East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 28, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Here's News For Every Wife
Frewh ricklcd Pigs
New Crop Nuts
New Crop Raisins
Fro-h Conib Honey
w Sow Pisalcs
New SwpN Pickles
New Pill Ptakiss
New Grewn OUtos
New Ripe Olives
New Celery
Froth Sauer Kraut
Frecb Mincemeat
Fine Apples
FrowJi Slrauitx.1
Honey '
New Crop
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
We solicit ths trade of those who care for the
clean and freak groceries at reasonable prices.
best In pure.
Standard Grocery Co. Inc.
Where all are Pleased
frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sac-Treas.
214-21-East Court Street
H. M. Elder returned this morning w ikiio euu.
rm o Koin. visit t WaIIx i "s' l ici
. ... . I ephone & Telegraph company, Is busy
Mrs. Robert Busby of Umatilla,. Is today lMtaIHnj a new 1Uumlnated
nere ioy on u. !-u,uv... gn ,n fr(mt of the company.B offlce
Dr. John Griswold of Helix, la In on Court street. It la a big blue bell
town today on professional business. and wln be illuminated by electricity.
William Slusher came up this
morning from his sheep ranch at No- story Hour Tomorrow,
Tomorrow morning from 10 to
10:30 the regular story hour for chll
dren will be held at the public 11
bary. Miss Lula George, principal
of the Washington school, will have
charge of the gathering.
J. W. Wilson, formerly of Pendle
ton, but now of Portland, is here to
day. M. L. Morrison, the Helix merchant
returned home this morning on the
mixed train.
John Barr, the Fulton wheat grow
er, came in from that part of the
I county this morning.
C. W Eggers. formerly O. R. &'N.
An Action for Money.
An action for money was filed In
the circuit court this morning by
Frank O'Gara against R. C. Lawrence.
It is sought to collect a note and a
telegraph operator at Barnhart, has balance due on a grocery account.
been transferred to Echo. amounting in all to more than $100
Mr, s t Trvnn hn retnrne.1 from w'th Interest and attorney fees.
Pendleton Is gradually being made
Into a freight division as well as a
passenger division point. For the past
few months it has been found neces
sary to run a freight train from Uma
tilla to Pendleton occasionally to han
dle the local business. The train as
then made up would be left here and
the engine and caboose and train
crew would then turn around and
back to Umatilla. The train has
therefore been called the "turn
around." The cars left here would
be made up Into a through east
bound train. With the local business
out of the way the heavy through
eastbound trains were given a clear
an extended visit at the home of a
daughter In Turlock, California.
John Timmerman, the Helix ranch
er, was an Incoming passenger on this
morning's Northern Pacific train.
Mayor Louis B. SchoVl, Jr., of Echo,
came up from that place last even
ing for the transaction of business.
Our New
Are Now on Display Ready for
Your Inspection
Men's Suits Made to Your Measure
If jou sra aaral to Jit ia a raadj-maaa gait we will fit yau
srrMtty ay making a iah to yaar MMt meaaara. Nathia t
maw JsH aattonu to tslatt torn. Lain iwatak aaaUa yau
to abaca rigat ana the a&fetom yau mat adntira.
Roosovolt's Boston Storo
run between Umatilla and Pendleton.
The need for this train has been so
great and the advantage so apparent
that the company has not only made
II a daily but Is arranging to run a
similar one in the opposite direction
each day. The present train leaves
Umatilla In the morning, while the
new one. If put on, will leave Pendle
ton each morning.
The only thing in the way of the
immediate installation of the proposed lhe had bee vlsitln(?
new train is me snurcuge ui I several weeks,
power. At present lQie passenger
train motive power Is being used on
the "turn-around' from Umatilla and
it Is presumed that the train in the
opposite direction will be Installed Just
as soon as the motive power can be
Tci dor Derailed.
The derailing of a tender on the
westbound Portland local near Bla-
lock yesterday, delayed easbound
train No. 18 until It did not reach
here until after midnight Instead of
at 6:15, the regular time. It requir
ed seven hours to get the tender on
for Infants and Childien.
Ill KM Yea Han Always Bccgfct
Bears tfca
Notice of Annual Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the Umatilla Coun
ty Agricultural Society will be held
at the office of the secretary in fen-
dleton. Oregon, on October l9th.
1810. at 10 o'clock a. m., for the elec
tion of two members of the board of
directors of the Third Eastern Ore
gon District Agricultural Society, and
election of officers and the transac
tion of such other business as shall
properly come before such meeting.
