PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAX, PBXDUQTOX. ORBGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1910. EIGHT PAGES Thirty -four Rousing Specials For Saturday October 22nd THE DRY GOODS SECTION 10 PIECES PRESS GOODS for children school dn-o, 50e values. Saturday special 25 10 PIECES COTTOX MOIRE for drosses in any shade you want, 50 regular price, Saturday special 29 SHIRT WAIST LIXEX in soft finish, Irish finish, etc. GOc value, Saturday special 38 S5 value, Saturday special 58 10 PIECES FLAXEf.ETTE Kimona patterns, pood ones,' too. 15 and 12 1-2 values, Saturday special 9 6 PIECES BEAR SKIX the cloth for children's outer coats, .12-inches wide, in red, srreen, pray, etc. 83.00 the fonner price. Saturday special $1.48 5 PIECES EIDERDOWX the warm cloth, in several good shades, pink, Wue, etc 75$ regular prico. Saturday special 31 12 l-2 OUTIXG FLAXXEL for 9 yard. A big lot of outinsr flannel in lipht and dark, good weight and excellent quality,- 12 l-2 value, Saturday special 9 CHILDREN'S SEPARATE PAXTS AXD VESTS heavy fleeced lined, any size, 50 quality, Saturday special 33 LADIES' UXIOX SUITS full nm of sizes, good, heavy fleeced lined, S1.00 values, Saturday specials v 72$ i'00 SHEETS SlsOO size free from starch and dope s' 1.00 value, Saturday special S2 .".On PILLOW CASES 42x36 size free from dope 20c value, Saturday special 15 OXE LOT CHILDREN'S HEAVY RIB nOSE anv size, 5 to 10, 20c value, Saturday special 11 OXE LOT LADIES' BLACK HOSE Xow is the time to buy a good supply, 35 values, Saturday speciaL 19 ANOTHER LOT LADIES' BLACK HOSE any size, and a cood heavy one, too 25 value, Saturday special 3 for 50C. OXE SPLENDID LOT LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS something worth while 50 to 2o handkerchiefs in this lot, Saturday special 18 Women's Ready-to-Wear Section ?30.00 to 811.50 WOMEN'S COATS S5.87 11) Coats, sizes 3(5 to 44, red, green, blue, brown and mix tures. All good values at the regular prices this one dav onlv 830 to 811.50 value, Saturday 85.87 89.50 TO 86.50 CHILDREN'S COATS 83.98 In this-, lot we have 25 children's coats, ages 8 to 16 years. Comcl,vn:'btue, brown, grav, red and mixtures, 89.50 to 86.50 Ws Saturday .'. 83.98 825.00 TO 815.00 -WOMEN'S SUITS 85.98 This is a lot of 37 suits. Come in gray, navy and black. Nearly all 32-inch coats, plain tailored and pleated skirts. Come in Broadcloth, cheviot and serge. This is a most wonderfud bargain. You'll find these suits all out on a rack where yon can examine them freely 825 to 815 suits, Saturday ; 85.98 Be Sure to Get Your Trading Coupons. EXTRA SPECIALS IN OUR FAMOUS SHOE SECTION GOOD FOR SATURDAY. A omen's $3.50 and 84.50 shoos in kid, gun metal and patent leathers, Saturday 82.98 Misses' and Children's shoes in gun metal, kid or patent leath ers. Regular $1.75 and $2.50, Saturday $1.48 Men's Shoos, 83.50 and 84.50 quality, in patent leather, gun metal and kid, only a few pairs left, Saturday $2.98 LADIES Don't fail to watch our shoe bargain counters. They're always full of Bargains. THE GROCERY SECTION PURE FOOD GROCERIES IX OUR MODEL BASE MENT. New Pack Pickles, the Finest in Town New Dills per quart . , 20c New Sours per quart 20 New Sweets per pint 20 ..New Crop Almonds and Walnuts quality the very best or pound 25 Fresh Pop Cora the kind that tops 3 pounds 25 Extra Special Saturday t pounds regular 10 per pound Rice, for ......... .... 25 We extend a personal invitation to even' man, woman and child in Umatilla Co. to pay this pure food department a visit. THE MEN'S SECTION $3.00 and $2.50 MEN'S PAXTS 81.65 This lot includes mostly heavy weight cassimore pants, es-jK-cially good for fall and winter wear. Nearly all sizes good patterns; $3.00 and 82.50 quality Saturday 81.65 $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 EXTRA VESTS 08? We have about 100 extra vests serges, worsteds, cassimeres, etc., all sizes and all colors, $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 quality, Saturday 98 S4.50, $4.00 and $3.50 MEN'S nATS .$2.98 In this lot we offer some very exceptional values not many of a kind, all good styles all sizes and colors $4.50, $4.00 and $3.50 values, Saturday $2.98 $1.50 PEMBERTOX FLANNEL SniRTS..... $1.17 1-2 This is an extra good fall and winter shirt heavy weight and excellent wearer cotton and wool mixed $1.50 grade Saturday $1.17 1-2 75 NECKWEAR 39? We will place on sale Saturday about 50 doz. fourinhand ties, all styles and colors The latest, newest ties in Pendle ton. The best makes in the country. 75 grades Satur day, each 39 87.50, $6.50 AND $6.00 BOYS SUITS.. ..$4.87 Here is a true bargain for you in boys' clothing. These suits are this seasons latest styles, all wool, cravenetted, doubly reinforced all over. The nest and most honest boys clothes in America, $7.50, $6.50 and $6.00 suits Sat $4.87 Sl.OO AXD $1.25 MEX'S UNDERWEAR..... 