East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 20, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1 1 " Jl I
A New Shipment of
Silk Waists
In all shades and Black and
Persian designs
$3.50 to $12.50
SIZE: 32 to 46
F. . Livengood Co.
The Ladies' and Guldiu's Store.
Pastime ptcturaa plesae all.
6ee Lad A Bon (or sixas.
Call up Main 4 St for signs.
Phone ifaln 1 (or United Orchestra.
I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R S812.
Good milch cow for sale. See tie
If you have houses to rent or sell,
see Lee Teutsch.
Automobile (or hire, day or alght
Phono Main 74.
Three nicely (urnlshed houses (or
ale or rent. Lee Teutsch.
Hohbaaa's coffee and( oyster house
U now open; beat of service.
For reat Fire reeaa heuse, olaae
In. Iaqulr. Jay's blacksmith ahep.
Fresh eastern aad Olymaia eystera
at Hohbech's. Telephone Main 19.
Wanted Canvasser to call on every
rancher lu Umatilla county. Phone
Main I.
Wanted Olrl to do general house
work In small family. - Phone Red
A clean and careful ahave always at
Mark Patton's shep. Across from
Alexanders. Phono (or patrons.
Wanted Agent to visit every
ranch In Umatilla county. Pay first
class for right man. See Lee Teutsch.
Lost Near fair pavilion, . during
Roundup, bunch of keps on ring bear
ing name of Long Beach Trust Oa.
Finder return to this office.
Will some responsible person take
care of my new Underwood typewrit
er fnr use of same while I am away.
Will sell at a sacrifice. Address "It,"
East Oregonlan offioa.
New York. With a big African
monkey perched on the crosstrees of
the foremast, monarch of all he sur
veyed, defying all the efforts of the
crew to dislodge him and two hun
dred o( his (ellows In cages on the
deck below recovering from the ef
fects of seasickness after a rough
voyage, the Austrian Lloyd steamer
Atlanta steamed Into port from Tri
este, Patras and Palermo.
The monkeys, 225 of them, con
signed to a New York animal deal
er, were taken on board at Patras.
Twenty-five of them succumbed to
the marine malady and were given
an ocean burial, and many others
were very 111.
The biggest monkey of the lot. Irk
ed by confinement, three times man
aged to break out of his cage. Twice
he was recaptured, but his third
breakaway was conspicuously suc
cessful and the crew found It Impos
sible to secure him. When the steam
er reached quarantine he was firm
ly ensconced In his position on the
foremast crosstrees calmly gazing at
the shores on both sides of the Nar
rows. Coaxing and attempted coer
cion were alike successfully resisted,
and he was still secure on his perch
nloft when the steamer proceeded to
her pier.
Pennsylvania coal miners are op
posing the enforced use of a new
"safety" blasting powder because It
shatters the coal into small fragments
and reduces their earning.
So many new uses have been found
for graphite In recent years that large
quantities of it are now made In elec
tric furnaces, the natural supply be
ing unequal to the demand.
5 P er Cent. Daily
Reduction Sale on
Beginning Uio seventeenth of this month and running up to the
first of November vvo will place on sale every hand bag In our
store on a gradual reduction plan.
15 days, 15 prices on every bag, or
5 per cent. Reduction each day
- Come In the flint, second or any other day. Select the beg and
state price you wlwh to pay for same. Should we not receive a
larger offer before Uio date corresponding to the price you offer
the hag. will be delivered to your address.
See Window For Bags
See Koeppen for Explanation
Example Plan of a $5.00 Bag
. 181X1
i it m vtlyj w
UK) Drag Star That
Xm Rest.
D. D. Connors came down yester
day from Thorn Hollow.
Estella Browning of Moscow, Idaho,
Is a guest of the Hotel Bowman.
G. D. Gilbert of Shanlko, is here
today for the transaction of business.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penland of He
lix, came in this morning to spend
the day
Charles Floberg of La Grande, is
here today to care for business In
terests. Mrs. N. E. Rice o( Lowden, Wash
ington, is here for the transaction of
Ward Emlgh of Walla Walla, came
over from that place last evening to
transact business.
Robert Stanfleld came up this
morning from Stanfleld for the tran
saction of business.
Mrs. R. Hamm and sister. Miss
Fleta Parkes, went to Coe this morn
ing to spend the day.
