PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON', OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMUEK 23, 10 10 THANKSGIVING This store has every good reason to be thankful It is extremely thankful for a phenomenal year's business. It is thankful for your patronage and fully realizes that the magificient volume of business which has passed through its doors during the last twelve months has been made possible only by the continued good' will of the people of Eastern Ore gon and Umatilla County. Though it has strained every nerve and used every honorable means at its command to build its business up, its growth has resulted wholly and solely from the generous support of the good people of this community. What it has achieved in the past has but prompted it to greater things. It is striving not only for a bigger store, but a better store, more conveniences for its customers and better facilities for the handling of constantly growing trade which naturally centers to the heart of Eastern Oregon's Growing Metropolis Pendleton. The price you pay for worthy merchandise is of vital interest to all. It has been the constant aim of this store to sell the very best the markets afford; and in every case at the lowest possible price consistant with good and honest merchandising. One price to all, and that ever lastingly the lowest. Thanking you for yoir generous support and wishing you the compliments of the season, we are, THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PA YS TO TRADE SAVE YOUR COUPONS EIGHT PAGES