48 Tin's lot includes all our broken lines. You'll find them out on the counter where you can examine them freely. They're good garments, nearly all sizes, heavy weight We want to clean our stock, hence this remarkably low price 81.25 and 81.00 grades Saturday 48 $2.50 MEX'S SWEATER COATS 81.87 These sweater coats come mostly in gray, medium weight. nil sizes. $2.50 ounlitv Saturday v... $1.87 BRIXG ALL YOUR, EGGS, BUTTER AXD FRUIT TO US WE'LL PAY YOU THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH OR TRADE. THE PEOPLES WHERE IT PA YS TO TRADE WAR EHOUSE SAVE YOUR COUPONS ACTIVITY IN ECHO (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore.. Oct. 21. The O. R. & N. Co.'s yards here are a scene of busy activity. P. C. Hunter, agent, reports 'that the business transacted here, while always good, for the past two months has been enormous. When it is not wool or grain going out it is lumber and cattle coming in. Testerday twenty-one cars of cattle were unloaded and driven to C. P. Bowman's farm on Butter Creek, where they will be fed through the For the Ambitions Coucauon I fof tbaxM ta Manot attend la am iumfna. laelatUaW aaal aramlnaalntu, la FHXJ For aJtaaara, aaudenaa pwparinf lor odliaga ar oatrarat f , wanaa'a aaaba, f Jf aaf'nam aa Maaa aaakara. io antianaary anna I la aacuarai. Wi mtii oooraa anil npstvw far rou ted iar a AaauaayU balleUa to tha I JL Sandy Pgajaaant atranUr Orccoa - lrci D To Enjoy Life you need a healthy stomach, ac tive liver, kidneys and bov.tls. These organs and the nerves and the blood are better, do better, when helped by BEECHAM'S PiLLS Sold Everywhere. la fcozea 10c and 25c winter. Three of these cars belong ing to Masterson & Willy, were ship ped from Wallowa and eighteen cars belonging to Kidwell & Caswell came from Baker City. These cattle were billed for Portland with the privilege of being fed several months here while in transit. Leonard Schrivler, the signal man of this place, met with a painful ac cident yesterday. When about a mile below town his motor speeder struck a torpedo, which threw his machine from the track. Mr. Schrivler was severely bruised but fortunately no bones were broken. Chas. Hoskins returned this week from the mountains, bringing down the four bands of his father's sheep, which were pastured there during the summer They will be fed this winter on T. J. Hoskins' place three miles from town. Mrs. C. P. Bowman returned home last evening from an extended visit with relatives at Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lisle left this morning for La Grande where they expect to visit a few days. Earl Cates spent today visiting at Coe. AMERICAN SCtXPTTRESS SETS XEW FAD FOR CELEBRITIES London. An accomplished Ameri can woman Is creating a new fashion among the celebrities of the London stage and incidentally building up a delightful profession of her own. She is Mrs. David Longworth. orig inally of Boston, known In Parisian art circles as "Bert" Longworth, whose "impressions In sculpture" have for some years been familiar to resi dents In the French capital. The work which first brought her to public no tice was a wonderful replica of the Great Sphinx at Ghlzeh, the repro duction in bronze standing 14 feet high and presenting the most faith ful copy of the original ever execut ed. This replica, which was one of the chief features of the Paris Salon of 1903. is to be sent to America pres ently by W. N. McMillan, who recent ly entertained Colonel Roosevelt in East Africa. He bought the figure New Line of Ladies Waists Women's and Misses' Silk Waists, in black, black checks, brown, navy, gray and plaid r.$3.25 up to $7.50 Women's and Misses' Wool Dress Waists, blue, red, black, cream, tan and patterns $1.75 to $2.50 Sizes from 32 up to 44. THE WONDER STORE MSPAaM ft HINT Mala aal Caatt Sttaat after Rodin and other French ex perts had proclaimed it a triumph. Since those days, however, Bert Longworth has turned her skill to the fashioning of lighter things. It occurred to her that the theatrical profession would present wide scope for the exercise of her gifts in mod eling such members of it as might care to cultivate a new idea in home decoration. The notion caught on at once. Endowed with a quite remark able memory for impressions gather ed hurriedly from a seat in the audi torium, the sculptress presently turn ed out figures of some of the most popular players and singers at the moment. These, finished in represen tation of bronze or old Ivory, com menced to find their way Into the smartest resort3 of the West End. In every Instance the likeness, no less than the pose and the whole charac ter of the figure, was wonderful in its fidelity, and people began to talk. Among those who took early note of the ned sculpture was H. B. Irving, who begged that Mrs. Longworth would devote a special sitting to his dual characters in "The Lyons ,Ma!l." Close upon this came studies of Maud Allan, Rejane and later of Pavlova, whom, In a moment, the sculptress caught in a poise of infinite grace and straightway committed the impres sion to clay and finally to bronze. The Innovation has now become a craze. From the leaders of the pro fession the desire for the American statuette in place of the photograph has spread to the humbler