By order of
Attest: President
Matt Mosgrove, the Milton mer- the track. Train No. 2 had Just pass
chant, came down from that own last ed No. 1 before the accident and
evening for the transaction of court therefore arrived In Pendleton on
business. I time,
Miss Maud Bentley has returned
frnm Wnterford. Cal fornia. where I anmuuies nro acuvc,
relatives for Returning-for a successrui tour or
the southern end of the county, three
automobile loads of republican can
didates left this morning for Hold-
man. From there they go to Helix
and from Helix to Adams, where a
meeting will be held at 7:30 after
which the participants will return to
Pendleton. Those in the party are
J. X. Burgess, C. A. Barrett, W. W.
McComas, S. D. Peterson, S. F. Wil
son, T. P. Gilllland, Zoeth Houser,
W. Bradley, Mac
B. Molstrom.
L. W. Garret was called to Hills-
boro owing to the serious illness of his
father, Henry Garret, who Is not ex
pected to live.
J. C. McConnell's family was to
day released from the scarlet fever
quarantine which has kept the mem
bers of that family at home for sev
eral days.
Attorney G. W. Coutts, Deputy Frank Sallng, G
rcnmn Wnnlen Flstpa Hnva nnrt t-OCKDUnt ana A
Earl Coutts, left this morning for the
stubble fields In the northern part of
the county on a goose hunting expe
X. B. Forsythe and F. Taylor, two
prominent Weston mountain potato
growers, have returned home after
bringing two wagon loads of potatoes
to the local market.
Go After Wild Geese.
Mrs. Frank Berlin and
Attention Modern 'Woodmen.
Meeting tonight, A full attendance
Is desired. WM. HUSTON, Consul.
J. G. FINNEY, Clerk.
came down from Athena this morn
ing for an unexpected visit with Mrs.
Berlins father and sister. J. M. Hays
and Miss Gladys Hays. They are pre
paring for a visit to the east.
Rink Under New Management.
The Webb street skating rink Is now
under the management of Henry W.
Copeland, who eays that skating Is
now becoming more popular in this
city than at any time since the Instal
lation of the local rink. In response
to the demand the rink la kept open
every evening In the week Istead of
lust three times a week as formerly.
children 1 rrhe grates have all been overhauled,
Three nicely furnished houses for
ale or rent. Lee Teutsch.
A Wonderful Spectacle
Is presented to those who after
months or perhaps years of
seml-bllndness first put on
glasses, which exactly aorreot
the Defects of Vision. Such
Glasses are fitted here.
Tears of study and experi
ence, together with our Modern
Equipment has placed us in
position to Scientifically Cor
rect any Defect of the Hy
that can be Remedied, with
HaaaraaU mi aatufiad patrons rammend aar Wark
DALE ROTHWELL, Optometrist
wkk Wa. Hanaaom, THE JeweUr
Expert Chemist from Europe.
Gustaf Kohlander, a native of
Sweden, but who received his chem
ical and pharmaceutical education In
Germany as well as In his native
country, arrived In Pendleton Wed
nesday and at once took up his work
as manager of the prescription de
partment at the Koeppen Bros. Drug
Co. Mr. Kohlander Is a graduate of
some of the best pharmaceutical col
leges of Europe and the Koeppens un
doubtedly have engaged a man who
will be of great assistance to A. C.
Koeppen In the prescription depart
ment, which department "A. C." con
siders the most Important and to
which every attention possible Is giv
en by him, as he says the best Is none
too good for a sick man and every
prescription is given the same atten
tion as would be given a prescription
being put up for his own child or any
member of ,hls own family.
Mr. Kohlander speaks rive lan
guages fluently and has mastered the
English language fairly well during
cleaned and adjusted and he Is now
preparing to make extensive Improve
ments to the building. He is planning
to cell and paper the Inside of the
strucuro and cover the outside with
rustic or shlplap. Arrangements are
being made for a big masquerade to
be held at some time In the near fu
Lease and Outfit
ro. ALU
1 000 acres summerfallow, 1 000 acr.
of stubble, 35 head of good horses,
Combined Harvester, Plows, Mow
ers, Gasoline Engine and Pump.
In fact everything to carry on ex
tensive wheat farming.
Everything is first class and
Price Very Reasonable
Talk With
Phone Mai. i M TCIITCnM 550 Mai.
5 l-tt IfcUIOUU St.
The Raal Estate and Insurance Man
Project People Endorse Present Sen
ator for Good Work Ixwklng to Ex
tension ' of Protect Sneakers at
Weston Tonight.
At Hermlston last night Senator C.
