r.c;E mi DAILY EAST ORBUKIAX. PKNLBTON. HUlVtY. NOVEMBER 11. 1910. EIGHT PAGES fa&iV jfXTOp&gj J unless the problem of the ' &w$imfijZr y sieved, at least measurably AN INDKI'liNaiNT NaWSl'Al'EH. Yet we shall have It again and again saloon Is In Port land and throughout Oregon. If the Paeltabra Dally. Weily aaa Senl-Wceklr j saIoon mot fancies that It has at lVndlKaa, oroM. by the WOn a victory, it Is grossly mistaken. CA8T ORM:M l iI.ISUl.vJ CO. ' 6 SUHSCairTION KATU. (The people who voted down prohibi ts 00 ''on 'or tne most part have no traffic WIVES. NOVEKS .IIIKKJ) GIULS. Dally. oa yrar. t mill LwUly, in bkiiIu. by nail 2.51 uaiiy, nm iniii t sail Daily, on by sail Dally, one year, by carrier Daily, an maataa. jf carrier .... Daily, tare m.aiaJS ay carrier... Dally, une aoata. by rarntr Weekly, on yrar. by Ball Wiy, an ataa. by sail Waea.V. four na;ba. by aaall ami-Weekly, ae year, by mall... Bml Vrraiy. an aaata. by nail., anal Wtrk.y. tour aisaiaa. by mall. v ith any saloon. They regard it as ;! unmitigated evil and would abolish The Ial!y Faat Orejonlan Is kept on sale 1 25 .50 f Kit j 75 lit utterly if it could be done without I.SSJthe substitution of some greater 1.50 I nuisance or greater evil. It is up to !o? the Greater Home Rule association 1.50 .73 .50 j f. rward the movement for the im- under show its good faith by carrying BrrT I'or'tfa'ad. oTas " UorrUon j v hich liquor may be sold, for the el- artawat .swa . Partland. Oregon. I imination of the dive, and the ostra-Chk-aca Burma, Security PulMlns. I ... . ... W"abinirtB. D C, Bureau. ;oi Four-j olsra ot lne rowdy and lawless saloon- eeata atreet. S. W. , keeper. These are things that must Meaiker l alted Trm Asaoclatlon. Kntered at tke pearoffic at rendleton, Ora. aa aecana class mall matter. Veleakase Main 1 Official City an1 Connfy Taper. GOOD MOKNING MILAGE When the angels are savin' "Good Mornin' " to you, When the weather's too bright for your worry, Tou think they're expectin" you up in the Blue. And you don't want to leave in a hurry! There's nothing that equals the heavenly dawn, But the world's such a fine world when Wrinter comes on! be done." It is certainly true that the liquor men did not win the recent fight. This year Umatilla county was plac ed in the wet column by the same men who two years ago voted the county '.ry by a heavy majority! They vot ti this county dry as a rebuke to the r.'tt-n sal vn system then in exist tnce. Having administered that re lu'ke they now permit the business to ' e legalized again in hopes It will be handled properly. If the liquor bus iness is not handled properly here .ind elsewhere throughout this state is a moral certainty that the pen dulum will swing again to prohi bition. How is the situation going to be met in Pendleton? Are we to have i few decently conducted saloons that will meet the legitimate demand for Saturday Evening Post: "Xo wo man," says an able representative of that sx. "whose husband earns less than $2500 a year has any business to keep a hired girl," This naturally reminds us that wo men, as the great patrons of fiction, have been treating themselves with the hair of the dog that bit them. At least, corruption of women and the rise of the novel were pretty much coincidental. True. Shakespeare's he roines wire sensitive, but they were not sickly. Imogen's mind was ex quisitively delicate, yet she was a no table husky g rl. Hut the novel, from Fielding to Thackeray, teems with ladies who go waver ng and loppir.g through life like so many lamp dish rags. Imagine Sedley. kneading bread! They would not only fall Into the dough zut, after a quarter of an hour, nobody could tell which was which. ' It is said the feminine idea! has changed much latterly, and young women with the hearty approval of young men wish to be reasonably vigorous physically. They ride golf, play tennis, swim. Of urban and well-to-do young women this doubt less is true; but among the less we!'