EIGHT PAGES DAHiY EAST OREGON1AN, PKNDLETON, OREGON, SATI'ltDAY, OCTOBEIt 29, 1910. page nnuac Ths bearing of children la frequently followed by poor health for the mother. This supreme crista of life finding her physical system unpre pared for the demands of nature, leares her with weakened resistive powers and sometimes chronic ail ments. This can be avoided if Mother's Friend Is need before the coming of baby, and the healthy woman can remain a healthy mother. It is the only remedy that perfectly and thoroughly prepares tie system for healthy motherhood, and brings about a natural and easy consummation, of the term. Women who use Kother's Friend are always saved mi-.ch severing when the little one arrives, and recover more quickly, and with no ill eCecls, or chronic troubles. Every expectant mother should safeguard her health by using Mothefs Friend, fk ? Sot the hour of motherhood. This medicine is for sale at drug stores. write ror iree boos; for expectant " p BSADFIELD EEQtTLATOE OO., Atlanta, Oa. irM S WIS SJ AS J S TO OPEN WINTElt COURSE. STANDS FOR WEST DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE WILL GET MAJORITY Sleu of llolh Parties Welcome lllin For Ills Vlows on the Direct Prim aryDrain Will Give Uowerman tlie Axo. Roseburg, Ore., Oct. 28. Douglas county will give Oswald West, anti assembly and Statement No. 1 can didate for governor, a pjurallty of 200 votes or more on November 8. There are many Douglas county men who place the estimate at a higher figure, but an average of the conservative estimates, furnished for the most part by republicans who are familiar with ccunty politics and who have studied the situation closely, places it at 200 at least. West made a flying trip through the county Wednesday. He started at Drain in the early morning and drove from there to Yoncalla, finally catch ing the train at Oakland and ending his day's work at Roseburg in the evening. Popular Man at Roseburg. A big rally was held at Roseburg Wednesday night and West was giv en a warm and enthusiastic greeting. He had. an aud.enge at the court I he use, larger than that given to Bow erman on the occasion of the assem bly candidate's visit to the city, and his audlenpe cheered him as he spoke and staid until after the close to shake hands with him and pledged him their support. Bowerman's audience, when he spoke quietly stole away as he talk ed to them. Prominent republicans In Douglas county are supporting West, some of the men here who were for Bowerman when he was In the county are quietly telling their friends that West Is the man. They are against the assembly and the can didate of the assembly. Douglas la an anti-assembly county, and the anti-assembly men are not support ing Bowerman. Majority Oppose) Assembly. On every hand It la conceded by assembly men that Bowerman's only hope of carrying the county would be through the fact that the anti-assembly men staid at home. The normal republican majority is &00 or more, but by far the greater part of the re publicans are bitterly opposed to the assembly. They were so much op posed that they did not vote In the primaries. "Let them nominate as sembly men If they want to; we will fix them at the general election," was the sentiment, and the rumblings show that they are getting ready to fix them. Drain Is a republican stronghold of the county, yet West was given the glad hand on every side by the resi dents there. "We remember Bower man up here," they said,. "and we do not want him or his assembly. He fought us in 1903 and 1905, and we are remembering him." It is In time of sudden mishap or accident that Chambrelain's Liniment can be relied upon to take the place of the family doctor, who cannot al ways be found at the moment. TLon It Is that Chamberlain's Liniment Is never found wanting. In cases of sprains, cuts, wounds and bruises Chamberlain's Liniment takes out the soreness and drives away the pain. Sold by all dealers. Six Weeks' Course Given at Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Ore., Oct. 26. The win ter short course at the Oregon Ag rlcultural college will commence Jan uary 3, continuing for a period of six weeks and will be followed immedi ately by a special . course commenc Inng February 13 and extending over a period of one week which will be known as Farmers' Week. - This an nouncement has just been made by the chairman of the course commit tee. The work will cover a six weeks' course n agronomy, animal