East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 07, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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17 B
id ywore
77 Xmas
Do Ybar Christmas Shopping
Don 'f JVai until the last few days. The as
sortments are very much better now. You'll
be sure of getting better service. We
will gladly pack all your purchases ready for
shipment and will send them for you at any time you may wish. We'll take all the care and trouble off your hands.
hra-wrri fcww.WMM.iwi u.U'L-ip.'. mp m.n w mmm mm. mmmLr.m''"l'.S::
Just Received by Express
A lare lot of Billikins, "Nipper Dolls," "Baby Bumns,"
with Rompers, Dutch Dolls, "Jan and Gete," and Indian
dolls. They are the preatest lilt ever in dolls. All have
"can't break 'em heads" 9S and $1.25
Smoking Jackets
We have a very fine assortment of smoking jackets, sizes
.14 to 44. Good neat patterns. Each ....?3.75 to $10.00
Everwear Hose in Xmas Boxes
Make very acceptable Xmas gifts. Come in all the new
shades and black and tan.
Men's $1.50 and $3.00 Iwx
Women's $3.00 and $2.40 box
Children's . $2.00 1kx
Six pairs in a box, guaranteed to wear 0 months without a
hole. Any hose that give away will Ik? replaced by us free
of charge.
Our Great Toy Deparment
Is brim full of all kinds of Christmas things for the chil
dren. Dolls, wagons, sleds, mechanical toys, animals, etc.
You'll find our prices are lower than elsewhere and the
assortment better.
Bath Robes
We have the Pendleton Woolen Mills Bath Rolies. They're
all the go just now. The nicest, softest, wannest thing im
aginable. Each $18.50
We also have a large ptock of Turkish bath rotas and wool
and cotton bath roles. Each $3.50 to $20.00
Best Grade
of Calicoes
4c yard
We can sav without fear of contradiction that our grocery department is absolutelv the cleanest in Oregon.
WE THINK YOl' WANT YOUR FOOD TO BE CLEAN and we spare no pains to have it clean. Our grocery de
partment is in the basement, always nice and cool, no flies, no dogs, no cats, nothing gets into this pure food department that
wouldn't get into your own kitchen everything pure and sanitary. Our prices are positively guaranteed to bo cheaper than
any of our competitors. We'll gladly take all your eggs, butter and fruit and will pay the highest market prices. We also give
trading coupons with our groceries, which in itself is a savingof exactly 5 per cent try us.
Best Grade
5c yard
(Special Correspondence.)
Adams, Ore., Dec. 5. Charley
Owen and the McBane brothers have
opened up a gymnasium in the Inter
ior Warehouse office. They have a
punching bag and boxing gloves for
the boys.
Dorie Green gave another dance in
the city hall on Friday night, Dec.
S. It was well attended and they
danced till four in the morning. All
were well pleased with the night's
Mrs. Perigo of Wisconsin arrived in
Adams Saturday. She is the mother
of Mrs. Errethyn and will spend the
winter In Adams with her daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. I L. Rogers return-
ed to their home in Adams Friday,
after visiting friends .and relatives in
Weston for the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. John King visited In
the city of Pendleton Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Reid of Idaho,
an old time resident of Adams, ar
rived in Adams Friday night and will
make their future home here.
J. T. Lieuallen one of Umatilla's big
wheat growers, was a business visitor
Jn the city of Pendleton Saturday.
Professor Haley entertained a num
ber of young friends on Thursday eve
nine at the family residence. Those
present were Ralph Wallan, Edith
and Ethel Peringer, Elene Bowling,
Mable Mclntire, Claud Wallan, Lile
Mclntire, Otis Lieuallen, Hobard
Peringer. They played games and en
joyed the evening very much.
Miss Elliot returned to her home
in Adams after visiting friends and
relatives in Walla Walla for the past
few days. '
Miss A. Clum of Walla Walla, is
the guest of Mrs. Casper Woodward
for a few days.
