PAGE TWO DAILY BAST OIUCCOKIAX, MWDLTON, OHBOON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, J910. ETGHT PAGBS 44 Big Business Boosters 4 Big Specials for each hour After Supper From 6 TO 7 O'CLOCK $2.00 MANHATTAN SITIItTS $1.43. Tlip.e are jwsitively the best made shirt in AmericA. The Manhattan is recognized everywhere as the best that money can buy. Colors abso lutely guaranteed. One of opr 44 Bir Business i a q Boosters ...... $15.00, $16.50 AND $17.50 OVERCOATS $11.95 Xow's your time to buy your fall overcoat, don't wait this is an ex ceptional opportunity for you thi3 sc-asons new style overcoats. One of our 44 Bin Business fc I I QK Boosters 1 1 C5 CHILDREN'S OUTING FLANNEL PETTICOATS 43t Here's a good chance for mothers to save on children's needed garments affea 2 to 7 years, value up to 05. One of our 44 Big Business Boosters 43c 35 TO 75 GINGHAM. AP RONS 19. This is a good buy for anyone who uses aprons, you can't buy the ma terial for what wo ask for the com plete garment One of our I 44 Big Business Boosters I "i SCORELESS GAME IS PLAYED UN GRIDIRON NEITHER PEXDLETOX NOR PEARSON'S COULD SCORE FROM 7 TO 8 O'CLOCK $2.50 AND $3.75 MEN'S UN DERWEAR $1.75. This is a genuine, snap and every man in town should take advantage of it The lot includes all of our Gantner k Mattern underwear, the best finished, nicest goods in Am erica. Pure Maco, Silk, Lislo and Cotton. One of our 44 1 js Big Business Boosters I 3 $3.00 WOMEN'S SHOES $1.99 A full line of ladies kid shoes pat ent tips, medium heel and sole. A Big Business Boosters lj qq good shoe. One of our 44 I mZfJ 23 SHEER NAINSOOK 16eS Of beautiful texture produced by se lected corded yarn, 30-in. wide gen erally One of the 44 Big Business Boosters. I6c 25 AND 35 MEN'S PLAIN COLORED SOX, 6 PRS. $1.00 This lot of sox is strictly a bargain. Every pair is worth regular price. Come in black, tan, wine, green and blue, plains colors, Shawknit and other good makes One of our 44 Big Business Boosters 6 PRS. fc if FOR OI.UU FROM 8 TO 9 O'CLOCK ONE PIECE TAFFETA AND PONGEE SILK DRESSES ONE IIAtF PRICE. We have a lot consisting of 19 one piece taffeta and pongee dresses sizes 34 to 44, in black, navy, tan, red, grav. One of our 44 Big Half Price $7.50 WOMEN'S TRIMMED HATS 9S. There are 50 hats in this lot Trimmed in riblxra, wings, ostrich and fancy feather novelties, values up. to $7.50. One of our 44 qd Big Business Boosters OL 95 TO $3.00 LADIES'" OUT ING FLANNEL DRESSING SACQUES 29. These garments come in a great va riety of colors, sizes 34 to 44. A great bargain. Don't pass it One of our44 Big Business iq Bargains $6.00, $6.50 AND $7.50 BOYS' SUITS $3.95. These are actual bargains. They're Hercules suits, all wool, shower proof, reinforced all over. The best boys' suits in America." One of our 44 Big Bargain Erosters $3.95 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. SAVE YOUR COUPONS. Rice Jacob. X. I MILTON ARRESTED CKyjlllH 19 Outcmult Advcnuiog Co., Cup October 29, 1910 Tkoui TTrlpnrl! The Japanese lived on rice when had a war with the Russians. It must have made them strong. Rice is good for breakfast. I eat It three times a day. I don't have the heart burns. Do you? If you do, try mak lng a dinner off of rice. I paid 10c a pound for rice. Take a look at our famous Bell ftnvir nnnles. Just in a lot of Burbank potatoes. Tour friend, JACOB. "P. S. Our grocer Is CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174. S44-546 Main Street THK PENDLETON DRUG CO. WOIETOUI ORDERS TSU GET TKEM IS! FOR RAPE 13-YEAU-OI.D DAUGHTER IS ALLEGED VICTIM Affidavits Made Out by Nelson T. Mancla ami Wife Against Marlon Reynolds Other Items From Milton. (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., Oct. 29. Marion Rey nolds, a well known citizen of this city, was arrested this morning on a charge of rape upon the person of his 13-year-old daughter, Myrtle, and Is now in the hands of officers. Af fidavits were made out by Nelson T. Manela ana sworn to by his wife. The Reynolds are new people here, having purchased a 5-acre tract of the E. D. Walker tract about a year ago. They are well respected and well liked. For several weeks, however, trouble lias been brewing In the home, and cul minated today in the arrest. He was taken to Pendleton where the prose cuting attorney will have charge of the case. The Pythian Sisters entertained quite a number of visitors ifrom Walla Walla and Milton at their hall last evening. A very pleasant time was had by all. The Hallowe'en party at the gym- naslum was well attended last evening and was a very successful and en Joyable affair. Lunch was served, games played and a basket ball game between the "Rubes" and the "Ladles Home" caused much amusement. J. L. Miller, Henry Frazler and E. A. Walker were among those who vis ited Walla Walla today. Miss Cora Baker, who has made 'her home with Mrs. George Miller for the past two years, left today for Weiser, Idaho, where she will reside Rev. C. H. Hilton will preach his farewell sermon Sunday at the Chris tlan church. Miss Jennnlesee Ragsdale enter tained about twenty of her young friends at her home this afternoon in honor of her ninth birthday. Games were played from 2 until B, Notice. I hereby wish to announce that Mr. A. L.. May has resigned as manager of the Pendleton Iron Works and there fore has severed all connection with same. PENDLETON IRON WORKS. M. L. AKEN, Sec. and Treas. l'our Quarters I'biyed Without Much Apiwivnt Advantage Devhie Misses Place Kick 111 First Part of Contest. Pendleton high school and Pearson Academy