, "V t-. ,rf)'j '.. WF. "!' " ti.-fli EIGHT PAGES DAILY BAST OREGONIAN, FENDLETOIf, OREGON, TirCRSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1010. FACT CSTX Agents for Munsing Underwear for Ladies, Lord & Taylor Hosier Agents for Fownes Gloves, Wayne Knit Hosiery, R. & G. and Nemo Corsets The Greater Alexander Department Store A General Reduction Sale in all Ladies Ready to Wear Garments, which gives those wishing to do Christmas shopping early a golden opportunity to save. , We expect a rush, so come early before the lines are broken Ladies Suits Wo have at this time the largest, stock ever shown nt this sea son and for this reason we will jive the greatest cuts ever offer ed on new goods. JflG.r.O, $20.00 Ladies' Suits . ?11.75 22.R0, $25.00, $27..r0 Ladies' Suits '.. ?16.75 .$30.00, $32.50 Ladies' Suits $18.75 $35.00, $37.50, $40.00 Ladies' Suits $21.75 $42.50, $45.00, $47.50 Ladies' Suits $26.75 First, Sale Ever Made on Mun sing Underwear for Ladies and Children l'uj as we advertise everything in Ladies' ready-to-wear at reduced prices, Munsing must 1k included. UNION SUITS. $3.50 Munsing Union Suits .$2.75 $:5.00 Munsing Union Suits $2.40 $2.50 Musing Union Suits ..$2.15 $2.25 Munsing Union Suits $1.90 $2.00 Munsing Union Suits ....$1.60 $1.75 Munsing Union Suite - $1.40 $1.50 Munsing Union Suits $1.15 $1.25 Munsing Union Suits 98 LvTl Ladies Silk Waists A beautiful line of silk waists in taffeta and inesselane, all colors, Persians, plaids and plain colors. Some of which have leen in our store less than two weeks, all fresh and new, free from soil of any kind. $7.50 Silk Waists will go at $5.75 $0.50 Silk Waists will go at $4.75 $5.00 Silk Waists will go at $3.75 $4.50 Silk Waists will go at - $3.25 $3.50 Silk Waists will go at $2.75 Ladies Coats at Big Reductions All coats, including tight fitting broadcloth, semi and full back manish worsteds will be sold at reduced prices during this sale. $32.50, $35.00 Ladies' Coats $23.75 $25.00, $27.50, $30.00 Ladies' Coats $18.75 $16.50, $20.00, $22.50 Ladies' Coats $13.75 Hair Nets All shades, best qualities 10t? Outing Flannel Your choice of all first grade outing flannel, regularly sold at 12 l-2c at this sale 10t Hair Puffs All shades in two sizes. $2.50 Quality $3.00 Quality $1.25 $1.50 Hair Switches IJig assortment, all grades' from $4.00 to $9.00, your choice at this sale ' $1.00 Hair Switches $0.00 Hair Switches $9.00 Hair Switches $2.25 $3.75 $4.75 Ladies Vests and Pants $2.00 Ladies' Vests and Pants $1.50 Ladies' Vests and Pants $1.25 Ladies' Vests and Pants $1.00 Ladies Vests and Pants 75c Ladies' Vests and Pants ... $1.60 $1.15 98 78 60 All odds and ends in underwear including union suits, vests and pants at 1-2 price. Children's Underwear $1.50 Children's Underwear $1.25 Children's underwear $1.00 Children's underwear 75c Children's underwear Munsing $1.15 Munsing 98 Munsin? 78 Munsins 60 50ct Children's Underwear 25c Children's underwear Munsintr 40 Munsimr 18 SHEEP MARKET IS Ml'TTON FLOWING TO PORTLAND ,YAKI Cattle Market Mkewlso KirUMl as Dull Hog Quotations Remain Vn-dianged. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK HUN. Hon. Cuttle. Calves. Sheep. Wednesday 153 104 ... 375 Tuesday Monday Saturday Friday . Thursday Keek ago 89 6 79 35 457 83 1G27 919 912 84 Holiday 699 6 Tli.. Hlini'n market In overcrowded with offerings and therefore for any thing except selected quality prices are almost sure to be shaded, by buyers. Everyone seems to have sheep to offer. There was a report current In the yards today that 10 double decks of sheep were en route to this city from Idaho, and naturally, tills had a depressing effect upon quotations In general. Perhaps the greatest difficulty Is In disposing 'of feeders. At this time of the year- there are few buyers for feeders In the market, and therefore offerings show neglect. The sale of a lot of feeder sheep reported yesterday as 250 ewes aver aging 86 pounds Bhould have read 260 feed ewes, and the price should have been $2.26 Instead of $2.80, as re ported. The error Is corrected In Jus time to the sellers. One extra select load of cattle came Into the yards from Moro today. It is said to bo the best load of cattle that ever entered the local yards. The lot was shipped by A. H. Bnrnum. Trade In the cattle market is rath er dull, owing to the nbsence of se lected quality. Too much poor stuff has been offering recently. Hogs are quoted nominally unchang ed. Anion; tlio Shippers. Cattle A. H. Barnum, Moro. Ore., one load; A. L. DeMarls, Milton, Ore., three loads. Mixed Stuff Palton & Overton, Halsey, Ore., one load hogs and sheep. Sheep J. L. Cartwrlght, Harris burg, Ore., two loads; R. Y. McCune, Albany, Ore., one load. Hogs W. R. Kurtz, The Dalles, Ore., nnn load. Following are latest sales. They represent demand, supplies and qual ity offering: STEERS. Average lbs. Price. 