EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1010. PAGE SEVEN FOR HEAVY CATTLE ARK OFFERING ADVANCED PRICES FOR STUFF As High an 95.75 Offered for Stuff Unit Weighs From 1300 to 1400 Pounds Light Hogs nt $9.60. Portland, Oct. 28. Only one load of hogs came Into the yards today, that being shipped by O. Relling from Mount Angel. The livestock market Is In good condition and as was ex clusively reported yesterday, tops are quoted at $9.60. While only one sale was made yesterday at this figure, stuff that would average around 176 to 190 pounds could have been read ily moved at the price today If of good quality. It Is the light sturr that Is wanted And therefore for this packers are willing to pay a premluum of a dime over regular tops that are heavy. Too much heavy stuff has recently enter ed all American hog markets and that accounts for the discrimination In fa vor of the lighter article. Selected tat cattle that average be tween 1300 and 1400 pounds are In demand Just now and killers Bay they would bo quite willing to pay as high as $5.75 for this class of stuff. Ordi narily good cattle that average around 1200 pounds, Is top at J5.606 60. latent Livestock Ealcs. Following are official transactions. They represent demand, Buppllee and quality offorlng: STEERS. Average Wgt. Price. 3 steers . 960 $5.00 2 steers 960 5.00 6 steers 1161 4.60 2 steers 1000 4.60 COWS. 3 cows 910 $4 60 6 cows 978 4 25 5 cows 1104 4.26 10 cows 1182 4.25 6 cows 985 3.75 6 cows 7S5 8.60 2 cows 1115 3.50 BULLS. 1 bull 1430 $3.60 1 bull 1270 3.35 1 bull .7 1400 8.00 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 220 wethers 102 $4.45 237 wethers 96 3.35 HO j9. 78 hogs 247 $9.50 86 hogs 241 9 60 General range of livestock values, as Indicated by latest sales In the Portland yards: Cattle Best Oregon steers, $5.50 5.65; fancy steers, $5.2505 40; common steers, $4 4.60; cows, best. $4.70; fancy, $4.26; poor, $303.25; heifers, $4.50; bulls, $303.25; stags, $3.7604.25. Hogs Best eat of the mountains, $9.6009.60; ordinary, $9.40; stockers and feeders, $9. Sheep Best yearling wethers, $4.50 0 4.75; old wethers, $4; spring lambs, Witlninette valley. $4.85 05; eastern Washington, $5 50; ewes, $303.50. Calves Best. $707.10; ordinary, $6.60; poor, $3.6004 60. THE WHEAT MARKET M OULD'S WHEAT IS SHOWING A LOSS Itoth Chicago nnl Liverpool Down To day; Damage News Is Not Follow, ml. Chlesago, Oct. 28. Crop damage news from Australia failed to affect the wheat markot here and the close was 3-4c to 1 l-8c a bushel lower than yesterday. There was a weaker feeling abroad. Liverpool opened l-8d to l-4d lower and closed with a l'ss or l-4d to 3-8d from westerday. World's shipment of wheat exclu sive of North America are 12,400.000 bushels, according to an estimate by Broomhall. Some increase on pas sage is predicted. Australia wheat shipments, 64S.ono bushels;' Inrt'an, 636,000 bushels; Argentina wheat, 968,000 buKhels: corn, 4.888.000 bushels; corn, 4 888,000 bushels. Wheat prices today and a year ago December ago, $1.06 1-4. Today, 92 1-2; year May Today, 98 1-2; year ago, $1 06. July Today, 1-8. 96 1-8; year ago, 98 ISA D BAY OF 02 TOO SUCH FOR POOR OLD DAD New Tork. That descreplt bad boy, Frank T. Wllmot, of Williamsburg, was sent to the workhouse for six months by Magistrate O'Reilly. The lad wept pitifully as he was sentenc ed, declaring thnt in his 62 years of life such a disgrace had never been visited on him before. Young Wllmot, hts whiskers care fully combed, appeared In court on an adjourned hearing of his father's charge that he Is incorrigible. The distressed parent, George ' Washing ton Wllmot, who Is 84, said it was bit too much at his time of life t6 look after a boy who drank In the way young Frank T. did. "He's a good boy for all but that," quavered old Wllmot, "but r can't control him, and I wish the law would take a try at It." "Well, I think you are an incor rigible young Bcamp," said Magistrate O'Reilly, and then sentenced him. "Are mosquitoes religious?" "Yes They first sing over you, and then prey, on you." Mrs. Bess T. Baker took the prise as best pastry cook In Umatilla coun ty, she always uses Cleveland's Ba king Powder and only pays the reg ular price of II for a I-pound can. All grocers sell at this price. A WEEK Buys FREE This is the machine invented by Wm. C. Free of Chicago, the machine which you have read so much about in the magazines the machine which has a score of altogether new improvements and the machine which is sold at a price so much lower than you are accustomed to pay for the highest grade sewing machine, that if we told you what the price was, it would prejudice you against the ma chine. We insist on showing you the machine and its points of su periority before telling you what a bargain it really is. And to give you i better chance Mill of finding out for yourself how perfect it is, and to ihowyou our absolute confidence in The FREE, we want you to give it 30 Try this machine test it