large portion of space to aeroplane at the coming National Automobile Show to be held in Grand Central Palace, New York, In Janu arr. Horn of the cars brought to America by foreign filer under bond will be on view and some other of domestic manufacture will be exhl blted. The third annual Mardi Gras speed carnival will be held at New Orleans next February, to be run In connec' tlon with a dealer' show on the fair ground course. Lewi Strong and the Case; Bill Endlcott and the Cole; Bob Furroan and the Bulck and en The Misery of STOMACH DISTRESS W entirely banished after a short course of tho Bitters. No more Smoth ering spcllH, Heartburn, IV-lclilng, Bloating or Vomiting because it will tone the entire digestive system and assist greatly In the proper digestion and assimilation of the food. Try a bottle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS today. It is for all Stomach, Liver and Bowel Ilia, Colds, Grippe and Ma laria. Refuse all substitute and im-mltatlons. PENDLETON DRUG CO. PSSIEIOIIt OlDEU-TOOtniBQIBSn wfiMlms life Why not decide to secure yourself today against old age, sick ness and loss of employment. Don't take chances, of on unex pected strain on your finances. Incomes melt away before those demons, expense and extravagance. Begin now, to save, how welcome it will be in that needy hour that is apt to come. We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you put in cur bank and compound the interest every 6ix months; THE American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Jewelry Survives all Other Gifts and is Especially Ap propriate As An Expres sion of Sentiment and Regard. DIAMONDS Solitaire and Cluster Rings, Brooches and other Jewelry; superb stones of finest cutting. RICH JEWELRY In tasteful and novel ideas for Broodies, Lockets, Studs, Laval Hers, Chain Pins, etc. FIXE WATCHES That are ornamental and durable for all pur poses, from Uiu most noted makers. SILVER TABLE AND TOILET WARE. CUT GLASS, UMBRELLAS, NOVELTIES Arc hero In profusl-, on for your Inspection. A. L. SCHAEFER LEADING JEWELER. Annual School Board Convention PENDLETON, DECEMBER 10th State Superintendant Ackerman and R. F. Robinson, . county superintendent of Multnomah will speak. J. W. L. Kaufman, humorist will will give one of his side-splitting recitations. All teachers and members of different school boards are invited to attend and get acquainted. An en joyable time promised to all. Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens !! All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old For choice drew ed ones pbune your order night before. W dreM none except for order wo it you like eoU atorage poaltry patronise the other fellow r tore yonraett. East End Grocery 2SST Phone B. SMI. Headquarters For Toilet, Goods We are Sole Manoiaetnrera and Diirtrllratora of the Oelrbrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and - MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Lcadlug Drugfitta of Kaatarm Orocwa. OLD LIN ! LIVE STOCK IN SURANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of crowfordirllle, Indiana. Haa now entered Oregon. Pollclea now gool In every tata In the Union. Organ Bed over It yea re ago- Paid np Capital $100,000.a0. Aa eeta over 1460.000.00. REMEMBER, thla la NOT a Mutual Live ftaock Ieanr ance company. F.hrk !.!oorbous Company Agent, Pendleton, Ov, IIS Ears Court ft. Phoae tleta S3. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. WE DEAL II DRUBS MOT PROMISES You Make a Bad Mistake When yon put off buying your CaS! until Pall purchase It NOW and aronre the hmt Rurk Springa coal the mine produce at pricee coniilderably lower than thoee prevailing In Pall and Winter, I)y Mocking op now ym avoid ALL danger of being on able to aceure It when coM weather arrive. Henry Kopittke Phone Main ITS. Fresh Fish Meata and gaoaagee EVERT DAT. We handle only the poreat f lard. Rami and bacon. Empire Meat Go. Phone Main IS. FRESH MEATS 8 ACS AGES, FISH AND LARD. Alwaya pure and delivered promptly. If you phone the Central Meat Market 108 E. Alta St, Phone Ma urn Sfl, 60 YEARS' EXPER!NCe ETZSw Trads Marks DebiGNS Copyrights ic. Anyone wiping knteh and iVxcriptlnn ni imtentnlim. ri Put en U taken thrnu'lt Mnnn k Co. moat qnlrkir urerintti our opt'iion rma tvfiotlier an Indention IR nrohnhl imltmtntiln. rnmnmtilm tiott.wtricUf cniiiiiiciitui. H"NhO0K mil'nfsnu jent frt. Old put nimncy fur jimik Minum, tkXCiOl fWtUm. WltriOlitCliiirrr.i In t,m Scientific Jlmtlm. A buidwmalr tlinntmiM wki?. JjirTiul mv eolation of unr ni-imniuo Jourtml, Ternn, It fur I fur month L bold by all newidcalaim MUNN & Co New Yoit I Brueta Uffloa. IM W (H- WuhlnvlufkllO Unfurnished houaekaeplng rooms for rent In the Baat Oregonlan build ing. All modern conrenjeneea. Kn quire at B. O. offloe.