PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGON IAN, PBNDLBTON, OREGON, SATl'IlDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1910. EIGHT PAGES AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, Published Dally, Weekly and Senil-Weekly at Pendleton, Oregon, by tne BAST OitEtiONIAN ITliLISlllNU CO. Bl liSCUll'TION KATES. Dally, one year, by mall J5.00 Dally, ali months, by mall 2.50 Daily, three months, by mall 1.23 Dally, one nienth, by mail GO Dally, one year, by carrier T.50 Daily, six months, by carrier 8.75 Dally, three months, by carrier 1.03 Dally, one month, by carrier 63 Weekly, one year, by mail 1.50 weekly, aix months, by mail 75 Waeai. four months, by mall SO Basal-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Baal-Weekly, six months, by mall "3 Seal-Weekly, (our months, by mall... .50 The Dally East Oregonlan Is kept on sale street. Portland. Oregon. Northwest News Co.. Portland, Oregon. Chicago Ktireau, !H)9 Security Building. Washington, D. C, Bureau, 301 Four teenth street, N. W. Member United Press Association. Entered at the postofflce at Tendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and Connry Paper. CUNION,H.ABEL IF? If you were me and were you, '. What wonder working things we'd do We'd see the good in every one, We'd do our work like it were fun We'd gossip never, nor be blue. If you were me and I were you. If you were me and I were you We'd both get better thru and thru I'd see your virtues, you'd see mine, The effect would be like some old wine No word of censure e'er would brew. If you were me and I were you. So let's change places and Just do As you'd have me and I I'd have you You work and laugh and love and sing, And I will do the self-same thing We'll paint this world a "Rosy" hue. When you are me and I am you. W. E. Fitch. WEST IS TOUR MAS'. As pointed out by Senator Cham- u . u, a..... . - - - - - a , is the reactionary or standpat can- j didate; West stands as the champion i ' and defender of the "Oregon system which system is now being adopted bj progressive and boss free states all over the union. Bowerman opposes statement No. 1. He has been in the state senate twice and both times he refused to take the statement. He has been open in his scorn of statement No. 1 and of the men who took the statement. Bowerman is an enemy of the di rect primary. At the last legislative session he made a speech in the sen ate in which he declared he would rather vote for convention nominees than for direct primary nominees. He favored the passage of the Mariner bill which would have legalized as seblies had it passed. Bowerman was a chief instigator of the assembly scheme which scheme was In plain volation of the spirit and letter of the direct primary law. He owes his nomination to the assembly endorsement and to the fact that he had a badly divided field againet him la the primary campaign. rfince the primary election Bower man has flopped about considerably In hopes of making votes. He ha Wren desperately to please the pro-jbej. gressive wing of his party. But he has never repudiated assemblyism. He In charged with having prevented his state committee from repudiating as semblyism and also from endorsing statement No. 1. In Bpite of all his flopping Bower man still stands as an aasemblyite and as an antl-prlmary man. He Is one of the gang that would like to do away with the Oregon system and take this state back to the foul hole of bossism and corruption. If you believe In the "Oregon sys tem," if you believe In the direct primary law and statement No. 1 him to the finish. Give your support to Oswald West. It matters not that he is a member of the minority party In this state. His record Is unsullied and he stands out clear and strong as the champion of the principles In which you believe. SHOW THEM AGAIN. In this town there Is a clique of pet ty politicians who think they are the supreme authority in the politics of Umatilla county. For the most part they are remnants of the old local ma chine which was of some power be fore the direct primary law put ma chines out of business. The surviv ors of that machine have their old time arrogance though they lack their old time leadership and their old time prestige. They would like to re-establish themselves in power. They would like to arrange matters so that anyone wishing to mix In politics In tHs county would first have to bow lew before them and kiss the big toe o each respective bosslet. Last winter this little clique tried desperately to run the city election. They tried for days to line-up the re publicans against Mayor Murphy. They cracked their little whips and shouted "vote the republican ticket." Uut the voters understood their game and only laughed at them. They re elected Mayor Murphy by a landslide majority. There is no more reason for parti sanship in this campaign than there was in the city election. National party issues are not involved in either the