PACK vovn DAILY EAST OrUW4KIAV. rEXDUETOX. ORKGVN, Till ISSDAV. XOVK.MHElt 10. 1910. BIGHT PAGES AN INDBPRN'BINT NEWSPAPER. Publishes aally. Weekly and geml-Weekly at Praalrtaa, Urfjoi, by til A8T ORRUMNIAN' rVBLlSLUKU CO. 81'BSCiUfTlON UATK8. Dally, tmt ymr. ky mall IMily, ll aths. ky nail Daily, tkrr nomas, ky mall Daily, on aiantk. ky sail Ially. oat jrr, ky carrier Dally, six amiht. J carrier Daily, three aiaaihS bT iarrler... Dally, at BHit, by carrier Weekly, one year, ky mail Weekly, til nivBtha, ky Mail Week.r. four ataathi. by mail I-" eekly. Me year, by mall... ml "ffklt, in mantka. by mall.. Week!), faur aiuatha, by mail. .(3.00 . 2.00 . 1.25 . .50 . 7.50 . S.75 . 1.95 . .05 . 1.50 . .75 . .50 . 1.50 . .75 . .50 The Dally Kast Orecoalan ia kept on aale t the Oregaa Newt Co., 3-0 Mjrrlaoa atreet. Tortlaaa. Orecea. Nortkweat Newa i'o.. Portland. Oregon. Chlcapa Burean. "OS Security Bulldins. IX C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth atreet. N. W. Meaiker I'nlted Preaa Association. Entered at tke poaraffloe at Pendleton, Oreea. as secaaa cltra mall matter. elephone Main 1 Offlolil City and Connty Paper. THE SAM) MAX. The Sand Man is coming, dears. coming from the skies; He has a little box of sand to throw in little eyes. From East and West he brings you rost, and just before the night He scatters sand about the land and shuts your eyelids tight. When little folk are tired of noise, and put their heads in laps, He gaily dances over hills with pockets full of naps; And up he climbs at sieepy times to sleepy littie heads, And makt'8 them yawn before he's gone for little trun- die beds. Listen to the Sand Man knook- ing at the door; Listen to the Sand Man, he's been here btrre, The Sand Man is coming, dears, coming from the skies; Sieepy tunes he's humming dears, to help you shut your eyes. St. Nicholas. HOW WILL WE MEET IT? Umatilla county has voted to re turn to the wet column and as a re sult Pendleton will soon have licens ed saloons. This places upon the peo ple of this city and especially upon the city administration the import ant responsibility of establishing that business upon a proper basis and under such regulations as will in-sure decency and permanency. No town ever had a finer oj tunity for arranging the saloon tern as it should be arranged, elate is clean and the city has the benefit of much experience. sys The had We have had the wide open dives of the olden days with the accompanying debauchery. We have had prohibition and blind pigs. We now have an op portunity to strike a happy medium and establish a legitimate liquor bus iness upon model lines. How will this responsibility be met? Now that the city is wet will the bus inessmen within the home rule as sociation carry out their promises and Insist upon a truly well regulated tusiness or will Pendleton return to the rotten saloon system that existed here In the days before prohibition was forced upon them as a purgative? The next few months will show. Meanwhile it is timely to remark that the task before the mayor and councilmen of this city is the most Important one they have ever had to perform. Much will depend upon the way in which they handle the Job. Also it seems timely to say that the task should be handled with an eye single to the public welfare). Neither the desires of saloonmen nor the desires of property owners who want to rent buildings to saloonmen should have weight. The city gov ernment, not the saloons, must hold the mastery. THE LOCAL RESULTS. In Umatilla county the result of the election shows some gratifying features and some disappointments for both sides. In the county Judge ship fight Mr. Maloney's personal popularity brought about his election despite the great odds against him. Both he and Sheriff Taylor were suc cessful although they were marked for slaughter by the local machine. Mr. Taylor had' a walk over. But then he usually does. The defeat of Senator Smith by Mr. Burgess is keenly regretted by bis friends and Is the cause of correspond ing Joy on the part of his opponents In the other camp. Mr. Burgess had an immense advantage through be ing a republican and also with respects tj organization. Yet even with