PAGE SIX DAILY EAflPT OSICOMAK, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1910. EIGHT PAGES : .: We Can Please You Vilh Xmas Jewelry, Silver and Cul Glass We've twoi! able to satisfy the most discriminating taste, both in quality and price for many holidays. This year our stock is more diversified and moro beautiful than ever. Our advance sales indicate this the banner year. Who ever heard of anybody not wanting Diamonds, Jewelry or Silverware, or hav ing too much? Select the field that admits no mis take. Ever notice a person receive a package from a Jewelry store, and Hint store Our Store? There's something distinctive ahout a daintily boxed pack age, a bonafide sureness that everything Is just A-No. 1, coming from A. L. SCHAEFER LEADING JEWELER. Efforts are being made to organise a Pendleton Amateur Athletic club and enough names have been secur ed to Insure the success of the under taking. The gynmasium In the rear of the Commercial club rooms will be secured and both a basket ball team and indoor baseball team will bo developed. The smaller eastern colleges were enabled successfully to invade the ranks of the so-called "big four" un der the new rules this season. Never will Brown's defeat of Yale by the score of 21 to 0 be forgotten. Pennsylvania Is the leading scorer of the "Big Four" with 163 points, eight more than Harvard. Brown, which make a great record after the mid-season games, overtops Pennsyl vania in scoring and leads all New England colleges with 198. Sammy Keller of England thinks he Is entitled to a return with Jimmy Welsh, one of the bantamweight ham'ions of America who won a letory over him in a 10-round bout at the Fairmont Athletic club. The bout was a fast one and an even one up to the last rounds. It was Walsh's work on the last three rounds that yielded him the honors. Tom Shevlin of the state of Minne- ta, the coach who taught Yale the plays that so mystified the Tigers, was. after the game, surrounded by crowd of Yale officials. He was rather bored with the flood of con gratulations which were being heaped upon him. "We won! that Is all there is to it. Xow, if you don't go away and leave me alone I shall be forced to say, 'I told you so.' " NEW YORK DRAMATIC LETTER, New York. Next week come Sothern and Marlowe, therefore it is not necessary to state that Important and interesting productions are to be added to the already notable list of successes running in some of the leading playhouses. The Sothern Marlowe engagement opens at the Brodway theater on Monday night During the first week they will pre sent "Macbeth," but the following weeks will be devoted to the best known of the Shakespearean plays in their repertoire. Marie Cahill, who has had such a splendid reception at the Broadway theater during her engagement of "Judy Forgot" will leave tonight to make room for Mr. Sothern and ss Marlowe. Miss Cahill In her new play had unusually capable support from a large company of singers and dancers remarkable for youth, beau ty and talent. Sharing popular Interest with Sothern and Marlowe will be William Gillette, who begins a farewell en gagement in a repertoire of his most famous plays at the Empire theater next Monday evening, succeeding John Drew, who has been playing to crowded houses In his most success ful play. "Smith." Mr. Gillette will begin his engagement with a revival of Sherlock Holmes. The coming of Mr. Gillette will make two plays by Sir A. Conan Doyle running in New York at the same time. His newest work "The Speck led Band," now in Its second week at the Garrick theater, achieved in stantaneous success. The play Is done in three acts and five scenes, and In Mr. Doyle's own dramatization of one of the most uncanny and or iginally thought out adventures of that curiously real person, Sherlock Holmes. Although Mrs. Leslie Carter, who is starring under the management of John Cort, has only appeared four nights of her six weeks engagement in her new play, "Two Women," at the Lyric theatre, there Is a wide spread regret that her engagement is not to be extended, for six weeks will not be sufficient for the friends of this wonderful actress to see her in her latest vehicle. Rupert Hughes has based his story "Two Women" on an idea from the Italian drama, "The Statue of Esch," by T. Glonnl. The author deals with two women who bear a startlingly physical re semblance to each other, but whose souls are of equally startling contrast. The author endeavors to show the In fluence of the good life upon the bad and the redeeming qualities of noble example. "The Bachelor Belles." with Mile Gneo, is attracting crowded houses at the Globe theater. The cast Is a strong one, but the notable work of the show Is done by Mile. Gonee, whose dancing is the delight of all who have seen it. May Irwin at Wallack's has been Interviewed, caricatured and talked about as if it were a discovery of the fall of 1910, instead of being, as she is, a veteran of the stake. The truth of it Is that we are all glad to have May back in our midst and there Is no other way of showing it or no better way than to make a fuss over her. "The Girl In the Taxi" with Carter De Haven and Jessie Millard in the company, Is still at the Astor. It is a foreign farce with the scene chang ed to Broadway. The flavor of the original stood the change well. Lulu Glasor has begun the second week of an indefinite engagement in "The Girl and the Kaiser," with Har ry Connor, at the Herald Square the ater. The piece is an adaptation of a three-act operetta entitled "Dio Forster Christ! 