husband ry, poultry husbandry, horticulture, dairying, domestic science and art, mechanic arts and forestry. Under these various heads the most prac tical work that can possibly be pre pared will be offered to the short course students. Tho work Is de signed to meet the requirements of men and women, old and young. The college has added greatly to the equipment and building space Which will be available for this work. The new agricultural building has been completed and Is splendidly equipped with laboratories and reci tation rooms. The new green houses are also completed and are available for the work In floriculture. New laboratories are also being equipped In the old agricultural building and by the time the short course com mences will be In splendid condition. A number of new instructors have al so been added to the staff and will give special attention to this work. The courses which will be offered have been carefully prepared so as to meet the immediate requirements of the men and women who are ac tually carrying on the agricultural work throughout the state. The men will be taught the advantages of the latest scientific discoveries in the field of of agronomy,' dairying, poul try husbandry, fruit growing and stock raising. The women will be taught many valuable lessons In sew ing, cooking and home sanitation. The work Is such that will be of great value to the young men and women and to the mature farmer and house wife. Last year the students who were in attendance at this course varied in age from 16 to 65 years, and among those who expressed themselves as having derived the greatest benefit from the work, were the older and more experienced farmers. The committee now In charge of the work Is arranging for the accommo dation of these men and women and will probably secure special rates from the railroad companies. A com plete circular describing the work and the expenses and accommodations will be Issued about the first of De cember. No entrance examinations or other educational tests will be required and the only expenses will be those for board and room and a small registra tion fee. There will be no fees for the special Farmers' Week course. Slightly Colder With Snow. When you see that kind of a weath er forecast you know that rheumatism weather Is at hand. Get ready for It now by getting a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. Finest thing made for rheumatism, chilblains, frost bite, sore and stiff Joints ana muscles, all sches and pains. 26c, 60c and tl a bottle. A. C. Koeppen A Bros. Oild Fellows Attention. All members of Eureka and Integ rity lodges I. O. O. F., are earnestly requested to be present at the Joint session to be held on Saturday even ing, Oct. 29, at 7:80 p. m., for the purpose of meeting the Grand Master and Grand Secretary. Visiting broth ers are cordially invited to attend. COMMITTEE. Hoarseness In a child subject to croup Is a sure Indication of the ap proach of the disease If Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is given at ones or even after the croupy cough has appeared. It will prevent the attack. Contains no poison, sold by aU deal- OREGON. The Last Call of the West. (By Walter V. Woehlke. Beautlfully Illustrated In four col ors. In November Sunset Magaslne. Now on sale, all newstands, II cents. SPOKANE OOMMISSIOXEKS WILL GET $5000 A YEAR Settle It Now Settle It Right For constitutional amendment giving to cities and towns exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress, or prohibit the sale of Intox icating liquors within the municipality. 328 X Ves ENDORSED BY 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS Spokane, Wash. Progress is be ing made by the committee of 15 free holders with the new city charter, to be UBed in Spokane next year under the commission form of government. Among the Important provisions ad opted by the committee are that five commissioners, elected at large, shall be paid at the rate of J5.000 a year for terms of two, . three and four years; that the city engineer must have had at least five years' profes sional experience and the corporation counsel must have practised law In the state since 1906; that the city clerk keep the records and publish an official gazette. The bonds of city employes were fixed at not less than $26,000. Those five departments will be created under the terms of the charter: Public affairs, finance, pub lic safety, works and utilities. It Is expected that the charter will be sub mitted to the electors some time In November. Never Worry. About a cough there's no need of worry If you will treat It at Its first appearance with Ballard's Horehound Syrup. It will stop the tcough a once and put your lungs snd throat back Into perfectly healthy condition. