DAILY HAST OBEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGOX. TIirRSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1910. PAGE TURKS KING APPLE CHANGES ETT It will pay you to watch our windows the year 'round 11 ffifta si OVER at COST EIGHT PAGBS CHAVEZ I I COATS HILL LIXES REARRANGE TIIAINS FOR BIG SHOW Special 'Tro in Loaded With Choicest Northwest Fruit Will Make Record Run to Clilcn(fO Snwjmluke AVhi ner Will bo Aboard, Spokane, Wash. King Apple's do minion 1h fully established when he can upset' railroad schedules and or der record runs over transcontinental lines to suit his imperial convenience. That Is what the Northwestern po tentate has accomplished with regard to the tranportatlon facilities placed at his disposal by the Hill lines, over which the prize-winning displays from the third National Apple show In Spokane, the week of November 14, will be moved to Chicago for exhi bition In the First Regiment Armory, November 28 to December 4. A special train, loaded with the Northwest's choicest offerings of the king of fruit, will be started on pas senger train time 48 hours after the Spokane show closes, the night ol November 19, for a run of 2,000 miles. The train will carry the winner ol the $1,000 championship sweepstake on carload contests and many other premium takers, also displays from 35 commercial orchard districts In Wash. Ington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and BrltlBh Columbia. Provided with a diagram of the Chicago armory, Ren H. Rice, sec retary and manager of the show, has been able to designate where the re spective exhibits are to be located. When the time comes to make the transfer, the car packers will have definite directions which will be the key to the placards on each exhibit, showing their exact position In the cars and where they are to be In stalled In the armory. "In no other way couln the co operation of the railway companies with the National Apple show have been more strongly emphasized," said Secretary Rice. "It reflects, as noth ing else, the realization by the rail roads that the Northwestern apple, as a commercial asset, will mean po tential tonnage yet undreamed of by heads of the traffic departments. It represents also. In a way, the enter prise and spirit that finds lta full fruition In the Northwest the Im agination to grasp the benefit to ac crue from such an undertaking and the courage to carry It out." Cnrerf a Revere Osxe. Mrs. Mattle Stout, 815 H. Ohio street, Bluffton. Ind., tells of the ex cellent results she obtained from ro ley Kidney Pills. "I used your Fo ley Kidney Pills for severe case of kidney trouble that afflicted me for nearly four years and I most sar the results were most satisfactory. My system was full of uric acid as a re sult of Impaired kidney action. My back ached severely and I was ran down and quite miserable. Posey Kid ney Pills have freed tne from all this suffering, cleared my system of the uric acid poisoning and restored var kidneys to healthy action. We have used Foley Kidney Pilla on other members of my family wttb always the very best of reauMa." A. a Koeppen 4k Bros. DLVE RIBBON' DOG SAVES PEOPLE FROM BURNING Spokane, Wash. Bismarck,' a blue ribbon winner In the French bulldog class at a recent bench show In Spo kane, proved himself a thorough bred In saving the lives of John F. Brill, a reporter in the Spokane county superior court, and his fam ily and Mrs. Anna M. Rapp, a neigh bor, by giving an alarm when fire broke' out eary a few mornings ago in the rear of the Rapp house, Bis marck awakened the Brill household by phnrp barking and for once re- TIZ-For ore Feet Tired, AchlnK, Swollen, Bmelty, Sweaty Poet? CoriiH, Callouses or Bun ions? l oo TIZ. It's Sure, Quick and Certain. You Will Enjoy thing TIZ. The Most riousunl Remedy Yoh ever . Tried and .Moreover It Works. At IubI here is Instant relief and a lujllng permanent remedy for sore feet. No more tired feet No mere aching feet. No more swollen, bad mulling, swtaty feet. No more soma. No more bunions. No. mors callous es, no matter what ails your feet or what under tho sun you've tried without getting relief, Just use TJZ. T1Z is totally unlike anything else for the purpose you ever heard of. It's the only foot remedy evsr made which acts on the principal ef draw ing out all tho poisonous exudations which cause sore feet. Powders and other remedies merely clog ip the pores. T1Z cleans them out and keeps them clean. It works right eff. You will feel better the very frsat Mas its used. Use It a week and you can forget you ever had sore feet There 1, nothing on earth that earn eosssare with it. TIZ is for sale at all drag gists at 25 cents per box or sareet if you wish from Walter Luther Dolge & Co., Chicago, I1L FOR DAYS ONLY Ccmmencing Thursday Morning, Octo ber 20 and Ending Saturday Evening, October 22 We will sell regular $12.50 and $15.00 Raincoats, Overcoats and Cravenettes For Only is SEE OUR WINDOW This line includes the famous Kenreifn rain-proof coat and qther standard makes. This is the greatest Overcoat and Cravenette bargain ever extended to people of Pendleton. Worlringmen's Clothing Company Less Expense Makes Our Prices Lower '"' Willi ' Jfy - I fused to heed his master's voice when commanded to "He down and he a good dog." This was followed by pulling the clothes off the bed. Brill saw the flames on rising and got his family to a place of safety. In the meantime, Bismarck Jumped through an open window at the home of Mrs. Rapp and aroused her, also giving the alarm to two other nearby hous es. Bismarck will never lack for attention in the neighborhood where his master lrves. Mrs. Brill has also decided to present the dog with a sil ver studded collar on which will be a plate, setting forth the foregoing facts. GERMAV TRIED