C. S. Van Duyn of La Grande, has
returned home after transacting bus
iness briefly in Pendleton.
, Zoeth iHouser, independent can
didate for sheriff, Is up today from
his home on Butter creek.
Mrs. Pat McKee returned this
morning from a visit of a few days
with friends In Umatilla.
Francis Stangier returned on the
motor car this morning from a visit
to the west end of the county.
fin. Jesse Tryon returned this
morning from Milton, where she had
been for a visit with friends.
J. S. West of the Nissen Implement
company left for Stanfleld this morn
ing to install a gasoline engine.
J. L. Kingsbury and A. L. Kings
bury, both well known traveling men
are at the Hotel Bowman today.
W. H. Seott of Walla Walla, came
In this morning from a visit to the
home of his son, Ira Scott of Helix.
County Recorder Hendley is In the
east end of the county today In the
Interest of his campaign for re-election.
G. E. Townscnd, the Condon stock
buyer, came up from Portland yes
terday and is spending a few days
Henry Morale and wife of Uklah.
came in from their home yesterday
for a visit with their daughter, Miss
Rose Mossle.
W. R. Walpole, Ji., of Irrlgon, ia
here today on business in connection
with the Irrlgon Ditch company, of
which he is secretary.
Miss Ethel Kennedy left this morn
ing for Baker City where she will
visit for a few days at the home of
her brother, B. E. Kennedy,
i C. I. Robertson, an employe of
the O. R. & N. at Umatilla, is up
from the town by the Columbia for
the transaction of business.
J. T. Mayo, superintendent of
bridges and building for the O. R. &
X., came in this morning from the
oast on the Baker City local.
Ben L. Burroughs, dealer in coal
and wood, returned this morning
from Meacham, where he had been
for a hurried business trip.
Jesse Tryon, passenger brakeman
on the O. R. & N., for the run between
Pendleton and Huntington, Is con
fined to his home on Garfield street
by illness.
Judge Gllliland returned this morn
ing from the east end of the county
whore he had been for the past few
days In the Interest of his candidacy
for re-election.
John Durham, a member of the
Pendleton police force several years
ngo and recently connected with the
Hotel St. George bar. Is up today from
his home In Stanfleld.
E. B. Wood, special detective for
the O. R. & N., arrived In Pendleton
last evening from The Dalles on bus
iness In connection with the secret
service department of the road.
D. C. Brownell and wife came up
from Umatilla last evening, the for
mer to transact business In connec
tion with the Brownell Irrigation ditch
and the latter to do some shopping.
Superintendent Ennerson of the G.
O. Foss Construction company, sub 1
contractors on the work being done
for the O. R. & N. at Coe., came up
from that station this morning for the
transaction of business.
Miss Olive Jones, daughter of
James H. Jones of 215 Logan street
has returned from the La Grande
hospital, where she underwent a se
rious operation sevqral weeks ago.
She is not fully recovered from the
effects of the operation but Is able
to see her friends.
Mrs. T. D. Twohy of Drummond.
Montana, who accompanied her hus
band to this city several Weeks ago
will leave the last of the week on her
return home. Her husband who Is a
member of the contracting firm of
Twohy Brothers, expects to remain
until the work which the company is
now doing for the O. R. & N. near
this city, is completed.
This is the Store for You
$1.50 BLACK TAFFETA $1.18 YD.
Chiffon or Rustling, 36-in. wide and guar
anteed. LADIES' 15 COTTON HOSE 10 PR.
60 dozen, Fast Black, regular 15 value.
Come in stripes and Jacquard figures.
Come in Pink, Cardinal, Lavender . and
27-inch wide, Cream, Brown, Navy, Cardi
nal, Pink and Light Bine.
Wohlenberg DeVt. Store
Better Goods for Less Money '
The Orpheum.
Strong program for Friday's
1. The Japanese Spy. Kalem, 1000
feet long. This 20th century war
story is a real novelty with genuine
Japs. A Japanese baron has been de
tailed to secure Information regarding
the American army. His narrow es
capes and final capture are incidents
that add several thrills to this strong
2. In the Mission's Shadow. Anoth
er Melies western drama with a cler
gyman as peacemaker. A good play
with exceptional acting.
