eight paghb DAILY BAOT OR.BOOJT IAN, PHNBLETON, ODGGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1910. PAGE THREE SuMrfey s Sir prise SM The Greater Alexander Department Store T&itair Am COATS A sale of the best all around Winter Coats and Suits ever shown in Pendle ton at the price, Serges, Cheviots and Mixtures in the loose fitting, Belted or Rob Roy Styles. A full line of sizes and colors. Quality and Economy Are Safely United Here You'll Find This By ATTENDING OUR BARGAIN SATURDAY SALE We have arranged a sale of seasonable merchandise. that will surpass any we have had for many a day. This sale will bring ecenomy to every person who takes advantage of the opportunity. You have noticed that we are constantly harping on qualities. If we did not know positively that no better qualities of goods are sold in any store in Pendleton than are sold over our counters, we would stop that kind of argument You can visit this store with the perfect assurance that your interests are our interests, that all standards of merchandise are elevated here, while the prices are lowered to the bottom point Read carefully our list of Saturday offerings. LOT 1 Coats of all this season's latest styles, and made by the best manufac turers in the business. Colors: Brown; Tan, Gray, Mixtures, also Black and Blue. $32.50 and $35 Coats go at $23.75 $25 and $30 Coats to go at $ 1 830 $20 Coats go at . . $ 1 3.50 $ 1 5 Coats go at . . $ 1 1 .25 $ 1 2 Coats go at . $ 8.75 LOT 2 Coats carried over from last sea son but of good material and styles that can hardly be detected from the present style. $25.00 Coats go at . . $9.75 $20.00 Coats go at . . $7.50 $ 1 5.00 Coats go at . . $5.75 $ 1 2.50 Coats go at . . $3.50 $5 and $6.50 SILK PETTICOATS black, red, green, tan, brown, blue, all silk, knit tep with "JC flowered silk flounce on sal Fri. and Sat. VWi I U LOT 3 CHILDRENS COATS We have on hand in this depart ment 175 Children's coats in most every color. Size 4 to 1 4 years. $ 1 5.00 Coats go at $ 1 2.50 Coats go at $10.00 Coats go at $ 7.50 Coats go at $ 6.58 Coats go at $ 5.00 Coats go at $ 4.50 Coats go at $ 3.75 Coats go at $7.50 $6.25 $5.00 $3.75 $3.25 $2.50 $2.25 $1.75 SILK PETTICOATS $7.50 Values at $3.49 Black and Colored Taffeta Why not take advantage of this sale ? Wo don't believe you have ever seen such attrac tive values in Women's Petticoats. Tme, there's only 100 in the lot, but there is not nn undesirable one among them. They are made of high grade Taffeta Silk, with deep flounces, trimmed in tailored bands, tucks or plaits: actually worth $7.50. Priced for this Great Saturday Surprise Salo at low price of only $3.49 A FRANK STATEMENT OUR STOCK of tailored garments for Women and Misses has no equal whatever in the city. We have the goods to show you. You can rest assured the STYLE, QUALITY and PRICES ARE RIGHT. All we ask is to call and investigate the truth of our statement. PORTLAND Will DO HONOR TO BEAVERS rNS PLAN "" BENEITT FOR WINNING PT.AYERS Commercial Knll! Move- I1K.t Realize . Discrimination Against McCredle But Are Loyal In Spite, of Advcrsltlea. Portland, Ore.. Oct. Jl. (Special.) Portland citizens, baseball fanj Commercial club and all are lined up In the movement to give the baseball team a big benefit at the wlndup of the season. It Is thought at least $6000 can bo realized and divided among tho Heavers. Portlnnd feels that It has had the worst of It In official decisions throughout the season, particularly In the recent Hetllng ruling, but In spite of these handicaps, loyal fans believe the home team will yet bring home the pennant. The benefit will get all A HOOK WORTH READING. A little book showing the human appendix, and telling how appendtltls Is caused and how you can EASILY prevent It, Is offered free for a short time by the Pendleton Drug Co. tho mure loyal support because It Is tho common belief that the Beavers have played under the handicap of official prejudice and have lost out In pinch decisions. Business men of this city, no less than the more rabid fans, are square ly behind the movement. President Unrvoy Rerkwlth, of the Commercial club, said: "It will be a grand thing for Port land to give Its pennant winners a $5000 benefit. I am sure the citi zens are satisfied with the showing tho team has made and will endorse and support tho poposltlon to reward the players. "It Is an especially good thing to show our appreciation at this time. Just when the boys have gone away from home and with known official partiality against them. It will be nn Incentive to them to put In their best licks. It will give them some thing to work for and wilt not only help this team but all future teams, for I think Portland can afford to do It every year the boys land us the pennant." Fans declare they will show the Beaver players that they appreciate their winning the 1910 pennant, whether President Graham withholds It oh account of the Hetllng case or not. It certainly la a waste of money for me to buy the ordinary kind of ba king powder. For all leading grocers now aell Cleveland's at the uniform price of 1 pound, 45 cents; t pounds, $1, and 6 pounds, 11.15, Housekeeping Rooms for Rent. Unfurnished housekeeping room for rent in the East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at East Orego nlan office. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In tho East Oregonlan build ig. All modern conveniences. En quire at E. O. off-e. DON'T HE THIN. No Need of Reins? Scrawny, Weak nml Emaciated. J Good healthy flesh can only be ' gained by tho use of the proper food with thorough assimilation of the fat glvlng elements. Nine people out of ten in order to weigh as much as they ought and bo perfectly healthy, should use Snmoso, the great flesh forming food. Weigh yourself before commencing to use these little tablets and soe how your weight increases. Samose has valuable flesh-formins and tissue building properties, and when It Is assimilated with the food. It causes the flesh-making elements to be retained and the weight Is nut urally Increased. ' Koeppen Bros., the popular drug gists, have sold in the last few weeks a great many packages of Samose, every one with their personal guar antee to refund the money If It did not give satisfaction and have had but one person ask for the money back. . Just One Sample will prove the superiority of the Oregon Lumber Yard Coal over all other coal, when you test it for your oven or in your fur nace. You don't get up in the morn ing and find your self-feeding parlor stove or steam furnace has consumed all the contents of the feeder. It will burn longer, without clinkering, than any other coal sold. OREGON LUMBER. YARD Phone Main 8 3E