' rTTTf 'tt'iiMvJ''"'C'!'' ' ... , , .. - m minium , in 1 1 ii iiiii.liii..iniiiii iiimiiiimi I.IIIKIIH II mimmii i mniill mm .- EIGHT PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGON IAN, PENDLETON. OKEGO.V. TUESDAY, XOVEMBEU 13, 1910. WW3, HBMHHiHMiMtfMMHBaiMMtfiialBM')IMIMMaas'alH ft 1 v v. ' f to il l 5 GREAT FROM 8 TO 9 A. M. $1.50 BLACK TAFFETA 95? YD. Guaranteed Black Taffeta Silk, 36-in. w'de. Great Hour Sale Price 95c $1.00 PANAMA 4S. One special number in Grey Panama. 42-inches wide; exceptional good value. Worth $1.00 'ard- Great Hour Sale Price only 48c 60 TOWELS 41. A towel of best quality cotton, full size; I ... - 1. , . ,i 8 we sen usuauy lur oUv""""' b'-" for drying towels. Great Hour Scle Price T" I C 35 MEN'S SOX 19. These sox come in all the new and v. anted colors; all sizes; extra reinforced heel and toe, with silk lisle body. Every pair is an exceptional wearer. Great Hour Sale Price I9c 65 WOMEN'S OUTING FLANNEL KNEE SKIRTS 23. Come in a good assortment of colors, good quality, wear well.. Great Hour Sale Price Jt WE RE GENTS FOR Wooltex Suits for Women Red Cross Shoos Dents (.loves Royal Worcester, iUm Ton. Adjusto and Gossard Corsets anckiiit and Evrenr lloso Sprliitfriel.l UiMlerwenr Pendletoi Woolen Mills Indian Robes Blankets, etc Hnrt, Scliaffner & Marx Clothes for Men Hercules Suits for Boys Manhattan Shirts Lewis Underwear Johnston-Murphy Shoes Block Fumotis Work Gloves Cnrhart Overalls-l-Stetsoii Hats Eu'rl & Wilson Collars Everwear and Sliawknit Srx Bradley's Mufflers and Sweaters Rufiis Wntcrhouso Neckwear Dnieker Trunks Whito Suit Cases Miller Jewelry Making In all the greatest stock mado the vorld. Absolutely depeiulablo ginxls. rno nest Known makes in .nieriea an re.sonuoiy pncin. FROM 1 TO 2 P. M. TIT C'.i. A r.TiNSINu .". V J w .'i ri x la Jzr $1.85 BROAD CLOTH $1.39 Comes in black, brown, dark red, 54 inches wide. Good quality, worth $1.85 yd- Great Hour 1? I OQ Sale Price U I .sJ $1.00 CNION' SOTS 63 Children's heavy rib and fleeced lined union suits, any size, flesh color. Worth $1.00 garment Great Hour jO Sale Price $3.00 MEN'S SHOES $1.98 Goodyear welt shoes, good full stock a genuine hand sewed method shoe, kid, calf and patent leathers button and lace. Great Hour Sale 15POUND DRIED PEACHES H Choice, new crop dried peaches Great Hour Sale Price, lb.... lie $5.00 TRIMMED HATS 98 Aa excellent assortment of nicely trim med haU. This season's new shapes and styles. Values up to $5.00- QQ. Great Hour Sale Prlc "l Save Your Coupons Our Great Hour Sales are the talk of the Town, and they should be, every article is a record Breaking value. Sales begin at 8 o'clock in the morning and continue until 6 in the evening. Something different will be offered every hour. READ THIS AD CAREFULL Y and be here on time for what ever you wish to buy. Nothing will go at the advertised price except during the hour here named. SPECIALS FROM 9 TO 10 A. M. REGULAR 50 SILK 25. , 10 pieces satin stripe Fuji silk, 26-inches wide good range of colors. Price you pay all the time 50 yard Gieat Hour Sale Price", yard.. 3C 8 1"3 GINGHAMS II YARDS FOR $1.00. Amoskeag Apron Ginghams; full width end best quality. In popular size check and popular colors. Worth S l-3 yard. Great Hour Sale price, 14 yards SI. 00 $1.50 LADIES' UNION SUITS $1.19 Ladies' Jersey Knit Union Suits, heavy rib and fleeced lined, flesh color. Great Hour Sale pr. $1.19 $7.00 MEN'S PANTS $3.95. This is a real snap for you, $6.00 and $7.00 