East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 11, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Two New Indoor Games
that will keep the young and old Lome at night
with an automatic pitcher who throws straight or curved ball,
swift or slow, and a batting device for left or right handers,
contains all the points of the Teal game. Come in and have
u friendly game with our demonstrator.
an Ixj better shown than told about
The Drug Store That Serves You Best.
All drugstores will close at 8 p. m. until March 15th, except
Saturdays and 10 days before Christmas.
60 acres in cultivation, 50
acres can bo cleared and put
into cultivation, balance of
290 acres is good pasture
and timber land, partly
fenced, good 2-room log
house, plenty running wa
ter, good school 2 1-2 miles
from property, only 2 miles
to P. O. This splendid buy
can l)o bought for 86.25
per acre, 1-2 cash, balance
easy terms.
The Real Estate and In.
surance Man
550 Main St. Phone M. 5
Pantlma piotarea plMM all.
S Lan. Iob far alra.
.Room and board at 623 College st.
Phaa Mala 1 far Unltad Orahaatra.
Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane & Son.
I. C. naydar, ehlmnajr iweap. K Stlt.
$300 will buy coad paying bualnaaa.
See about It today. Lea Teutsch.
Freak eaatern aaa Olyapla eyatera
ut Maaatca'a. Telepaoae Mala II.
Dressed poultry next Saturday at
the cosh meat market Phone your
order now. Main 101.
Beat paylaa; iroeery it are and meat
market tn eaatern Oregon mmat be
aold at one an account af alcknoaa.
Lae Teutaofc.
Cold weatkar la aamanf. We hare
taa beat caaj on t&e markat. A toa
la 2101 Iba. at PandlaUa Lumbar
Tard, Pkaaa Malm O.
U. S. Must Lose $14,000,000.
Berlin. Herr Sydow, minister of
commerce, and Herr Kempner, chair
man of the German potash syndicate,
todny framed Germany's reply to the
American proposal for a compromise
through which the American contrac
tors will accept a loss of 114,000,000
In all, $2,000,000 annually fur the sev
(;n years that their contracts run, aa a
result of the new conditions Imposed
upon the potash exportation by the
recent enacted legislation.
Modern Woodmen of America.
Regular meeting tonight. Import
ant business. J. G. FINNEY, Clerk.
Da ya taaa the Bast OragoalaaT
Your Thanksgiving
Will be a success if you have one of our high grade masters
for the Thanksgiving turkey. We have a splendid stock now
on hand including the following celebrated makes:
All the above pans are seamless, the majority of them are
enameled. They are cleanly and sanitary, self-basting and
you are sure of a tender and juicy roast. Better step in
and have a look.
The Taylor Hardware Co.
741 Main St.
Phone Main 87
M. G. McKlem of Holden, Is in
town today.
Elton Spike came up this morning
from Stanfleld.
Joe Bailey of Echo, is a Pendle
ton buslncHs visitor.
Mrs. J. A. Plamondon of Athena, Is
a Pendleton visitor today.
Dr. W. G. Cole left this morning
for Portland for a visit with his fam
ily. Mrs. Ray Crystal has returned
from a visit of a few days with rela
tives In Medford.
Fred Gangk-r, fhe well known
stockman and farmer of Pilot Rock, i
Is in town today.
Robert Coppoch or Athena, has re
turnea home after transacting busl
ness in Pendleton.
Col. H. G. Newport has returned to-
his homo In Ilermiston, after a brief
visit to Pendleton.
G. E. Townsend, the Condon stock
buyer, is In Pendleton today for the
transaction of business.
County Commissioner Horace
Walker left this morning for a visit
to his ranch at Stanfleld. .
Attorney L. A. Esteb and family of
Echo, came up from that place this
morning on the motor car.
Chns. Gerklng. the well known far
mer of the Athena country, Is a Pen
dleton business visitor today.
F. G. Lucas, socialist candidate for
state senator, came down this morn
ingf rom his home at Weston.
G. A. Risellng of Stanfleld came up
this morning on the motor car to
spend the day at the county seat.
Dr. John Grlswold of Helix, re
turned home yesterday afternoon af
ter a brief professional visit to this
M. L. Morrison, the Helix merchant
transacted business In Pendleton yes- j
teraay, returning nome tnis arter
noon. Attorney C. T. Goodwin of Baker
City, left yesterday afternoon for his
former home In Freewater for a brief i
business visit. I
John Durham, manager of the Ho- j
tel Echo, returned home this morn-
Ing after transacting business In Pen-j
ulcton over night.-
Mrs. Jerry Barnhart and Mrs. Mel
Shutrum returned to the Shutrum
farm at Nolin today after a visit with
relatives In Pendleton.
Congressman W. R. Ellis went to
Portland this morning to spend a few
days. He will be accompanied by
Mrs. Ellis on his return home.
Charles Bordeau of the American
Brewing company of Baker city, Is
in Pendleton today to assist In the
celebration of the "wet" victory.
P. T. Holland. Hermiston repre
sentative of the Columbia Land com-1
pany, has been here from the west j
end of the county for the transaction
of business.
