PAGE TWO DAILY EAST ORTGOX1AX. PEVILETO. OREGON. MOMi.tT, NOVEMBER J, Itl. EIGHT PAGES THANKSGIVING BARGAINS of MERIT IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Fair Dealing, Reliability, A Square Deal, One Price to all have made this store the greatest in eastern Oregon JrT EEN BUYERS look to this store when on the look out for live bargains. Gccds that are dependable and reasonably priced. This store reflects in every way the result of a strong and suc cessful effort to "round-up" a host of THE MARKETS BEST OF FERINGS, every one of which can be depended upon. -rrt '3 f ' -If'-" '- '?'"""'?' .-- 1 1 r m v A Startling Clearance Sale in OUR MILLINERY D partment h-jln- Tue-ljy Morning. X-v. anil ends Sat urday eveiiin;r, Xov. ll'th. ALT. MILLIXKRY MUST GO. We mut Lave the room fur our great stuck "f Christmas g''ls. Men' Winter Weight Shirts Come in all wool flannel cotton ami v.l mixed, all cot ton Ml " Lt-avv' v.i-i'jLt. -.tra well made, go,l full .jXiOC, 75c, 1.00, S1.25, 91.50 to S4.00 Women's New Fall Suits REDUCED in this l"t wc show ',o m-w full uit.s. All .-izs, mixturoH. srny. liavy, lirowu. LTW-n. tan. r e anl black. All the lat-t-t vies. SI -1. 73 S;nt5 will iro for 819.9S S::h will -o for S22.50 Suit, will P. f,,r S2.J.00 Snir.s f'T S27.00 Suits will if' for SoO.OO Suit, will cr, f,,r 80.00 13.70 15.85 917.90 919.S0 Visit Our Pure Food Grocery Department in the Basement the stairs go down just to the left of the main entrance. PRICES AND QUALITY POSITIVELY GUAR. ANTEED. Our grocery is CLEAN AND NOTHING BUT STANDARD GOODS ARE CARRIED. We want all your EGGS and BUTTER, we pay highest market prices, ALWAYS KNIT UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY SPECIALS A: i ' ..!.. r -'. -v!e. f "' f -en ' cojul-ii rtvli-, in v.lii.-h aii may i- delightfully -a'i-:ied and r Mi i, t!, in o,.r Knit I'nderwear and TL-iery Seeti.n- all !. M-a-nalde w.i-liti are represented in a rari.-ty of t a savinir as tli- f'dlu'.vin.i: i'eiii.-; illustrate: Women's Hoe in Out Sizes and rare ops 50c A.'I 3C VAI.I'K.S 29c. ',. hi..-,-.- v.!i -.-oeld huve z a loii' way lc-fre you could e-ji.-.l .-U'-h Vid'ie- ::- .. -!; women's fine, fa-t hlaek lide and eot'i.n h.--. j.'-A wi-ijii. On' -iz' - and flare toi-i with he, I- iM.d filiid.,-1 with -arter to;.' 29 25c Children's Underwear A jrreat ri-liA -al" of .Ml lret: sea.-,-nal.le wei-ht fine fleeeed e,M,.n. shown iii the L'o""i Ktyle-; for lfth W' and jrirls, all M,.. 'iiniieiits thai will wear fine and t-dve plenty of warrn-h. 'J he kind that is old in mo-;t s'or-'s for.33, es-nw-ially yirieed thi- week - Ladies and Children's Underwear V,',; have the' lar;:-T stK-k and its tno-t complete, fit anyWly, and not r,n!v that, i' the liKST the market affords. Come see for yourself. Comes in cotton, .silk aiyl wool, and all wool. Children'rt Garments ?1.25 to 15 Ladie-s' Garments 95.00 to 35 15c Women's Hose, durable kind 15 Cents And when we say DURABLE we mean it. This is how they arijua'!;: of excellent quality, fa-t l.lack ctfii, knit in both wide and narrow rih and finished with doul.le kne' and tK, and heel, all for 1ys' and -iris. Lest 15C value-, esx-cially priced f-r this week at - H $1.25 Vests and Pants 89c v One of the most important items for this sale consists of a splendid line of Women'.-, Knit I'nderwear of correct fall and winter weight fine ribbed purcvwool vests and pant in both white and pray colors and in all sizes; perfect fit ting, neatly finished garments that will wear most satis factorily; our regular $1.2., especially rclueed for this week .: : -- -89 HOSIERY HOSIERY Well, now, there's where we fchine. Xo better Hosiery in this .section of the state. Why i Becsiuse we replenish our stock once a month, so by this means keep the stock new and fresh. Children's Hose, cotton, pair 50 to 12 l-2 Ladies' nose, cotton, pair ?1.00 to 15 fa dir..::::...! fx . .' ' V 1 I if.-.. ,-V IV III I II A I J -i I OUR PREMIUM DEPARTMENT t clasH, silverware. ch china, writing every cash purchase. to you. Domestic and Imported Bedding A ttitt.T. T.TVR AT MODKBATE PRICES. Silkoline Comforters with Fuji silk border in various colors warm as a blanket and light as a teatner. rnce p-.. ui 92.50. Extra Fine California Blankets, white with pink and blue striped Ijorders. Plaids in pink, blue and brown, all wool mixed browns, mixed greys Prices $10.00 to ?4. pair. All-wool "blankets. Children's and Misses' Outing Flannel Gowns Ape 0 to 1C years. All colors, beautifully made. Ar i irnj inenscj assortment to choose from, each 9A-'8 to ?2.25 Children's Coats Sizes 2 to 5. Come in red, navy, tan and brown, broadcloth and flannels. These aro very stylish and serviceable 94.50 to 96.00. Dress Goods Extraordinary At no time of this season has our dress goods department lx-cn in better shaje than now we can furnish you any cloth, any color which the season demands. So you may come in with the satisfaction of getting just wnat yon want. With Serges, Storm Serges, Yiennns, Poplins, Prince Henry Cloth, Panama, Broadcloth, Individual stripe fancies, fancy plaids, stripe flannels, etc., we can please you, in all them" and more too. Prices, yard ..9L00 to 25J SILKS SILKS SILKS China, Shantung, .Tap Silks, Taffeta, Fuji Silk, Swiss Taffeta. Satin, Swiss Messaline. In any shade and qnalitv you may chance to want. Pricc'-s, yard 91-25 to 25 Oar Staple Department Is the best in the city. We cater to this department for it is one of tho foundations to a dry goods store. Wo buy the l)est quality for tho least money thereby giving onr patrons the iM-st for tho cheapest price. HE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE It PAYS to Trade Kets, Robes, Etc., Butterick Patterns and Publications, nart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes, Red Cross Shoes, Carhartt Overalls, Blocka Gloves.