PAGR TWO DAILY KAST OREGONIAN, PMSTDLMTON, OBBOON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, IB 10. EIGHT PAGES vStjdle.- Comort THESE fouf points mean perfect corset satisfaction. . . You U find them all in The Gossard Corset the new idea in fieuro building which has made such an instant and world-wide success. it-cniuituui iuc i asuiuuauie corset oi today. The Gossard is a Parisian idea so far as artistic quality goes but it's American in its good sense and peculiar hygienic virtues. y7 THE V Qossard follow the natural lines of beauty. They make pos sible as no other corset can that smooth and beauti tul habit back so much in vog':e. Whatever the tendency of vour figure may be, the Gossard Corset will mold it along the lines of utmost grace and sightliness. Le t us show you Gossard Corsets. You'll find here au exact model for your figure. Just Received A new shipment of goods in our art de partment Now pillow tops, new table runners, in the art and craft effects, new crashes and burlaps, fringes and loops in all col ors, laundry bags, corset covers, towels, pillow cases for eye let and French, Ital ian pin cushions in all lengths and col ors. COME EARLY while tho assortment is good. GRANITE CLOTII 10-inches wide, in black, brown, tan, etc. The fabric that rives the very best of wear used to be 75S now 38 LADIES' HAND BAGS splendid imita tion Morocco, strong and good size. Our special at - 65 We- also have a mot complete line of all . I-eathers, gold and silver mountings, etc., up to any price you want. A BIG LOT OF WAISTING FLANNELS good patterns, worth 50 yard special, yard 25 THE CELEBRATED "XAIAD" DRESS SHIELDS worth 50 to 25? pair special, pair 15 OXE LOT PEARL BUTTONS worth 15r dozen, special at, dozen... .....7 Grocery Section, Pure Food Department in Our Model Basement All sroods displayed right lx'fore your eyes. Kept absolutely clean. T'uintilla County Grown Apples, the follow ing varieties: Rome Beauties. Ark Blacks, Spitzenbergs, Winesaps, Wolf River and White Winter Peramains. Special price on Sugar Cured Shoulders per pound - 15 Nov Crop Umatilla Conntv Grown Honey: 3 comls 50 Extracted. ." lb. pails 65 Extracted, 10 lb. pails $1.25 Sole agents for Ehmann's pure Olive Oil 35, 60 and $1.00 bottles. Sole agents for Huntley and Palmer im ported Biscuits. We have just received a new stock of fancy cookies. Chocolate Eclairs, per doz Firarro Creams, per doz Fig Bars, per doz Honey Straws, per doz Coeonnut Bars, per doz Oroeorv Phone Main 17. Drv Goods Phone Main 22. 15 12 10 .. io 10 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. SAVE YOUR COUPONS. Aircnts for Dent's Gloves. Springfield Underwear, Everwear ami Wayneknit Hose. Buttei' icks Patterns and Publications. ,' SPOR TS COAST I.KAGrK. IYtsco 9. Sacramento 3. Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 26. Harry Sutor's pitching and heavy hitting- by the Seals beat the Senators yester day by the score of 9 to 3. Sutor struck out 12 men and the boys be hind him nit for 13 safeties, four be ing two-bagger. Both teams had patched up fighting fronts. Score: R. H. E. Sal( Francisco 9 13 2 Sacramento 3 8 2 1 Sutor and Berry; Fitzgerald, Nourse and Laljonge. Portland 2, Iios Angeles 0. Los Angeles, Oct. 26. Steen pitch ed a two hit game against Los An geles yesterday, Portland winning by the score of 2 to 0. Steen held the locals down throughout and at no time was In danger. Score: R. H. E. Los Angeles 0 2 1 Portland 2 9 1 Castleton and Waring; Steen and Fisher. Oakland 2,' A'enion 1. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 26. Ver non presented rather a badly tatter ed appearance yesterday when the team lined up minus the presence of the Brashcar brothers and they lost the first game of the series to Oak land, 2 to 1. Jack Lively pitched a ttfeady game, scattering the hits, walking no one and sending five of the Vernonltes back to the bench via the strikeout route. Three errors chalked against Happy Hogcn's band aided the Oaklanders. Score: R. H.E Oakland 2 6 1 Vernon 1 7 3 Lively and Pearce; Brackenrldge and Brown. THIS FOR YOU And everybody else in tho Pacific Northwest Third National Apple Show In Spokane. November 14 to 19. APPLES and APPLES and APPLES And; everything that pertains to Apples, and their cultivation, packing, shipping and eating. A NOVEL SHOW IN A MODERN CITY Visit them both LOW EXCURSION FARES From all stations Northern Pacific Railway Tickets on sale November 13, 14, 15, 1C, 17, 18. Ask the Ticket Agent the Fare. