EIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX DAILY EAST ORJBGON1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, OOTODEIt 18, 1910. BREEZY NEWS NOTES FROM OLD UMATILLA ADAMS NEWS AND . J Children Cry for Fletcher's PERSONAL ITEMS 3r mm 5 Room House on College street, one of the best small places in Pendleton. PRICE VERY REASONABLE. $575 for nice cottage on High street, worth $850. 6 Room House on Star street. worth $1 250. If sold at once $850 will take it. HOUSE in Byers grove, nice place for smal family, lot 50X1 25, price if sold quick, only $275 6 VACANT LOTS worth $600, if you will hurry can get deed for $300 Talk With 550 Main Phone Mail I EC TCIITCnil 5 LEG ICUIdUII St. The Real Estate and Insurance Man " Jrv r - v ' 1 ! . WILL R.. KING One of the Supreme Judges, " CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION, SIX YEAR TERM, WHOSE PLACE IS SOUGHT BY GEO. H. BUR NETT, ASSEMBLY NOMINEE. (Special Correspondence.) Umntilla, Ore., Oct 17. Among the visitors in town today are O. B. Atkinson of Spokane, G. W. Taylor of Myrtle Point, E. A. Vesey of Wan- en, O., T. C. Charles or Ellensburg and R. A. Wilson of Pottstown, Pa. The bids on the stock of A. B, Stephens. Jr., close October 18, and a number of out of town merchants have been here the past few days ex amining the stock and have filed bids on same. Although the population of TJmatil la is not as large as other towns we can boast of having a very cosmopol itan one. One day last week we counted in the postofflce 12 differ ent nationalities all at the one time This Included Japanese, Greeks, Chi nese, Italians, Germans, Swede, Eng' lish, Jew, Scotch, Irish, American and Indian. I. J. Egnn of Jones & Scott company of Walla Walla, Is here today In the Interests of his company. H. T. Paterson has gone on a busl ness trip to Portland. Rev. Father Sheehan held services here Sunday at 7:30 a. m. and left on the motor for Hermlston, where services were also held. Father Shee han brought the plans for the new Catholic church and a local contractor Is making! a bid for the contract. A large consignment of freight was landed here today by the Open River Transportation company's, boat for lo cal merchants and for transfer by rail to other points. B. O. Coleman has purchased a lot from John Switzler in the business center and will erect a workshop on it this fall Engineer C. O. Schubert and his fireman, A. P. Penny of La Grande, met with a painful accident last night when getting the engine ready for the mountain. In some unaccountable manner an explosion of acetyllne gas was caused on the engine and both men were badly burned on the face and hands. They were sent to La Grande on train No. 10. Mrs. Martin has closed her dining room for the present and leaves shortly for her home in Little Falls, Washington, where she will spend the winter. R. M. Skldmore of Walla Walla, arrived here today and will take charge of Scott, Jones & company's work here. Chris Chrlstlanson, the former foreman, having resigned (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., Oct. 17. The chick en pie social of Friday night was a grand affair, being well attended and all enjoyed the affair. The proceeds were $35, which will go for church work. Otto Stall was 16 years old the 18th of October and was given a birthday party in honor of the occasion. Those present were Earl and Clifford Br- herten, and Lawrence Mclntire, Velta and Mamie Adams, Effle Adams, lolet Picard, Chester and Glavln SDencer, Ervln Stockton and Ester Reed. Bert Labadore, Edith Ladue. He received some nice presents and all report a fine time. Dan and Llzale and Ruth McKen zle went to Walla Walla Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L, L. Rogers visited In the city of Pendleton Friday. Chester Spencer visited in Pendle ton Friday. Lew Murray of Athena, was an Adams visitor Fr.day. Miss Nellie Darr came up from Echo Friday night, where she Is teaching school, to spend Sunday at home. Mr. Fox of Elgin, Is the guest of Miss Nellie Darr Sunday. Miss Lula Lieuallcn went to Walla Walla Saturday to attend the funeral of M. Woodward Sunday. John Perlnger went to Walla Wal la Sunday. Jap Marquis visited In the city or Walla Walla Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Blake were Ad ams -visitors Sunday. Fred Blake visited in the city of Pendleton Sunday. J T. Lieuallen went to Portland Saturday on business. L. L. Lieuallen and H. Bane and v, Blake, visited in the city of Pendle ton Monday, Lola and Gwendoline Rogers re turned to school in Pendleton Mon day after spending