26 steers 1124 $5.25 25 steer 1081 4.90 1 steer 1650 4.25 1 utear 950 4.60 114 ewes 127 13.76 COWS. 9 cows 1118 $4.75 1 cow 1120 4.76 6 cows 1030 3.75 8 cows 1100 4.25 2 cows 1125 4.25 HOGS. Ill hogs 224 $8.00 General range of livestock values as Indicated by latest sales In the Port land yards: Cattle Best Oregon steers. $5.50 ffr6.65; fancy steers, $4.25(5 5.40; common steers, $4.000 4.60; cows, best. J4.75W5.00; fancy, $4.25; poor, $3,0043.25; heifers. $4.50; bulls, $2 3.25; stags, $3.10 3.25. Hogs Rest light, $8.00; ordinary, $7.90; heavy, $7.60; stockers and feed ers, $6.0006.00. i Sheep Rest yearling wethers, $4.5o di 5.00; old wethers, $4.504.75; spring lambs, Willamette valley, $5.60 5r5.75; eastern Washington, $5,755? C.Ort; ewes. $3.00(5 3.50. Calves Rest $6.90; ordinary. $6.50; poor. $3.60 ft 4.60. SuvoI From Awful Death. How an appalling calamity In his family was presented Is told by A. D. McDonald of Fayettevllle. N. C, R- D. No. 8. "My sister had consump tion," he writes, "she was very thin and pale, had no appetite and seemed to grow weaker every day, as all rem edies failed, till Dr. King's New Dis covery was tried, and so completely cured her, that she has not been trou bled with a cough since. Its the best medicine I ever saw or heard of." For coughs, colds. la grippe, asthma. croup, hemorrhage, all bronchial trou bles, It has no equal. 60c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. CHEAP LANDS FOR IMMIGRANTS. Premier of Now South Wales Wants to Attract Moro Settlers, Sydney. Mr. McWowen, the new premier of New South Wales, speak ing to the Scottish commissioners vls Itltng Sydney, said he hoped to pro vide cheap lands for Immigrants and to compete successfully with Canada In the minds of the British people. Further, he believed In increasing the facilities for marketing produce hy cheaper transit and by the opening of fresh ports. The commissioners, he said., were not Immigration agents, but he hoped, as the result of the pub lication of their opinions, that the overflow of the British population would be directed to Australia rather than to countries not under the flag. Ho considered that there was great need at home of a really scientific emigration organization financing and regulating the outward going stream of people so that the home land should not lie depleted by Its best blood, while emigrants genuinely fit ted for rural work Bhould not swell the congested cities. The peculiar properties of Cham berlaln's Cough Remedy have been thoroughly! tested during epidemics of influenza, and when It was taken In time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by all deal ers. . , THE WHEAT MARKET SHORTS COVER AND STRENGTHEN MARKET Llverixl Opened Firmer But Closed Weaker Owing to Receipt of Rear-i-.li Russian Reports. CHINA PAYS TWO CLAIMS Chicago, Dec. 1. Short covering was responsible for the rallying pow er of the wheat market yesterday, closing being 3-4 to 7-8c a bushel higher than Tuesday. At the opening of wheat trading today there was a loss of 3-Sc In the December and l-8c In the July, but j May was unchanged. At the start It j seemed as if traders were feeling their i way. A mixed situation aDroad was probably responsible for this. At Liverpool there was a closing 1-8 to 3-8d higher after an opening unchanged to l-4d above yesterday. Paris was firm but Budapest was down even though Berlin was higher. Antwerp closing was at the same price as yesterday. Uroomhall cabled that Liverpool opened firmer but later weakness de veloped, being caused by the bearish Russian official report and continued favorable weather In northern Argen tina and favorable reports from Aus tralia. The rally was due to the re port that France was again a buyer. Strength at Paris was due to unfa vorable weather In south Buenos Ay res. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.: WHEAT. . December Open, 89 1-8; high, 90 S-8; low, 89 718; close, 90 1-4 A. May Open, 95 5-8; high, 96 1-2: low, 95 1-2; close, 96 3-8 A. July Open, 92 3-4; high, 93 314; low, 92 3-4; close, 93 3-4. CORN. December Open,4 4 1-8; high, 44 3-4; low, 44 1-8; close. 44 1-4 B. May Open, 47 1-8.. high, 47 1-2; low, 46 7-8; close, 47 1-8 A. July Open, 47 7-8; high. 48 1-4; low, 47 3-4; close. 47 7-8 B. OATS. December Open. 31 1-8; high, 31 1-2; low, 31 1-8; close. 