FOR CRIME OP 25 YEARS AGO Berlin, Germany. A sample of the severity with which evasion of Ger man military service regulations may be punished Is reported from Darm stadt, where a military court recent ly sentenced an American citizen named Schulthelss to six months' Im prisonment. Schulthelss was assign ed In 1886 to a battalion in Mayence but allowed a friend to persuade him to go to America and failed to obey the summons to enter the service. In the United States he worked In various cities, finally set up a busi ness and succeeded in establishing himself as a well-to-do merchant. Be lieving that after the lapse of 25 years he would be unmolested he re turned recently to Germany with his family. While In his birthplace at Flonhelm, In the Rhenish Hesse porvlnce, where he went to visit his mother's grave, he was arrested and tried by the military authorities. Mr. Schulthelss Is 45 years old. His last place of residence In America Is not given In the report of the court proceedings. An effort to secure relaxation of the severity of the military regulations In the case of German-Americans has been made recently, but thus far without positive result. For Oirr Hire Decade. Foley's Honey and Tnr has been a reliable household medicine and the "children's children" find lit toilay tho same safe and sure remedy for coughs and colds that their grandslres did. Mahala Stockwell, Hannibal, Missouri, writing under date of Au gust 28, 1910, has this to say about this rgeat medicine. "I have recently used for the first tlmo Foley's Honey nnd Tar cough medicine. To say that I am pleased with It does not half express my feelings. It Is by fnr tho best I ever used. I had contracted a bad cold and was nearly sick In bed, having a terrible heaaacno as well as a couBh and was threatened with pnemonla. I used but ono bottle of your Foley's Honey and Tar and was complotely cured. It Dents all the remedies I ever used and 1 have used mnny different kinds." A. C. Koep pen & Bros. Ha recalled that Daniel was cast Into a den of lions, that Paul had prison experience when falsely ac cused, and that Jonah was tossed overboard when falsely accused, but all were vindicated in the end. After saying this Dr. McXaughton declares his belief, that he, too, will be freed when his case comes to trial. He as serts that If he is convicted he will serve his sentence calmly. Don't fall to see annual exhibit of ltlt models celebrated "Albrecht Furs" at St. George Hotel, Friday and Saturday. Octohpr 21-22. APPETITE GONE. Indigestion Is the Cause of It Tall man lias the Cure. People go on suffering from little stomach troubles for years and Im agine they have a serious disease. They overeat or overdrink and force on the stomach a lot of extra work. But they never think that the stomach needs extra help to do extra work. If these people would take two Ml-O-NA stomach tablets with or after meals stomach misery would go In five minutes and they would be a great big help to the stomach in its strain of overwork. MI-O-NA Is guaranteed by Tall man & Co. to cure. Indigestion or any stomach disease, or money back. MI-O-NA for belching of gas. MI-O-NA for distress after eating. MI-O-NA for foul breath. MI-O-NA for biliousness. MI-O-NA to wake up the liver. MI-O-NA for heartburn. MI-O-NA for sick headache. MI-O-NA for nervous dyspepsia. MI-O-NA for vomiting of pregnacy. Fifty centa a large box at Tallman's and druggists everywhere. ...FOR SALE... Lease and outfit, 300 acres summer-fallow, 300 acres stubble, 28 head work horses and everything to run ranch, all In good shape. Price very reasonable. 480 acres wheat land, 240 summerfallow. This Is a pplemlld buy, only $25,00 acre, part cash, balance easy terms. Splendid 12 Room House all furnished in good shape, property close in. I consider this a good in vestment, PRICE ONLY $4,000 Talk With Phone Ma, TEUTSG,J 550 M, The Real Estate and Insurance Man $. : Sf $:t v. vf'A' f 0, -v J M ''" 1 1 V-, 'V.V- WOODSON T. SLATER Candidate for ASSOCIATE JUSTICE STJ PREME COURT. To succeed himself, four-year-tenn. (Paid AdvertisasMBt) h-mw Davd Rose I L.VU of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, one of the greatest orators the country has produced in recent years, will speak in Pendleton at the Oregon Theatre, Saturday Eve. Oct. 22 on PLIGHT IS WOU.SK THAN DAXIKIS OH EVEN JONAH'S lEe Fallacies of Prohibition FRESH MEATS SACSAGES, FISH AXD LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly. If you phone the I Gentral Meat Market I 103 E. Alia St., Phone Slain S3. iinsTirar u saisuj I Savannah, Ga. Comparing his plight to that of Paul, Daniel and Jo nah, Biblical characters, who got In troublo and out again, Dr. W. J. Mc Naughton of Emanuel county, who Is held for safe keeping In the Chatham county Jail, charged with complicity in the alleged murder of Fred Flan ders at Covena several weeks ago, ' has made his first statement since his arrest, except the brief denials ' of guilt that he made at that time. "There was Intense feeling against I me throughout the county," he said, j '"which I cannot account for unless, ' as has been said by. friends who called j to see me here, I was too good to some people there and made enemies of others. ' Mr. Rose was elected mayor of Milwaukee five successive times, has been prominently mentioned in connection with the vice-presidency and is known the country over as one of its foremost speakers. He presents an argu ment that every prohibitionist and church member should hear. ADMISSION e . a FREE (Paid Advertisement) Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 :ALL; PROMPTLY ANS WERED fOR ALL BAGGAGE TRANSFER KINO. PIANO AND FURNITURK MOVIXG AND HEAVY TRUCK 1NO A SPECIALTY. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PKOIETOW ORHEIK-TPU GETTHEMB!6ffT