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Or. A. M. Cleland, G. P. A., St Paul, Minn. A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A., Portland, Or. Cliance Will Vse Axe. Chicago. That an entirely new line up will represent Chicago in the Na tional league next year was predicted today, as the result of the miserable showing of the once doughty Cubs In the world's series just ended. Manager Chance is said to have de cided to infuse some younger blood into his team, and with this object In view, will probably swing the ax on the necks . of at least half a dozen whose names are part of baseball his tory. It is more than likely that either Sheckard or Schulte, or perhaps both, will go. Steinfeldt who has grown old at third base, undoubtedly will be benched in favor of some youngster, probably Zimmerman. It Is doubtful whether Johnny Evers will recover from the injury he received three weeks ago in Cincinnati, and sftlll more doubtful if he will be the Bame Evera should be regain full use of his ankle. Pitchers, Brown, Reulbach, Over all and Pfelster are going down grade and Cole, Foxen, Richie, Mclntyre and Pfeifor probably will be the back bone of the pitching staff next -year. Kling Is expected to give way per manently to Archer, and even the peerless leader .may bench himself In favor of some promising young first baseman. Chance Is inclined to be reticent on the proposed switching, but he inti mated to friends that sweeping changes are likely to occur. Phone Mala &. 803 E. Court St. Dry, wet, chemi cal - and steam cleaners. We call for and deliver anywhere. OLD SPOTS Never come back when cleaned by the Berlin Dye House JACK WEBSTER, MANAGER. and each other's stars that they have not been killed, and Michael Maher, the gourmet, call ing loudly for a piece of bullet proof pie. 44 B. B, B. at T. Saturday. P. W. Friday and J V STICK KING. ERSTWHILE TAMER OF WILD STEERS Few people of the thousands who were In attendance at the Pendleton R.-undup knew that Will R. King, one of the supreme justices of the sta,te, gazed from among the spectators with longing eyes upon the ring and wished that Judicial dignity did not prevent him from taking off his coat and going down among the contesting cowboys. In the old days In eastern Oregon, Judge King could throw a rope or ride a broncho with the best of them, and although the supreme bench Is now his seat Instead of the hurricane deck of a cayuse, he still thinks thai he could make a showing In frontier sports that would cause tend erf eet to gape. When Judge King was a boy in Umatilla county he was famous among the boy population as a rider of yearling calves. Many an adven ture he went through In becoming proficient In this line of sport. On one occasion he leaped upon a stal wart yearling without noticing that the youngster was tied to a post by a Ion? rope. The yearling, horror strcken at the unwonted presence on Its back, set off at full speed, being brought up with a Jerk that threw U had over heels when the end of the rope was reached. Young King alighted on his head some distance away and all but sustained a broken neck. Just after removing to Baker coun ty, In 1878, King concluded to give a demonstration to the young men of that community of his expertness In steer-riding. Selecting a husky year ling muley from among a band In a corral, he saddled It. The muley be gan to buck and kick at a rate that threatened an early extinction of the saddle, and when King ran to save liis property, turned on him. In telling the story to some friends at the Roundup, Judge King broke off at the Important place. He explained that he ran headlong for the fence and was just half way over It when the muley reached him. Then he would tell no more. Everyone who has traveled from Pendleton to Walla Walla remem bers an old house on the left hand side of the track where It makes the big curve over the Weston trestle. When a schoolboy In tho middle 70's Judge King used to live with P. S. Walden in that bouse. Later he liv ed with Jerry Baker, three miles north of Weston, and his early asso ciations In the