that he won a remarkable victory for Senator Smith is one of the most able and popular men In the county. Mr. Bargees Is entitled to congratulations cpon his success. For Joint senator Mr. Barrett had easy running In spite of the fact that ht had poor support from many of his own party. Mr. Barrett's victory U testimony to the fact that the peo ple of this county appreciate his stand upon vital questions and are willing t ) back him up in his position. For joint representative Ben F. Hill made a splendid race in Umatilla county. Doubtless he would have l.ten elected had -he not been handi capped by a party name. The same 'f true of J. B. Savior who ran for county commissioner upon the dem ocratic ticket. In the race for recorder the victory of burroughs over Hendley indicates that people take the view that when a man is defeated in a rrimary cam l'aign he should leave the track. WEST'S GKEAT HACK. Oswald West will be the next gov ernor of Oregon unless later returns change the face of affairs completely. He has made a great race against in.-rmous odds. According to the r izistration there is a republican ma jority in this state of 61.000. Yet Mr. West has overcome this immense handicap. He has done this despite the fact that he had but little money lr his campaign and practically no ganization whereas his opponent had both money and a thorough or ganization. The victory of West is a signal tri umph of the principles for which he stands. He was the champion of the Oregon system and by their votes the people raid they believed him sin cere. The vote given West sounds the death knell of assemblyism. Even should the final count be against him this situation would remain the same. No future candidate for gover nor will want an assembly recom mendation. By their votes the people of the state at large have shown they are opposed to machine politics. This is ,! true with respects to Umatilla county as well as to the remainder of the tate. The registration in Umatilla county shows a republican majority of nearly three to one. Yet Bower man carried the county by a small majority. However West's, greatest strength came from Portland and western Oregon where the anti-assembly sentiment was even more pro nounced than in eastern Oregon. AS TO I)H. SMITH. Dr. C. J. Smith is one of the big men of eastern Oregon and for eight years he has been a leader in the state senate where he had the respect of men regardless of party lines. His defeat cannot alter these facta nor the high esteem in which he is held l'v the people of this county. He is too big a man to be affected by the returns from any election. His work i:-. the field of politics has been but a -mall part of his service to this city and county. His defeat merely shows tiiat a man who has political and per sonal convictions and stands by them does nobly but may not always be elected to office. The Eastern Oregon normal school carried in Umatilla county by a three to one vote in spite of the fact that it was marked for slaughter upon the machine's slate. However it ap pears that Portland has voted against our normal though approving of the normal schools at Monmouth and Ashland. Now for something else. JOEL CHANDLER ILARRIS. Fame, which through noble worth alone is won Worth crowned by genius, and such worthwas thine Is deathless, is indeed a thing divine; Heaven's blessing evermore will rest upon Work which for Love's sake and for Truth's is done The world builds towers and temples, dome and shrine, To house her glories vain Is her de sign! All turns to dust, but Love for aye lives on. O wise, true soul! O faithful, tender heart! Twaa these that gave the mastery in thine art. Its music, its rare charm, were due to these, And thy pure child -heart's, spirit quickened it; Let on thy grave this epitaph be writ; "The children loved him, so he sleeps in peace." Charles W. Hubner. TUFTY" HELD UP THE REGIMENT The batMe was going against him. The eommander-ln-chlef, himself rul er of the South American republic, Kent an aid to the rear, ordering General Blanco to bring up his regi ment at once. Ten minutes passed; but it didn't come- Twenty minutes passed; but it didn't come. Twenty, thirty, an hour still no regiment. The aid came tearing back hatless, breathless. "My regiment! My reg iment! Where Is It? Where Is lt?4 shrieked the commander. "General," answered the excited aid, "Blanco started it all right, but there are a couple of drunken Americans down the road and they won't let It go by!" Exchange. But the pure food laws do not make any provisions for love that Is adul terated with filthy lucre. - - .