East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 26, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Ladies Stop
Absolutely Given Away
Thursday, Friday y and Saturday
Plain colors, Flowered Flounces, Persian
designs or all over flowered petticoats, worth
up to $12.50. All will bo goven away to our
The Greatest Offer We
Have Ever Made
and continuing up to Sat
urday Night
We will give Free a $5.00 Silk Petticoat with
any $16.00 to $20.00 Suit or Dress.
We will give Free a$7.50 Silk PetUcoat with
any $22.60 to $26.00 Suit or Dress.
We will give Free a $8.50 Silk Petticoat with
any $27.60 to $30.00 Suit or Dress.
We will give Free a $10.00 Silk Petticoat with
any $32.60 to $37.60 Suit or Dress.
Take Advantage of this Great Offer.
300 of the season's up-to-date styles in suits to choose
from. 250 silk or wool dresses, beautiful styles, come in
black and all leading colors. Silks, voiles, panamas, serges
REMEMBER Saitt from $15 up. Dre$e from $13.90 up.
and a guaraafeed Silk Petticoat FREE willi each garment. JUST 4 DAYS.
This Great, Offer Starts Wed. Morning
Senator George E, Chamberlain
Will address the people of Umatilla County upon the
at the Following Places and Dates
1:30 p. m. October 20 I VALLEY 10:00 a. m. October 27
7:30 p. m. October 20 MILTON 1:00 p. m. October 27
PENDLETON 7:30 p.m. October 27
Hon. John Manning Candidate lor Congress
Will address the people of Umatilla County upon the
Issues of the Day at the following places and dates
October 26
October 26
1:30 p. m.
7:30 p. m.
ATHENA- October 27 1:30 p. m.
PENDLETON, October 27 7:30 p m.
DR. M. K. HALL, Candidate for Joint Senator Union, Umatilla and Morrow Counties.
DR. C. J. SMITH, Candidate for Senator Umatilla County.
BEN HILL, Candidate for Joint Representative of TTmntjlla and Morrow Counties.
J. W. MALONEY, Candidate for County Judge.
J. li. SAYLOR, Candidate for County Commissioner
r. D. TAYLOR, Candidate for Sheriff
T. J. TWEEDY, Candidate for County Treasurer.
DR. B. G. MONKMAN, '. Candidate for Coroner
JOHN HAILEY, JR., For Justice of Peace.
Will address the people of Umatilla County at the
Following Places and Dates
Monday, October 31, Stanfield, 7 :30 p. m.
Tuesday, November 1, Athena, 7 :30 p. m.
Wednesday, November 2, Echo, 7 :30 p. m.
Thursday, November 3, Adams, 7 :30 p. m.
1 riday, November 4, Umatilla, 7 :30 p. m.
Saturday, November 5, Ferndale, 2:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 5, Milton, 7:30 p.m.
Monday, November 7," Pendleton, 7 :30 p. m.
Tuesday, October 25, Pilot Rock, 7
Wednesday, Oct. 26, Valley Precinct, 2
Wednesday, Oct 26, Freewater, 7
Thursday, October 27, Hermiston,
Friday, October 28, Weston,
Saturday, October 29, Holdman
Saturday, October 29, Helix,
:30 p. m.
:00 p. m.
:30 p. m.
:30 p. m.
:30 p. m.
:00 p. m.
:30 p. m.
Fell Into TUver While Crossing PUnk
Discovered by Fisherman Boot
leffjrer Is Fined $75 Win. Wood
ward Very 111 Oilier Notes.
(Special Correspondence.)
Milton. Ore., Oct. 2. The funeral
of Orln Kelly, the little two-year-old
on of V. O. Kelly of Freewater. was
held from the Congregational church
this afternoon, Dr. Bleakney officiat
ing This was a very sad death as the
little fellow was drowned while try
ing to cross Little Walla Walla riv
er on a plank. The ' little one was
carried a quarter of a mile down the
stream, passing; throuh the flumes of
ithe Peacock mills, and as the end of
the flume in quite a distance from
the water It was thought death re
nulled more from the fall than the
water, as the head and face were bad
ly bruised. Alta Rogers discovered
the baby while he was fishing and
notified the parents who had not no
ticed that the little one was missing.
Dandruff Cured In Two Weeks or
Money Hack.
The nbnve Is the guarantee Tallman
& Co., the druggists, are offering for
Parisian Snge, the greatest of all hair
If you have dandruff take advan
tage of this offer and kill the little
dandruff germs that will surely steal
your hair If allowed o continue to
persistently burrow Into the hair
Parisian Sage Is also guaranteed to
stop falling hair and Itching of the
Don't accept any substitute from
any druggist. Parisian Sage Is the
original prescription of one of the
world's greatest scientists, and Is
manufactured only In this country by
Glroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Parisian Sage Is an exhilarating and
pleasant hair dressing; it is not sticky
or greasy and It makes me hair soft,
beautiful and luxuriant.
Interment was made In the Milton
The .trial of John Ellas, who was
arrested Monday on a charge of soil
ing Intoxicating wines, was held to
day at the city hall before Recorder
George Ingle. A fine of 175 was Im
posed. A Hallowe'en party will be given
at the gymnasium Friday evening. Oc
tober 18, sit 8 o'clock. Everyone who
attends will drees as a rag doll.
Wm. Woodward is lying crKlcadly
111 at the home of his mother, no
hopes being entertained for his re
covery. B. A. Walker has returned from a
trip to Garfield where he was called
by the illness of his mother.
Mrs. Adam Cross man of Walla Wal
la, was ithe guest today of Judge and
Mrs. J. L. MlUer.