31 1-4. May Open, 34 1-4; high, 34 1-2; low, 34 1-8; close, 34 1-4. July Open, 34 3-8; high, 34 3-8; low, 34 3-8; close, 34 1-2. PORK. January Open, 1695; high, 1737; low, 1695; close 1730. May Open, 1630; high, 1662; low, 1630; close, 1655 A. November Open, 980; high, 985; low, 977; close, 977. LARD. January Open, 967; high, 982; low, 967; ctose, 77. May Open, 952; high, 966; low, 962; close, 962 A. RIBS. January Open, 910; high, 92G; low, 910; close, 920 B. May Opon, 892; high, 902; low, 890; close, 900. JaMin and Norway Given Total of $110,000 for Rioters' Work. Shanghai. A Toklo Journal pub lishes what purports to be a statement of the claims submitted to the Chi nese government by the various pow ers in consequence of the Changsha riots of last year. It asserts that the only claims settled immediately with out abatement were those of Japan and Norway, the former receiving $62,500 and the latter $28,750. No claim has been put in by the United States citizens, although they had a church burned. The French demanded $40,625, but were content with $26,250. Heaviest of all was the British bill. It totaled $."00,000, and the Chinese are said to have offered $300,000. There are also claims from private Individuals which have been separately presented, and which totnl $43,000. Use TIZ-- Smaller Feet Sore Foot, Tender Feet and Swollen Feet Cured Every tlmo. TIZ Makes Sons Foot Well No Mutter What Ails Them. Everyone who is troubled with tor, sweaty or tender feet swollen feet- smelly feet, corns, callouses or bun ions can quickly make their feet well now. Here is Instant relief and a lasting, permanent remedy It's called TIZ. TIZ makes sore feet well and swollen feet are quickly re duced to their natural size. Thous ands of ladies have been able to wear shoes a full sii smaller with perfect comfort. It's the only foot remedy ever mad which acts on the principle of draw ing out all the poisonous exudations which cause sore feet Powders and other remedies merely clog up the pores. TIZ cleanses them out and keeps them clean. It works right oft You will feel better tke very first time it's used. Use it a week and yon can forget you ever had sore feet. There is nothing on earth that can compare with It. TIZ Is for sale at all druggists 25 cents per box or dl rect If you wish from Walter Luther Dodge 4k Co., Chicago, 111. Soo-Spokane Route THE SHORT LINE TO MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL AND ALL POINTS EAST. EQUIPMENT: lectrlc-llght-ed Observation Cars and Stand ard Sleepers, the most up-to-date Tourist Cars and through diners. Through tickets to all points east are on sale by your lecal agent at lowest current fares. Details Berths Literature O. M. Jackson, T. P. A, Geo. A. Walton, Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St., Spokane. Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 JTT CALLS PROMPTLY ANS Hl, WERED FOR ALL' BAGGAGE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HEAVY TRUCK ING A SPECIALTY. This is a Chance to get a Home furnished with very best of furniture, rags, carpets, stoves, bureau and every thing ready for house-keeping. House in best location on West Court St., but on ac count of change the owner expects to make, this beauti ful home can be bought for the small price of $1400 Everything ready to move in to. Talk about a chance this is one you can not afford to pass up. See about it today. LEETEUTSCH The Real Estate and In. surance Man 550 Main St. Phone M. 5 Every Woman , Is Icterwted and r-hnold kcn tbont th w-oourrul y.1 - . J.' ask ronr ?rugiirt iur It. If ho eanaut tiPPlT lh MARVIU. tccpDt no i k kit Mtmmn " iTItv . tratt'J book wwiled. It ar'.v Ml pnmmlftni aim directions lnvunith0 M M 0Ms M MEN INBW8MER. Cm Bit far naktaral StflctMrrMflainftMo4, Irritation or J-rtKi( of maooa.i mntrtMi. Palntoaa, ud not ajtrta- fnt OT DOtaoDODB. aM ky Draartata, or pant ro pUtr. VT-arrtr, br axvraaa, pruputo. tor MM. I bottlM JJ. C&rtmlar aaal oi, r') t Dally only 61 cents per 7 Successful Chinese Doctors for dome Treatment Tho world-known C h i n e se doctors with powerful and wonderful Chinese remedies, cure all chronic diseases and blood disorders suc cessfully for both men and women. If you are suffering and cannot be cured by other doctors why not write us for a free book and symptom blank, or describe your case to us? Our doctors will diagnose your case and tell you the exact re sult. If we cannot cure you we will tell you so frankly. All our Chinese medical advice free to everyone. YORK & YORK. CHINESE REME DIES CO. 210 V. Main St, Walla WaUa, Wn.