.-to-do. and in country towns and even on prosperous farms, thousands of girls are growing up with no more vigorous bodily exercise than an eld erly cat takes. They will have no physical stamnia. Doctors and hos pitals will gather a huge toll from them, Whcn they marry they will keep servants or the family will board, because they haven't the strength and endurance for kitchen and nursery. ITS SAFE MY DONT Xou PUT Something RANK'S B-rs a i a v it . aiW AWAY FOP 4--'.:;,. . ' -nraf'. WINTER mIcTASJT. t;o ix ixm viioi.iome rrx. With windows celestial open on high You know what the Promised Land's worth; But how would jou choose 'twixt a psalm in the sky And a rollicking reel on the earth ? The sweet dreams of Summer like shadows are gor.e. But the world's such a fine world when Winter comes on! Frank L. Stanton in Atlan- ta Constitution. i liquor as it should be met. Or will i we have lo or 20 Joints with the mis wide , ! ery and debauchery that made our 4 . old time saloon system a stench in the nostrils of respectable people? j A REMARKABLE TRIUMPH. j Oswald West's victory in Oregon .stands out as one of the most whole isnme features in American political liie this year. It is a remarkable vic-jt'-ry through the fact that Mr. West ran under the great disadvantage of il'uving a 60,000 majority to overcome; ALL IXU PEXDLETOX. had little money and but slight organ ization while his opponent had all the means of warfare at his disposal. , , I L'owerman had the prestige of be- Those who have been working for . ,, , ii:g acting governor, the support of the advancement of Pendleton dur- ! i'umic service corporations; a com- i iinct tiartv oreanization and the hene- they .. . ... in ot an alliance witn tne liquor ror- uphill fight. On every hand have encountered a spirit of pessim ism due apparently to prohibition. It hzs been hard to accomplish any thing. The new woolen mill is about j the only thing Pendleton gained dur- It was a vai- ces in a "wet" year. The fact that Mr. West overcame all this and was elected by a 5000 plurality is a great personal triumph lng the past two years. liable gain. Now that the county is again wet those who have been ; s-imisti should shed their gloom, take off their coats and join in working for the ad vancement of this city. There is much to be done. Naturally the growth of this city j will depend largely upon the. work done for its advancement. Th-; town cannot grow unless there is some thing for it to grow upon. It wont do to rest upon the fact that we will have saloons. We have had saloons all the time. Local people should do everything In their power to build up this city from within and from without. The city needs new industries. We need the extension of the Umatilla Central t- the timber belt to the southward. We need a big sawmill here to man- j ufacture that timber into lumber. We need the O. R. & N. freight di vision and every consistent effort should be put forth to obtain it. Pendleton needs more than any thing else a greater development of Its adjacent territory and closer com munication with that territory. More land should be Irrigated and diversi fied farming should be encouraged in this vicinity. We need better roads into this city from all directions but especially do we need a cloHer con nection with the western part of this cr.unty. Pendleton needs a new water sys tem and many local Improvement. We need more street paving and miles and miles of macadam. We need some sidewalks and some crosswalks in the residence districts. We have Bone at all now. We need a new high school building. We need more street lights. We need a city park and an athletic stadium. Local people should forget the bit terness of the late campaign Just as quickly as possible. There is no prof it in fighting after a fight is over. Republicans and democrats, progres sives and