PACT SIX AFTER SUFFERING ONE YEAR Cured bv Lvdln F Pink ham's Vegetable Compound ham's Vegetable Compound has made me a wen woman and I would like to tell thewhole world of it I suffered from female trouble and fearful pains In my back. I had the best doctors and thev all dccidntl that I had a tumor in addition to m female trouble, an advised an opera. nnn I rdi IT l'inkham's Vegetable Compound made 1 10 a weu woman ana i nave no more backache. I hope I can help others by t .lling them what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done far me." Mrs. EmiiaIsise, 6S3 First St, Milwaukee. Wis. The above is only one of the thou- Ktuua iii gmreiui lercers which are constantly being received by tke Pi nkham Medicine Company of Lynm, Mass., which prove beyond a doubtthat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, actually does cure these obstinate dis ease of women after all other means bave failed, and that every such suf ering woman owes it to herself to at least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta. ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Mrs. PinJkh&m, of Lynn, Mas tavKea all sick women to write her for advlee. She baa frutdo thousand to health and her ad vice is free. Jap !pf r.i. ft, mn DEMOCRATIC. Candidate for election JOIN T SENATOR PAILT KAST OKHGOXIAy. FKSNJBtOV. OBEQOIC, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 191. SOME QUESTIOHS FOR BQI7ERf.!AN UMATILLA, UNION AND MORROW COUN TIES ; STATEMENT No. l. - Direct Jrim.ary, Initiat- te ive and Eef erendum. An S advocate of the adoption of further progressive leg islation, until Oregon shall have perfected her public school system, her execut ive system, and such just irrigation laws and other needed legislation as shall keep her in the place she now occupies as the leader in progression toward letter jlhings, and make her more illustrious there in, i EASTERN OREGON HAS SERVED THE WESTERN PART OF THE STATE AS II Ell lord1, and master longenough. she should do some of the Dictating. , , fPald Advertlaeaaont.) 1. Why. as Mated bv the Oreeon Ian of March 19. 1908, ptia;e 11. did your committee In the Oregon senate in 1907 kill tho Mill.-r hill rpniilrlnr that accumulated stnt riimln h d. posited, not yy the treasurer alone. out oy a state board, in sound banks giving- Approved security and paying 1 Per cent interest on uuph rtprmslta into the state treasury? Ond why did you. instead as the Oreronlan states, secure passage of a law under which the state t posited $395,000 of school funds in the j. xnorDurn koss bank, known as the Title Guarantee & Trust bank, now r 1. The Orconlan oh Maroh 19. 1908. Daae 11. stated thnt vnn n sponded to the request of the J. Thor burn Ross bank, and as "Joinder" killed the Jackson bill, offering Judge Marqnam a chance to have a Judicial review of the lawsuit bv which h lost tne Maronam block. Since the hill had already passed the house almost without opposition, what is your ex planation for killing it at the reouest of the Ross bank? 3. Why did vou refuse to vote in the Oregon senate for Oswald West's Dill, restoring to the nilhllr. dnmaln for the benefit of Oregon schools and Orecron rtennle SI ftflfl (.(n n-rtk f 'Oregon tide lands unconstitutionally bestowed unon a railroad pnrnnmt(rn and how claimed by the Harriman railroads 7 4. Why did vou aneak. wnrv ani lobby for a constitutional convention for Oregon, which convention everv. body knows to be a part of the as sembly scheme to take away or re strict certain rlrhts of lnwmnvinr nominating and of electing United Mates senators that the nennle nn. havef : , antH S. Do you abjure the aseemhlv mh renounce assemblyism and assembly- I. Do von contain that tho bly should not have been heM thni all the arguments for it were false, and that you did wrong when you Joined with the Big Business and mi- cnine Dosses m concocting It? 7. ' Why. on Wedneadav. DrtnW k did you rea u I re vour rnmngirn mlttee to reject the resolution which declared for the direct primary and Statement 1, and that declared against me assembly? 