pants. This seasons newest and best styles. Made by Hart, Schaf fr.er & Marx and others. All-wool. Great Hour Sale Price $3.95 $5.00 FANCY W INGS $1.49 A most choice lot of fancy wings, values un to SS.OO. Not an old one or a bad one in the lot. Every one is a record breaking value. Don't fail to call and look at them. Great Hour Sale Price... $1.49 FROM 2 TO 3 P. SI. 85DRESS GOODS 3S 15 pieces plain and striped suiting in var ious color combination and good full widths, worth up to 85 yd Gieat Hour Sale Price 38c 10 SHIRTING 7 l-2 Men's and boy's shirtings in splendid patterns, worth 10 yard Great Hour Sale price only I "C $30.00 EW FALL SUITS $17.95 This is one of the greatest bargains yet offered in men's clothing. New fall 1910 suits, Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Hirsh-Wlckwire makes, absolutely all wtol, hand tailored, the finest products of the best clothes makers in the world Great Hour A Sale Price $1 $2 00 CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES 53. This lot Includes a very large assort ment ranging in price 95 t0 $2.00 each. All sizes. This is an exceptional opportunity to buy needed garments at a great saving. Great Hour Sple Price 53c $5.00 MEN'S SHOES $2.98. These are Crosset and Abbot shoes, one of the best brands In America, come Ii $4.00, $4.50 an $5.00 aun ties. All sizes, kid and patent, welt soles. This is a bargain for you. Great Hour Sale Price $2.98 Thirl HrA tlzLrS WAREHOUSE EACH HOUR OF FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. 4 I T . i 1 AT 10 AM 11 $1.50 YARD DRESS GOODS 93 YARD. 10 special dress patterns Exclusive In fne checked Batiste, Satin Dot Ealieve Silk and Wool Crepe De Chine and Silk and Wool Poplin. Any color you may so desire. Worth $1.50 yard all the time. Great Hour Sale m Price, yard 15 WASH CLOTHS FOR EACH 9 WASH RAGS. Absorbknlt face cloth, a dandy, fullsize, worth 3 for 2."C' special only this hour. Great Hour Sale Price.... T"C A splendid hygienic face cloth, you can't buy this one everywhere, worth 15. Great Hour Sale Price... "C 50 LADIES' HOSE 21. A goodly lot of ladles' fine hose in plain Mack and embroidered. A snap at 5f Per pair- Great Hour Sf le Price 21c $4.50 LADIES' SHOES $2.98. Ti ls lot includes our complete line of $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 shoes in all sizes and styles. The greatest shoo bargain you'll see this season. The greatest values in Pendle- t tf0 t- :i. Great Hour Sale Price ."0 12 l-2 DATES 10 POUND. Nice choice dates, selling any place for 12 l-2 t 15 lb- Great H ur Sale Price, pound 10c FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. $1.00 DAMASK, ALL LINEN 69 A genuine good Thanksgiving number In table damask. All linen, worth $1 per yard. One piece special this hour 69, ard Napkins to match, worth $3.50 doz- Great q Hour Sale Price . Ut M 25 TURKISH TOWELS 15 Turkish bath towels, large size and best cttton threads. All the time this towel sells for 25. Great Hour g Srle Price I3C $2.00 MANHATTAN SHIRTS $1.48 You all know what a Manhattan shirt Is. It is worth $2.00 any Plaoe ,n tne U. S. It is the best brand of shirts In the world. Colors are absolutely fast the best fitting shirt you ever wore. Great Hour Sale I f Q Price 1 .TO 82.50 LINEN DAMASK LUNCH CLOTHS $1.38 Some plain hemstitched, some drawn work and some figured. Exceptionally good bargains. Great Hour Sale Price $1.38 $4.35 wool waists $1.35 These waists run in price from $1.85 t $4.35- Come In white and black and cream and black, sizes 38 to 44. A very serviceable garment at a ridicu lously low price. Great Hour Sals Price $1.35 U , BEGINNING FROM II TO 12 A. M. AFX 0 .11 If 1 . 