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Notice to Public. All parties knowing themselves to be Indebted to me will kindly call and settle their accounts by Novem ber 3rd. H. M. SLOAN. Blacksmith Chamberlain's Cough Remedy hss become famous for Its cures of coughs, colds, croup and Influenza. Try It when In need. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Sold by all dealer. Half of the world would like to know how the other half lives. GOOD ROADS MEN TO MEET IN GARDEN CITY WASHINGTON ASS'N TO HOM) CONVENTION TIIERK Will I to J lost Important and Intrrtwt inx In IIlHtory of Movement State Aid 8iipiHrters Will Ito Foujjlit on Floor. Walla Walla, Wash. There Is ev ery Indication that the annual con vention of the Washington State Good Roads association In Walla Walla, No vember 29 to December 1, will be the most Important and Interesting in the history of the organization. The pro gram incudes a report by Frederick W. Dewart of Spokane, chairman of the legislative committee, composed of one member from every county in the state. This Is likely to precipitate a finish fight between supporters of the state aid law and those who have opposed the administration of the state highway department. Governors and representatives from Oregon, Idaho, Montana and the prov ince of British Columbia will meet on November 28 to discuss with delegates from Washlngfton some of the vital questions bearing on the good roads program presentd In their several lo calities. J. A. Perry, secretary of the Spokane County Good Roads associa tion, has charge of the interstate con vention, at which it Is expected there will be several hundred delegates from the outside states and province mentioned. The tentative program for the con vention in the- Keylor Grand opera house, as arranged by the executive committee, folows: November 29, 10 oclock a. m., J. J. Donovan of Bellingham, first vice president, presiding. Address of wel come, ' mayor of Walla; response, Samuel Hill of Maryland, life presi dent; annual address, J. . Lawrence of Olympla; general discussion. Afternoon, 1:30 o'clock, H. H. Mc Lean of Walla Walla, second vice president, presiding. Address, "Pub lic Roads and Automobiles," John P. Hartman of Seattle; general discus sion. Evening, Y:80 o'clock, J. C. Law rence of Olympia, presiding. Infor mal reception and five-minute talks by members selected by delegates to represent each county. November 30, 9 o'clock a. m., H. C. McGowan, third vice president, pre siding. Address, Governor M. E. Hay; address, "State Aid and Why," J. J. Donovan, Belingham; address, "Value of State Aid," L. C. Crow, Pull man. Afternoon, 1:30 o'clock, W. H. Paulhamus of Sumner, fourth vice president, presiding. General con ference. Evening, 7:30 o'clock, J. C. Law rence of Olympia, presiding. Illustrat ed lecture, R. H. Thompson, Seattle. December 1, 9 o'clock a. m., B. N. Kenndy of Mansfield, fifth vice presi dent, presiding Address, H C. Bowl by, state highway commissioner; ad dress, F. J. Wilmer of Rosalia; ad dress, Dr. W. M. Beach of Sheldon; report of the egislative committee, F. W. Dewart of Spokane, chairman. Afternoon, 1:30 o'clock, C. B. Keg ley of Palouse, presiding. Adoption of reort of legislative committee; election of offices and selection of the next pace of meeting. 1 Godsend to iEcHjf Children Mr. N. L. DurTcc, of Helena. Ala., tj.c thankful father of a little baby riri v.! t was made hcalthv and fat :.!.(r t'r.z v.as not expected to live, vt-.tcs: "Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey !.. finest of .medicines. I have a nrl baby, now 5 months old, who i r til she wa3 2 months old we hardly faw any chance of raiding her. At tliat time I procured a Lottie of Duf fy's Pure Malt Whkhey and gave her E few drops at a time. Now she is rcknoyledijcd to be t! fine t loo'iin" taby in town. Baby is still crov.ir.S as fat as a pig." can be safely given to children, no matter what age, in small doses. It is just the right thing for them wh-n they have coughs, colds or any throat r-r stomach troubles that are so prcv- nt with the children. It is an ab ' y p.:re, gentle and invigorating . ..t ar.d