Sunday at home. It Is ra time of sudden mishap or aeddeat that Cfcambrelaln's Liniment cam be relied upon to take the place f the family doctor, who cannot ftl- wars fee feuad at the moment. Than ft Is that Chamberlain's Liniment is never found wanting. In cases of sprat as, cuts, wounds and bruises Ctttrratartars's Lrsiment takes out the soreness and drives away the pain Sold by an dealers. Judge Will R. King has been a resident of Eastern Ore gon for nearly forty years. He was born Oct 3, 1864, on a farm near Walla Walla, Wash., removed to Umatilla county in 1871 and lived near Weston until 1878. During that year he went to what is now Malheur county, then a part of Baker count) which has been his place of continuous residence. Judge King attended the Oregon Agricultural College for three years, graduated from a law school in Danville, Indiana, and began the practice of law in 1892 in Malheur county. He served in the Oregon legislature six years, two in the House and four in .the Senate, and he was recognized as one of its foremost mem bers. February 23, 1907, he was appointed Commissioner of the Supreme Court and two years later became Associate Jus rice, which office he now holds, and is a candidate to succeed himself for tha six year term. Judge King's decisions rank high among the bench and bar. In the celebrated water decision of Tlough vs. Porter, written by him, more than 80 points of law were involved and decided, covering 148 pages of the Oregon Reports. His opinion in that case is now used by the Ann Arbor Law School and recognized as an authority on water rijrhts. nis knowledge on this sub ject as well as hi3 life-long experience in Eastern Oregon and his familiarity with conditions in this part of the State make it important that he should be retained upon the Bench. Judge King is endorsed by the Non-Political Judiciary. This movement was authorized by the Oregon Bar Association and has for its object the removal of the judges from politics and from all political influence and the executive committee of the Non-Political Judiciary urges that Judge King, as one of the present members of the court, be retained. (In this con nection read pages 31 to 34 in pamphlet to be issued by the Secretary of State and to be sent to all voters.) George H. Burnett, who was selected by the Republican Assembly, seeks .Judge King's place on iolitical grounds. Politics does not de termine the qualification of jurors and Bhould have no bearing upon the selection of judges. Speaking of Judge King the Portland Daily Journal re cently said: "One of the ablest jurists in Oregon is Supreme Justice WILL R. KING, ne is known throughout the state as an independent thinker of profound powers of analysis. He has the reputation among laymen as well as among the members of the bar of applying a great deal of common sense as well eg broad intelligence in construing the law. Judge King is opposed by Judge Geo. IL Burnett, who was nominated by the assembly, who accepted the nomination from the assembly and who stands on the platform of the assembly, ' " VOTERS I It is for you to say whether merit or politics shall rule in the selection of our judges A Household Medicine. To be really valuable must show (rood results from each member of the family using it. Foley's Honey and Tar does lust this Whether it is the chronic cough of elderly peeple, or whether tt is with children or grown persons, iroiey s Money ana Tar is always safe, sure and effective. It cures coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing cough and all effeetlons of the throat chest and lungs. Earl Fair, Waukesha, Wis., writes us recently. "For some years past I have been a great friend of your Woley's Honey and Tar cough remedy, and our fam ily uses it for all coughs and colds. had a most stubborn cough which gave me much distress and Incon venlence and failed to respond to or dlnary treatments. I finally resorted to the old reliable Foley's Honey and Tar and less than two 50-cent bottles effected a complete cure. I con' aider, tt the greatest and best cough remedy ever made asa reeommeaa w to all." A. C. Koeppen Bra. JUDGE COLLAPSES AFTER SENTENCING PRISONER A st) Spokane, Wash. Almost Immedi ately after he had . sentenced Alex ander David Minor, alias Charles D, Howell, formerly postmaster and dep' uty sheriff at Havre, Mont., to Im prisonment for life at hard labor in the federal penitentiary for robbery. Judge Edward Whltson of the United Slates district court In Spokane, col lapsed from a stroke of paralysis on the right side of the body. The