75 AND 85 SATIN PANAMA CLOTH 39 Conies In black, blue, brown, red, etc. A special good number. Great q Hour Sale Price OOC 40 DIIF-SS SHIIXDS 20 A few odds and ends in dress shields sizes 2 to 4, best quality ihteldi up to JO4 pair. Great Hour Sale 20c Price, pair : 75 REGULAR VEILING 43 A choice stock of modish designs for fall wear In mesh veilings, plain and novelty In any shade. Great Hour Sale Price 43c $2.50 CHILDREN'S SHOES $1.55 We offer this hour the largest and most complete line of children's shoes in Eastern Oregon at a great sacrifice every pair Is fully guaranteed and abso lutely good In- every way. , - Fftf Great Hour Salo Price... vt I .33 50 bureau scar re 38 Hemstitched borders with drawn work. All pure white, 54 Inches long. Great Hour Sale 38c FROM 1 TI 5 P. M. C50 GENUINE SOIESETTE 23 Gtnuine Solesette, 32-inches wide, In all colors the fine silk finish cloth, worth regular 35. Great Hour Sale Price 23c $1.00 LADIES' VESTS 69 Ladles' fine Jersey ribbed vests, fleeced lined and full size. Great Hour Sole Price 69c $20.00 CRAVEN ETTE OVERCOATS $13.95. This is a large lot, nearly all sizes. The very best colors, mostly gray, a few black and tan, good quality. Priestley's cravanette, be on hand promptly at this hour. They will go fast. Great Hour Price $13.95 $7.00 SADIES' SHOES $3.94 A full run of sizes, latest styles, prices $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 button and lace, turn sole or welt solo, patent and kid. A very nifty line. While they lust. Great Hour Sale Price $3.94 20 WALNUTS, 3 POUNDS FOR 50 New crop, soft shell walnuts, small size and very choice. A great value. Great Hour Sale Price 3 pounds for 50c 7 THE DAY FROM 12 TO 1 P. M. $1.00 MOHAIR G9 YARD. P pieces Brllllantlne, Mohair, Secillan, in navy blue, brown and black, also grey 42-inches wide. Worth up to $1.00. Great Hour Sale Price 69c 12 l-2" OUTING FLANNEL 9 One lot of Outing Flannel, best quality, with a full line of colors 12 1"2 quality. Great Hour Sale Price "C 25'Hr.IKKX"S HEAVY RIB SCHOOL HOSE 15 Children's school hose, henvy rib, any . size. Regular 25 quality. Grent Hour Sale Price I5c 10 JAP RICE 15 POUNDS $1.00 Jap rice, good quality, regularly sell! 10 pound, 3 pounds for 25. liieat Hour !ale I'rleo 15 pounds $1.00 40 DAMASK TRAY CLOTHS 23 Plain damask, hemstitched borders, good quality. Ready for use. Great Hour Sule Price ...... JLjC on t the FROM 5 TO 0 P. M. 75 LINEN PURE 41 Waist and dress linen, worth 75 yd. 1 yard wide In the bleech and the soml bleech. Extra good value. - . Great Hour Sale Price 4 I C 35 AND 25 LADIES' HANDKER CHIEFS 17 One lot ladles' fine hemstitched and embroidered, also lace handkerchiefs. Our regular 35 and 25 handker chief. Great Hour Sale t Price 7C $1.50 PEMBERTON FLANNEL SHIRTS 98 These are strictly winter shirts, soft col lar, heavy weight, cotton and wool mix ed, all sizes from 14 1-2 to 17 1-2. An all around good shirt. Great 0 Hcur Sale Price 98 C 25 TABLE APRICOTS 2 CANS 25 This is a genuine snap, good ' brand table apricots, choice fruit. Regularly sells for 25 can. Great Hour Sale Price 2 cans for ,. ... 3C $2.00 LONG OUTING FLANNEL KLMONAS $1.23 A most beautiful line, both women's and Misses. Great Hour - Sale Price . . $1.23 " PAP to T ill BEGINNING ' AT H ti 4j U 4 fctGINVUNQ. Ill AT 5r r S7