DAILY BAJTT OJUDGONIAX, PKXDLETOX, ORSGOlf, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, IS 10. PAGE VOTE POULTRY SDOV LAYS PLANS FOR FUTURE C0MF0ILTS This is the Store for You For SATURDAY and INCORPORATION ARTICLES SIGNED LAST EVENING ANKETS Local Chicken Men Pnt Poultry Show on Firm and Permanent Basis De cember Show Will Be Big Event. EIGHT PAG A Large; Stock Now Ready For You COTTON-BLANKETS in gray, tan or white, all sizea from 91.00 to $2.50 WOOL BLANKETS in tan, gray, plaid and pure white from - .,..,. 3.50 to $8.75 GOOD LARGE COMFORTS 92.50 to 95.00 All sizes of Cotton Bats 15c to $1.50 roll F. E. Livengood S Co. The LatlieV and Quldre' Sure. LOCALS Putlmi pictures plaaaa all. See Lane A Son for alga. Call up Main 4I for signs. , Phone Main 1 for United Oroheatra. I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R St IS. Good milch cow fer aala. Baa Lea Teutach. If you have house to rent or sell, rot Lee Teutach, Automobile for klre, day or night Phono Main 74. Three nicely furnished houaea for sale or rent. Lee Teutach. Hokbaak'e coffee and oyatar kouaa U now opaa; beat of aarrtoa. Fer raat--FtTa raaai keaaa, claaa in. Inquire Jay's blacktsmlU ahep. Preah eaatern aad Olymala oyatara t Hokback's. Telepkona Main II. Wanted Can vaaaar to call on every rancher in Umatilla county. Phone Ualn I. Wanted Qlrl to do general kouaa work In email family. Phone Red 7801. A clean and aaraftd afcave always at Mark Patton'e afcey. Across) from Alexanders. Phone for patrons. Wanted Agent to visit every ranch In Umatilla county. Pay first clans for right man. See Lee Teutach. Lost Near fair pavilion, during Roundup, bunch of keps on ring bear ing name of Long Beach Ti Oa. Finder return to this office. Do you take the Bast OregoalanT Two Strong Specials For the Men FOR SATURDAY ONLY Nice lino of Golf Dross Shirts, worth $1.25 and $1.50, now sell ing for 91-00 Good Camel's Ilnir Sox, worth 20c and 25c, now selling 2 pair for VORICINGUEN'S CLOTHING GO. Less Expoass Make Our Prices Lowr 5 Per Cent. Daily Reduction Sale on Beginning Uie seventeenth of this month and running up to the first of NoTenilxw we will place oa sale every hand bag In our tore on a gradual reduction plan. 15 days, 15 prices on every bag, or 5 per cent. Reduction each day Come In the first, sooolid or any other day. Select the bag and state price you wish to pay for aame. Should we not recelTe a larger offer before tho date oorrwqwncllng to the price yon offer the bag win be delivered to your address. See Window For Bags See Koeppen for Explanation Example Plan of a $5.00 Bag boT.i7i8iaaiaa2324aoiMa7a8atM8i 8 S sis KOEPPENS The Bng Mere That lnm Tea Articles 'of Incorporation for the Umatilla-Morrow County Poultry as sociation were signed up last evening and filed today with the county clerk. This means that the association which holds the big poultry show In this city each winter is now on a firm, basis and Is to be a permanent affair. The Incorporators are W. E. Brock of the Taylor Hardware company, R. Alexander of the Alexander depart ment store, Leon Cohen of the Peo ples Warehouse company, C. L. Bon ney, one of the proprietors of the Wonder Store, R. W. Fletcher and E. F. Averlll. The amount of the capital stock was last night fixed at $500 but this will be Increased to $1000 before the date of the next show. .The stock is divided Into 100 shares of the par value of $5 each and owing to the great success of the show held last January, every business man and every poultryman to whom the list of stock subscriptions has been present-' ed, has gladly and willingly signed up. From present Indications the full amount of the capital stock will be signed up within ten days. The Pendleton show of last Janu ary was declared by poultrymen from all over the country to be by far the best "first show" ever held In the northwest. Indeed, In many particu lars It was said to eclipse any other show held In the northwest last sea son. In the number and quality of the birds exhibited. In the number and