teams struggled through four quarters of "new" football on Matlock field yesterday afternoon without either side being able to score. It was a decidedly slow and ragged exhibition of the great game for the most part though the con test was started with a vim and gin ger that made the small crowd ol spectators believe that they were go ing to have the pleasure of witness ing a fast and snappy game. Though the locals were undoubted ly outweighed the teams seemed fair ly even matched and the no score probably represents the comparative strength of the two teams, though it is possible that Pendleton might have made a better showing had she not been saving herself for the Ba ker City game which is to be played In two weeks. In the first quarter the locals had all the best of the contest, the ball having been in the visitor's territory during a greater part of the quarter, The Academy goal line was Jn danger several times and Devine missed a goal from field by only a few feet. The second and third quarters seemed evenly divided as to honors and in the last quarter the visitors had the advantage. They were able to make yardage through the line several times whereas Pendleton was unable to puncture their opponents line con sistently and could not work the for ward pass at all. Pendleton nearly always gained on exchange of punts and was extremely lucky in capturing the fumbles made by their opponents. Indeed it is pos sible that hud Pearson's Academy been able to hold onto the ball when there was no excuse for dropping it, that victory would have gone to the vis itors. For Pendleton, Devine, Kimball, Thompson and Milne were conspicu ous players while O'Neil and Taylor stood out prominently in the ranks of the visitors. I Game In Detail. The game in detail follows: First Quarter. Pendleton kicks off to ten yard line; ball goes out of bounds. Pearson's on end run, loses2 yds. Pearson's cross bucks for 3 yds. Pearson's punts 20 yds. to Kim ball. Devine goes through for 7 yd Thompson bucks 2 yds. On forward pass Pendleton ad vances 15 yds. Hinderman sent through for loss. Kimball fails to make any yardage. Devine tries place kick and fails. Ball brought out to 25 yd. lino and Pearson's bucks 2 downs for loss. Pearson's works forward pass for 25 yds. Pendleton gets ball on fumble and Thompson is sent through for little gain. Pendloton trios forward pass and fails. Kimball kicks 35 yds. Pearson's bucks 2 downs and kicks 30 yds. Kimball returns ball 20 yds. Pendleton offside and is penalized 5 yds. O'Neil gets ball on Pendleton's for ward pass and makes 60 yd. run. Pearson's held for downs and Pen dleton's ball on her 35 yd. line. Time. Second Quart or. Devine and Bowman buck 7 yds. Kimball on fake punt fails to make yardage. Pearson's ball. O'Neil plunges for 3 yds. and tries forward pass; fails. Devine kicks 35 yds. Pearson's bucks 5 yds. and is pon- (Contlnued on page five.) TONIGHT AT THE mmm thiatb 10c-'--0H L Y 20c DONT FAIL TO SEE POOR MUTT GET HIS Mr. and Mrs. A. Mutt and Jo Mutt and Wife present The Head of the Family Temporary Eeat Qsi iy Did you ever stop to thin . f the many ways i . ..iiich a perfect oil heater is of value? If you want to sleep vlu your win dow open in winter, you can get sufficient heat from an oil heater while you undress at, ai d then turn it off. Apply a match in tnc morning, wuch yuu k. "i bcd.and you have heat while you dress. Those who have to eat an early bre ikfast before the stove is radiating heat can get Immediate warmth from an oil heater, and then turn it off. The girl who practices on the piano In a cold room in the morning can have warmth from an oil heater while she plays, and then turn it off. The member of the family who has to walk the floor on a cold win ter's night with a restless baby can get temporary heat with an oil heter, and thee ii It off. The 'Smiths. mm Absolutely tmohless and cAorlc Is invaluable In its capacity of quicKl. givlne heat. Apply a match and it ia im. mediately at work. It will burn tor nine hours without refilling' It Is safe, smokeless and odorless. It has a da nper top pnd a cool handle. An indicator always shows the amount of oil in th. font. It has an automallc-lockln I flame spreader which prevents the rtck from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that the wick can be cleaned in an instant. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be quickly unscrewed for rewicking. Finished la japan or nickel, strong, durable, well Oade, built or service, and yet light and ornamental. Hca'-'t PtoIot, Be' ' W'i f disanftivt aralar Standard Oil Company (Incorponted) Phone Mala 45. 101 K. Court St Dry, wet, chemi cal and at earn cleaners. We call for and deliver anywhere. OLD SPOTS Never come back when cleaned by the Berlin Dye House JACK WEBSTER, MANAGER. ATTEE3TI0H! The HOWARD is the only Prac tical and Success ful Combination Wood and Coal HeaLer. Let us Show it to You W. J. Clarke & Co. Phone Main 2 1 211-213 East Court St III III )' 'M I jf We have no Pipe t a o Dreams to offer to I JgL the Public mh- lrvJl ' Sunshine Remedies frill brims Sua- I li jSSSjC nlilne In every corner of your home. iSyaSi i" If not satliifaotory your money back. f1jWjY Pj?5y P. . DONALDSON, tlTF Reliable Drvggiat. .yii- MAE LATTURAL, as Buster Brown. SHUBIE SMITH, in a New Special NEW MOTION PICTURES ENTIRE CHANGE did 97 k Dipi' Office Phone Main 20 'Res. Phane Main 27 Graduate McKillip Vet. College, Chicago C. W. Lassen, M. D. V. Veterinary Surgeon Official Stock Inspector 009 Wert, Court Stmt when refreshments were served.