exponents of stage art. Nowadays the "think ing stars" of the Gaiety, the Shaftes bury and Daly's ask their admirers to have them turned out In bronze, silver or In old Ivory with the colors of hair, eyes, skin and clothes faith fully painted in. So quick is she In catching the features and every de tail of dress and carriage, that she is known In London as "The Human Kodak." Now the touring managers have adopted the new idea Instead of pho tographs of the stars the advance agent carries ahead with him statu ettes of the characters In various scenes of the play. Portland Expenses Growing. Portland, Ore. Portland Is grow ing so fast that the expense of run ning the city Is Increasing at a rapid rate as well. The budget for 1911, estimated by the various departments, will be 50 per cent higher than cur rent expenditures during the pres ent year. In actual figures the In crease is $1,169,102. Next - year's budget amounts to $3,248,411, while expenditures this year amounted to only $2,074,309. "The city Is growing so rapidly It Is not possible to keep down Its ex penses," said Mayor Simon. "Va rious departments will have to be en larged and maintained at a consider able Increase over last year's expense." BREEZY NEWS NOTES FROM OLD UMATILLA Tourist Information. Guide Down there through the clouds you Just see Italy. Tourist That Italy? Why, I al ways thought it was In the shape of a boot. Journal Amusant. "Why are you so sore on your con gressman?" "When we called on him In Wash ington last Besslon he mado a speech to us Instead of taking us out to lunch." (Special Correspondence.) ' Umatilla, Ore., Oct. 19. D. C. Erownell has been confined to his residence with an attack of La Grippe. His many friends hope to see him ar ound in a day or so. 1 F. L. Corkendall of Portland and T. Kearney of Walla Walla, are am- ong the visitors here today. j The work on the new bridge is pro. 1 gresslng rapidly and already four spans have the steel and floors laid. ' The contractors have hopes to have ' bridge ready for travel in three weeks. ' Geo. H. Noyes of Walla Walla, is' calling on the trade today. Chas. Tung of Pendleton was here today making Investigation In the shooting affray of Monday. He re-i turned on the motor. I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Switzler were Hermlston visitors today. , i MONEY FOR SERVANT IN j REPEATED ATTENTIONS : Paris. Amusing Is the story which is related of the adventure of a Rus sian nobleman, who has been spend ing a few weeks In Paris. On the evening of his arrival he went to a theater, and, thinking that It would be only polite to present a bouquet to to the heroine of the play, he dis patched his servant with a very pret ty one, and then forgot all about It. Great was his astonishment when, on the eve of his departure, a yll from the actress was announced. Beaming with smiles, she said to the nobleman "I have come to thank you for your Incessant and delicate attentions." "You are extremely kind," he re plied modestly, "as I only sent you one bouquet, and that a month ago. If I remember rightly." "Why," the fair artist answered, "your servant has brought me one every evening." A pull at the bell, and the man ap peared. He was promptly question ed, and, this according to the story, was his frank answer. "When I took the first bouquet the lady gave me five francs, and as It cost me three, I went on." What followed on this candid confession is left to the imagination. . . "Oh, Peter, what have you been doing? Didn't you promise me faith fully that you would be a good boy?" ' "Yes, mother, but something always happens to prevent me." Never Worry. About a cough there's no need of worry if you will treat It at Its first appearance with Ballard's Horehound Syrup. It will stop the teough a once and put your lungs and throat back IntON perfectly healthy condition. A. C. Koeppen Bros. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre In the city the Pastime. It is a mistaken Idea to think that a man has to he trustworthy in order to get Into the trust. r Kirsdbaum Gothes. X Prom the reproduction In nil of the "Ship Scone" from the miciTimful Muslral rmly, "Mmlnm Sherry," showing the ninle rhnractcrs a thcT would apprnr dronacd In Klniclihaum Fall and Winter models (reading from left to right) Astor ii-uuvvruuiv cuiinri auu lommouore, WHEN "shoddy" costs the same as Kirsch baum "All -Wool," hand-tailored Suits and Overcoats, a man were foolish to buy "shoddy." Don 't experiment in buying clothes buy sure values. Kirschbaum values are sure whether you pay $15 or $35. Over half-a-century'i constant betterment should mean more to you than the product of the mushroom" concern. Ask to see the Kirschbaum Special Fall and Winter Suit, equal to the best merchant tailored Suit at $40. Kirschbaum Ctothts art guaranteed. Should you find any def ecu in the cloth, any imperfection in the tailortno. return the enrmnt imA win vw tmmewtuKty rwjunuea, LiOOK JOr the Label Workingmeia't Clothing Co. Corner Main and Webb . j 1 n iii.i.'wM.inHiwiiiHaavaaaiaMayaiiaaaaniVf .irHMT"