value 1 of prizes offered and In the attendance, the Pendleton show compared exceedingly favorable with those held in Portland, Seattle, Spo kane and Walla Walla. This year It Is the intention of the business men of this city and the poultrymen be longing to the Umatilla-Morrow County association to make the show bigger and better In every particular than last year. Will TIave New Coops. Arrangements were made last night for the purchase of 300 standard siz ed show coops. This will make pos sible the proper housing of more than a thousand birds and will not make It necessary to use the old district fair coops which were found last year to be entirely unsuitable. The show will be held this year two weeks before Christmas, or will be gin December 13 and last six full days. Last year the association started out to hold a three-day show but the large number of birds exhib ited made It Impossible to complete the Judging even within three days so it was extended to five. This year there will be six full days of show, the requirements being that every bird must be In the coops the day be fore the show opens. Officers of Association. The officers of the association are, president, D. C. Gurdane, Heppner; first vice president, Leon Cohen: sec retary, E. F. Averlll; treasurer, R. W. Fletcher. These officers, together with the following, comprise the ex ecutive committee: Earl Williams, Milton; Fritz Bade, Freewater; H. Dickinson, Walla Walla; L. B. Kick er, Irrigon; Charles Curtis, Hermls; ton; Mrs. B. F. Williams, Milton; J. T. Brown, Pendleton. 91.50 BLACK TAFFETA $1.18 YD. Chiffon or Rustling, 36-in. wide and guar anteed. LADIES' 15t COTTON HOSE 10? PR. 60 dozen, Fast Black, regular 15t value. 45 WHITE MERCERIZED WAIST LXGS FOR 25 YD. Come in stripes and Jacquard figures. 12 l-2 DRESS GINGHAM 9 YD. 15 BERKELY CAMBRIC, 36-INCH WIDE FOR 12 YD. LADIES' 75 SILK LISLE HOSE FOR 48PR. Come in Pink, Cardinal, Lavender and fttmej, f 1.25 CHIFFON TAFFETA 98c YD. 27-inch wide, Cream, Brown, Navy, Cardi nal, Pink and Light Blue, Wohlenberg DeVt. Store Better Goods for Less Money FEW DOSES END KIDNET TRQUlE WILL MAKE ANY SUFFERER IX PEXDLETOX FEEL FIXE Lame Back, Bladder Misery and any Kidney Disorder Vanishes Xo Man or Woman Here in Pendleton, Whether Old or Young can Afford to Xeglect Out-of-order Kidneys. BASKETBALL CHAMPS MAY PLAY IN CITY Pendleton basketball fans are re- ioicinir today in the prospect of see ing the champion basketball team of J the United States In action in this city. It Is the Company F team of Portage, Wisconsin, and the manager of the team Is now arrang ing his Itinerary for a tour to the Pa cific coast and return. For this rea son he Is endeavoring to schedule as many games as possible along tho proposed route and is desirous of se curing one or more games to be play ed in Pendleton. There will be twelve In the party, including coach, manager and sub stitutes. They are planning to go di rect to Portland, thence south through San Francisco, Los Angeles and pos sibly by the Sunset Route to New Or leans. Captain Devine of the high school basketball team, is very anxious (o meet the national champions and It Is believed that satisfactory arrange ments can be made for a game. He will take the matter up directly with Manager Q. F. Ooodell of the Wiscon sin team. In all the world there Is no man or woman who can afford to neglect the slightest kidney disorder for one single day. Kidney diseases are the most dan gerous, because the first signs are seen in other parts of the body before anything wrong Is noticed with the kidneys themselves. ' Some of the symptoms, though, cannot be mistaken; for Instance, a constant aching or misery In the back, sides or loins, or head ches and dizy spells nervous twitchings, dis turbed sleep, inflamed or puffy eye lids, heart palpitations, rheumatic pains, weakness, bilious stomach or a feeling of languor and fatigue. Sick unhealthy kidneys also cause thick, cloudy, offensive urine or It is full of sediment, Irregular of passage