EIGHT PAG DAILY BAST ORKGONIAN, PENDLETON, ORBGOlf, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1910. pack rma 1020 Acres of Good HARVESTE 36 bushels a acre this year. This is a A 1 proposition and can be hand led for a very small sum of money, balance on easy terms. This is a splendid piece of property, very small amount of waste land. Price only $25.00 An Acre il sold at, once Phone Main 5 Talk With LEE TEUTSCll s50s,M'in The Real Estate and Insurance Man LOCALS Pastime pictures please all. See Lane A Son for signs. Call up Main 438 for nlgns. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra, Do you take the East Oregonlan? I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R 3812. If you havo houses to rent or sell, see Lee Teutsch. Wanted To rent a piano. Inquire "11" this office. Automobile for hire, day or night. I'hono Main 74. Threo nicely furnished houses for ale or rent. Lee Teutsch. Hohbach's coffee and oyster house Is now open; best of service. Woman wants work. City or coun try. Enquire "F"tnls office. For rent Five room house. cIobs In. Inquire Jay's blacksmith shop.. For sale Two fu!!-blood English fox ti'rrler pups. 1001 East Webb. Fresh eastern and Olympla oysters t Hohbach's. Telephone Main 80. Wanted Canvasser to call on every rancher in Umatilla county. Phone Main E. Wanted Girl to do 'general house work In small family. Phone Red 7806. Wanted Small furnished house, close In. Rent must be reasonable. Address "C," th!s o.'fSoe. A clean and careful shave always at Mark Patton's shop. Across from Alexanders. Phone for patrons. Wanted Agent to visit every ranch In Umatilla county. Pay flDt clnss for right man. See Lee Teutsch. LoBt Fountain pen. Was left ly ing on circular table In postofflce lob by Monday. Return to this office for reward. Become a ghost and take supper a,t a Black Cat Hallowe'en social at the home of Mrs. Ben Hill, 308 E. Alta, October 29, from 6 to 10. For Sale Modern five room cot tage with bath, electric lights and gas, newly painted, good location. Owner leaving town. A bargain If ta ken at once. Inquire this office. For sale, or rent furnished, beside high school, house of 8 rooms, full basement, bath, hot water, freshly papered and painted, lots, good lawn. Cheap. Keys at 201 Willow. Lost One thoroughbred Scotch collie. Tan and white, wearing a plain leather collar. He answers to the name of King. Five dollars re ward offered for Information leading to his recovery. Address, Joe Craig, l?ox 4 76, City. AVOID THE RUSH. fiot Your Photographic Work Done Now Mnny Beautiful Sog freHtiona. Those contemplating havng any photographic work done for holiday tokens are reminded that now Is the best time to have their pictures taken, while the weaher Is nice and before the rush begins We have many sug gestions to show you In beautiful folders and mountings. We invite your patronage for high grado work. C. 3. Wheeler photo studio, Alta street, opposite city hall. It certainly Is a waste of money for me to buy the ordinary kind of ba king powder. For all leading grocers now sell Cleveland's at the uniform price of l pound. 45 cents; 3 pounds, il, and 5 pounds, $1 It. 5 Per Cent. Daily Reduction Sale on (Gill TO iUNSmS) Ilegtanlng tlis seventeenth of thin month and running to tlio first of November wo will place on sale evwy aaad ba ow storo on a gradual reduction plan. 1 5 days, 1 5 prices on every bag, or 5 per cent. Reduction each day Coma la the first, second or any other day. Baleot aba bag aaa state price yoa with to pay for same. Should wa aot receive a larger offer before Uie date oon-eqo ruling to the price yoa offer Hie bag will b delivered to jronr adareaa. See Window For Bags See Koeppen for Explanation Example Plan of a $5.00 Bag OCT.n18jlJ!iJa23a4iJ817Mjtttl 5 5 1? 5 e i s S3 3 S3 m n Ik m n l im la The Drag Store That Tan Beat. PERSONAL MENTION M. H. Klein of Stanfleld, Is a Pen dleton visitor today. C. Stocker of Uklah, is a guest of the Hotel Bowman. J. Hutchens of Echo, is a Pendle ton business visitor today. A. B. Taylor Is over from La Grande for the transaction of business. Tom Ayres retuned this morning from a business visit to Helix. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Forshaw are in Walla Walla on a business trip. J. F. McNaught came up from Hermiston this morning on the motor car. M. E. Pomeroy and family of En terprise, are guests of the Hotel Bow man. P. H. McPhee came down this morning from the Wenaha springs summer resort. H. E. Bartholomew came up from Stanfleld last evening for the trans action of business. T. D. Matthews returned to his But ter creek ranch this morning after a visit with relatives here. O. G. Allen of Echo, came up from that place this morning and Is trans acting business here today. Alonzo Knotts, the Pilot Rock sheepman, Is In the city today for the transaction of business. . Will Moore accompanied John Manning, democratic congressional nominee to Echo this morning. Judge T. P. Gilliland was a pas senger on the local train from the west en of the county last evening. H. L. Burnham and wife of Free- water, are Pendleton visitors having come down last evening from the east end of the county. II. J. Carroll of Hermiston, is in Pendleton today, having come up last evening from his home in the west end of the county. Attorney II. W. Slater and James Johns went to Hermiston this morn ing to attend the Chamberlain meet ing there this afternoon. A. C. Reeves, formerly manager of the Hotel Oregon at Hermiston, came up from the west end of the county this morning on the motor car. C. A. Barrett, republican candidate for Joint senator, returned yesterday afternoon from Morrow county where he had been in the Interest of his candidacy. Bert Wilson, former deputy sheriff, who is now special claim agent for the O. R. & X., is in the city today on his way to Portland from a business visit to Spokane. Ray Fugit, an employe of the John L. Vaughan Electric company, Is car rying his hand In a sling as the re sult of a burn. He was working with a gasoline soldering torch when gaao lle which had been spilled on his hand became Ignited. The Injury Is more painful than serious. MOII.ER EXPIXIES ANT GUNBOAT GOES DOWN Port An Prince, Ilnyti, Oct. 20. Fifty men, including the ranking of ficers and jwirt of the crew of the I lay t inn gungnat I -a Iiibcrta, It Is be lieved, drowned today when the boat sank off Port Ie Inlx. The boiler Mew up and tore a great hole in the !wttom of the vessel. Twenty were rescued. The vessel was northward Ixiiiiid. huvlng left this port Monday. .Many Juiiikh1 Into the sea before the lifeboats were launclied. The ship sunk In a few minutes. NEW JERSEY MILITIA IS ASKED TO QUELL RIOT Jersey City, Oct. 26. Following the turbulent riot during the last twenty four hours In connection with the strike of wagon helpers for five dol lars a day. tho United States Express company asked Governor Fort to call out the militia today. The non union drivers were assaulted and pistols and stones thrown during the disturbance. Everybody wants the best for the Money We've Got it in Boy's, Misses' and Children's Shoes We can save you money on every pair. Try one pair and if you say they're not right we will make it right, no questions asked A Misses calf skin shoe, button, snappy style Sizes 11 1-2 to 2 for $2.00 Sizes 8 1-2 to 2 for $1.75 Sizes 5 I -2 to 8 for $ 1 .40 and $ 1 .50 We are selling a Woman's Flexible Sole Cushion Insole Shoe, With Low Heel for .... $3.00 WHY PAY $4,00 AND $5.00 FOR. THE SAME THING If Low Prices and Good Goods Will Get Your Business We Ought to Have it. Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money SAX FKAXCISOO GETS BIG AVIATIOX ALECT San Francisco, Oct. 26. A big avi ation meet for San Francisco was as sured today by a message from the Xatlnal Aero association of New York, sanctioning November 23rd as the date of a meet. It Is announced that DeLesseps, Moissant, Latham, Hamilton, Brookins, Willard and Hox sey are among those who will compete. The meet will be biggest ever held in the west. Seventy-five thousand dol lars in prizes will be given away. DIRIGIBLE BALLOOV MAKES TRAXS-CIIAXXEL FLIGHT London, Oct. 26. From Molssons, France to Aldershot, England, in 5 hours was the feat accomplished to day by the dirigible "Morning Post" This is the second time in history that the English channel has been crossed by a dirigible. The newspaper "Mor ning Post" presented the Balloon to the war office of the government on the completion of the flight. F.Iks Attention. All members of Pendleton Lodge No. 288, B. P. O. E , are requested to be present at the regular meeting on Thursday evening, October 27. Ini tiation. By order of exalted ruler. THOS. FITZ GERALD, Sec. I A Wonderful Spectacle I its Is presented to