8. Why, in your speech in the Ore-! b" ocimic in r eoruary, i09, did you oay, -i would rather vote for a con vention candidate than for a direct primary candidate"? 9. Who are the dark horse sena torial candidates who are backing your candidacy, and who expect In 1912 to sneak into the T?nt.i o.. senate by legislative election without me Knowledge or consent of, the peo ple of Oregon? iu. wny, wnen the safety of the traveling public was Involved, did you, as a a tat a committeeman agaJnst, and as a senator vote against a bill limiting thk Of railroad eaiploye. 'ta il houra a l. Why, though traveling on railroad pass, did you collect rnlle age at the special session of 190?, called to correct blunders at the regu lar session, when several other mem bers, in response to Governor Ben son's request, paid their fare out of their own pocket, and did not collect mileage? 1!. Why is it that you never sub scribed to Statement 1 in your life, but have always reviled and ridiculed that measure? 13. .Why do you Insist that a few highbrow8 In an assembly are needed to guide, advise and direct the peo ple as to what candidates to nomi nate. Oregon Journal EIGHT PAGES Comes from the Land of Sunshme The very source of Cottolcne inspires confidence in the product. It is pure It comes from the cottonfields of the Sunny South and from tottmfield to kitcL lml hands never touch the oil from which Cottolene is made. " . . W MCin a VCgetable Pr,duCt' Ctt0lene 18 Pured just as digestible as the purest lai;Lrauc,neVer f USbg M' Which " -PlX HoPg fat digestiBsh Calces pure. The careful, once-posted housewife will use Cottolene in place of "lard every time. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY .-Nature's Gift from the Sunny South 99 Catarrh Canaot Be Cored with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, they eaa nt reach tk ii of the disease. Catar 'h hi a bleod or eoutltnvloaat !. sad la or4r t core It aiaat tats laUrnal reatedla. Ball's caUrrh Care Is takaa lav tersally. and acta dtrw-tly tkt hoo4 aad aioroiia anrfacaa. Hall's Catatrh Core ot a aoick siadlctD. It was prwrlM hy a of tkt kwt phralrlaaa la this ceaatrr for ran mmd Im m Mala. ' ws. toaposed of th baat toalra kaowa. caaiblB- w'" im aat aioM aannani. act1a 1 reetly oa th aiacana aurfaraa. Tk arfset omblaation of tka two lagradlrats la what vrodoeas such woaatrfal raaalta ta carlag ''atarrh. Ba4 for taatlaioauila fma. Bold kr Drnrrlata. bHm ti. Taka Hair raally Palls far O Sottlo It Now Sottlolt zacht Tor ooiMUtutSotMl untCmt chiaav-pews io llOMM,' NCUUkjttt, OOntZOl aTUPpreaM, or prohlMt Um mI of lntox- kmtlxm Uouora'MrlUMa.qi SMXYm " " ' . mDOBSaD BY 40000 ORSOOIf tii i i J ijj I (PTrjlK,CT7RED IK TO 14 DATS. u PaZO OINTMENT I ctaarantfd to cure any ease of Itching, Blind, Blaod. tn ffr Protruding Pile la to 14 lf'OT mon7 rafundod. Ma Save rasy by roaaTng today ad ,,l"a"aaaaai assaaaaBBaaaBBaaBBssBaaaaasaE SAWTO Tho Vasuum GLao or "'' Without aJFault . L. M. CARGILL OPERATOH AM AUJCHT. Phono Blaak 2489. - I I I OIUSOON. The La Call of the West. ' (By Walter V. Woehlka . r BiUfully Uluatrate'd In four col on, n Novombar Sunset Uuulnn t lit NO BETTER WAY fl ' BREAK A BAD COLD Now on aalo, all cents. nawatanda, II TRY THI8 FOR CATARRH. . ' Oat a HTOafaTI (proaoviiM ' ft Hlk-h-o-me) otflt today. Pour a few drops from the bottlo Into Ui Inhaler that eomoa with each outfit, and braatna It ta four or flva times a day. , Immad lately yon will know tat HTOlfBI soothea and heals tho In flamed and Irritated membrane. But HTOafaTI doos mora thaa soothe and heal; Jt kllta.tho grma, those peraevorlng peala -that are at tha root of all catarrhal conditions. "Last year I suffered