EIGHT PAGE3 page eight BAXLY BAST OREGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER tl, 110. Here's News For Every Wife THAT WHICH IS MOST IMPORTANT IN EVKRY HOME, PURE FRESH FOOD FOR THE TABLE IS NOW TO BE FOUND II EKE IN COMPLETE LINES OF ENDLESS VARIETY. New Crop Nuts New Crop Raisins Fresh Comb Honey New Sour Pickle New Sweet Pickles New Dili Pickle Yesh Pickled Pigs Feet Fresh Strained Huney New Crop Cranberries New Grem Olives New Rip Olives New Celery Fresh Sauer Kraut Freeh Mincemeat Fine Apples V?e solicit ths trade of those who care for the best in pure, clean and frsek groceries at reasonable prices. Standard Grocery Co. Inc. Where all are Pleased Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sac-Treas. 214-216 East C-urt Street PERSONAL MENTION Newsy Notes of Pendleton MURPHY T8 ATTEND MEETING OE CITIES Mvnr TZ J MurshT will represent the city of Pendleton at the annual I convention of ehe League of Califor-I nla Municipalities to be held In San Diego, alifornla, November II to II Inclusive. At last nlrbt's meeting of the council the mayor was named as delegate and an appropriation of $200 was made to defray his expenses. This will be the most important meeting of the kind ever held on the coast and the members of the coun cil were of the opinion that the knowledge gained from having a rep resentative at the meeting would en able them to save to the city many times the cost of sending a delegate. In addiion to many important ques tions relative to city administration which will be discussed there will be an expoetlon of municipal machin ery and supplies. The economical ad ministration of eity affairs will be the keynote of the convention. Mayor Murphy and Councilmen Stroble, Dyer, Sharon, Brock and Ell were present at last nlght'sneetlng. The salary list was read and ordered paid, the city attorney was Instructed to notify the Northern aciflc railroad company to improve its Malnetreet crossing and the meeting was ad journed. Detmtv Sheriff Joe Blakeley left this morning for the west end of the county on official business. The Orphemm. Program for Friday's change as fol lows: 1. Examination Day at School. Bl ograph, 1000 feet long. Tou can catch more flies with honey than with gall, and you rule easier by kindness than by tyranny. This fact is shown 1 1 .uo v'0 1 "J . . ., ......... - deed might prove a lesson to educa tors. The sublect is a most enter taining one, being a combination of comedy and pathos, with beautiful rustic setting. 2. The Quarrel, rama, urban, 1000 meet long. S. Reedham's Orphanage Festival 1910. Scenic. Urban. 4. A Pluckv American Girl. Me- l'ies, 1000 feet long. A story of a he roine that makes one wish there were more of them to go around. This picture Is full of thrills and throbs. Son? When a Fellow's on the Lev el With a Girl That's on the Square. PENDLETON DRUG CO. i j-qgT i is. The Pastime. Friday's new program follows: "The Footlights or the Farm," Edison, drama. A storv showing a vnnnc rountrv rlrl'a ambition to eo on the stage and how the attempt met with failure, making ner only too glad to go back to the farm and her old sweetheart. A view of dramatic life is shown which Is new to most of us and decidedly Interesting. "The School Master of Maraposa," Sellg, drama. A love story center ing around a schoolmaster. Of course there Is lealousv and the schoolmaster is badly beaten, but he wins the girl. "Lucy at Boarding scnooi, jr-atne. A story of a boarding school esca pade. "The Belgian Army," scenic. An excellent picture of the principal fea ture nf Rplirian armv life. "Over Mountain- Passes, Edison. A most interesting scenic and education al film. m t. Morrison, the Hltz mer chant, came in from that place on this morning s train. District Attorney G. W. Phelps re turned last evening from a hurried business trip to Heppner. T. Cavaney, division roadmaster of the Walla Walla division with head quarters in Walla Walla, is here to day. Roadmaster E. C. Buhrer of the O. t v la In Hermiston today in connection with his department of the road. Miss Ida Boyd has returned from Portland, where she was called by the death of her sister, Mrs. Mary B. Clopton. N. A. Jones of the track depart ment nf the O. R. & N.. Is In Walla Walla today for a visit at the home of his mother. Dr. J. R. Snonogle of Athena, has returned from Seattle, where he had been to care for property Interests recently Inherited. James