- A WOMAN'S QUESTION'. Before I trust my fate to thee. Or place my hand in thine. Before I let thy future give Color and form to mine. Before I peril all for thret, question thy soul tonight for me. I break all slighter bonds, nor feel A shadow of regret. Ii there one link within the Past That holds thy spirit yet? Or is thy faith as clear and free us that which I can pledge to thee? roes there within thy dimmest dreams A possible future shine, Wherein thy life could henceforth breathe. Untouched, unshared by mine? If so, at any,,puin or cost, O tell me before all is lost. Look deepiT still. If thou canst feel, Within thy inmost soul. That thou hast kept a portion back, While I have staked the whole, Let no false pity spare the blow, but in true mercy tell me so. Is there within thy heart a need That mine cannot fulfill? One chord that any other hand Could better wake or still? Speak now lest at some future day my whole life wither and de cay. Lives there within thy nature hid The demon-spirit change, Shedding a passing glory still On all things new and strange? It may not be thy fault alone but shield my heart against thine own. Couldst thou withdraw thy hand one day And answer to my claim, That Fate, and that today's mistake Not thou had been to blame? Some soothe their conscience thus; but thou wilt surely warn and save me now. Nay, answer not I dare not hear, The words would come too late; Yet I would spare thee all remorse, So comfort thee, my fate Whatever on my heart may fall remember I would risk it all. Adelaide Anne Proctor. UXOEK THE EVENING LAMP. 'Daddy, where does the summertime go?" "Go ask your ma!" What would we have if we didn't have snow?" "Go ask ma!" How do they put ail the pits into plums?" "Santa Claus makes all the dollies and drums. Don't he. pa?" "Why ain't our fin gers ail thumbs?" Go ask ma!" Why is the pigs' tails all twisty and curled?" "Go ask ma!" "Why don't we never fall off of the world?" "Go ask ma!" Don't people never breath nothin' but air? Where does the shadows go, up on the stair. When there ain't nothin' nor nobody there?" "Go ask ma!" "Who was the very first parents of all." "Go ask your ma!" "Didn't they never have parents a tall?" "Go ask your ma!" "How did it happen that j'ou come to stay Here in our home with ma everv day?" "Which of you started it anyway? say?" "Go ask your ma!" John D. Wells in Buffalo News. NO RESPECTOR. Mike was a good Irishman who went into the army. He was fond of the life, but liked to sneak out of camp after dark for a little beer. One night he came sneaking back to camp and the guard challenged him when his form loomed up, sll houted against the moon. Mike tried his best to get by the lone sentry, but the latter espied him and called out In a ringing voice; "Halt! Who goes there?" Mike, a little muddled, but with the usual Irish sense of humor, re plied, "How?" "Halt! Who goes there?" came back the sentry . "Gineral Grant!" answered Mike very quickly. "Give the correct countersign or I'll fire. Who goes there, I say?" stormed the guard. "I said K was Gineral Gr-r-ant," came back Mike. The guard came at Mike in the dark with a rush and brought his OEAKSES THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY; DISPELS COLDS. AKD HEADACHES DUE TO CDCSTLPATKIt BEST FOfi HE1I, WMEM AND CHILDHin-YOUin ADD OLD. TO GET itS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS - ALWAYS BUY THE GEHUIHE. wrnmm ktu nj if aix tonics JIUXEB C3 ez Gsxtsaarszilans mmm S3 Crullers, All Cakes, Biscuits. Hot Breads Absolutely tt( musket down on Mike's head with an awful smash. Mike was picked up and carted off to the hospital. The sentry followed the van, and to his great amazement saw that It was his best friend, Mike, whom he had cracked over the head. "Eor th' love av