East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 26, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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- IV.
epioirtme Store
The Sale now in progress at this store has been attended by crowds of enthusiastic buyers and
all are pleased. We will add each day other bargains of interest to all. Watch this Space.
Agents for Mansing Underwear and Pony Hosiery.
Agents for Nemo Corsets R. (& G. Corsets, Fownes Gloves.
Jt''? ' : :
all of this fall's most popular styles in women's and misses stylish suits and
coats, are medium and three quarter length, fitting or semi-fitting and skirts
pleated or gored. Each garment is elegantly tailored in every detail, made of the following
fashionable fall fabrics: cheviots, diagonal storm serge, and tweed suitings in plain colors and
fancy mixtures
$15.00 $22.50 $25.00
.50 $30.00
m I
'. M
Stylish Long Coats
A showing of exceptionally stylish women's and misses' full
length coats. Every garment is elegantly tailored and is styl
ish to a high degree. Full length, semi-fitting, with storm or
notch collar of same cloth or velvet. Made of ocean or cheviot
serge, kersey, broadcloth and tweed coatings, in plain colors
and stylish mixtures. Remarkable values, $15.00 to $27.50
Hand Bags
This sale takes in every Hand Bag in the store,
space we can't describe each purse.
1 10.00 Hand Bags to go at
$7.50 Hand Bags to go at
$6.50 Hand Bags to go at
$5.00 Hand Bags to go at
$1.00 Hand Bags to go at
$3.50 Hand Bags to go at
$3.00 Hand Bags to go at
$2.50 Hand Bags to go at
Owing to
Stylish Fall Furs
An extensive showing of new fall furs,
including capes, scarfs and sets in the
new styles. They are shown in real
mink, Japanese or brook mink, Isabella
fox, French coney, astrachan, and oth
er popular furs. They are elegantly
finished and lined with plain, brocaded
or shirred satin. Popular price, rang"
ing from $1.50 to $25
Fancy Silks, 63c Yard
A most sightly assortment of fancy silks, all colors and patterns,
both waist and dress length. These silks sold regularly at $1.25,
$1.50, $1.75, consisting of Taffeta, Foullard, Messelanes, etc
Your choice Wednesday 63
Splendid Petticoat Special
Two different styles in these petticoat bargains. A good quality
watered percaline and near silk, finished with shirring and
ruffles, trimmed with bands, regular $1.25 and $1.50, sale 98
Lace Curtains for Half
Every pair of Lace Curtains in our stock consisting of Batten-
Sale of Guaranteed Silk
Our guaranteed to wear
Special Silk Sale of Black Taffeta.
Taffeta, 36 inches wide.
$1.50 Grndft Tnffotn min .
$2.00 Grade Taffeta, going at
Ladies' Silk Hose
Both plain and hand embroidered, black silk stockings of tho
highest order, shown in an unlimited assortment of hand em
broidered designs, rich and attractive colorings, the best grade
silk hose perfect in every particular, full fashioned throngh-
91.50 toe$3?00.C hCel 5n " 8iz- Pri-
(Special Correspondence.)
Hermlston, Ore., Oct. 25. Many
politicians are visiting Hermiston
these days. Today A. W. Lafferty,
candidate for congressman, la here
shaking hands with friends. Tomor
row Senator George E. Chamberlain
wild be here and expound some of his
doctrines to members of the demo
cratic party. Yesterday County Judge
Gilliland and Zoeth Houser, candidate
for sheriff, were here.
P. A. Stover, who recently arrived
from Alaska, left yesterday to visit
fiends In the Yakima valley.
A. C. Reeves, formerly proprietor
of the Oregon, is here calling on
G. H. Uptherove, secretary of the
Umatilla River Water Users associa
tion, spent yesterday In Pendleton
transacting business.
Forced to Leave Home.
Every year a large number of poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and
racked with coughs are urged to go
to another climate. But this la costly
and not always sure. There's a bet
ter way. Let Dr. King's New Discov
ery cure you at home. "It cured me
of lung trouble, writes W. R. Nelson
of Calamine, Ark., "when all else
tailed and I gained 41 pounds in
weight Its surely the king of all
cough and lung cures." Thousands
owe their lives and health to It Its
positively guaranteed f or coughs,
colds, la grippe, asthma, croup all
throat and lung troubles, E0c and $1.
Trial bottle free at Koeppen Bros.
navy by marriage with the daughter
of the captain of the Pinafore. From
his "official" wooing and the efforts
of his cousin Hebe to capture the af
fections many amusing situations ar
rive. That Just the right persons have
been selected for these Important
parts will be evident when the opera
is given next week. Mr. Williams, the
admiral, is a total stranger in musical
circles In Pendleton but he has had
considerable experience and excellent
training in the east and is possessed
of a rich baritone voice of unusual
sweetness and will sustain the role
of admiral In an excellent manner.
Miss Edna ZImmermann will be
heard to advantage in the character
of Hebe, Sir Joseph's first cousin, and
a leader of the numerous relatives
who always attend the admiral on
his visits to the ships. Miss ZImmer
mann Is a favorite in Pendleton and
all will be glad of another opportu
nity to hear more of her excellent
contralto voice.