and often uncontrollable or attended by a sensation of scalding. The time to cure kidney trouble Is before it settles into diabetes, dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease. The mo ment you suspect the slightest kidney, bladder or urinary disorder, begin taking Pape's Diuretic as directed, with the knowledge that there is no other medicine, at any price, made aywhere In the world, which will ef fect so prompt a cure. In just a few days you feel and know that the kid neys, bladder and urinary organs are healthy, clean and normal and all danger passed. Tour physician, harmacist, banker j or any mercantile agency will vouch ; for the responsibility of Page, Thomp- j son & Pape of Cincinnati, who pre-j pare Pape's Diuretic 60 cent treat ment sold by every druggist In the world. Brand Cloaraiice Salo ii OF ALL WINTER innn n nnnr? yyyjyuvE 1-3 OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF PLUMES AND PANCY FEATHER.S TO GO AT 11W 3 " t For One Week Only SALE NOW ON CAMPBELL MILLINERY LEADING MILLINERY ADDITIOXAL PEHSOXALS. K. Fahrenwald, a stockman of Ride Is in the city today on a trading trip. Walter Williams, a Rltter stock man Is registered at the Hotel Gold en Rule. Frank Curl, the prominent wheat grower, came in on the morning Wal la Walla train from his farm near Havana. Ira Arbognst, a prominent grower of hogs In the Rltter country Is spend ing a few days in the city after bring ing In a load of hogs. Estray Xottce. There left my place, 6 miles south en st of Adams, last August, one ' year old gray mare weighing about 1100 lbs., with sucking colt, and one bay goldlng of about same age and weight, both branded F. C. on right shoulder. Will pay liberal reward for Information leading to recovery of same. Address Billy Joshua, Cayuse, Oregon, Lost Two large work horses, one large dark bay tall and long built, weighing about 1200 pounds, wearing heavy leather halter and has reached mane, branded U J with the U on top of the J. The -other is a large and chunky sorrel horse, weighing 1300 pounds, branded half moon on the right front shoulder, wearing a leath er halter. Finder please notify Pat rick Kirk of Nolin, Ore, as soon as animals are founod and he will pay all bills due for pasturage, etc. Suit able reward offered. Mashed potatoes are made whiter and lighter by adding Cleveland's Baking Powder before beating.- Try a S pound can from your grocer for (1. Some things keep best In alcohol, but not so with a resolution to quit drinking. SKIN AND SCALP TROUBLES YIELD TO ZEMO. V Clean Liquid Preparation for Ex ternal V'se. Tho Pendleton Drug Store Is so confident that ZEMO will rid the skin or scalp of Infant or grown person of pimples, blackheads, dandruff, ecze ma, prickly heat, rashes, hives, Ivy poison or any other form of skin or scalp eruption, that they will give your money back If you are not en tirely satisfied with the results ob tained from the use of ZEMO, The first application will give prompt relief and show an Improve ment and In every instance where used persistently, will destroy the germ life leaving the skin In a clean, healthy condition. Let us show you proof of some re markable cures made by ZEMO and give you a 32-page booklet how to preserve the skin. Pendleton Drug Store. Cole's Air-Tight Wood Stoves The Kind That Holds Fire, Over Night Instead of petting up in the cold each moraine to kindle a new fire you simply put in a little fresh fuel, open the draft, and the room is warm before you could start a fire in other wood stoves. Those stoves are well made and very attractive, having perfectly air-tight joints and drafts, and made from the best of material. . $6.00 - $7.00 $9.00 $9.00 $12.00 $15.00 $18.00 It will Pay to See Our Line Before Buying The Taylor Hardware Co. 741 Main St. Phone Main 87 Xo. 218 COLE'S AIRTIGHT Xo. 221 COLE'S AIRTIGHT Xo. 225 COLE'S AIRTIGHT Xo, IS COLE'S AIRTIGHT Xo. 21 COLE'S AIRTIGHT . Xo. 25 COLE'S AIRTIGHT . Xo. 28 COLE'S AIRTIGHT- Daily East Oregonian, by carrier, 15 cento per week.