hiven. Moike, yhwy didn't yez tell me phwat yer name was whin Ol asked ye?" "An' sure, Dinny, If ye would do this to Gineral Gr-r-ant, phwat the divil would ye have done to the loikes o' me?" was Mike's feeble re ply. ' A DEAR OLD FRIEND. The conductor of a western freight train saw a tramp stealing a ride on one of the forward cars. He told a brakeman in the caboose to go up and put the man off at the next stop. When the brakeman approached the tramp ahe latter waved a big revolver and told him to keep away. "Did you get rid of him?" the con ductor asked the brakeman. when the train was under motion again. "I hadn't the heart." was the re ply. "He turned out to be an old school friend of mine." "I'll take care of him," said 'he conductor as he started over the tops of the cars. Aftor the train had made another stop and gone on the brakeman came into the caboose and said to the con ductor: ggggsJiiurm THIS FOR YOU And tTrjbol.T else in the Pacific Northwest Third National Apple Show In Spokane. November 14 to 19.' APPLES and APPLES and APPLES 1 And everjthin that pertains to Apples, and tlieir cultivation, packiaff, shipping and eating. A NOVEL SHOW IN A MODERN CITY Visit them both LOW BXCURSION FARES From all stations Northern Pacific Railway Tik on sal NarfroUr Ask tha Tioka Agent & Far. WALTER ADAMS, Atmi, Pmdlaton, Or. A. K Ckland, G. P. A., Si Paul, Mi. A D. Ctiarltoii, A. O. P. A., Portland, Of. Orpheum HIGH-CLASS; .UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Man, Woman and Children mmm moouit ix tosat i rAnm. Brers' Best Flour powder Healthful "Well, la he off?" "No; he turned out to be an old school friend of mine, too." Every body's Magazine. Paris. There are now about 800 aeroplanes in France, 700 of which have been made during the past ten months, according to statistics pub lished by "L'lllustratlon." A year ago there was at most 100 aeroplanes In the country, but since Bleriot crossed the channel his firm has manufactured more than 250 and Henri Farman more than 10. . The Bleriot aeroplane cost3 nbout J."!6"0. but can be had for J2000 with a cheaper motor. The Farman is sold at $3750, the Voisln at J5000, the Antoinette at the same price and the Summer at $5760. Years of Suffering Catarrh and Blood Disease Doctors Failed to Cure. Miss Mabel F. Dawklns, 1214 Lafay ette St., Fort Wayne, Intl., writes: "For three years 1 was troubled with catarrh and blood disease. I tried sev eral doctors and a dozen different rem edies, but none of them did me any good. A friend told me of Hood's Sar saparllla. I took two bottles of this medicine and was as well and strong as ever. I feel like a different person and recommend Hood's to any one suf fering from catarrh." Get it today in usual Hquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. i-trrrr-u 18, 14, 16, 1, 17, 18. Theatr aael lUsi's. It rnmJn ft ami flic kist wferat tha nn 0W feraaa is aawarW tmtm BllSSr R35T FLOUR ii itad. Bran, Railed Barley always m Pwdloton Roller 'Hills Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Sale afaaafactnrers mad Distributors of Mm CUsaraiea' PI TOILKT CREAM OOLD CKI1K TOOTH POWKR a MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Eastern Oregoa. OLB LIN : LIVK STOCK Df .8WKANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of Crawterasvllto, Has new satsred Oregoa. PelleUs saw gooa la every slate ia tha Unlea. Organ sed sTr ti years age. Paid ap Capital tM.M.0l. As sets ever ftlO.IOt.M. RDimim, Mats Is HOT a Motaal Lava atok Mark Moorhonsa Company ifal. Or. 11 Km Ca-a . Mass M. riilno Transfor Phone (Iain 5 CCALUI PROMPTLY Ng winio ron ALL AOOAOS TfcAMtoJTBatsUNQ. PLANO AND FUsUflTURB MOYINQ XVD SBAVT TRUCK ING A fiPBCLALTT. THK PENDLETON DRUG CO. WE BEiL II DIUIS-IIT rWMISES You Make a Bad Mistake Waaa ra at aff aartag faar snares. Henry Kopittke Hi, e Y BARS' KPsWIMNCB Ac. Ijmm imM a abaili m4 arj'4ui m r Sun inu mi isv a ft-laSja a, ' a Jk W. ivMlva , nm mh wa Tp. RTquelle I Gus La FonLaiae. Prop. 1 I Beat 25c Meals in North- g west g First-class cooks and service I j Shell fish in season f La Fontaine BIk., Main St. al as assess saaaHssa'saj sswaVsaaV aaee itustst Pa m Wsstar. ajf AJA sa'sjaTerf kaaag aa? .AAA-