standpatters, prohibitionists and antis should unite In fighting for the cause of a greater Pendleton The banner of the boosting brigade should now be held aloft with its slogan: "All for one; one for all.' ; for him. It is even more of a tri- ;umph for the principles for which he istands and for the independent press ! oi this state which press, led by ; the Oregon Daily Journal, fought ' earnestly in his behalf. Oregon stands by the Oregon sys ti m regardless of the slurs of machine politicians. Those who try to do without recrea- j tion pay the penalty In arrested de- ; velopment, says Orison Swett Marden. j in Success Magazine. They dry up. j Their lives become juiceless and un- i interesting. They do not get rid of , the brain ash from one day to an- , other, and the monotony of using the , same faculties a great many hours , each day without change or diversion ; will soon so deteriorate the mind ; that it will lose its elasticity. Its pow- : er to rebound, and the brain will ope rate in a perfunctory manner, instead of with strong, vigorous action and will produce nothing original it great. A multitude of people, however, lose the very good they are seeking , in their recreation by indulging In j pleasures which demoralize, weaken. and which, instead of making them ; fresher and stronger for their next : day's work, leave a demoralizing re action and exhaust their vitality, i Their "goo,l time" does not accnm- i plish the end sought, because they ; cannot discriminate between inno- ! cent amusement, which sends a i healthful glow all through the whole nature, rebuilds, rejuvenates, refresh en, restores all the life forces to their normal condit on. and the pleas- , ures which exhaust the vitality, de plete the life forces. Those people ; confuse fun with dissipation. Any- ! thing which lessens your self-respect. , which you are ashamed to mention to your mother or sister, which makes ' you think a little less of yours-lf, is j dissipation not good. v. h"ie.-oni- fun. j SQUIRRELS pather nuts in the Fall when there ARE nuts, and put them away and save them for the Winter. You must save your money when you are MAKIXG MONEY and have money. A Winter may come to yon sooner than you think. Youi money will prow in our bank, tx. We'll pay 4 per cent interest on the money you dejosit with us and compound the interest . every sLx months. THE American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Kale Maaufaoti Distributor of ism F & ror am s TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. MOO CREAK Tallmai. & Co, Leading Druggists of Or goe. Rasters Job Printing, Tel. Main i S j ?.lilnc Transfer an iiMjimaiji'i SIIK (X)l l.l) XOTTKLL. f Ladies Taught to Skate FREE! We have secured the services of Miss Freda Demars of Seattle, who will give free instructions to ladles each afternoon and cve'g. TWO INSTRUCTORS AFTERNOON" AND EVENING. Learn that pleasinp and healthful pastime, "Ridinp tlio Roll ers." The Ireland Rink tinder new manapoment and run re spectable for the patronape of ladies and pentlcmen. Doors open: Afternoon 2 to 4; eveninps 7:30 to 10. COPELAND , DRAKE - - - Managers ol Lur: live rrocK a- SVKANCa. hdiana I Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company 0 OrawfonhrrlUe, T fff- i Ma tow aataraa OmM. Paliaaaa saw cOvi la avary lata ta Lb a Ualaa. Org. arar II yaara aa. Paid a Oaaltal $!,.. aata arar t4ll.Mt.tt. niMBMBBia, Hala la If Or a Ma aval Uti teatfc i 1 1 p Mark Moorhoase Company Aaat, rmm aHaaaat. Or. 113 HaM Cawart M. Pacua acJU Bat. Phiiii Main 5 CALX pkomptlt ans wered FOE ALL BAQQAOa TBANitrEEEIMa. PIANO AND FUENITUEB MOVING ANU EEATT TEOCE INS A U-ttClALTT. FIXE JCDGMEXT. In the view of the East Oregonian the people of Umatilla county show ed splendid judgment In voting upon most initiative and referendum meas ures. Against the various county di vision measures they cast practically a three to one vote. Orchard county