A. King, a prominent Wes ton mountain rancher. Is down from that place today, having brought down a load of potatoes. Dr. S. W. McClure, chief of the bu reau of animal industry In the north west, left for Heppner this morning on business In connection with his office. Mrs Ullcnnor Redfield of the local roadmaster's office of the O. R. & N, returned last evening from a visit of a few days with relatives in f on- land. County Recorder Hendley came In loot nie-ht from a campaigning trip into the Hudson Bay country and left this morning for the west end or tne county. .t TV Mavo superintendent of the hi-Mirn nn1 bulldlntr department of the O. R. & N Is in the city today on business in connection with his de partment f! .T Jennines. formerly foreman of the roadway department of the O. R & N., Is in the city today making arrangements to go onto his ranch near Pilot Rock. n tt lqaran. who has been under taker for the Baker undertaking par lors for the past year, has resigned his position and expects to leave Pen dleton about the first of the monm. f"?nntrreRsmLn and Mrs. W. R. Ellis left this morning for Portland where they will remain for a weeK or ten days. Congressman Ellis expects to leave for Washington about Novem ber 20. Official Weather Report. Maximum temperature, 65. Minimum temperature, 17. Itlnrrtnim TJcMUiO Issued. , A marriage license was Issued yes Uerday afternoon to Harry J. Carrell and Agnes S. Bartlett, both of this county. Una Smplnt. Pov(r. Miss Mollle Flood of Portland, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. ttoy J Kirkley, is 111 at the Kirkley home with scarlet fever. White Ribbonors to Meet. A meeting of the local organiza tion of the W. C. T. U., will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. W. S. Badley, SIB West Court street. I Erecting Bumpers. I New bumpers are toeing erected at the ends of the blind side tracks re cently laid in the O. R. & N. yards. 'These are to prevent freight cars be ing pushed out into Main street. Buys New Wood Saw. Ben L. Burroughs has purchased a new gasoline woodsaw which has ar rived and is now In operation In the n.,Frnnir)iii wood vard. Formerly he has been having his wood sawed by contract. Our New CLOTHES Are Now on Display Ready for Your Inspection Men's Suits Made to Your Measure If you art hard t. Jit ia a ready-made Bait we will fit yea rr&r 7 Making a suit to year eaaot meaaare. Nothing tat aew fell pattens te seteet frem. Large swateaet enable yeu to eheaee rigkt aad the pattern yea Mt admire. Roosovolt's Boston Storo far Kale Modern five room cot tage with bath, electric lights and e-as. newlv nalnted. good location. Owner leaving town. A bargain if ta ken at once. Inquire this office. Presto Change and your old soiled and wrinkled clothes look Ilk. new. It's hard to conceive and It's hard to realise that we really can affect the transforma tion that w. do. Up-to-date methods and expert workmen make it posslbl and at but little cost to yon. Phone us today. We'll oaH Pocdlolon Dyo Uorks IMH East Aha, St. Pboae Mala Brings' Cattle From Jolm Day. Clarence Adams came In yesterday from the John Day country with a bunch of cattle for the Empire Meat company. He left again today for the John Day and will return soon with another bunch of cattle. .To a sipg-pI. division foreman of the Pendleton division of the O. R. & N. bridge and building department, who has been 111 in St. Antnonys noa cital for some time. Is reported to be greatly improved. Tfl Tfl Cooner. father of Mrs. Ken neth Cooper and Miss Juliet Cooper, left this morning on his return to Mc Arthur, California, He la assistant engineer for the Southern Pacific company and is located temporarily at the Shasta county town. Will Mlesse. former dav clerk at the Hotel Bowman, who resigned his position a couple or weens ago to go to California, has returned to accept his old position. He found employ ment decidedly scarce in California, with the demand for positions far in excess oi tne euppiy. Drank Forfeits Bail. One lone drunk, refusing- to give his name, was arrested last night on a charge of drunkenness. After he had sobered up somewhat he was al lowed to go after depositing IS ball. He failed to call for this when the TwilrA rnurt wiu convened this morn ing and it was therefore forfeited to the city. 1 New Goods Arriving Doily ! Fresh Chow -Chow Fresh Mixed Pickle. Fresh Sweet Pickle Fresh DOl Pickles Fresb Boor