tonic. It is invaluable verworked men and delicate .i .ii. I druggists, Grocers and dealers, " ' $1.00 a Janre bottle, lic- Catarrh Cannot lie Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, they caa oot reach ttas sei of the disease. Catar- b is a blood or coostltoetoaai disease, aaa In order to enrs It too must take Internal remedies. Ball's catarrh Core Is takes la- t.rusllj, and acts directly on the blood end mucous surfaces. Ball's Catarrh Care Is not s qosck medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians la this country for years and Is a resnlar DreacrlDtJoa. It is composed of the beat tonics known, combin ed with the beat blood purifiers, acting di rectly on tn mncona surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results la curias Catarrh. Bend for testimonials free. F. J. CHUNKY CO., Props., Toledo, a Bold by Druggists, price Toe Take Ball's ramlly Palls for Coastlssv ttoa. I'lSOPERTY OWNERS NOT PERMITTED TO PAY TAXES Spokane, Wash. Unprecedented In the history of the Pacific Northwest Is the sttuat'n brought to light at Starbuck, in Columbia county. Wash., south of Spokane, wher the property owners will not be permitted to pay taxes in 1911 on account of the fail ure of the city council to publish a statement of the resources and esti mated expenditures of the municipal ity for the coming year. The state law provides that this report must be made before the first Monday In October. Just where the revenue is to be obtained has not been decided. Improvements made recently, Includ ing a school building, costing $26,000 called for the maximum levy of IS mills for next year, but this cannot be assessed against the property In the city, owing to the neglect of the coun cil to comply with the state law. The city of Starbuck has a population of between 900 and 1,000 and is prosperous. The pleasant purgative effect ex perienced by all who use Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create, makes one feel Joyful. Sold by all dealers. Impudent. "I think I shall win Billy." "You do, do youT" "I am certain of it." "Rut he is very fond of my sing' Ing and dancing." "That may nil he, but he Just loves my biscuits and plea" "Oh, that's all rlpht. We will buy them of you when Billy and I go to housekeeping." Those large cans come In so uss- rui. Tnen to tnink I can now buy a large 5-pound can of Cleveland's Baking Powder for IJ.6B. Yes, I mean the can that has a screw top under tho regular cover. Your grocer has it. Housekeeping Rooms for Rent. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent in the East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at East Orego nlan office. Your cough annoys yea. Keep ea hacking and tearing the deMcats mem branes of your throat if yeu waat te be annoyed. But if yeu want rellet want to be cured, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers. Lease and Outfit FOE S AL 1 000 acres summerfallow, 1 000 acr. of stubble, 35 head of good horses, Combined Harvester, Plows, Mow ers, Gasoline Engine and Pump. In fact everything to carry on ex tensive wheat farming. Everything is first class and Price Very Reasonable Talk With LEE TEUTSCI1 UL.. IN T wm BBBssi bbbbYH mm m m mmm jo. m r m i nunc mam TsWIITifPM 0-U main 5 bbl. I kU I OUII St. The Real Estate and Insurance Man GOOD VISION will not be a mere dream to yon if you have us examine your area and supply the glasses our examlsa tion reveals as necessary. GOOD SIGHT Is your most precious possessdoa. So don't neglect It At the flrst sign of trouble come at one aad have it remedied of the proper glasses, scientifically determined, can accomplish such a result A.E. SERUM Optometrist Wit A. L. SGIIAFER, jewelsr Pendleton, Ore. sr All kinds ol Farm Ma chinery and Extra Parts Made to Order General Jobbing Structural Casting and Foundry Work Repair work on all kinds of machinery a specialty. Steam and Gasoline Engine Repairing Automobile Repairing Satisfaction Guaranteed we make oar work FIT ....Pendleton Iron Works.... Pendleton, Oregon Marion Jack, Pres. M. L. Akers, Sec and Trtos. i THE TIME has arrived to prepare for winter, a Gas Heater will take the chill off the room in a few minutes. THE PLACE The Pacific Power Light Company "Always at your Service' THE HEATER VULCAN ODORLESS HEATER heats the floor not the ceiling Heat Comfort m ( Clean Heathful Economical Price $3.00 and Up Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Your Service" Phone Main 40. J It