Clustered only 941 votes In this coun. ty while 2680 were cast against it. The Eastern Oregon normal school v. as endorsed by a splendid vote de spite the fact that the chairman of the republican county central com mittee issued a printed slate upon which the school was marked for slaughter. . Against the proposition for a con stitutional convention Umatilla coun ty registered an almost unanimous negative vote. They voted for the bill that will permit counties to vote bonds for permanent Improvements. Upon bills that were not plainly un derstood or had been forced upon the public in abuse of the initiative privi lege the people generally voted "No." That is the way to do for it will pre vent abuse of the initiative In the future. "The late Myra Kelley's notebook," said a magazine ed tor of New lurk. "was full of overheard bits that she proposed to work into stories. ' "One bit that will never f pure in a story' now she related at a dinner before she went abroad. It concern ed a little schoolboy. Jurg's Burisoos ky, who said to his mother one nisht, in the inimitable Myra Kelley dialect: " 'Ven der match's firo goes out. mutter, vare poes It to, hey? "The mother answered impatiently: " 'I dunno. Such questions Is silly. Vy, you might as veil ast me vere yer pa goes ven he noes out.' " A HEilEDY that has lieltl thousands to retain their health Is surely the one you need that's Hoatettrr's. It In for Stomach Ilia, Colds and Grippe. Be sure to get fl flOSTETTER'fl Pi STOMACH n. U U BITTER Orpheum Theatre 1. P. Ml XAOE. rreprtafr HIGH-CLASS; UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Mn, Woman and Childrn n rnoofiAM ix today PAPBtt. Prograaa Cfcaagtai aa Saaaay'B, Taaariajr'a aaa Friday's. Byers' Best Flour In (! fran Kia die-st ivimit tbm yrw. (taw) W in awr-TeW vtbrsn BTIGEr KJJRT FLOUR i used. Bran. StNMta, Sten Rlied Barley always on Pendleton Roller Mills Bal0tEa, OawgM. Backed by Wall street Influence and standpat republicans Tammany succeeded in landing on Roosevelt In the New York election. But people are greatly deceived who think that Roosevelt is now without political Influence. This evening's returns will deal with the result of the annual football game between the Pendleton and Ba ker high school teams. DECENCY OR DEBAUCHERY? Commenting upon the outcome of the liquor fight In the recent elec tion the Portland Oregonian had the following: "Prohibition would have been a aad mistake In Oregon. We have es caped Its menace for the present W-E-S-T spells VICTORY. For the Ambltlont S ntoerttp 1 Cbucatton All kaameUaa. Uxlaalag Saal la fui. rm m la naatesa. TMa aaaaraurw aa jam. IS an aiawlpar. kalWUa ta the The Size Coal and Cleanliness of Is What Counts Lumps, not waste, dirt or dust, are what you should have for your money. Get the best it's the cheap est. We'll give you a ton of coal, that's all coal, and guarantee full weight and quality. We handle the best grades and sell it at lowest prices Special RatM n Large Lots, Prempt Delivery OREGON LUMBER. YARD Phone Main 8 Th. QUELLE Gus La Fontaine, Prop. 1 Beat 25c Meals in North west 'I First-class cooks and service Shell fish in season Ld Fontaine Bile., Main St. THI sBEsEVHsn it PENDLETON I DRUG CO. re iea ti iiset-itT fRtsu You Make a Bad Mistake Wfcea yaa awt a kasbac rear Codl (Ml Mae bbbbm pnssin fM leasHiaaM, lawar Steaa tkww prvraSitaa; a aa4 Winter. Br Hoaialag ms Bw avoid ALL daagar mi kaa able to seearsi U weather arrlTea. Henry Kopittke Phone Main its. 3 60 YEARS' l EXPERIENCE 3323E3B IT 5 K Mil: ThADC Marks WClMai n ttmillug a fekatft) and daci'ptlon luiti(ii i vritbul If I'aWiH.Sitf, 'onimuiitr lu.tiaatrlistlffonuaaMilal. HifUO0K on fa tout sjaf, ftfsi. (Mit aL'ii f twf 'yithf tatfiiit. I'alauu takan ILroali )tvu A ('o. vaoAt wtiva, vaiaiiuiaa aat mmw All? avif Scientific Jituerican. i j -i. iiiattraia va.ilr. t t mi raouiuai ak aui .ariut Tarma. IA a a u ail aaaadaalara