Most of the other members of the
cast have been selected and as It is
an especially strong one a treat is in
store for all who attend the opera in
the Oregon theater next week.
Slightly Colder With Snow.
When you see that kind of a weath
er forecast you know that rheumatism
weather Is at hand. Get ready for
it now by getting a bottle of Ballard's
Snow Liniment Finest thing made
for rheumatism, chilblains, frost bite,
ore and stiff Joints ana muscles, all
aches and pains. J 5c, 50c and tl a
bottle. A. C. Koeppen ABroe.
Rehearsal lipid Nightly at the Ar
mory Arc Hocomlng Interest
ing Oast Strong.
Several exrellent voices have been
added to the chorus which I hold
ing rehearsals every evening at the
armory for the producton of the com
ic opera "Pinafore" and much
amusement and pleasure were derived
from tho practice lart night when Di
rector Robinson put them on the
floor for their first stage work last
night. It does not seem posMble that
such an opera as "Pinafore" can be
committed and staged by a crowd of
amateurs In such a short time, but
from the remilts of last night's re
hearsal It was plainly demonstrated
that in another week the entire opera
can be rendered with a snap and
wing seldom excelled by a profes
sional company. Much of the Inter
est of the plot centers about the ad
miral. Sir Joseph Porter, K. C. B.,
who has risen to this important sta
tion without knowing anything about
the duties of a sailor or the require
ment of an officer. He la simply a
figurehead, and seeks to strengthen
his position among the officers of the
Alexandra Carlisle Scores In "A Wo
man's Way" in London.
London. Two plays one of Am
erican authorship and the other
which has come to London with a
reputation from New York have to
be ranked among the very few suc
cesses of the newly-started theatrical
Thompson Buchanan's comdey, "A
Woman's Way," which Charles Froh
man presented at the Comedy the
other day. Is a somewhat unequal play
which Is likely to find salvation part
ly because of the brightness and wit
ty wisdom of Its dialogue, but mainly
by reason of the altogether delight
ful acting of Alexandra Carlisle, an
artist of great beauty who hitherto
had won her popularity chiefly by
her personal charm. In private life,
Alexandra Carlisle Is the wife of Jo
seph Coyne, the breezy, buoyant Am
erican actor, who for several years
both In "The Merry Widow" and "The
Dollar Princess," has under the man
agement of George Edwards, become
tremendously popular with West End
"A Woman's Way" will probably
outlive the somewhat tepid character
of Its reception at the hands of the
critics and If It does It will owe Its
success to Alexandra Carlisle's unex
pected revelation of rare comedy tal
ent Her personal triumph la every
where hailed with pleasure.
The Orpheum.
1. The Three of Them. Drama, Vit
agraph, 1000 feet long. A human
heart story. How the longing of a
childless couple found Its fulfilment
2. Tactics of Cupid. Gaumont,
1000 feet long. A finely colored film
showing the methods employed by
Cupid whilst pursuing his employ
ment. 3. Sunset Scenic. Gaumont. In
this film some beautiful sunsets have
been secured.
4. The Greenhorn and the Girl. Lu
bln, 1000 feet long. He was a green
horn but he got the girl, he played
the game rather well, too, and no
one knew It was the boss' pretty niece
until after the engagement had been
announced. - They thought It waa an
old maid sister and they left the field
entirely to the greenhorn.
Song That Italian Rag.
The Pastime.
"The Oath and the Man." Bio
graph, drama. A story of the French
revolution. This picture shows the
tyranny to which the peasant class of
France was subjected. The lord held
his tenantry In abject slavery, satis
fying his caprlclousness to whatever
length his whims carried him. Here
Is an Instance where he took posses
sion of one of his tenants', broaght
her to his palace and made a lady of
"The Great Secret," by Roy Norton.
A delightfully high class comedy,
much of the action being on an ocean
liner. A young and charming Ameri
can girl Is sent to Paris, mistaken for
a spy and Is followed to America by
three captains of the French army.
"An Unselfish Love." Edison, dra
ma. A story of western Canada. The
story shifts from the east to the farm
and shows how a young man won his
bride by the self-sacrifice of an "old
maid." A novel plot with a heart
throb at the end.
Job Printing, Tel. Main
Read the want ads today.
The Hell Known Chinese Doctor!
Cures a n jr '
ana all dla-f
eases that the
human flesh
Is heir to. My
wonderful and
roots, herbs
remedies are
composed o
C n i n e e
buds, barks
and vegetables that are entirely
unknown to medical science of the
present dayi They are harmless.
as we use no poisons or drugs. No
operations. No knife used.
We cure stomach troubles, liver.
kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth
ma, nervous aeDiuty, remale com
plaints and rheumatism and all
disorders of the blood. We cure
to stay cured, and guarantee to
cure all kinds of Piles and Private
Diseases of men and women. Call
and see him or write. Consulta
tlon free. If you are unable to call
and see him. send two cents in
stamps for symptom blank. Ad
HQ W. Ttooe St Walla Walla, Wn,
has arrived to prepare for winter, a Gas Heater will take
the chill off the room in a few minutes.
The Pacific Power Light Company
"Always at your Service'
VULCAN ODORLESS HEATER heats the floor not
the ceiling
Price $3.00 and Up
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always at Your Service"
Phone Main 40.