T. K. Beard of Modesto. Callfor- !
nia, is expected to arrive In Pendle- j
ton this evening or tomorrow. He is i
the proprietor of the Hotel Golden j
Rule building. j
Bert Wilson of the claims depart- !
ment of the O. R. & N., came up j
from Portland this morning and is
spending the day at Nolin on business t
for the company. I
Louis Scholl. Jr., mayor of the town
of Echo and Justice of the peace for j
that precinct, returned home this .
morning after serving as a member
of the official election board during (
the night . j
Mr. and Mrs. Antone Vey who re- j
turned from an extended visit to (
their former home in Portugal, a few
days ago, came in yesterday from '
their ranch where they have been '
spending the time since their return!
to Tendleton. Ij
The Great Factory Sample Sale
An entire line of samples from a Chicago wholesale
house, has been purchased by us and is now being of
fered as a sacrifice to our motto
A Grand Clearance Sale of
Now at its heighth. They are all this season's best styles and
makes Everyone high class hand tailored suits. Alterations free.
. S12.75
.S 14.00
Your unrestricted choice of any $15.00 Suit
Your unrestricted choice of any $18.00 Suit
Your unrestricted choice of any $20.00 Suit ..
Your unrestricted choice of any $25.00 Suit
Your unrestricted choice of any $20.50 Suit .
Your unrestricted choice of any $27.50 Suit ..
Your unrestricted choice of any $30.00 Suit ..
Your unrestricted choice of any $35.00 Suit .
Your unrestricted choice of any $40.00 Suit..
Your unrestricted choice of any $50.00 Suit -
No reserve, come and make an early selection.
$18 and $20 Tan Covert Coats $12
Full length coats of best shade of tan covert, tight or semi-fitting,
in sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40; extra good values at $18.00 and
$20.00, on sale at this low price 812.00
$15 Black Broadcloth Coats $9.95
Full length, semi-fitting coats of medium weight black broad-
McCIl Pitterni Noi. 3543-35S3 cloth in sizes from 32 to 42-in. Splendid $15.00 coats on sale at
STYLISH MODEL the low price of S9.9o
Over 700 Pieces of
at these prices, each piece a separate style
and kind. See window display of these and
make an early selection.
Regular 25c pieces for 10
Regular 35c and 50c Pieces for 25
Regular 65c pieces for 35
Regular $1.00 pieces for 50
Regular $1.25 pieces for 65
Regular $1.50 pieces for - 75
Regular $2.00 pieces for 81.00
Regular $2.50 pieces for S1.25
Regular $3.00 pieces for $1.50
Regular $3.50 pieces for $1.75
Regular $4.00 pieces for .. $2.00
Commencing right at the beginning of
the Holiday buying this is a most opportune
bargain that von cannot afford to miss.
Some Remarkable Of
ferings in Seasonable
45-in. Linen Pillow tubing at , yard 9Sd
$1.25 and $1.50 Persian Silks at ,yard 98
$1.25 Black Taffeta, 36-in. wide, yd. 98
$1.50 Black Taffeta, 36-in. wide. yd. $1.15
15c Berkelv Cambric, 36-in. wide for
yard 1.... H
11.50 Hemmed Bed Spreads, for, ea, 9S
10c and 12 l-2c Outing flannel at, yd. 8
35c White Flannel, linen warp, at, yd. 2o
50c White Flannel, all wool, at. yard 3S
65c Table Matting, 54-in. wide, yard 47
10c Hemmed lluek Towels, each 7
12 l-2c Dress Ginghams
A visit to "Toyland" is a trip to "Joyland'' for the little ones, so don't forget to
bring the children
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Bett erC tJ
Extra Specials For this Saturday Only
2000 Yards Strictly All-Wool Dress Goods on Display , in
Window. Serge, Panama, Diagonals, Plaids and Fancy Mixtures, values up to $1 a yard, Friday and Saturday . 59c
1 18 DrSS Skirts in all the leading shades, Serge, Panama, Foile and Mixture, Values to $ 1 2.50 Friday and Sat. $5.65
200 Ladies and Miiset Suits
Go at a great reduction for Friday and Saturday.
Up to $18.00 Suite will go for .
Up to $22.50 .Suite will go for
Up to $25.00 Suite will go for .
Up to $30.00 Suite will go for .
Up to $32.50 Suite will go for
Up to $35.00 Suite will go for .
Up to $37.50 Suite will go for
No charge for alterations.
. 8 12.45
. 815.90
. 818.40
. 323.50
. 824.65
,. 8 28.90
827. 50
5000 Yards Outing Flannels
All 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c Grades will soil for 9f yard
4000 Yards Kimona Flannels
That sold all soason for 18c and 20o yard, Friday and Satur
day 13 yard
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
Any ladies' $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 shoes in the
house, button or lace, patent, gun metal or kid, all styles, your
choice Friday and Saturday . , 82.90 pair
175 Children's Coats
Go on sale Friday and Saturday at these low prices:
$2.50 Coats Friday and Saturday only
$3.00 Coate Friday and Saturday only
$3.50 Coats Friday and Saturday only
$4.00 Coats Friday and Saturday only
$5.00 Coats Friday and Saturday only
$6.00 Coats Friday and Saturday only
$7.00 Coats Friday and Saturday only
$8.00 Coate Friday and Saturday only
$00 Coate Friday and Saturday only
$10.00 Coate Friday and Saturday only
$12.50 Coate Friday and Saturday only :.
Sizes age 2 to 14.
Take advantage of theso 7 Great Specials, it's a chance you should not miss. The prices are good for Fri. and Sat. only
The Ladies and Childrens Store