Mrs. Errehtyn returned to her home
in Adams Sunday after visiting friends
a few days in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Rogers of Weston, Is visiting
hrr son L. L. Rogers of Adams, this
The "pure food law" la designed by
by the government to protect the
public from injurious Ingredients In
both foods and drugs. It Is benefi
cial both to the public and to the con
scientious manufacturer. Ely's
Cream Balm, a successful remedy for
cold In the head, nasal catarrh, hay
fever, etc., containing no injurious
drugs, meets fully the requirement
of the new law, and that fact is prom
inently stated on every package. It
contains none of the Injurious drugs
which are required by the law to be
mentioned on the label. Hence you
ran use Itsafely.
The Way Samose Works Its Wonders.
More than half the readers of the
East Oregonlan would Rive almost
anything to be plump and rosy In
stead of thin and scrawny.
Physicians and chemists for years
have studied the problem of making
a flesh-forming food, but It is only
within the last few months that i
brlifht man discovered the prescrlp
tlon that taken with the dally meals
gave a positive Increase in flesh. In
fact It was so certain In Its action
that a guarantee was attached to each
package stating that if weight did not
Increase as a result of using it, the
purchase price would be refunded
This preparation Is now put up In
convenient form for use under the
name of Samose.
Taken with each meat. It enables
the system and that In connection
with its own flesh-forming and tissue
building foods gives healthy flesh.
The emaciated form fills out Info the
beautiful curves of plumpness, the
scrawny limbs become round and firm
the cheeks fill out and take on the
rosy bloom of perfect health and nor
mal strength.
Koeppen Bros, have secured the
Portland, Ore., Dec. 7. XIne thou
sand acres of burned over timber
lands In the Pacific northwest will be
reseeded with Norway ,pruce and
Scotch pine, according to an an
nouncement made by J. F. Klmmel of
the forest service. Seeding Is already
under way and will be cmpleted be
fore snows set In among the mountains.
Most of the work Is being done In
the Sluslaw forests In western Oregon
along the coast and tn the Olympic
forests In Washington. The forest
service plans In this way to reclaim
thousands of acres of burned off lands
every year. There are a million ana
a half year-old trees In the nurseries
of the forestry department In the
northwest ready for transplanting
where reseedlng Is Impracticable.
(Special Correspondence.)
Umatilla, Dec. 7. Today was elec
tion day and the voting was rather
light. The following is the ballot
polled": For mayor R. J. Yerza,
35; D. R. Brownell, 20. For record
er S. A. Saylor. 39; W. F. O'Con
nell, 17. For Marshall J. A. Steph
ens, 40; C. W. Sutton, 9. Treasurer
H. J. Burman, 33; J. A. Stanfield,
21. Councilmen F. W. Ciine, 46;
R. E. Lingo. 51; W. II. Switsdcr, 51.
Swltzler is the only new man on the
board, all the other councilmen hav
ing been on last year's board.
The new Catholic church will be
dedicated on Sunday, Dec. 11, Rev.
C. J. O'Reiley, bishop of Baker City,
will officiate, assisted by Rev,-Fathers
Kheehan and Butter of Hermlston.
The services will be held at 11 a. m.
at which the bishop will preach.
Hermlston basketball team plays
Umatilla here on Thursday evening.
The 105 night switch engine has
been taken off for the present, yet
judging from the congested condition
of the yards It could be used to good
J. W. Dunran was a Walla Walla
visitor on Tuesday.
Among the visitors in the city today
are Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Clarke, La
Grande; Geo. Miller, Baker City, J
A. Cooper, Portland, and S. L. Clarke
of Echo.
E. Pound was In Pendleton this
week and while there purchased a
new organ for the new Catholic church
here from Ellers music house.
In Appreciation.
We, the undersigned committee ap
pointed by Pendleton Lodge No. 288,
B. P. O. Elks, wish to publicly express
our thanks and appreciation to the
Eilers Piano House of Pendleton for
the beautiful Kimball piano so kindly
loaned us for the Elks' memorial ex
erclses, held In the opera house De
cember 4, 1910. Signed.
Ranks on Sure Thinir Now.
"I'll never be without Dr. King's
New Life Pills again," writes A.