at tending physicians say he will re cover. Judge Whltson, who practiced his profession at North Taklma and other parts of Washington for 30 years, was appointed to the federal bench March, 1906, and has presided at every case of Importance in this dis trict the last five years. Minor was convicted last Septem ber on the charge of robbing a mall car on the Great Northern railway between Bonners Ferry. Idaho, and Spokane, in April, 1909. The rob bery was one of the boldest ever com1 mitted in this part of the northwest Juset hof much was the amount stol en bv Minor Is not known, but It believed to have been more than $10 000. Minor worked alone. Carrying a satchel, upon which was marked the name of Bennett, a poS' tal inspector, Minor boarded the mall car at Bonners Ferry. His familiar ity with the details of the work took away every suspicion and when the train started the robber drove jonn Nystuen, a mall clerk, Into a locker, where he tied and gagged him. M. Stumps, another clerk, was tied to ft chair. Minor then rifled the register ed mail and escaped as the train pull ed into Spokane. He was arrested in Seattle last spring on the charge of robbing an express office and subsequently con fessed robbing the mall car. As the crime was committed before the fed eral parole law bedtime effective. Mi nor will remain in prison for life at Leavenworth, Kan., or Atlanta, Ga. The Kind You Have Always Bought, anil which has heen In use for over SO years, nas pome "fa"" , . .'1 .... Vila TMTi ana lias dccu iuuo sonal supervision since Its Infancy.. AiiArnn one to deceive you in this. n - T.n.inna onil .Tnst-sm-crood" are hut. Experiments that trine with and endanger the her-l-n ol . Infants and Children Experience againHt Experiment.. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmletw guhstltuto for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It la Plewant. It contains neither Opium, Morplilne nor othor Xarcotlo 8UQBtaj.ce. Its age is 1 guarantee. It destroys Wonna and allays Fererlshneiw. It cures Diarrhoea a "Wlna Colic. It relieve Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, fflvlnp healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TMf CtWT.OK COMMNV, TT MUNRAY STWtCT. MIW TOWK CITY. By the introduction of new presses the government printing office is able to turn out 3,000,000 postal cards a day. New Store at Stayton. Stayton. Ore. W. E. Thomas & Son have removed to their new concrete store on Third street. The building is 25 by 100 feet, two stories high The lower floor will be used for the retail bustness. The second story will be devoted to the wholesale depart ment of the concern's business, which is growing rapidly. The entire build ing Is lighted by a 6000 candlepower gas plant. The store Is finished In Oregon fir and the modern show cas es are mission style to match the counters. "I can't get my boy to do anything around the house." "We have settled that problem. My son runs errands for my neighbor and her boy runs errands for me. DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP YIELD TO THIS TREATUENT Why experiment trying to drive the dandruff germ from underneath the skin with greasy lotions or fancy hair-dressing when Pendleton Drug Store will guarantee ZEMO and ZE- MO SOAP to entirely rid the scalp of the germ life that causes the trou ble. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can be obtained In any city or town In Am erica and are recognized the best and most economical treatment for all af fections of the skin or scalp whether on Infant or grown person. One shampoo with ZEMO SOAP and ap plication of ZEMO will stop Itching and cleanse the scalp of dandruff and scurf. We Invite you to try ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP and if not entirely sat isfied we wlllrefund your money. r.lilno Transfor Phone Uain 5 jfT CALU8 PROMPTLY AN8 UJL WERBD FOR ALL BAGGAGE TRANSFCKRING. PIANO AND FCRNITTJRB MOVING 'AND HBAVT TRUCK INO A 8PBCIAL.TT. MtEBl FALL HOUSE CLEAM1MG No Longer an Effort He ESectnc Slightly Colder With Snow. When you see that kind of a weath er forecast you know that rheumatism weather Is at hand. Get ready for It now by getting a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. Finest thing made for rheumatism, chilblains, frost bits, sore and stiff joints and muscles, all aches and pains. ISc, lOo and $1 a bottle. A. C. Koeppen JkBros. avs masey 7 reading today's ads. Vacffligm Oeameir Will Do the Work Quick, Thorough and Sanitary Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at Your Service" Phone Main 40. 3 if