3. The Pony Express Rider. Bs-
sanay, 1000 feet long. He Is not more
than a remembrance, now, but his
deeds of heroism and hla dauntless
courage will not soon be forgotten.
This story pictures an incident in the
life of a pony express rider. A thrill
ing drama with an appealing heart in
terest. ,
4. Hank and Lank Joy Riding.
Comedy. Essanay. This is the first
series of Hank and Lank. They are
Inexpressibly funny, a good laugh in
every foot of the picture.
The Pastime.
Friday's new program follows:
"In Life's Cycle." Blograph, drama.
Another of those ever Interesting Bl
ograph stories telling how a young
girl meets a man from the city who
Impresses her to such a degree that
she elopes with him only to be de
ceived and made to suffer for her
false step.
"The Conspiracy of Pontlac." Ka
lem, drama. A big feature Indian
story. This Is without doubt one of
the strongest and most realistic sto
ries of early pioneer days ever "pre
sented the American public. The
story shows how the warning from
the Indian maiden enabled the Eng
lish major to frustrate their plans.
"The Vagaries of Love." Pathe.
Drama. A dramatic comedy full of
quite amusing Incidents.
Meeting Xotico of B. P. O. Elks.
Notice is hereby given that a regu
lar meeting of Pendleton Lodge Xo.
288, B. P. O. Elks will be held at
their lodge room on Thursday evening
October 20th. 1110. at 7:30 o'clock
p. m. Balloting for candidates. All
members are requested to be pres
ent. By order of the exalted ruler.
Give Addresses In Gold Casket.
Pretoria. The town council of Pre
toria will present the duke of Con-
naught on his arrival here with an
address enclosed n a golden casket,
especially designed by A. Van Wouw,
the sculptor who designed the Kruger
monument for S. Marks. No tool or
file will be used in the making of
the casket, which. If found to be In
any way faulty, will be recast again
and again until perfect. Over 121
pounds of gold will be used In the
construction, and every part will con-
stst of the solid metal. The design
will ba simple, and the lid will be sur
mounted by a massive Hon couchant
An Austrian Inventor has devised a
revolving tower from which are sent
out electrlo flashes of various
strengths to be used to destroy wire
less messages In time of war.
Bryan couldn't even lead the mule
to water,
' These large cans oome la so use
ful. Then to think I can now buy a
large i-peund can of Cleveland's
Baking Powder for SMS. Tea. I
mean the can that has a screw tap
water the regular cever. Tear tracer
ha it.
Do you take the Bast Oregonlan T
Brand Clearance Sale
nnnn n nnnRo)V7
For One Week Only U
Girl Tell' How a Blotchy Skin Was
CloanwM by a Simple Wash.
"I was ashamed of my face," writes
Miss Minnie Plckard of Altamahaw,
N. C. "It was all full of pimples and
scars, but after using D. D. D. Pre
scription I can say that now there Is
no sign of that eczema, and that was
three years ago."
D. D. D. has become so famous as
a cure and Instant relief in eczema
and all other serious skin diseases,
that its value Is sometimes overlook
ed In clearing up rash, pimples,
blackheads, and all other minor
forms of skin Impurities.
The fact Is, that while D". D. D. Is
so penetrating that It strikes to the
very root of eczema or any other se
rious trouble, the soothing Oil of
Wlntergreen, Thymol and other In
gredients are so carefully compound
ed there is no wash for the skin made
that can compare with this great
household remedy for every kind of
skin trouble.
D. D. D. is pleasant to use, per
fectly harmless to the most delicate
skin, and absolutely reliable. A 25
cent bottle will give you positive
proof of the wonderful effectiveness
of this great remedy. Tall man Drug
Elliotts Enamol Uaro
For One Week ending Oct.
26th. Any piece of this ware
will be sold at 75c.
After this date it. will again be sold at the Regular
Prices. ...
Xow is the time to furnish your kitchen complete, at a
price that is a great saving. During this SALE you can
get two articles for what one will cost after Oct 26th.
Elliott's Enamelware is standard all over America, it
is made in Blue and White and every piece guaranteed.
Regular Prices' as high as $1.75
Until October 26th '
75c i0iclv;
See Our Window
The Taylor Hardware Co.
741 Main St. Phone Main 87
Daily East OreRonian, by carrier, 15 cents per week.