Ptdde. Fresh Olives U n Echo Honey, both Strained or in the comb the pure kind New crop Raisins, Figs and Nuts of all kinds. Dmsirsimi's (Sroceiry SHA 37 Barrett to Pilot Rock. Charles A. Barret came down from Athena this morning and left this af ternoon by automobile for Pilot Rock to loin the other republican county candidates and participate In the meet ing there tonight Constructing New Sidewalk. vnoni,. nn reet or new giuewain. being constructed along the south side of Main street ana Deiween diuu tiii, etropta The building oi me walk was made necessary by the j ..,,, nnditinn of the old and uausciw - - was ordered by the city couran. iw,hikiHnn Sneaklne Tonight. "A Fossil From a ueaa j.u ..rti.sH sneaker who will de liver addresses tonight at the prohi bition headquarters on Mam sireei. The temperance meeting will begin at - a .m .inap at 8 so as not to Interfere with the Chamberlain and Manning meeting at tne court u Motor Car Ont of Business. ... tnr the O. R. N. motor car and when the time arrived for leaving Umatilla the engine refused to work. After working for some .1 i. an effort to nut the engine IHHV , In commission the attempt was aban doned and a steam train provided. An OTitv, turn coaches therefore ar rived in Pendleton at 12:20 and re- tnmin will leave on tne regular tor schedule at :J5. . ii.nt finTwrtntpndent. W. M. Jaekle Is the name of the ntendent of the IICW """o"" r - O. R & N.l, having been named to fill the vacancy caused by tne res-1 ignation of H. J. A. Lonergan. H:s posltionc orresponds to that for merly known as division engineer. Lonergan has been assistant superin tendent for more than a year, having succeeded Stotler who folioweo eer- eley, now with the Oregon wasn-lngton. Steel Gang Is Here. m, fppi miner of the O. R N. is here for the purpose of erecting the new steel water tanic at tne mm the new well by the side of the new roundhouse on Bluff street. ine steam engine which Is being used to pump the water and hoist the dirt f-nm , new well Is also to be used to lift the heavy part of the steel tank into place. Bedrock has now own in 1ia well. The gravel Is being cleared from this and then a basin, ten feet deep, will be blasted out of the solid rock to hold the water. A Wonderful Spectacle Is presented to thoss who after months or perhaps years of semi-blindness first . put on glasses, which exactly correct tho Defects of Vision. Such Glasses are fitted here. Tears of study and experi ence, together with our Modern Equipment has placed us In position to Scientifically Cor rect any Defect of the Eye that can be Remedied with Glasses. HwdretU of aatisfivtl patrons recommend ear Work DALE ROTHWELL, Optometrist witk Wh. Hanacom, THE Jeweler Chickens! Chickens!! Ouckeas 8! Al l&rtk. tkm aad aWn, yug and eU Tofaph East End Grocery Ma 536 It certainly Is a waste of money for me to buy the ordinary kind of ba king powder. For all leading grocers now sell Cleveland's at the uniform price of 1 pound, 45 cents; pounds, 11, aad S pounds, Sl.M. Attention Bowler. All parties wishing to Join the Pen dleton Bowling League are requested to call and sign up by 7:30 o'clock to night at the PasUme parlors. Hoover A Book, props. Mashed potatoes are made whiter and lighter by adding Cleveland's Baking Powder before beating. Try a t poun I can from your grocer for $1. Mill Qulndara Wtfcox left today for Portland to enter the Behnke-Walker business colloge. THIS FOR YOU And everybody else in the Pacific Northwest Third notional Apolo Show In Spokane. November 14 to 19. APPLES and APPLES and APPLES And everything that pertains to Apples, and their cultivation, packing, shipping and eating.' - A NOVEL SHOW IN A MODERN CITY , Visit them both LOW EXCURSION FARES From all stations Northern Pacific Railway Tickets on sale November 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Aak the Ticket Agent the Fare. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Or. A. M. Cleland, G. P. A., St Paul, Minn. A. D. Charlton, A. O. P. A.,kPortland, Or. Phone Mai. 4. SM K. Court St. Dry, wet, chemi cal and steam cleaners. We call for and deliver anywhere. OLD SPOTS Never come back when cleaned by tks Berlin Dye House JACK WEBSTER, MANAGER ITootbaiU-Matlock GroundsFootball j COLUMBIA COLLEGE VS. . PENDLETON HIGH SCHOOL MILTON, OREGON "Out for the Championship" FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 28th. rtA Osiiiafi o.an Admission 25c 3