local or state campaigns. The issues that are up are local and state issues. They are of a moral rather than a political nature. It would be psslnine for a voter to try to follow party lines at the coming election. Don't be deceived by the plea to "vote'r straight." When a ward heeler shouts that at you laugh at him and show by your vote on November 8 that you can use your right of fran chise without dictation from any cast-off and discredited political ma chine. COME THROUGH SOME MORE. Bowerman is wrong when he says the East Oregonlan misquoted him. This paper based its attack upon Bowerman upon the Portland Ore srenian's report of his Pendleton sreech. He cannot say that report misquoted him. This paper is willing to take Bowerman's own statement as to what he said. In a statement over 1 is signature, published here Thurs day he said: " I declared that at one school each graduate in his final year cost the state $12,500 apiece." After the East Oregonlan showed by a sworn statement that Bowerman's s.atement was false with reference to the existing normal schools he then "back tracked" and said he referred to the Drain school. But the state ment is false even with reference to Drain. This paper showed yesterday that the last biennial appropriation for Drain amounted to but $21,000 for all purposes and that Drain's last giaduating class had 14 members. This paper challenges Mr. Bowerman to show when the Drain school ha.l $23,000 during one year and had but two graduates. He must present his fects or confess that he gave false evidence against the Drain normal school. Come through again, Mr. Bower- A CAPABLE SHERIFF. T. D. Taylor is the most competent sheriff Umatilla county has ever had. As an officer he has no superior in this state or in the northwest. This Is his general reputation and he de serves that reputation. Sheriff Taylor hu3 been a clean, capable and faith ful official and he deserves re-election. By rights Mr. Taylor should have no opposition this year. He was en dorsed by both democrats and repub licans at the primary election. Though he is a democrat Mr. Taylor received more votes in the republican priniary election than did Houser, the man who sought the republican nomina tion and Is now running for sheriff ar an independent. The East Oregonian will be greatly surprised if Sheriff Taylor is not re elected by a handsome majority. He will be re-elected if the people of this county appreciate the value of a com petent official. C. A. Barrett is a Umatilla county man and by his past record as a mem Qf the h0U8e Qf representatives he has shown himself a true Criend of the direct primary and statement 'o. 1. He should have the support of all Umatilla county people who up hold these principles. Democrats of this county should vote for Mr. Bar rett for joint senator even though ho Is not of their, party. Their votes wlll be needed to offset tne Btan(1. patters who are knifing him. The high school football season Is or in earnest, and the colors of the P. H. S. have not yet been lowered Go ahead, boys, and bring home the .championship again. There are hosts of people In both political parties who admire Senator C. J. Smith for some of the enemies hi. has made. Enemies are often good boosters unawares. Even Roosevelt has finally been brought to believe the proposed, lower berth rate Is what the country needs. Loss of Appetite Is loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and Is often a forerunner of prostrating dis ease. It Is serious and especially so to people that must keep up and doing or get behindhand. The best medicine to take for It is the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called B&rsataba. Si Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder wade f rests Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Uohm,zUnt Phtsphaia nOWEKMAX'S SOLILOQUY. (Weston Leader.) Say, fellows! Pipe my curves! I'm the Feathered Freak From Condon The festive, chattering Jay That makes old Oregon howl. I'm a bird, all right. There's no fat flies on me. I lay 'em low at ten paces With one squirt of tobacco juice. I'm a controting contortionist A twisting twister A flipping flopper. I'm twittering now In the center of the stage If I do "get de hook" in November. I'm a conservative-progressive Old guard-reform Assembly and "antl" Corporation and people's Republican. I'm for economy, too; (I'm a thrifty guy) My railroad bosses Let me ride free But the state paid me mileage For riding To the legislature. Ever hear of Chamberlain? -And Jonathan Bourne? Well, they're the issue; The direct primary is a dead one; They're running this state. Let me (and the railroads) run It. On the square, fellows, West don't look good To the corporation squeeze. He talks too little And does too much; While I'm a' promising guy. I'll promise anything And do nothing (except you.) I'm your man; I'm your Jay. Anything you are, I am; Anything youre not, I'm not (Before