Weston neighborhood were partly responsible for his be ing one of the men who helped es tablish the Eastern Oregon State Nor mal School at Weston. Do tho right thlna; If you have -Nasal Catarrh. Get Ely's Cream Balm at once. Don't touch the catarrh powders and snuffs for they contalne cocaine. Ely's Cream Balm releases the secretions that Inflame the nasal passages and the throat, whereas med icines made with mercury merely dry up the secretions and leave you no better than you were. In a word, Ely's Cream Balm is a real remedy, not a delusion. All druggists, 50 cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers, 6t Warren street, New York. Mashed potatoes are made whiter and lighter by adding Cleveland's Baking Powder before beating. Try a 3 pound can from your grocer for $1. 44 B. B. Saturday. B. at T. P. W. Friday and New Line of Ladies Waists Women's and Misses' Silk Waists, in brown, navy, gray and plaid black, black checks, ?3.25 up to $7.50 Women's and Misses' Wool Drees Waists, blue, red, black, cream, tan and patterns. ?1.75 to ?2.50 f Sizes from 32 up to 44. : THE WONDER STORE ESPAIN tt aejHHBV Mais aaj CMt Straat SURELY SETTLES UPSET STOMACHS INDIGESTION", GAS, HEART BURN OR DYSPEPSIA VANISH Catarrh Cannot B Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, tby - can not reach the ami of the dlseaia. Catar rh Is a blood or constltaclonai disease, aid lo order to core It you must take Internal remedies, liana catarrh Core Is taken In ternally, and acta directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Uall's fatal rh Cor Is not a quark medicine. It waa prescribed by one of the beat pbjalclans la this country cor years and la a regular prescription. It la compoaed of the beat tonics known, combin ed with the beat blood purifiers, acting di rectly on tn mucous surraces. lbs perfect combination of the two Ingredlenta la what produce aurb wonderful results la coring Catarrb. Herd for testimonials free. V. J. CHENEY CO., Prop.. Toledo, O. Hold by DrtigKlata, prlr 73c. Take Ball's Family Palls for Coastlpa- PIE "EXPLODES." Five Minutes After Taking a Little Dlapepsin Your Stomach Will Feel Fine Again Eat Your. Favorite Foods Without Foar of Distress. Every year regularly more than a million stomach sufferers In the Uni ted States, England and Canada take Pape's Dlapepsin, and realize not only Immediate, but lasting relief. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out of order stomach five minutes afterward. If your meals don't fit comfortably or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or If you have heartburn, that Is a sign of Indiges tion. Get from your pnarmacint a 60 cent case of Pape's Dlapepsin and take a dose just as soon as you can. here will be no sour risings, no belch- Ins; of undigested food mixed wKh acid, no stomach ga or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stom ach, nausea, debilitating headaches, dlzlness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and. besides, there will be no sour food left over In the stomach ito poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Dlapepsin Is a certain cure for out of order stomachs, because It takes hold of your food and digests It Just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief In five minutes from all stomach misery Is waiting for you at any drug store. These large BO cent cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure almost any case of dyspepsia, In digestion or any other stomach disor der. Power of the Will. "I've Just been reading about the power of the will. It's a wonderful thing." "Yes; a millionaire friend of mine left a will that makes six children and seventeen grandchildren be good." Unimpeachable If you were to see the unequalled volume of unimpeach able testimony In favor of Hood's Sarsaparllla, you would upbraid your self for so long delaying to take this effective medicine for that blood dis ease from which you are suffering. Revolver AcoldnUMly 1-eft In Case Startles Restaurant. New York. When Michael Maher, fin epicurean truckman, dropped Into his favorv'e restaurant in Montgrnn ery street, Jersey City, for the light collation with which he Is wont at S o'clock In the morning to begin the labors of the day some kind fairy should have whispered In his ear that Just for that