sew with it on all kinds of material if you then are not entirely satisfied if you are not convinced that it is the best machine you have ever sewed on the most improved the most U-to-;date if the low price does not convince you that this is the bipgest bargain you have ever bought, return the machine to us and we will refund your deposit so that the trial mill not (tit you a cent. Yoo filvtn't lnr Idei hflw it will Mrprit roa tad bow delighted rou will bt to keep il after you bive tewed on it fur So days. Wf know that ywtl would eer tbiak cf pirliuc with il. Like all other womeft you will be in aflutter of es;-itetncnt and entbiasm about tbe many r.ew tnventiooi on The FREE. Our .only reason for tiftns you ibis tin trial offrr, is because we want you to have il SO days. to let tbe rti! beauty t! its Ftvocb lei dcutn oil dustlet. japanning. to notlct that ih Roiot.IIo" movement, which Irtokx Mr. Free 5 yn to invent, vaktt Tbt FREE Uutt tbin itic faittnt ro tary and simpler than tb aimpltat abuttl lKhine. Come Tomorrow and See The FREE and take it home with you for a month's trial JESSE FAILING, Sole Agent Maift Street Near Bridge Chu rche s Cluircli or tho Redeemer. The holy communion will be cele brated at 7:30 a. m.; divine service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. At the evening service the Rev. Chns. Qulnney will give the report of the standing com mittee of the general convention on the state of the church. All are cor dially Invited. Charles Qulnney, rec tor. - Christian Science. Services on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, subject, 'Everlasting Punish ment." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Sen-ices on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rending room open dally from 2 to 4 In the afternoon. All are cordially Invited. Corner East Webb and Johnson streets. Christian Church. First Christian church, North Main street. 9:45, Bihlo school, a class for any ape or grade, W. F. Taylor, su perintendent; 11 a. m., communion and preaching, subject of .sermon, "Christ, the King;" 6:30 p. m., young people's meeting, D. C. Bowman, leader; 7:30 p. m., sermon, 'On the Other Side of the Road." All Odd Fellows and their families especially Invited. Wednesday evening, prayer meeting. A cordial Invitation to all our services. J. W. Van Dewalker, pastor. . Methodist Church. First Methodist Episcopal ohurch, corner Webb and Johnson streets, N. Evans, pastor. The morning theme will be "A Name to Love." Evening topic, "Conservation." Sunday school, 10 a. m., Epworth League, 6:30. p. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Strangers are Invited to worship with us. Mutt Scores Again. Another big crowd greeted A. Mutt nt the Orpheum last night and the new bill proved .fully as enjoyable aa tho previous program. The same bill will bo repeated tonight and Sunday night, with an entire change of pro gram, Mutt and 'his Jolly companions, will make their last appearance here. The Bpeclal feature for Sunday night will be "Wanted, a Baby."- It Is said to be a laugh every second. .. ' Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregonlan build ing. All modern conveniences. . En quire at B. O. office. What a Groat Man Said to the Great American People. Parisian Sage is a discovery of a celebrated scientist, who spent the best years of his life perfecting this great hair tonic. In giving his recipe to the Ameri can people he said: "Parisian Sage is tho most delightful hair dressing In the world. It cures dandruff by kill Ing the germs that Infest the roots of the hair; it stops falling hair; it gives vigor and strength to the hair roots. Tallman & Co. sell Parisian Sage at 50 cents a large bottle and guaran tee It to do all that is claimed for it, or your money Is refunded. It stops falling hair, dandruff and Itching scalp In two weeks; aysTri a! Jomf to let rmir feet find out that Ifi 8 seta of Ball bearinn bar mad The FREE tbt lighteat lunmoi Mwitti machine in Ue world. to learn the value of i Rotary Spool Pin, t Shuttle Ejector, an Improved Head Latch, a Square Peed, an Automatic Thread Conireller, Automatic Locking Drawers, and scores ef viber improvements. STRIKE THEME IS DISLIKED. Lena Ashwell Will Open In Gotham With English Production. London. When Lena Ashwell opens In New Tork during the com ing season she will be presented by the Llebler management In C. M. Mc- Lellan's play, "The Strong People" now renamed 'Judith Zarame" which Lewis Waller produced here at the Lyric some while back. The play failed to catch the popu lar vote, not because it lacked any thing In vitality and dramatic strength, but simply because it dealt with strikes and industrial complica tions In Pittsburg, with which West End playgoers were unfamiliar and in which they took no sort of Inter est whatever. - Yet It is a virile, tense and appeal ing work, and since the play's failure hero was in part due to the weakness of the leading lady and as, moreover, that