terriblv with catarrh. I I used ona bottle ef HTO MBI, and my catarrh- was better" Mlas Helea McNalr. Loyaltoa, CW. ' A complete HTOMEI outfit. Includ ing a bottle of RTOMBL a hard rub ber pocket Inhaler an iIibdU in. ttructlons for use. cosu onlv ti. . tf you now own a Hyomel Inhaler, you can get an extra bottle of RTOMRI ror only to c:nU at Tallman'a and ilruifgists everywhere.' Guaranteed to cure catarrh, rmnn asthma and sore throat, or money back. t:Sts Most severe grippe MISERY IN A FEW HOURS The most effective and harmless wav to cure the eriDne or break, a se vere coia, eitner in tne head, cheat, back, stomach or . limbs. Is a dose of Pape'a Cold Compound every ! two hors until three consecutive dosea are taken. You will distinctly feel the cold breaking and all grippe symptoms go ing after the very first dose, clt promptly relieves the most miserable neuralgia pains, headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed ud. feverish. ness, sneezing, aore throat, running of the nose, soreness, stiffness and rheu matlc aching. Take this harmlesca compound as directed, with the knowledge thai there Is no other medicine, made unv where else In the world, which will cure your cold or end arrlnnn mlaerv as promptly and without any other assistance or bad arter-efrecta as a 26 cent package of Pape'a Cold Com pound, which any druggist "In -the world can suddIv. - After three years' research we have conclusively demonstrated that (qui nine is not effective In the treatment of colds or grippe. LAST BRICJ.VV 13 6TJI0IDE. HungarUn IUul' Mart" KnuHlnaaetf ta Avoid Oantara. . - Budapest. Emmerich Vltalla, who was, anown aa the last or the Hun garian brigands, has shot himself at St. Vfarton In Hungary, to avoid eap Ura. ' - .... For years he had been the terror or wayfarers la the more' desolate barta of tk nAlrhhnri nnrl TTa. hmA committed many murders, but always eacaped, lowing to the help of hla rel- auvea and neighbors, who were pfoud or bis exploit. But at the bearlnnliMr of tha month he. killed hie stepmother, aad eo tamad hla only friends against him Ha at onaa'dlaaBbaered lata the feat. neas or the vast swamps which oover much of this part' of Hungary. A nrip. nf tlAA w. nnt AM tila liAAit and the local authorities collected 110 gendarme to hunt for htm; but their efforts were In vain. The other day. however, he returned la duarnlas to Ilia finm In Rt Uartnn - TTm am mm m.. ognlsed by an old woman, who In formed the authorities, and the house was surrounded oy gendarme. Vltalls shot at hia nursuera. but tha gendarmes directed a continuous fire against the wlndowa and door of the house from all aides, and the brigand waa aeyerely wounded by a bullet. To avoid capture, he then ahot himself through the head, and was found dead when the gendarmes broke Into the house. Hohbach'a coffee and orster hnnu la now open; best of service. THIRD ANNUAL SPOKANE - - - WASHINGTON Will Be Held T November 14 to 19, 1910 $ 2 0,000 IN PREMIUMS L ' . 1 'J ' '- Ton. -i .-',. P .... Ihe grcatoat yanety sof rjnzes, cups and trophies ever offered. Prizes for single L ' T 1 ' .1 f It 11 all e .ppicevuoxcs ana everytrung upi to lull carloads.. wiu be .awarded ,,f i.'-'V.ill, I- - J Z" $ lyOOO Championship Carload Prize For the best carload of 630 boxes or bushels. A floor space of three and one-half ere required to house this great show. Besides the exhibit of apples, growers, packers, and cookers will learn and ' ; l.'t"'x': 'lx gain varoable information. Ample Hotel AcconmodalionVVitliouL RaUc V Sk sat j m m m, , , in race wiuKTrToviacd- , . .... The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Will have in effect low RounU-trip Fares from .all roinfs on its Lines Jj I " r ' ni ' L I , ... : . '. - m ft For further inf ormation apply to any O. R. & N. Agent i i r Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent ifi J I