election.) Vote for me and see The stinger In my tall! A couple by the name of Nail used to board with a family named Wood. One day the Woods and the Nails had a fiirht, and one of the Woods hit a Nail on the head and drove him Into the Wood shed. The Woods asked me to patch up the trouble. I did and to celebrate the event the Woods and the Nails all went to the theatre and had a b6x party. Novelty. Mrs. Hardapple Just look, Hiram, that car has a sign on It: "To the Barn." Mr. Hardapple By heck, Mandy, let's get on. I'm just homesick to see barn. Haven't seen one since we left our old red one behind two weeks ago. One Mai; Overcome constipation permanently by proper personal co-operation with the bene ficial effects of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, when required. The forming of regular habits is most Im portant and while endeavoring to form them the assistance of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is most val uable, as it is tse on'y laxative which acts without disturbing the natural functions and wiliest debilitating and it is the one laxative which leaves the internal organs is a naturally healthy condition, thereby rsally aiding one In that way. To get its beneficial effects, buy the genuise Manufactured by the California Fig Syrn Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Syrap of Figs and Elixir of Senna Is never classed by tie well-informed with medicines which make extravagant and unfounded claims to cure habitual constipation without personal co-operation. Hilne Transfer Phone Main 5 C CALLS PROMPTLY ANS WERED FOR ALL BAGGAGE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HEAVY TRUCK INO A SPECIALTY. PENDLETON DRUG CO. IEDEUII tlMI-IOT NONHi THE YEAR OLDER !! 50ARE HAVE Y( (lOTYO MONEY BANK? IT GROWS THE&E IN 7 You are growing older each day and soon will pass die prime of life, after which your earning power will depreciate rapidly. Aro you making preparations now for the days of your old ago will you spend your laet days in a county poor house or in YOUll OWN HOME with a happy family enjoying with you tho fruits of your fore-sightedness ? Start a saving account with us NOW. We will pay you 4 per cent interest compounded semi-annually you'll bo sur prised how fast it will grow. THE American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY I OVERCOATS and CR.AVENETTES Tho good warm kind that defy the cold weather and make a pleasure of the winter season. A ' A hi "i:: i By YORKMGMEN'S CLOTHING GO. Less Expense Makes Our Prices Lower Orpheum Theatre J. P. MEDERNACB, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY 'S PAPER. Program Change on Sunday's, Tuesday's and Friday's. Byers' Best Flour w ',,,. "si 1 n 1 rar 4m XiLjAY. We have such a large line that wc are lwsitive of being able to please you. $3.75 TO and every garment a guaranteed value at the price, KEEP OUT THE COLD KEEP IX THE WAltMTH KEEP DRY, AND $25.00 KEEP YOUR MONEY. trading at tho la made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is asaiired whan BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Stent) Rolled Barley alwayfr on hand. Pendleton Roller Pendleton, Owigon. s Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated F 4 S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. ROOD CREAM Tallman &Co. Leading DrugflaU of Sastera Or fen. OLD LIN 1 LIVE STOCK IN 8URANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of Crawfordsrllle. Has now entered Oregon. Policies now gooi in erery state In the Union. Organ sed over 1$ years ago. Paid up Capital 1100,000.00. As sets over $460,000.00. REMEMBER, tlitg Is NOT a Mutual Live ntock Insur ance company. Mark Moorhouse Company Agrnt, Pendleton, Or. lit East Court B4. Phone Mala M. COLESWORTHY'S International Stock Food the old reliable The best for your stock Try it COLESWORTHY 127-129 E. Alta The QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cooks and service Shell fish in season La Fontaine BIk., Main St. You Make a Bad Mistake When you put off buying your God. until Fall purchase It NOW and secure the best Roek Springs coal the mines produce at prices considerably lower than those prevailing In Fall ' and Winter. By stocking np now yon avoid ALL danger of being on able to secure It when sold weather arrives.- Henry Kopittke Phone Main ITS. MAji. CO YEARS' Traoc Marks Designs 'WW Copyrights 4a Anrono Ktnillna a akalrh and doiorlntlmi nm qnlrklr aacertnlu our opinion free wliatlinr c Invention ll probnlilf pntenf nblft, Commnnlm tlunxtrlctlyconniletillnl. HAHDWlOK on fmeliu communis nt Rent (roe. OMnat fiunnrf for fi"'urhifr patents. I'ntmita taken ilirmu;lt ?.:unn A Co. reoalva tturuu noiue, wnnouioiinrco, lit mo Scientific ji:.::r.ea... A handiomelr IMnXmtM weekly. T,mat ell oulatlon of an rlonttua Journal. Temia, M S rear i four month, 11. Sold brail nawadeajat MUNN & Co e" New Yoit Branch one. M F BU Washington. li.O Tttrot Cold. i PrtmnU Pniiiwnntitl . i try