part Is peculiarly suited to the talent of Lena Ashwell. "Judith Za rame" should have a fine chance In this country of its own environment. Notice of Annual Directors Meeting. ' Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the board of direc tors of the Third Eastern Oregon Dis trict Agricultural society, will be held at the office of the secretary In Pen dleton, Oregon, on October 29th, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the elec tion of officers and the transaction of such other business as may prop erly come before such meeting, and all persons having an Interest In the district fair are Invited to be present. Byorder of C. E ROOSEVELT, Attest: ' President. THOS. FITZ GERALD, Secretary. Three nicely furnished houses for sale or rent. Lee Teutsch. VeSeT CATARRH Elys Crtsa BaJa Is qukk'r nl'.iic.'. GIvm Rajltf al net. ItlaBg, wtaku, seals sail BrvtMtsj h 4:.m4 Btwa. ivans rMi(iag frena ruuj. - - J wnv CJi ia v stores tli Uoaiwa ef HAY FEVER Taste anl Suinll. FaU site 54 eta., at Drug-' fiats or by mail. Iu liquid fonu, .3 tenia, lily Brothers, 5d Wwrreu BUoet, New York. Every Woman k Is InteroRted and should rv i tXMit to wonderful Marvel 7E!L y svuuic isfc roar drncclst tor .t. 1 ti rnnnot mrnlv llm MARVKU accent M u.iit-i. nihi pmiuiF ..v mm, a, irutrtl book md. It kIvm full particulars tid directions Inruoahle ro 11 v. MARVEL CO- 44 K. 234 M Kjaa MEN AND WOMEN, Um Big A for onofttnrml aitobevrcMinaunmatiotit, Irrtttvtiuoi or ttl-rttom of tnaoom ipmbriiM. PinlM, tod oot Mtrln com or poitooout. or Mit In oik it vnirput by vEDrM, pria, t tl .or.. .. i ..lrii.-iirz 75 CtJ'-.WJet ; Vm sTldWM, .-.; i.-"V A . 4 rl r.V-ff am u atrtMarv. I IWwai CMlaaiM. vi cinciumti.oJfWW Democratic Ticket 'jOHN MANNING For Congress OSWALD WEST For Governor WILL IL KING Six year term W. T. SLATER Four year term. For Supreme Court Judges. TURNER OLIVER For Secretary of State HUGH McLEAN For Railroad Commis sioner. F. M. SAXTON For Water Commis sioner. JAMES E. GODFREY For State Printer. M. K. HALL For Joint Senator. BEN HILL For Joint Representa tive. County Candidates C. J. SMITH For State Senator. T. D. TAYLOR - For Sheriff. J. W. MALONEY For County Judge. J. B. SAYLOR For Commissioner. TOM J. TWEEDY For Treasurer. B. G. MONKMAN For Coroner. JOHN HAILEY, JR. For Justice of Peace, Pendleton District JOHN M. BENTLEY For Constable. (Paid Advertisement) GAND DATES CARDS G. W. BRADLEY (Present Incumbent) REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR COUNTY TREASURER T. D. TAYLOR (Present Incumbent) DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR SHERIFF Indorsed by Republican Party. "For Direct Primary-Statement No. 1" BEN HILL PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE For Joint Representative Umatilla and Morrow Counties. ZOETH HOUSER INDEPENDENT- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF A man who has held the office and "made good." J. W. MALONEY DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR COUNTY JUDGE An advocate or better roads and an economical administration or County affairs. Back to Business Again Dr. F. A. CLISE wishes to announce that he can be found at his office In tbe John Schmidt building, Pendle ton. Ore. Eyes carefully examined and glasses ground to fit. 10 yean practice fitting glasses. The only ex tluslre Eye Specialist In Umatilla county." Fresh Fish Meats and Sausages EVERY DAT. We handle only the purest ef lard, hams and baeo. Empire Meat Co. Phone Main 18. FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND IiARD. Always pure and dellrered promptly, If you phone the Central Meat Market 108 E. Alta Bt Phone Main U. J Want WANTED. TOUNO MEN AND WOMEN Learn a profession. Show card writers earn large salaries; clerks can dou ble their earning capacity; the field has never been overcrowded. The Pendleton Business College offers you the opportunity to learn this profession under a first-class In structor, at a small expense, taking no time from your regular work. Night class now open. Call any time for information. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. No canvassing. Be your own boss. Send for free booklet Tells how. Heacock, 2708, Lockport, N. Y. HAIR WORK After four months' vacation. Madam Kennedy la again at home at 607 E. Court street, and Is prepared to do all kinds of hair work. Shampooing, halrdreasing. Also has a nice line of natural hu man hair goods for sale. All work strictly guaranteed. Phone Red S7S1 WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2621. Dally East Oregonlan by only 65 cents per month. carrier Classified PHYSICIANS. K. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2I3S. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 664. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone. Black 3421; residence 'phone. Black 2961. KERN & BENNETT, DENTAL SUR geons. Office room 16 Judd build ing. Phone, Red 3301. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Office in Judd building. Phone, Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATIC Stock Inspector and ex-member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence 915 east Court St. Res. 'phone Main 69. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. FEE & SLATER, LAWYERS, OF flce In Despain building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of Ameri can National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office in Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawford building. PHELPS & STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGCTSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4. over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS. CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on'all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black 3786, or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 76. AUCTIONEER.' COL. F. G. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND- hand goods, if there Is anything yon need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, graniteware and crockery, call and get his prices. No. 212 East Court street Housekeeping Rooms for Rent. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at East Orego nlan office. Ads II FOR BALE. BLACK AUSTRALIAN LYNX SETS of beautiful Russian shawl, with magnificent rug muff elegantly trimmed, with head and tails; lined with shirred satin; worn a tew times on stage by theatrical team now leaving on southern tour; prac tically new; cost $80 per set; sell for $20 per set; will send C. O. D, allowing examination at owner's ex pense. Address their manager, Mauray Llebers, 25 East 14 Street; New York City. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES. IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers in the United State or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORB GONIAN ihe net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN, in remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendle ton, Ore. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre In the city the Pastime. Director INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm Drooerty. Buva anrl sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pn taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and r-I. dent insurance. References im bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, Hfe and accident tnaur. ance agents. New location, 815 Main street fnone Main 404. IJVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. 'Phone main 70. RESTAURANTS. PTITXT i T-.T-T.T.. t.t. . . . and chop suey, Ung D. Goey, prop. me oia stand, Alta street n rear of Tallman & Co. MISCELLANEOUS. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR work it's clean, rellahln venient Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, 35.25. Electric Hot Water-and Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee PerCOlatOm Off A nmnlat- 1 -. - n X- J.-LI-' DIUtft Ul Gas and Electric fixtures. First-class I wiring of jiomes, etc. J. L. Vaughah, 815 Main street i SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY, family washing; work done by hand; mending free; goods called for and delivered. 408 East Court street. CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS at East Oregonlan office. Price 25c ; ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, j wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, etc. .Very latest styles. Call at East Ore- gonian office and see samples. FRATERNAL ORDERS. I PENDLETON LODGE No. 61 Vy A. F. and A. M., meets the I v first and third Mondays ol each month. AH visiting brethren are invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, ! K. of P., meets every Mon- . ijj day evening in I. O. O. F. ff hal1- Visiting brothers cor : " dially invited to attend. George W. Coutts, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. R. & S. PENDLETON TRAIN SfnEDULE. ; O. R. & N. Westbound Oregon division Portland local, arrive ..10:16 a.m. leave 10:35 a. m. Ore. & Wash. Express.. 1:25a.m. Portland limited 12:15 p.m. Fast Mail 11:46 p.m. Motor 4:35 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 9:06 a.m. Eastbound Oregon division Fast Mail 1:50 a. m. Ore. & Wash. Express.. 5:15a.m. Chicago Limited 5:15 p. m. Motor t 10:20 a.m. Port, local, ar. 5:10, leave 5:40 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 3:00 p.m. Washington Div. Leaving Pendleton. Walla Walla local 5:25 p. m. Pendleton passenger ... 7:00a.m. Spokane local 1:30 a.m. Washington Div. Arriving Pendleton Pendleton local 1:30 a.m. Walla Walla local 10:05 a.m. Pendleton passenger ... 6:00p.m. NORTHERN PACIFIC Leaving Pendleton Passenger 1:30 p.m. Mixed train 7:30 a.m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10:00 a.m. Mixed train 7:30 a.m. j Unfurnished housekeeping rooms ' for rent In the East Oregonlan build I lng. Steam heat; electric lights; hot .ai.d cold water; hath. Inquire at 'Fast Oregonlan office.