thoss who after months or perhaps years of seml-bllndnees first put on glasses, which exactly correct the Defects of Vision. Such Glasses are fitted here. Tears of study and experi ence, together with our Modern Equipment has placed as In position to Scientifically Cor rect any Defect of the Eye that can be Remedied with Glasses. Hundreds of satisfied patrons recommend our Work DALE ROTHWELL, Optometrist vrith Wm. Hanscom, THE Jeweler Cold weather is coming. We have the best coal on the market. A ton is 2000 lbs at -Pendleton Lumber Yard, Phone Main. O. NEWS FllOM ALASKAN' CAMPS. ; LV,i k i Several IniMrtnnt Xcw Strikes Re ported From tho North. The excellent monthly summary of progress In Alnska, published by the Alaska-Yukon Magazine this month is optismlstlc. It says: "News of new gold strikes In several districts of the territory sounds a hopeful note In the events of the summer season. it is the fulfillment of many confl-! ,j . 1 1 . i .i t,a . ' certain to be a widely Increased area 1 of prospecting and another rise of production. This season's Alaska gold output will bring the grand to tal up to $180,000,000, and it is al most certain that in 1911 the two hundred million mark will be passed. It is not too much to hope, In view of present developments, the next year's production will bo larger than that of the banner year of 1906 when $22,000,000 was sent out. "Among the strikes reported there Is a considerable share of gold quarts finds. Indicating definitely the steady development of this permanent form of wealth production. Nevertheless, the reports from new placer ground show that the end of the Alaskan places is still too far off to be visible to the naked eye. "The facts about the Idltarod are now apparent from the numerous re liable reports that have been receiv ed. That the camp is a rich one is assured, conservative estimates plac Ing its possible output at about $35, 000,000. But that the area of mlnable ground Is not so great as had been hoped seems true. Various estimates give the length of the paystrealc as about eight miles, divided among ten creeks. Most of the ground will re quire considerable machinery for its effective operation and a large amount of this is on the way from outside." There are a lot of men willing to die for the flag who would not swing the parlor carpet In the breeie for BEN HILL Progressive Candidate for JOINT 1 FPU KiS 15 X TATI VE For Umatilla and Morrow Counties. AX ADVOCATE OF Direct Primary Statement Xo. 1 Initial irc and Referendum Proportional Representation PLATFORM. 1. Stand for the enactment of bet ter laws favoring the construction of good and permanent roads. 2. Favor good schools and believe our educational Institutions should be second to none In the United States. 3. Favor the enactment of laws placing all franchise corporations in the hands of the Railroad Commission 4. Favor the "Texas' plan for reg- ulntlng Insurnnce Companies. 5. Gradual elimination of all state taxes by equitable indirect taxation. 6. I am oposed to the repeal of all laws made by the Oregon voters through the Initiative. 7. Favor the still further reduc Hon of freight rates by keeping open the Columbia River. Mark vour ballot 88 X BEX HILL. (Paid AdvutlMSMat) TMC H PENDLETON I DRUG co. y Chickens ! Chickens ! ! Chickens !! 1 " " ' " ' 1 ' - - . All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old Far ofcolee rwssu eaes ph.iie yr ardor alsjht keter. Wl dress noae semap far so H yea Mam aaia atarasje peasaij patronise Iba titer fteilaar er store yearseH. East End Grocery rfeeae B. SMI. Telephone Main 536 Make Your Home COMFORTABLE Buy a HEATER REMEMBER There is a threat difference in Tleaters. Just because a Btove is very highly nickel trimmed and makes a good out side appearance is no reason that it is a good Ileater. On tho other hand it may be a great fuel consumer. ECONOMY on fuel is a groat item now-a-days at the present price of wood or coal, and in ordering our Heaters every year we give this one item great consideration. Ask any user of the following stoves if we are right, find out for yourself. Cole's Hot Blast, Cole's Air-tight, Ion a, Wood Superior, Colonial, Mountain Oak, Great Western, Superior Radiator and the Radium Priced from $6 to $32.50 It will pay you to see our line of heaters before buying. The Taylor Hardware Co. 741 Main St. Phone Main 87 wifey for love or money.