J. Smith and fellow candidates on the
democratic ticket were greeted by a
v,io .hurt nimii-n in hA United States good sized audience and an Interest
and bv the way. A. C. Koeppen him- ing, entnusiasuc meeting wa ne.u.
1. fn .hi. to imnnie about that the close of the speaking those in ai
number of languages himself with- tenaance snowed inr "-
n-At effort. present campaign Dy person"
1 . aiA n r AtAn
xt r-m tTnhi n no rtM tint amnmnuiT I ireei ni me buiuiuuim
her husband to Pendleton as she ex- wise showing them coraiaiuy. in inai
pects to spend several months at As- section senator tmun nao a nwi.
tnrm nreiron. before loin ne her nus- I supporters oecauao
Did you ever see a man reading
th church page of a dally on a
street cart T
Presto change You Gan't Afford
and your old soiled and wrinkled
clothes look like new. It's kard to
conceive and It's hard to realise ttat
we really can affect the transforma
tion tkat ws do. Up-to-date metaods
and expert workmen maks it possible
mil at but little cost to you. Pkens
us today. TTs'll call.
Pendleton Dys Vorks
3eu East Alta, Bt. Phoo Main 1
of the valuable
work he did towards urging the gov
eminent to extend the Umatilla pro
ject. Other candidates will also re
ceive good support in Hermlston.
Most of the people of that section
arc newcomers and act with lnde-
Dendence regarding politics.
J. M. Scarborough served as chair
man of the Hermlston meeting and In
the course of his talk referred tq tne
Burgess campaign organ in this city
ui.gr g 1 1 IMI 1 "!
t:" IT r onlywperproe in
the county.
Speakers last night were Sena.or
Smith, Ben Hill, T. J. Tweedy and
Dr. Monkman, candidate for coroner,
who spoke first. In the course of his
talk last night Senator Smith alluded
to Mr. Tweedy's candidacy for. county
treasurer and said Mr. Tweedy had
pledged himself not to ask for an ad
vance in salary If elected. He charg
ed the present incumbent with hav
ing sought to have his salary in
creased by the last legislature.
The democratic candidates are to
speak at Weston this evening.
evervthinff you eat causes you dls-
I tress. Don't do It. There is one ao-
soluta safety and sure remedy for
I such ills one that has been endorsed
by thousands and that Is
Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters
No matter how long you have suf
fered one bottle will surely help you.
I Try It today. It is for Poor Appetite,
Indigestion, Headache, CostiTeness,
I Colds and Grippe. Avoid substitutes.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Mutt and Jo
Wife present
The Head of the Family
MAE LATTURAL, as Buster Brown.
SHUBIE SMITH, in a New Special
New' Goods Arriving Daily
Fresh Chow-Chow
Fresh Mixed Pickles
Fresh Sweet Pickles
Freeh Dill Pickles
Fresh Sour Pickles
Fresh Olives
Echo Honey, both Strained or in the comb the pure
New crop Raisins, Figs and Nuts of all kinds.
Dmgiraiini's (Brocery lH? I 37
Will be held at Eller's Music House
Saturday, Oct. J9th, between the
hours of 2 and 4 p. m. A vanea pro
gram will be rendered by the most
toiontAri nrtlnta In Umatilla county.
Miss Harriet Young of the Toung
music studio, Pendleton, piano soio.
Miss Bernlce Ruppe of Pendleton,
soprano solo.
Mr. Rose of Pendleton, tenor soio.
Miss Louise Wise, contralto solo,
Miss Edith Johnson, piano solo.
Mica Trin n(i Tnn Cherry. Ermal Mann,
-Mian v.Ana. Thompson. Miss Edna
Vlmmnpfflfln And Others.
Refreshments will be served and
the ladles will be presented with a
beautiful souvenir. , Every one cordl
nllv Invited to attend.
Idle M L V -20c
a marrlnff-A license was Issued to
day to Steven Earl French and Ruth
A. Kidder. The bride to he being
under age the written consent of her
father, George B. Kidder was given.
When You Want Shoes-Try Us
Red School House line for Misses' and Children in box calf and vicl
6-to 8 $1.60, 8 1-8 to 11 $1.76, 11 l- to t $1.90.
Goodman line good wearers, 6 to 8 $1.10, 8 1-2 to 11 $1.25, It 1-2
to 2, $1.60.
Boys' Shoes $1.60 to $2.60.
Best Work Shoes for men at $2.60, $3.00 and $3.60.
Ladles Shoes of all kinds.
Full Line of Ladles' Felt Juliets, fur trimmed.
Mala ul Coart Strut