1," which has already achieved popularity in German speaking countries. Anne Caldwell's new play, "The Nest Egg." at the Bijou theater, with Molda Sears in the stellar role, is making good. It Is a comedy of semi-rural order, with the scene of the play laid in a small town near Albany, N. Y., called Eden Center, The story deals with the experiences of a middle-aged dressmaker who wants to make a living and get a hus band at the same time. The circus part of the Hippodrome makes a special appeal to the young sters and interests grownups as well There are performing elephants, com leal baby bears, lions who go through remarkable tricks and the carnival of clowns, in addition to the three spec tacles after the circus which offer as tonishing scenic surprises. At the American Music Hall the re cent Innovation of a twenty-two ac program proved such a success that it is being continued. The most prom Inent of this long array of acts is that of Arnold Daly, heading his own company og associate players in "The Van Dyck." Society and the populace gather at the New theater weekly to see the repertoire of this wonderful play house, which includes "The Thunder bolt," "Sister Beatrice and Ben as a double bill, and Shakespeare's rol licking comedy, "The Merry Wives of Windsor." HOW MUCH IS YOCR STOMACH WORTH It's worth almost as much as your life; how much Is that worth? Tall man hag a remedy that keeps the stomach right and makes It right when It goes wrong. MI-O-NA Is the ijame of tho great stomach remedy and Tallman guar antees it to cure the following stom ach ailments and symptoms or mo--ey back. Upset stomtach, pain In stomach, belching of gas, biliousness. Heartburn, sour stomach, lump of lead In stomach, after dinner dis tress. Nervousness and headache caused by stomach derangement. That all-in feeling In the stomach after a night of sociability. Bad effects of overeating or drink ing; sea or car sickness. Vomiting of pregnancy, or any stomach distress. Remember money back If It fails at Tollman ft Co, or leading druggists everywhere, and ths pries la only CO cents a larva box. The Correct Time to stop a cough or cold is Just soon as it starts then there will no danger of pneumonia or consump tion. Just a few doses of Ballard Horehound Syrup taken at the start will stop the cough. If it has been running on for sometime the treat ment will be longer, but the cure sure. A. C. Koeppen and Bros. Australian Girl Good Singer. Melbourne. A new and wonderful .singer has been discovered In Austral la in the person of a little Ballarat girl, named Vid.i G. Manley, who trills like M'-lba, whistles like a ca nary find generally Is said to possess the most wonderful vocal organs ever found in a human being. Doctors and mu.-iii iaris alike are said to be quite puzzled by the unique forma tion of little Vida's throat. The child is only six years of age and the parents have agreed to their little one being tested in every way. In the course of an Interview the mother stated that one day when her daughter was only two years of age she suddenly warbled like a canary and ever since had retained at com mand this peculiar power. The notes are rich and clear. The foxy club owner signs a good manager for a long term of years and gives him a chance to develop a win ning team. A major league manager who is hired from year to year and Is always afraid of losing his job Is at a great disadvantage. Yale, Harvard and Princeton are the magnets for the school football stars. Another Kilpatrick is headed toward Yale. He is a Phillips-Exeter player. This Kilpatrick stands 6 feet Inches tall and when he fills out will weigh 210. He plays tackle. With Mathewson tied up to a three- year contract and McGraw held to a five-year agreement the Matty and Mac combination will be supreme for some years to come. V 1 Children Cry for Fletcher's In his baseball sketch with Mathew son "Chief" Meyers dons the paint and feathers and does a war dance. The red-skin Is a hit as a make-be lieve scalper of the paleface. Here's a football secret discovered bv John B. Foster: "A strong line with a reasonable good or Indifferent back field, call it which you may, appears to be able to defeat a strong backfleld with only a reasonably good line. "That's the result at Princeton epitomized. Also the Mlchlgan-Penn game." Jordan. University of California, English Rugby footballlst, weighs 240 pounds and stands 6 and 2 1-2 Inches tall. Coach Charles F. Cornell crew of 61. Courtney of the Kilpatrick, Yale, Is the best end In the country. No other is In his class. "Kill" Is another Tom Shevlin or Frank Hlnckey. Christy Mathewson's brother. Hank has signed to pitch with the Oklaho ma City team next season. Exit football, enter basketball. Housekeeping Rooms for Rent. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent in the East Oregonlan build' Ing. Steam heat, electrlo lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at East Orego nlan office. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hns been In use for over 30 years, has fcorno the signature of - and has been made under his Ier T' ' eonal supervision since Its Infancy. mr7Y, Uc4b: Allow no one to deceive you in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASJORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVlnd Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and 1 towels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THI CENTaUR COMPANY, TT (TKCCT, NCW YORK CITY. Many persons find themselves af fected with a persistent cough after an attack of influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It should not be allowed to run on until It becomes troublesome. Sold by all dealers. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre in the city ths Pastime. LEGAL BLANKS of every description, for County Court, Circuit Court, Jus tice Court, Real Estate, etc., for sale at the East Oregonian office. YOUR MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT AND UNDIVIDED ATTENTION Hie. Happy Man. "I hear she Is to be married. Who Is the happy man?" "Her father." December Llppln-cott's. A love that builds the morning fires Is about the right temperature to suit any bride. ANNOUNCING OUR New Holiday Goods After months of much careful preparation, and with the intermingling of the best and foremost manufacturers of the new and old world, our magnificent stock lias never before been seen to bet ter advantage, especially with all tho many new additions of this season's very latest styles and productions. A Cordial Invitation is Extended to One and All to witness the splendor and refinement that prevails, in every department, where prices are as fair as reason will make them, for poods of the superior class, and represented by an absolutely bind ing guarantee. We therefore suggest early selecting of your holiday gifts, as tho varieties are now at their host, offering amplo choice. DIAMONDS Tho largest and finest stock in Eastern Oregon for your approval. DIAMOND JEWELRY A most gorgeous display, from the ideas of the world's best designers. feature. Platinum mountings a Watches, Gold Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Clocks, Cut Glass, Umbrellas, Ivory, Toiletware and China Representing the best in their respective lines and in complete varieties. Wm. Hanscom--THE Jeweler