Schlngeck, 647 Elm street, Buffalo,
New York. "They cured me of
chronic constipation when all others
failed." Unequaled for biliousness,
Jaundice, Indigestion, headache,
chills, malaria and debility. 2Eo at
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Housekeeping Rooms for Rent.
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
ing. Steam heat, electric Ufhta. hot
and cold water and bath. Recently
renovated. Enquire at Blast Orego
nlan office.
Lost Black water spaniel dog. Last
seen on Court street Wednesday, No
vember 30. Has Pasco dog tax No.
Ill on collar. Return tit Thompson
street. Liberal reward.
Thi-re is not one grain of quinine
in Rape's Cold Compound, which,
when taken every two hours, until
three consecutive doses are token,
will surely end the gripp and break
up the most severe cold either in the
head, chest, back, stomach or limbs.
It promptly relieves the most mis
erable neuralgia pains, headache.
dullness, head and nose stuffed up,
feverlshness, sneezing, soro throat,
running of the nose, catarrhal affec
tions, soreness, stiffness and rheu
matic twinges.
Pape's Cold Compound Is the re
sult of three years' research at a cost
nf more than fifty thousand dollars,
and contains no quinine, which we
have conclusively demonstrated Is not
effective In the treatment of colds or
Take this harmless Compound as
directed, with the knowledge that
there Is ho other medicine made any
where else In the world which will
cure your cold or end grippe misery
as promptly and without any other as
sistance or bad after-effects as a 25
cent package of Pape's Cold Com
pound, which any druggist In the
world can supply.
Every man loyal to the best, in
terests ot Oregon gives prefer
ence to OregonTjfc
Home Office, Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison, Portland
. L. Hills L. Samuel Glarance S. Samuel
President Gen. Manager Assistant Manager
N. Berkeley, District Manager, Pendleton
Portland. Ore., Dec. 7. Experi
ments In dry farming In seml-arld
sections of Oregon and In Irrigation
In the Willamette valley region, where
the practice hns never been tried sys
tematically, will be conducted by the
government In conjunction with the
Oregon Agriculaural College. Presi
dent Kerr of that Institution has just
returned from the east where he se
cured the promise from the federal
authorities to co-operate In the work
and a central experiment station for
dry farming will be established In
Harney county.
Results of carefully conducted ex
periments along these lines- are
awaited with considerable Interest by
settlers who will be most directly
Get the Genuine Always.
A substitute Is a dangerous make
shift especially In medicine. The gen
uine Foley's Honey and Tar cures
coughs and colds quickly and Is In a
yellow package, contains no opiates
and Is safe and certain In results. A
The Bank is Not Back of Me
bwt I am back of the Bank and opposite the City Hall
where you will find everything in the poultry line
that keeps them Healthy and Laying all the time
A Full Line ef Conkey's Guaranteed Goods
Conkey's Lice Llqnlrt,
Conkey's Lire Powder,
Conkey's Noxlclde,
Conkey's Head Lice Olnt-
Conkey's Scaly Leg,
Conkey's Limber Neck,
Conkey's Bronchitis,
Conker's Gape Roniody,
Conker's Roup Cure,
Conkey's Cholera Cure,
Conker's Cliickcn Pox,
Conker's Poultry Tonic,
Conker's Fly Knooker.
Dou't forget they are guar-
Do sot tuoo, hut e-rlre to tko hlghnt
point Of profit.
pronotranntWitymnd BMimMfttloa of mR.
Bilking BtrllU TSS VlfOLR SKOItKT
or oo.tATTNO. Vonr liACk It it don't
leue. rrloMXo.GOoMdM. ,
Auk for Oonkoj'i Book Oft Poultrj, Fan
Also Lee's Goods and International poultry and Stock Pood and
other foods too BOBMroaa to meuMoa.
A. T. Matthews Company
(Successor to Chaa. Colsswortky.)
12s B. Alta St, OBswatta City Hail.
Phoaa Mala 14.
Job Printing, Tel. Main
Agency In Pendleton.
UBjra rts.
C. Koeppen ft Bros.