once he had better fore go the pie. Mr. Maher can tell at one cursory glance a restaurant from a shooting gallery. What deceived him was that tho shooting gallery effect In his pet dining place was not Introduced Until he called for pie. The entire occur rence was so bizarre that It deserves to be attacked chronologically. Thus: Aprez, Michael Maher, the undiS' puted champion waitress of Mont' gomery street. Smiles and salutat tlons. Will Mons. Maher honor the establishment by partaking of his usunl slight repast? The respondent speaks up, saying ho will be glad to get. It, with plenty ob alacrity on the side. i Miss Bertha and Miss Mignon, her assistant, thereupon devoted several minutes of . their time to carrying in almost everything In the kitchen ex cept the range and the Greek cook. This is no canary appetite, this ap petite of Mons. Maher. For quite awhile nothing Is heard In Montgom ery street except the audible break' fast. Having eaten enough to fur nlsh a Wetzel's Point picnic, Maher's ambition overleaps Itself. "Gimme," says he, speaking In the patois of the province, "a wedge of pie." Mls Rertha reaches for the pie. The succulent and not altogether un nutrltlous pastry is In a case on the wall, but Miss Bertha had been there before and knows the way. Just as she starts a selection of the pie in .transit to the voracious Maher a re volver, which by mistake, let us hope, has been packed with the pie, goes off with a loud report, which is one of the best things revolvers do. To ask for pie and to get a set piece representing a battle la new to Ma her. Still, with nonchalance, real or feigned, he asks: "Who wins tfhe cigar?" Through the smoke he sees Rich ard Herbllt, a waiter, having a fit near the cigar counter. Knowing that the employes of the , place are not per mitted to smoke while on duty Ma her Is puzzled till Herbllt, feeling his silence may be Improperly construed, admits he has been Shot slightly In the left cheek. Persons run In to find whether somebody has been opening wine. They find HerbUt entirely re covered from his hurt. Miss Bertha and Miss Magnon thanking their own 44 B. B. B. at T. P. W. Friday and Saturday. CASTOR I A - For Infants and Children. Ilia Kind You Have Always Bought SANTO The Vacuum Clean er Without a Fault L. M. CARGILL OPKRATOn AKO AOKXT. Pkeae Btaefc 9483. VKPwJe&SSK. yr X Panel llmi 1&&3SK V- Dlreri from $1.50 SASH and DOORS You get the t value and high est quality at nricea like thea by ordering from our catalogue. MImIob artyl noBKalow doorm, a 1.0O. i-'r.nt Imn, ax.4s ( aK.eo. Cottnir front wluaowa, tXM anal on. K. U. Ittiride door frama, 75e. K. D. plain wtndorr frunn, ft. OA. t-llKbt wlnaowa, ehork rail, 7 He np. Wc have our own factory and save fits. Pack Bend rou tho mlddlemaa'a oro carefully and ship anywhere. ua your nst ot material. ABIC FR CATAXOGCE 44 OU0. WILLIAMS CO. 1b4M Vint An. !. FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. Always pur and delivered promptly, If you phone the Central Ueai liarket 108 B. Alta Bt Pbona Main M. Democratic Ticket JOHN MAXNING For Conpress OSWALD WEST For Governor WILL It KING Six year term W. T. SLATER Four year term. For Supreme Court Judges. TURNER OLIVER For Secretary of State HUGH McLEAX For Railroad Commia- sioner. F. II. SAXTON For Water Commis sioner. JAMES E. GODFREY For State Printer. II. K. KALL For Jont Senator. BEN HILL For Joint Representa tive. County Candidates C. J. SMITH For State Senator. T. D. TAYLOR For Sheriff. J. W. MAL0NEY For County Judge. J. B. SAYLOR For Commissioner. TOM J. TWEEDY For Treasurer. B. G. M0NKMAN For Coroner. JOHN IIAILEY, JR. For Justice of Peace, Pendleton District JOHN If. BENTLEY For Constabla (Paid AdrertiMnent) GOOD VISION will not he a mere dream to yo If you have us examine your eyas and supply the glasses our examina tion reveals as necessary. GOOD SIGHT Is your most precious possession. So don't neglect It At the first sign of trouble come at once and have it remedied of the proper glasses, scientifically determined, can accomplish such a result. A.E. SERUM Optometrist With A. L SCIIAFER, jeweler Pendleton, Ore. Tbe Bast Oregonlan is Eastern Ore ton's representative paper. It leads, and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage, it hi the advertising medium of the eotloa.