Theodore Danner, Milton's photog
rapher. Is winning much fame by the
composing of music to a beautiful
waits, to be known as the Milton
Dr. B. E. Dotson and family leave
soon for Corning, Cal., where they
will make their home,
Rer. C. H. Hilton and family leave
November 8 for Klamath Falls to re
side. Mrs. Charles HardOT has returned
to her home at Boise, Idaho.
A reception will be given tonight
at the home of John Frailer In hon
or of Lyle Frnzler and bride', who
were marrlef In Walla Walla on the
A. Mutt Is Here.
Fun should reign supreme at the
Orpheum theater for the next five
nights. A. Mutt and his companion
funmakers will appear nightly, pre
senting a right up to the minute vau
deville program in connection with
new motion pictures.
These artists are direct from the
larger vaudeville circuits and In ad
dition to Nat High, who Is famous
from coast to coast as A. Mutt, the
company Includes Mae La,ttural, a
dainty little singing comedienne,
whose winsome manner and pleasing
personality make her an Instantan
eous favorite. Shuble Smith, the well
known monologlst and La Rue and
La Rue In a rural comedy classic that
must be seen to be appreciated. Spe
cial scenery Is carried.
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
Ig. All modern conveniences. En
quire at H5. O. office.
(Special Correspondence.) j
Echo, Ore., Oct. 24. Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Malcolm gave their daughter.
Miss Thelma Malcolm, a party last
Saturday evening. The gathering was
in honor of Miss Thelma's birthday.
A large number of her young friends
and schoolmates were present and a
wry enjoyable time was had by all. i
T. G. Smith, Eoho's pioneer dairy
man, was the principal speaker at the
meeting of tHe Farmers' Union held
at Hermiston on Saturday evening.
Mr. Smith has a neard of Jerseys and
having successfully operated a dairy
for the past five years, was well able
to give accurate Information along
all lines pertaining to dairying. The
Hermiston farmers are contemplating
ithe building of a creamery and Mr.
Smith was especially requested by
the union to be present and address
the meeting.
Mrs. H. T. Irwin of Hermiston. ac
companied by her sister, Mrs. Wat
son, who is visiting her from British
Columbia, was In Echo today.
(Special Correspondence.)
Athena, Ore., Oct. 25. Andy J,
Wlllaby of this city, had another ep
ileptic stroke yesterday morning and
he Is again confined to his bed. Mr,
Wlllaby, who Is a very prominent far
mer of this vicinity, has had several
of these strokes and each time It Is
feared that It will prove fatal. How
ever, after a week or two In bed, he
manages to get around again and ap
pears very well, but being subject to
these strokes, his health is In very
great danger,
A. w. Lafferty, the republican nom
inee for congressman from this
district, was In the city yester
day on a tour through this county
shaking hands and making friends
with the voters of this community.
Mr. Lafferty was received In this city
with a good welcome, and from all re
ports he Is the favored candidate In
thjs community.
Good milch cow for sale.
See Lee
Tutor, j
Miss Anna Waugh wishes to an
nounce that she is prepared to tutor
pupils In both grade and high school :
subjects. Miss Waugh is well quail-;
fled to do this work for she is a gral- '
uate of Cornell College. Mt. Vernon.
Iowa, and the University of Chicago :
and has had experience In teaching '
In the rural and high schools. I'or
several years she has been engaged
In tutoring In her homo town where '
the results obtained In all branches !
but especially In mathematics, hove
been very satisfactory, both to the
parents and pupils themselves. Jf,
you are interested call and sjs her at
Mrs. Flora Harper's. 300 S. Main st.
HniiMekecpIng Rooms for Rent.
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
ing. Steam heat, electric lights, hot
and cold water and bath. Recently
renovated. Enquire at ' East Orego
nlan office.
More moving pictures shown than
any other theatre In the city the
No Need of Being Scrawny, Weak and
Good healthy flesh can only be
gained by the use of the proper food
with thorough assimilation of the fat
giving elements. Nine people out of
ten In order to weigh as much as
they ouht and be perfectly healthy,
should use Samose, the great flesh
forming food. Woigh yourself before
commencing the use of these little
tablets, and see how your weight In
creases. Samose has valuable flesh-forming
and tissue building properties, and
when it Is assimilated with the food,
it causes the flesh-making elements
to be retained and the weight Is nat
urally Increased.
Koeppen Bros., the popular drug
gists, have sold In the last few weeks
a great many packaes of Samose,
every one with their personal guar
antee to refund the money If It did
not give satisfaction and have had but
one person ask for the money back.
Sent postpaid on receipt of price,
50 cents.
Tested in Every Way
and in all lands under the sun in all conditions of life by genera
tion after generation the safest and most reliable family remedy
the world has ever known is Beecham's Pills. The good these un
equalled health regulatorshavedone.inthequickreliefof human suffer
ing and the prevci on of serious sicknesses, is beyond calculation.
can do the same sort of good for you, and for your family.
Beecham's Pills do their beneficent work in accordance with
Nature's laws. Try a few doses just as soon as physical
trouble shows itself and see how immediately effective they are
see how quickly the whole bodily system will be benefited.
Then you will know for your own good,' why Beecham's Pills are
The Greatest
Family Remedy Known
In hoxet, with helpful direction!, 10c. and 25c, at all drunkt.
We have no Pipe
Dreams to offer to
the Public
Wo have the goods.
Sunshine Remedies will brim Sua
shine In every corner of your home.
If not satisfactory your money back.
Reliable Druggist.
Daily East Orajroniaa, by carrier, 15 eesta pew weak.